"The Wisdom Stone is a notoriously tricky one to possess. Wisdom does not only come in the form of knowledge and logic, but also in awareness of the darkness and evils of the farthest corners and shadows. There is much to know about the world, but not all of it is meant to be known. Some of it is more than a human mind can tolerate. So it is that The Stone of Wisdom has a troubled history with its past keepers. So much so that when its latest Guardian went mad and self-immolated after attempting to burn the invasive thoughts from his mind, then newly-elected Absalon Solomon Regis sought a better way to safeguard the Stone without costing more lives of good people.
While serving as a Guardian of The Stone of Passion, Solomon had encountered a most impressive beast on his travels. Seeking shelter from a great storm, Solomon took refuge in a large cavern, unfortunately already laid claim to by a Dragon, hidden from sight with the rare powers of the Spectre, To most men, it would have been a death sentence most swift. However, the majestic creature's attention was stolen not by the man himself, but the strange artifact he carried with him, brimming with magical potency. Seeking a way to avoid a grisly fate, Regis presented the Runestone, and told the tale passed down of its creation. The Spectre Dragon shifted before his very eyes, introducing herself as one known as Stella, and as thanks for the fantastical tale, allowed him the shelter of her cave for the night.
Over the dwindling twilight hours, the pair exchanged much conversation of the world, of people, of the years long past, of habits and hobbies, of love and loss. Solomon came to find before him not a beast of instinct or savagery, but a soul of great intelligence, curiosity, and wisdom. He would remember and recall this night for many years to come, and return to the cave many times more for further discourse. Man and dragon kindled a close friendship over time, one that would bring Solomon back to offer her the Stone of Wisdom in a time of need. He believed there no greater being suited to be its Guardian in all of Arethil, and she agreed that should he find another in the future she would relinquish it freely. So it is that the first non-Descendant came to join our ranks of Guardian."
Biographical information
Physical description
Spectre Dragon
10'7'' at the shoulder
Political information
The City of Valenntenia
Guardian of the Wisdom Rune
Out-of-character information
While serving as a Guardian of The Stone of Passion, Solomon had encountered a most impressive beast on his travels. Seeking shelter from a great storm, Solomon took refuge in a large cavern, unfortunately already laid claim to by a Dragon, hidden from sight with the rare powers of the Spectre, To most men, it would have been a death sentence most swift. However, the majestic creature's attention was stolen not by the man himself, but the strange artifact he carried with him, brimming with magical potency. Seeking a way to avoid a grisly fate, Regis presented the Runestone, and told the tale passed down of its creation. The Spectre Dragon shifted before his very eyes, introducing herself as one known as Stella, and as thanks for the fantastical tale, allowed him the shelter of her cave for the night.
Over the dwindling twilight hours, the pair exchanged much conversation of the world, of people, of the years long past, of habits and hobbies, of love and loss. Solomon came to find before him not a beast of instinct or savagery, but a soul of great intelligence, curiosity, and wisdom. He would remember and recall this night for many years to come, and return to the cave many times more for further discourse. Man and dragon kindled a close friendship over time, one that would bring Solomon back to offer her the Stone of Wisdom in a time of need. He believed there no greater being suited to be its Guardian in all of Arethil, and she agreed that should he find another in the future she would relinquish it freely. So it is that the first non-Descendant came to join our ranks of Guardian."
A passage from the Annals of Wisdome, by Vicini Dorrett

One of if not the last of her kind left, Stella is an aged Spectre Dragon hailing from lands unknown. Spectre dragons are unique in that they have no true base color. An inherent magical defense mechanism allows a spectre to change the color of their hides at will, as well as turn invisible completely. Spectres are exceedingly rare, not just because they are masters of disguising themselves, but they have a very low birth rate. Most female spectre dragons will only lay and hatch 1-3 eggs in their lifetimes which can stretch into hundreds of years.
They are known for their longer, sinuous and delicate forms. An aged spectre dragon will rival even more brutish dragon types in size, but lack in sheer bulk and power, tending to grow to be more long of body. Spectres boast graceful, serpent-like figures that elongate over time, often sprouting manes of quills along their spine that can be let to soften when at peace and harden into a protective layer when threatened.
Spectre wings are strong and narrow, allowing for enhanced speed, agility, and maneuverability in the air but not allowing for great height during flight (they cannot go much higher than the clouds). These limbs are also quite delicate and easily injured, rendering a spectre dragon land-bound if broken or torn. For this reason, spectre dragons are rarely ever seen near battle or confrontation with other great beasts.
When at peace, in trusting company, Stella often appears as a pearlescent white. Her frame is regal and delicate.

They are known for their longer, sinuous and delicate forms. An aged spectre dragon will rival even more brutish dragon types in size, but lack in sheer bulk and power, tending to grow to be more long of body. Spectres boast graceful, serpent-like figures that elongate over time, often sprouting manes of quills along their spine that can be let to soften when at peace and harden into a protective layer when threatened.
Spectre wings are strong and narrow, allowing for enhanced speed, agility, and maneuverability in the air but not allowing for great height during flight (they cannot go much higher than the clouds). These limbs are also quite delicate and easily injured, rendering a spectre dragon land-bound if broken or torn. For this reason, spectre dragons are rarely ever seen near battle or confrontation with other great beasts.
When at peace, in trusting company, Stella often appears as a pearlescent white. Her frame is regal and delicate.
Skills and Abilities

