The city of Valenntenia is famous for several things to the outside world: The Tower that is considered one of the oldest structures in Arethil, The annual Valenn Festival in which strangers from across the world are brought together in the hopes of forging love, and perhaps most of all, The Guardians of The Rune who wield the components that make up the very reality we all live in.
But there are more, lesser-known treasures within the city that do not receive the same attention-- Roles that must be filled, but are acted upon away from the limelight and prying eyes of onlookers. So it is with the task of High Mage; He who is responsible for monitoring the power of the stones as it ebbs and flows from year to year, who must record the effects each stone has upon its Guardian, and who must enact plans and safeguards to ensure no harm comes to Valenntenia.
For generations, the High Mage has acted in the shadows, placing enchantments upon the Runestones to stabilize and reinforce their strength, warding the tower to prevent any unwelcome visitors from passing through the front doors. It is a thankless job, and one that only recently found its way to the feet of a talented mage named Rovias.
Having already served as a Somner for some years, Rovias now finds a new burden thrust upon him; Protecting the city in a very tumultuous and strained period, and confronting the moral dilemma of the Tower's latest endeavor: Delving into the secrets of the Runestones themselves.
Rovias is a handsome dark-skinned man with long shoulder-length taupe hair, often tied into a long ponytail, as well as a well-groomed goatee. While his eyes are often a dull amber shade, they have been known to take on a bright Violet color when performing certain magics.
Unashamed of his status and position, The High Mage does not lack in self-confidence: Rovias dresses strikingly, wearing cloaks and coats of violet or mauve with golden trim and adorning his neck, face, ears, and fingers with all manner of jewelry and piercings both silver and gold.
The only one of these adornments that is consistent is the golden ring in his left nostril, gifted to him by his mother from her homeland of Ragash: a sign of respect to his heritage.
Unashamed of his status and position, The High Mage does not lack in self-confidence: Rovias dresses strikingly, wearing cloaks and coats of violet or mauve with golden trim and adorning his neck, face, ears, and fingers with all manner of jewelry and piercings both silver and gold.
The only one of these adornments that is consistent is the golden ring in his left nostril, gifted to him by his mother from her homeland of Ragash: a sign of respect to his heritage.
Skills and Abilities
Rovias' magical talents border on prodigious; Having trained in the magic arts from a young age in the hopes of becoming a member of the Vanguard, and someday a Guardian, he has had decades to hone his craft and garner experience in all manner of spells, enchantments, curses, hexes, cantrips, and anything else found in a writing.
For reasons unspecified, Rovias was never chosen to become a Guardian, instead being fast-tracked to a position of Somner. It wasn't long after that the Absalon sought to put his incredible abilities to use, regardless. He was granted the title of High Mage and designated the protector of The City in the absence of Guardians.
Still, he is seemingly forbidden from any situation that could cause him to face combat.
For reasons unspecified, Rovias was never chosen to become a Guardian, instead being fast-tracked to a position of Somner. It wasn't long after that the Absalon sought to put his incredible abilities to use, regardless. He was granted the title of High Mage and designated the protector of The City in the absence of Guardians.
Still, he is seemingly forbidden from any situation that could cause him to face combat.
Rovias is an outgoing and charming man, though his acute awareness of his talents sometimes leads him to the realm of smugness and overconfidence. Fiercely loyal to Solomon Regis and The Guardians of The Rune, he follows orders without question, though he is prone to 'creative interpretation' of said orders, especially when he does not agree with them.
The High Mage's attitude differs towards Guardians. Rovias can come off as abrasive, brash, and otherwise rude, though he does attempt to apologize for his brazenness, attributing it to the repressed resentment of never gaining the title himself.
Towards Vanguard, however, Rovias is incredibly supportive. His greatest achievement as High Mage, The Training Rune, has allowed them to wield magic just like the Guardians working above them, albeit to a lesser extent. This invention has garnered him some level of fame and adoration amongst the Vanguard ranks, a celebrity status he secretly enjoys.
Despite his extroverted personality and elevated status within society, Rovias does not spend time with others outside of work, has virtually no friends, and has never been seen to show any interest in relationships or family life. Most attribute this to dedication to his work. Others believe there must be something more.
The High Mage's attitude differs towards Guardians. Rovias can come off as abrasive, brash, and otherwise rude, though he does attempt to apologize for his brazenness, attributing it to the repressed resentment of never gaining the title himself.
Towards Vanguard, however, Rovias is incredibly supportive. His greatest achievement as High Mage, The Training Rune, has allowed them to wield magic just like the Guardians working above them, albeit to a lesser extent. This invention has garnered him some level of fame and adoration amongst the Vanguard ranks, a celebrity status he secretly enjoys.
Despite his extroverted personality and elevated status within society, Rovias does not spend time with others outside of work, has virtually no friends, and has never been seen to show any interest in relationships or family life. Most attribute this to dedication to his work. Others believe there must be something more.
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