Private Tales Only For A Day

A private roleplay only for those invited by the first writer

Mikko Cendrillon

of the Vanguard
Character Biography
Brom was ill.

Brom was never ill...

At least, that was the belief Mikko had of the seasoned Vanguard soldier. He had seemed as if all was well only a few days prior when he had joined a few Vanguard members in a round of sparring. All confidence in his skill had been proven it was not enough to best Brom...

But... now Mikko had to fill in for Brom, and that duty meant guarding Lyta. It was deemed that he would be relieved of his service to the Guardian of Faith, especially since she was once again keeping to the confines of the city. He also trusted that she could hold her own, perhaps even more so than whatever guard she gets while he was absent.

Lifting a fist, he knocked on the door to announce his arrival, grinning handsomely to the maid that opened the door.

"I am here to escort Lady Lyta. Mikko Cendrillon, of the Vanguard." He offered a hand, not thinking anything of his lack of manners or understanding to the life of working for a noble household. Mikko always put forth an easy-going demeanour, but only those close to him would see his not so happy side.

So he must do his best. It would surely be reported back to Brom somehow...
  • Bless
Reactions: Lyta
The maid took his outstretched hand then seemed to remember the proper etiquette and dropped into a flustered curtsey.

"O-oh yes, Ser Cendrillon. Brom said you would be arriving today," as she stood her eyes swept over him and her teeth sunk into her bottom lip. A silence began to build that threatened to become awkward until the maid seemed to remember herself. "Please! Please, do come in," she jumped to the side, throwing open the door to let him past then shut it softly behind him. She led him quickly through the large entrance hall with its great chandelier, through the archway into another quaint drawing room, through another archway into a room drenched in sunlight.

"Take a seat, I'll fetch M'lady right away," the maid motioned to several of the low sofa's and then with another curtsey she hurried from the room. The grandfather clock back in the entrance hall chimed pleasantly.

Lyta arrived a few moments later, sweeping into the room in a swirl of royal blue, silver embroidered silk. Her hair was carefully twisted up and off her face in a suitable bun for travel. She peeled off her white leather gloves as she entered the room and flashed the soldier a sensible smile.

"Ah, Ser Cendrillon. Just in time, I was getting my things saddled up," she tucked her gloves into her embellished belt. "Would you like tea before we go?"
  • Smug
Reactions: Mikko Cendrillon
Mikko jumped to his feet, almost stumbling over the low seat he had taken while waiting for Lyta. A nervous smile curved slightly, managing a small bow. "Only if you are also having tea. No need to treat me like a normal guest." And yet he had an inkling that it was not at his expense, that Lyta actually would have offered it to anyone that came through the front doors.

Did Brom have tea with his Guardian? The thought made his smile widen, imagining the seasoned warrior sitting down and sipping daintily from his tea cup.

"I mean to say, I do not know what happens... Kaira never really had much for me to do... really, I just... sit outside her house... and watch." Now his smile turned sheepish. He was useless in his appointment to a Guardian that never leaves Valenntenia. A proper Vanguard soldier would keep quiet and unseen, but Lyta had this sort of... radiance that filled him with a little sunlight at seeing her. If he thought about it hard enough, perhaps it was the same way when she walked into the arena to train with him.
  • Cthuloo
Reactions: Lyta
Lyta paused in unclasping her cloak as she digested that bit of information. Of course, Kaira hadn't left the city until recently in regards to their mission to discover the cause of the Fire Guardian's death. Why would she have need of a guard? And was not Kaira herself a trained warrior? It seemed a shame, at least to her, to have wasted someone with such a clear passion for his work on an almost frivolous role. Though given their current predicament she could not find it in herself to wholly believe it to have been pointless.

"I see. Well, let us have tea and I can attempt to answer any questions you may have," she swung the cloak off her shoulders and draped it across the back of her chair before taking a seat, motioning for him to sit also. Lyta picked up a tiny silver bell and rung it twice before setting it down and clasping her hands in her lap.

