Private Tales Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely

A private roleplay only for those invited by the first writer

Solomon Regis

Character Biography
What was ordinarily a happy time in the city of Valenntenia, in which those loyal few who protected and served the remnants left behind by the Gods themselves to ensure the safety and peace of the Children of The Rune, had turned into one of the biggest headaches the againg Absalon Solomon Regis had ever dealt with. Usually by the end of the second night of Homecoming, he would be relaxing in a warm bath in The Tower while those who worked so hard under him enjoyed a well-deserved sabbatical from duty.

That changed when Fire's Guardian didn't show. Then, it changed even further when a veteran of the Vanguard reported him dead. Now Solomon was travelling from the medical facility where said Vanguard remained unconscious, and headed towards any place that could give him the first sip of alchohol he'd needed in almost five years.

The death of an active Guardian wasn't a new concept. Things happened out there, unfortunately. If battle did not kill you, insanity or a violent act of nature could just as easily. The reality of their title as Guardians was that they would be placed into danger, and they would be responsible for surviving said turmoil. So, what made this different? Well, nothing. Not on the surface anyways. There was more, though. There was always more. What troubled Regis so much about this latest loss was that it was not as spontaneous as everybody had been led to believe. There had been warning signs. Signs that pointed to this attack being a targeted one.

Whoever killed Fire had likely known about the Stone. More than that, it had been their objective to retrieve it.

That revelation had groundbreaking consequences. It changed how the whole situation could be percieved. For generations they had served in secret, without any outside of the city who truly knew of the capabilities of their birthright, The Runestones.

So it came down to one question, and it was a query that would change everything depending on its answer. Had the Stone been stolen under the assumption that it was a magical artifact worth selling? Or was the one who killed Fire aware of its true nature? The latter possibility would mean sweeping change amongst Guardian policy, and a full-scale mobilization to retrieve the Rune.

So it was understandable that Solomon did not mind the gazes of those civilians who sat and drank at Crying Heart, Valenntenia's oldest tavern. Though he stuck out amongst them in his now slightly soiled white robes, he paid none his gaze as he quietly sat at a table, waiting for Natassa, the lovely lass that she was, to bring him his usual.

If he'd been paying more attention, perhaps he'd notice that he was not the only Guardian in the building, nor the only one getting stares.

  • Popcorn
Reactions: Konstantin
"Glass of whiskey on the rocks, if you please."

Konstantin placed his order with the barkeep, gingerly collected the glass, and made towards a familiar face. He was no stranger to the Crying Heart, the occasional social drink being something the crumbling man was well known for by now.

He sat down across from the Absalon, the city's greatest and wisest protector and guide, and saw that the man looked...lost. Konstantin took a draw of his drink, then cleared his throat as the alcohol's sting worked its way downwards.

"It's been some time since I've seen you drink, Master Regis," A fading, blue eye studied his mentor from across the table. "And I'm certain there's much to drink over."
For one moment, nary a fraction of a second, Solomon's weary, bagged eyes looked across at the Guardian who'd intruded on his outing with a simmering glare of anger that twisted the valleys of his aged face, a surge of emotion the Absalon would have never allowed to slip through onto his face under normal circumstances. Quickly though, his calm demeanor returned, albeit still tainted with the weight of the past day's events.

"Konstantin..." He sighed, wrapping his hand tightly around his drink. "It is not as though I can deny your claim. You've been a Guardian long enough to realize what the disappearance of one of your peers on Homecoming could imply..."

Solomon had known Kon since before the man had ever laid eyes upon a Stone: He'd served with several prominent members of the Power Guardian's family in his youth, while in the Vanguard. Konstantine and Minerva had both been vocal supporters of Solomons during his earlier years as Absalon, while he was still finding his footing. Even now, Konstantin was one of his most trusted Guardians, among the most loyal and most competent of those who served him.

The poor man hadn't been the same since Asteri's unfortunate demise.

"You were trained specifically to handle the Stone of Power, one of the tools used by the gods on high, handpicked for your might and endurance. Even you slowly wither at its touch. Imagine then, the devastation should one without such preparative measures claim it? One whose morality is compromised?"
  • Sip
Reactions: Konstantin
By no means did Konstantin take the look the Absalon shot at him personally. The man was under more stress than he could imagine, and the sudden intrusion on Konstantin's part was not solicited. He considered Solomon's words, mulling them over while swirling the ice around within his glass.