As inherent to her kind, Stella is capable of shifting the color of her hide, as well as able to turn completely invisible. Being part of their natural defense mechanism, this ability requires very little energy or concentration to do, but does require practice by young spectres. Generally by the time a spectre has reached maturity they will have mastered this ability.
Also part of her repertoire of skills is illusion magic. Illusion magic comes naturally to matured spectres, but takes quite a bit more time to master (decades, or longer) as well as more energy and concentration. Stella has learned how to project stationary illusions and is quite skilled at them, enough that her illusions take physical form, then later fade when the spell has died or lifted. Many a raider has filled their pockets with illusory gold and treasure from her nests only to find those same pockets empty upon returning home.
In her long years Stella has come to learn and read more about the magics of the broader lands. She has even learned some other new magics such as healing spells and protection wards. Stella has also gained the ability to take bipedal form, though it is not something she does often due to the dangers it poses her to use it.
A given for most any dragon is firebreath. Stella's is quite potent.
Given her proclivity of collecting knowledge, Stella has long since found a necessity to fit in, as it were. Some many many long years ago, after being exposed to a strange runestone of which Stella has since come to know as the Dream Rune, she dreamt that very night of walking upon two feet and speaking the words of the land dwellers. She awoke in human form and has since been capable of shapeshifting to a biped. With practice she was able of transforming into many various figures of the many various peoples of the worlds, though maintains the closest appearance of a human as her main form. Able to hold this form for up to a few days at a time, any longer creates adverse effects on Stella's memory. While still capable of using her magic in this form it is somewhat restricted, though she can change her appearance at will.

The Wisdom Rune offers a curious array of powers while also enhancing Stella's own high intellect and deep memory.
- Eidetic Memory - Stella remembers everything and forgets nothing. A boon and a curse - it is this gift of the Runestone has driven all its previous Guardian's mad in one way or another. As dragons live exceptionally long lives and the more intelligent tend to have memories like lockboxes, this memory enhancement has not affected Stella in the way it does humans.
- The Pensieve - The Runestone grants its Guardian the memories and knowledge of its previous keepers, though these are accessible only by meditating with the stone. This allows her access to the lives of the Guardians that precede even her own years.
- Clarifying - A passive gift, the presence of the Runestone for its Guardian is a clarifier of thoughts and allows them to calmly sift through what can often be a complicated process of decision making or brainstorming to reach a more definable solution or answer. While dragons have always been keen to perceive trickery of words or intention, this clarifying presence allows Stella to know when she is being lied to or lead on.
- Mental Shield - Within its presence, the Wisdom Rune provides its keeper with a mental defense that as of yet is unbested by other mentalists or magics of the mind. Stella cannot be fooled by mental trickeries, nor controlled or swayed so long as she has the Rune in her immediate possession.
- Flow Reading - A gift completely unique to the Wisdom Rune and not of Stella's own inherent powers, she is capable of reading the histories of objects or places through physical contact or uninterrupted meditation. The longer and richer the history, the longer it may take to read it. Interrupting the reading can have ... adverse effects.
- Scrying - A natural gift developed by elder dragons, while Stella has always been capable of this feat she did not actively practice it. The Wisdom Rune has allowed Stella to bypass what might have taken her decades or more to hone as a skill and utilize it in the present to witness distant lands, events, people, and places through the act of scrying. For full effect this requires the presence of the Rune and a seeing pool, crystal ball, smoke, or mirror to perform. It is another skill that requires concentration and to interrupt can also have adverse effects.
- Comprehension - The Wisdom Rune allows Stella to learn foreign languages and written word at bewildering speed. The older and lesser-used a language, the longer and more concentration it takes to learn. More common and broadly used languages she can pick up simply by immersing herself within it for a few hours to a few days. This talent has broader applications as well - such as to puzzles, social etiquette, and new skills be they mental or physical. Note that comprehension, memorization, and understanding of a skill does not translate to talent within it and there is also the great valley of separation between learning them as a dragon and learning them as a land dweller. She may learn to cook, but it does not mean her meals would be delicious.

Upon getting to trust another, Stella offers warmth and understanding. She can be a kind shoulder to lean on and a listening ear to talk to. She holds no sense of malign for any type of creature and will mistrust or trust any and all equally, from humans to dragon kind. Stella has a deep interest in the lore of the world and has learned to read and write many languages of the landwellers. Where she once hoarded great riches like most dragons, she now keeps a large collection of literary pieces from across the lands.
Prone to long leaves of absence, Stella has an insatiable need to learn new things and collect knowledge that gives her a wild case of wanderlust. Though she has her common dwellings she may frequent and can be found at, there is no promise she will be at them for long. Only one person alive currently knows where Stella's hoard of knowledge is hidden.
In polite company Stella does her best to maintain interest so long as there is something of interest to experience. Once topics of discussion or activities turn to the mundane she is quickly bored and her mind wandering to other issues of intrigue. This leaves many to view her as flippant or snobbish and many assume so of a dragon as arrogance is a common trait for them. She is driven much by logic and very little by emotion which can and often does snub the other Guardian's who tend to be the opposite. Her logic can be a highly useful tool in the right situation, and many come to Stella when they need help with their problems for her sound advice.
A quick way to earn Stella's interest and trust is to offer her a gift of knowledge. It is customary and well-known by the other Guardians that should one approach Stella for aid, they should bring her such a gift in good-will. She also has grown a strong taste for the teas of the world, as well as sweets. Either or will garner her favor if gifted, though the favor is far less meaningful than what one might receive for the gift of knowledge.
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