"Each Guardian I believe is a little different. It makes sense considering our stones are all different, and they all instruct us in our missions in different ways. Dreams are a curious way for the mind to process troubles, worries, hopes and joys that go on in our day to day lives. The Dreamscape - where people go when they dream - reflects those dreams. It enables me to see where there might be great trouble - like a famine or a plague - and see where people most need my help. I cannot heal the sick like Mordred, or incite great works from an artist like Villiam, but I can give people rest at least when they sleep or guide them through their Dreams to the answers their subconscious is looking for. There is a town a week ride away at the moment who has suffered a great community loss, they need comfort. It is there that I intend to go."
  • Thoughtful
Reactions: Mikko Cendrillon
Mik furrowed his brows, fascinated that the Stones could grant so much, but he also caught her saying how long their trip would be. "I... was under the impression I was with you for the day. The Officer said Brom asked me to..." It dawned on him. Did he trust Mikko enough to take his place for so long because he thought Mik was capable and ready for more? That this was his test, to not only accompany Lyta, but to keep her safe from anything as soon as they pass the door and leave.

"A week's travel. Alright," He nodded his head as the truth of it all came round, "and then there will be additional days being spent in this town." With the week to head back to Valenntenia. Perhaps he was eager to leave Valenntenia and see what was beyond the area, to finally work and show his potentiall as a soldier.

Maybe if this went well, he could talk to Kaira about him being assigned to another Guardian... instead of walking around Old Town pretending to be an assigned Vanguard personnel.

"I must say... I am not as prepared for a trip that long. We will need supplies, food, and..." He would want more than just his sword. "Unless Brom mysteriously has all of this ready to go...?"
  • Cthuloo
Reactions: Lyta
"Brom has a severe fever and could barely manage to keep down soup when I visited him earlier," Lyta sniffed and plucked at a non existent piece of lint. "There is absolutely no way he will be fit to return to service tomorrow, nor the day after next," from her tone it was clear she had made just such an argument to the old weathered Vanguardian but that her reasoning had fallen on deaf ears. If she was irritated that her wishes had not been passed on to Mikko however, was not so clear. She schooled her expression and swept her spike of irritation away with the practised grace of a person used to being in the public eye where every word, every smile, was interpreted.

"If he does somehow feel better, he will ride to meet us and relieve you of your post. As for supplies," a bit of her usual softness crept back into her expression and this time her smile was more natural and less forced. "This is not my first trip, Ser Cendrillon. I know well enough how to pack supplies for a trip. However, if you require time to fetch your own belongings we can push back our departure by an hour or two. Ah, here we go."

The maid who had greeted Mikko scuttled in with a silver tray on top of which sat a steaming pot of tea and a plated tower filled with sweet treats and cut sandwiches.
  • Sip
Reactions: Mikko Cendrillon
Mik's cheeks burned pink, ducking his head to chuckle as the tea arrived.

"Apologies, Lady Lyta." He would wait until the maid poured the tea before thanking them. Brown eyes scanned the tower of daintily displayed food, something he had seen once before when his siblings treated their mother to a nice afternoon tea for her birthday few years back. He found the portions small, but this time he had only Lyta to share with.

"If we are heading past the Vanguard Barracks, I should only be a minute to gather my things." Mik didn't want to be truthful and reveal a lot of things were still left in the pack he had when he joined Kaira onto the search party that recovered Dorian's body. He had hung back of the group, giving his childhood friend some space and do her thing as a Guardian. He didn't really cross paths with Lyta then, only when he was tasked with offering training to any Guardian that wanted it.

Only Lyta had taken the offer.