"I have considered the implications, yes, and they have left me...disturbed, to say the least..."

While the praise the Absalon lofted upon Konstantin was e'er appreciated, the Power Guardian's pride had long since been stowed. Besides, that praise was tempered by the cold truth. One could see the wear of the stone on Kon's very visage with but a glance.

Instead, it was the hypothetical question that his leader posed that Konstantin chewed upon.
"I imagine that the greatest devastation the uninitiated could pose would be upon oneself, Solomon. It is the latter, and one more studied than a random, lucky, thief that I fear," he took another long sip, hissing as the liquor's bite slipped down his throat. "The notion haunts me."
Solomon's wrinkled brow creased as he gave a solemn shake of his head. Kon was correct in that an untrained hand finding the stone was their best case scenario, and even then they could not count on a positive outcome. "With some stones, I agree that an unworthy hand could only harm themselves. The power of fire is a chaotic one, though. Its effect spreads, undaunted by the world around it, consuming."

'Fire spreads' seemed like a rather obvious observation, but his meaning was apparent. Even if a fool set himself aflame, the fire from the Rune was magically charged; it would not be snuffed as easily as an ordinary blaze. Others could be hurt, many in fact.

"But, a targeted theft..." Even broaching the topic brought the cup to his lips for more liquid relaxation. The old man seemed to shudder, but whether it was fear or the bitter taste passing over his tongue was unclear. "Were the outside world at large to learn about us, about our duties... we would no longer be safe. Our entire way of life would be in jeopardy..."

Solomon's tired gaze traveled over the surface of the table, a small tremble in his hand as he lowered the cup. For much of his life, he'd dedicated himself to this city, to these people. Now, it could all fall apart under his watch. The sharp sting of shame was a pain even he could not pretend to be numb to.

"If that happens, I have failed you all. I am sorry."

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Konstantin sat, a long, silent gaze out the window of the bar. Solomon bore such incredible weight upon his old shoulders. It was only natural that even he would tire.
"Such is the risk we take--that we have always taken, by the very nature of our role. Perhaps such a thing was an inevitability."

The single blue eye of the crumbling man looked back upon his mentor, his leader, his friend. The storm that swirled behind the cracks in his face was calm. Konstantin smiled.

"If a man devotes himself to preventing the sun from setting and cannot do so, has he committed some great failing? I don't believe so. You have done your duty splendidly, old friend. Perhaps it is time we did ours."
Konstantin knew what to say, knew the right words to worm past the trepidations and worries in Solomon's mind. He'd been with Regis long enough to understand how the Absalon's mind worked better than almost any of the other Guardians.

And yet, hearing of duty from him in particular was difficult. It made Solomon ache further, for a moment. He, of all of them, had given so much for his duty. How was it that Solomon could ask more of him when his very body crumbled before Solomon's eyes?

"My duty does not end with trying." He mutters, bridging his hands together. "I must stand tall even if this city falls to the ground. I will not rest on my laurels while you bear the brunt of the burden..."

  • Bless
Reactions: Konstantin
The smile faded from Konstantin's lips for a moment as he looked wistfully down into his glass. Ice knocked against the sides as he gently rotated it, watching the contents swirl about. Duty does not end with trying. Those words in particular stood out. More than anyone, a Guardian of the Stone of Power would know. Duty ended with death.

"Nor does mine," he returned. "Valenntenia shall not fall, Solomon. I believe in you. We all do. And not one of us believes you are lounging while we labor."

Another long draw was taken from the glass, a satisfied sigh escaping as Konstantin drained it low.

"Of course that is not to say that men like you and I don't need a moment to blow off steam every once in awhile. The strongest men know their limits. Push yourself to hard and soon there will be nothing left of you," his mien twisted into a grim smirk as he tapped on his temple, right at the precipice of the vortex within him. "It is law."
Konstantin was barely half of Solomon's age, but the Power Guardian never failed to display wisdom far beyond his years. His words of faith did bring some comfort to Solomon, and the old man allowed himself to chuckle at Konstantin's blatant display of 'letting off steam' as he downed nearly half of his drink in one swill.

"Indeed, although I think some people are a bit 'too' concerned about my well-being lately." He mused, with a shake of his head. "Guardian Stella has taken it upon herself to search the lands for a 'suitable female' to ease my troubles. That I have led a life in which a Dragoness has appointed herself my matchmaker amazes me to no end."

Of course, Kon's words also served as a dire reminder of the consequences that came with a lack of restraint. Solomon's smirk faded as he watched that bizarre gap on his face, covering his frown with his cup.

"I'm under increasing pressure, Kon. You know the Somners want you taken off-duty. Every Homecoming, I'm more and more inclined to agree with them..."

  • Haha
Reactions: Konstantin
Solomon's confession about Stella's self-imposed quest earned a polite laugh from Konstantin in turn. It was remarkable how different the draconic Guardian was from her predecessor, yet how little ghosts of the old personality slipped through every now and again.

"Well, how terribly kind of her!" Konstantin commended with a chuckle. "It has been fascinating getting a chance to glimpse the mind of a dragon."

Of course, such moments of levity never did last. Solomon once again turned his mind to more dour subjects.

"The Somners are so eager to defy tradition. A Guardian of Power has never 'retired' before, you know that. Besides," he gestured to himself as he spoke. "Being apart from the stone doesn't undo any of this. For all any of us know, cutting me off from it now might cause my end just as quickly. I've never seen a normal human survive in such a state as mine."

An excuse. Solomon spoke of bearing burdens, and this was not one that Konstantin would wish to load upon anyone else.
Konstantin was feigning ignorance, and The Absalon did not appreciate such a ploy upon his memory. Solomon's wizened brow furrowed at The Power Guardian's argument and gave a shake of his head. "A Guardian of Power has never retired before because they die before they get the chance. You know this as well as I do, Kon, don't give me that."

And it was true that time away from the Power Stone didn't seem to reverse the effects on Konstantin's body, but his guess that permanent separation would only hasten his demise was unfounded, a paper-thin defense mechanism aimed to make Regis second-guess himself.

"I understand." Solomon spoke gently, leaning forward over the table and lowering his voice a tad. "I know why you can't just walk away from all of this. I know why being a Guardian means so much to you. But whether you see it or not, you're an inspiration to the other Guardians, and the entire city. Nay, you're one of the most respected men in the history of our civilization right now, Konstantin."

Solomon didn't speak it, wishing not to rub salt on the wound, but he was certain that were the circumstances different, Konstantin would have been a prime candidate for Absalon.

"To have that stone kill you, it will shake the faith of many. I fear there may be calls to retire the Power Stone altogether without you."

A long sigh escaped Konstantin's lips. A pool of condensation had gathered at the base of his glass, and he turned it slowly atop the table.
"Apologies, my friend. I wasn't attempting to misrepresent the past. In truth, my feelings towards all of this retirement business are...complicated."

Solomon's further explanation cut deep, and even deeper at the thought of the Stone of Power being sealed away and forgotten. He knew well what being the Guardian of Power meant to the people of Valenntenia. He, and those that came before him, were symbols as much as they were men and women. To be without one of his ilk was to portray the nation as weak.

"I know what is at stake. It weighs on me. Part of me wants to be able to keep showing the others that I am still strong enough to carry it, and another part of me wants to honor my predecessors by dying with honor," he explained softly what Solomon already knew. He'd been like a father to many Guardians, and it was hard to hide such things from one's father. "But a third little whispers its doubts. It tells me that whomever the Somners choose as my replacement won't be ready. That they won't live to suffer my fate, or worse: they will."

Doubt shifted to grim resolve as Konstantin tore his gaze from the ice swirling in his glass to the face of his Absalon.
"I will not allow the Stone to be the death of me. This I swear. I still have time, I can feel it. But...please, just allow me to offer a proper successor to my station. Someone worthy. Perhaps someone who won't fall apart at the seams, like I have."
The old man sitting across the dying one closed his eyes, humming low under his breath. Konstantin was wise and loyal far beyond his years, though that had come as a result of great hardship and loss. Solomon knew the fear that such loss brought, knew that giving up his position and walking away from something that had dominated his life, that had kept him sane in a time where he'd otherwise have broken would be a new and terrible loss all on its own.