After selecting a sandwich, he did his best not to cause crumbs to fall onto his lap, or attack to his stubbled face that he wished he had shaved this morning.
  • Sip
Reactions: Lyta
"Thank you, Esmerelda," Lyta gave the young woman a warm smile. The maid blushed and gave another curtsey before hurrying out of the room leaving the pair to enjoy their afternoon tea. The young guardian sipped at the hot tea and let it chase away the slight chill that had settled in during her time fussing outside. Autumn was not when she liked to travel, especially not when it was on the cusp of winter, but the stone wanted her to go. She could feel it nudging at her even now to get on the road or join it in the Dreamscape.

"We can go via your barracks," she set the tea cup down and helped herself to a small patisserie. "I took the liberty of ensuring Brom's tent was packed for you, he keeps it in good condition," though now she did consider the possibility he might not know how to erect one. If he had never left the city before...

"Have you... never left the city before then?"
"You are a seasoned traveler it appears!" He smiled before silencing himself with a sip of his tea. It tasted better than any he had in the past, as if the tea had been properly steeped and not served in the lukewarm pot in the Vanguard barracks.

Oh blessed ancients, did he look so out of depth in his position within the Vanguard that she had to question that? Trying not to grimace nor look sheepish, Mik kept a neutral face as he answered the Guardian of Dreams. "Three years I haven't, not until I tagged along with you and Kaira and other Vanguard soldiers to retrieve Guardian Dorian. We are trained to prepare for travel, to assist in any emergencies that need resources..." He came to a stop there, knowing he did not need to oversell himself to Lyta.

"Actually... I heard Kaira wanted to try and find a work around her Stone. Every since that mission trip... she's been feeling enclosed within this city. Realising she has been caged..." Mikko and Kaira had history, puppy love if anyone were to really analyse it but he handled it wrong and left things a little strained even now. He had been cold, for too long and then she left the Vanguard to become a Guardian once she had turned twenty years of age. When he had been assigned to her months after, he thought someone played a sick joke on him, but Kaira was sweet, cordial even. Was an apology needed after so long?

"Do you... did you have trouble leaving home, your family, to pursue this? To offer aide to those that do not have the resources that Valenntenia has?"
  • Thoughtful
Reactions: Lyta
Lyta raised a brow at his exclamation and gave him a bemused nod; did he think she spent her days locked away inside sleeping? Though, she reasoned, many citizens probably thought she did just that. What else would a Dream Guardian do? She was fairly certain however that amongst the Guardians she was perhaps one of the most wildly travelled. Everyone dreamed, after all. She could not deny her relief that he did indeed know how to camp. It was not that she would have minded instructing him, but it had felt... She could not pinpoint the emotion exactly and that only made her more uncomfortable.

Thankfully conversation turned to Kaira and this time she did not bother to hide her emotions.

"Oh! That is so good to hear, I very much believe she would do a lot of good beyond these walls," the stones had helped shape the world and it was the world that they should help. Or at least, that was Lyta's belief. There were many who would disagree.

"Mm... No I do not think I did. I travelled often with my mother when she was the Guardian of the Dreamstone that when it came time to do it alone I was quite eager to. The only person I ever really miss is my brother, but his duties keep him here so he cannot join me often. I quite like life on the road, I've met many interesting people, seen many interesting things. I find now home is a little too small if I stay too long."
  • Thoughtful
Reactions: Mikko Cendrillon
It was the first time that Mikko would think of someone to be lucky.

Hearing the account of Lyta's travels and the people and places she got to witness first hand made him feel as if he too grew out of Valenntenia. What kept him here was his family, especially his mother who he loathed to leave alone with his younger siblings.

"I... had hoped to be a Guardian when I was a boy. My father wanted me to rise in the ranks of the Vanguard like him, but my Ma said I could be anything I wanted." He chuckled at that, washing it down with some tea. "I never thought about a Stone being passed down in a way in a single family. Did you want to be a Guardian like your mother?"
  • Wonder
Reactions: Lyta
Lyta paused in her next sip of tea and surprise coloured her expression. He? A Guardian? It was not that she held the belief as some that the stones should be kept amongst the noble lines. It was that Mikko fit so well into his position as a member of the Vanguard that she had never stopped to wonder if he had ever wanted anything different. What rune would have called to him? Blood? Passion?