Despite his words of warning, Regis did not wish that for Konstantin. The unsureness that he would face in giving up his stone, the worry and the sorrow he would feel every day for the rest of his life, that little voice he spoke of... Solomon feared perhaps that would be a fate worse than death, especially for a man so noble as the one sitting before him.

"Konstantin..." Solomon muttered, opening his deep-set eyes and rising from the table in a motion surprisingly swift for a man of his age. "There's something I'd like to show you. Would you follow me?"

The Absalon leaves a handful of coins upon the table to pay for their drinks, and wordlessly departs the tavern, headed back out into the moonlit streets of the Old Town. Perhaps the time had come for him to reveal on of the closely guarded secrets of the City. Konstantin was trustworthy, and while his body decayed, his mind was still sharp and witty.

Perhaps he could help Solomon make a final decision.

  • Spoon Cry
Reactions: Konstantin
A solitary blue eye blinked in surprise at the Absalon's sudden movement. He'd have expected the man to call out his childish clinging to the Runestone of Power, that the artifact was far more than the plaything Konstantin was presently acting as though it was. How foolish an assumption. Solomon, as ever, was gentle in his request, and Konstantin's curiosity was piqued.

"Of course, Solomon," he answered in kind, noting the coins and leaving a few of his own. Konstantin followed, willing and loyal, his thoughts racing with what the city's leader might have in store.
The path they traveled together back towards the Tower was a long and quiet one. Solomon had stayed out for far longer than he'd originally planned, and he'd no doubt the Somners were worried about him. They worried about everything though, that lot. The matter at hand was more important, and they would just have to understand.

"I'm sure you've heard the rumblings about the dwindling enlistment rates for the Vanguard? People are beginning to grow worried that we're stretching ourselves too thin, while the world outside our city grows more hostile and threatening by the day."

Regis wasn't going to outright dismiss the concerns, especially as there was some modicum of truth to them; The Vanguard had indeed been struggling with its numbers as of late, and it was only thanks to the undying passion of those currently enlisted that they had remained stable. That being said, the number of incidents arising as of late couldn't be ignored, and the fact that they now were short two guardians, thanks to Light's early retirement, was a major issue.

"We've been 'workshopping' an idea to perhaps bolster our ranks. It's not supposed to be public knowledge yet but... all things considered, I believe I can trust you." He offered a smile towards Kon as they reached the doors to the tower, those behemoth gates which opened by their presence alone. Entering into the main hall where less than a day ago he'd given a grand Homecoming speech, Solomon gestures with an arm towards a set of doors off to the left, which Kon would know to lead to the reliquary.

  • Popcorn
Reactions: Konstantin
Silence hardly bothered Konstantin. He enjoyed these sorts of pensive moments. They gave time to reflect, time that was often neglected.
"Unfortunately, yes. Quite the conundrum..." he replied, certain that there would be more of an explanation to come. Solomon likely would not have brought it up otherwise. Besides, Konstantin was at a loss for how to resolve the issue, and when one lacked anything useful to contribute it was best not to try.

Of course, more information did come, but it came in the form of an implied request. A request to remain quiet about what Solomon was about to show the Power Guardian.
"Of course, old friend. My lips are sealed."

He followed Solomon's direction, making his way towards whatever revelation awaited him within the reliquary, his curiosity thoroughly piqued.
The reliquary was usually restricted to Somners and select members of the Church. Even Solomon, though permitted, rarely ever ventured inside until quite recently. As the door to the wing of the Tower dedicated to artifacts and historical items swung open, the air grew somewhat musty and stale around them, the scent of age invading their nostrils.

"I've watched the situation in the Vanguard closely. It's true that fewer are enlisting, but we've also uncovered pattern that tells us why that may be." Solomon spoke back to Konstantin as he led the Power Guardian through the main Reliquary, a large room lined with shelf after shelf of items left behind by generations past. Old and dusty tomes, browning and fading carvings in eroding stone, clothing, and armor worn by the earliest of Descendants in protecting their home... all sat on display, dimly lit in the massive chamber.

"When we are in need of new Guardians, our number of recruits jumps as the young and eager vie for the power of the Stones. When those places are taken, the able-bodies have only their faith and loyalty to drive them to take up arms. Not an insignificant number, but..." Solomon shrugs. "One can't match the fire of ambition.

Up ahead, Somners clad in holy cloth push wheeled tables between aisles, littered in unorganized items from all periods in Valenntenian history. They paid even Solomon little mind, turning out of sight down one of the many small alleys made by the tall parallel shelves. In the back of the room, an iron door hung slightly ajar, light peeking through it.

"With some help from our allies outside of the city, and a great effort from our own mages, we've devised a way to appeal to that very ambition."

Solomon reached out, and pulled the iron door open with an eerie creak. Just behind it sat a small, separate room, organized as though it were some kind of alchemist's lab, messy and cluttered. The light that had poured through the door was a single torch hanging from the ceiling over a table in the center of the room.

A table that held atop it no less than two dozen Runestones.

  • Thoughtful
Reactions: Konstantin
Konstantin listened patiently as Solomon explained. His reasoning, his motivations, his efforts. There was logic behind all of it, of course, but the reveal at the end of it all left the Guardian of Power in a state of shock. His singular blue eye went wide, the storm within his face now a churning maelstrom. After a few silent seconds with his mouth hanging slightly open, Konstantin spoke.

"...How? How is this possible? I thought the creation of Runestones to be the domain of the gods, Solomon."

He had to fight with all his strength against the urge to call what lay before him heretical. Surely there had to be a better explanation for how this came to be. Surely he could trust the Absalom himself, his oldest friend!
  • Dab
Reactions: Solomon Regis
Solomon could see the shock on the Power Guardian's face, the conflicted combination of intrigue, disbelief and betrayal. At first, the sight was indeed shocking, and Konstantin was very much correct in his belief that they were unable to simply create more Runestones. The Absalon acted quickly to temper his friend's fears, placing a hand gently upon his broad shoulder.

"What you see before you are not runestones. Not like yours, anyways."

Solomon stepped forward, reaching out and plucking one of the stones from the stack. They did look similar, but further inspection did seem off compared to the Sixteen Runes. These new stones were uniform in size and shape, identical in every way but the symbols carved into their faces. The true runestones varied much more, each identifiable by dimensions just as easily as design.

"For lack of a better term, we're calling them 'Training Runes'. They are created by enchanting ordinary stones with concentrated magic and work similarly to our stones, but on a far lesser scale."

Turning back to Kon, he tosses him the stone.

"They are comparatively weak, only allow the user to use basic magic, and deplete in a matter of weeks. This will allow worthy Vanguard to practice wielding a Runestone, even if none of the actual stones are in need of a Guardian."

  • Gasp
Reactions: Konstantin
Solomon was indeed quick to quell Konstantin's initial apprehension, a fact for which he was deeply thankful. In place of his initial shock came a newfound curioisty.
"'Training Runes' fascinating..."

Konstantin caught the stone the Absalon had thrown him, and he began to run his fingers over it, inspecting all of its details. Indeed, the stone did not radiate the same degree of power that his own and the others like it did. It felt...muted. A pale impersonation of a proper rune.

"Times are changing quite quickly, aren't they? I never could have dreamed of something like this coming about."

A thought occurred to Konstantin, harkening back to his own earlier request. If the purpose of these stones were to acclimate potential successors to Guardianship, then...

"Tell me, do these lesser stones mimic the aspects of our Runestones? Or do they bear facets all their own?"
Solomon nodded along with Konstantin's fascination. Indeed, it was quite a feat of craftsmanship and hadn't come at a small cost. "It's only thanks to our friends in the distant land of Elbion's College that we have been able to achieve such a thing. Our latest trade agreement included collaboration on this project, and they've certainly delivered."

Despite Valenntenia's closed-off nature, it was a highly sought-after trading partner, due to its proximity to the sea and unusually fertile farmland. If it hadn't been for their wealth of luxury items, they would never have been able to construct the province for lack of funds.

"These stones are ordinary when they are made, and then are imbued by magic by a wielder of the desired element. So, for a potential replacement for Fire, we would enchant a stone with Fire magic, and ask the prospect to try using it on their next assignment."

Briefly, Solomon's eyes find Konstantin's crumbling visage.

"Obviously this means they will not have the drawbacks of the genuine articles, but it is my hope that this will make the adjustment process far easier for new Guardians, and perhaps lessen instances of undesirable side-effects. With this initiative, Konstantin, your successor may not have to face the same trials that you do now. I believe that makes this worth trying."

  • Wonder
Reactions: Konstantin