She blinked the thoughts away from the forefront of her mind.

"I... I suppose I never thought of anything else. As far as I know it is only the Dreamstone that has chosen the same family over and over again. Nobody really understands why, though we all have our own theories... Either way it just simply always was going to be my fate. There was little point in thinking of something else," it sounded rather sad when she said it out loud. She had never realised before just how little choice she had had in her life.

"What... stone would you have chosen?"
  • Smug
Reactions: Mikko Cendrillon
Mikko looked to Lyta like she had asked him if he liked to go without socks in his boots. It was an odd thing for her to ask, at least that was what he thought. Clearing his throat, he leaned onto the table and lowered his voice, speaking as if between only them when no one else was present in the room.

"You mean... what Stone I would be worthy of hoping to serve? They choose their Guardian, do they not? At least... by what you said and what I know of the Faith Stone choosing few Guardians... one can train and train, but there can only be one Guardian." A boyish smile fought its way to his lips, and Mik chuckled. "Alright... if I had to choose, I think I would like to be blessed by the Stone of Earth. Or Light... no, no... I think I like the decision of Earth."

He leaned back and ran a hand over his dark curls, a light nervous laugh rumbling through his chest. "Now? I think I like the routine of the Vanguard. It is also nice to be part of the Cendrillon legacy, you see? That I may be remembered throughout Valenntenia with my service also..."
  • Aww
Reactions: Lyta
Lyta found herself doing such a ridiculous thing; blushing. To be corrected on the mechanisms of the Stone by someone outside the Guardians was a touch humiliating but... it was a rather guilty pleasure of hers when she met with people; to discover what Stone they thought themselves worthy of. Of course the Stone was the one that chose ultimately but it told her a great deal about a person by what qualities about themselves they saw when they chose a Stone for themselves.

She took a sip of her tea to hide her embarrassment and listened quietly to his quiet debate. An interesting debate to be sure between Light and Earth but common; people did like to see themselves as the doer of Good and the Light Stone was the best representation of that. The Earth Stone was pure power but also steadfast and loyal. Again, another honourable Stone for a man such as Mikko.

Neither were the ones she would pick for him.

"Well I am pleased that you find your work so rewarding. I must say I am glad to be benefitting from it - through your training and for these next few days. Brom will rest much easier knowing I am not doing this alone," setting down her finished tea she smoothed out her skirts. "Are you ready?"
  • Ctuhlu senpai
Reactions: Mikko Cendrillon
Mik dusted off his fingers and nodded, making to stand from his seat and wait for Lyta to stand also before following her.

"I still believe Brom was pulling my leg by telling me a day. Only for a day, he said." Yet the Cendrillon soldier grinned at his Guardian charge. "I rather this than him schooling me in some drills." That would leave bruised and sore muscles, even if Mikko was in shapely health.

And he supposed spending time with the Dream Guardian was no hassle either. She had impressed him with the training the Vanguard had offered, and found her a great conversationalist. His little sister would adore Lyta, he knew, for she prayed to the Ancients for sweet dreams and the brightest ideas each night before bed.
  • Cthuloo
Reactions: Lyta
"Oh, no. Brom was deadly serious, but he never wins our arguments," Lyta smiled and slid her hands back into her fur lined gloves. She had been quite firm that he stay in bed for at least a week and even after that to take it easy, which certainly meant no riding. She was mindful that her protector was getting long in the tooth and she had every intention of him staying with her for as long as he could. Which meant ensuring he did not kill himself by pushing himself so hard.

The Dream Guardian led the way through the maze of rooms to the doors which led out into a cobbled yard with a neat block of stables. Her elk was already saddled and stood patiently waiting, the bags slung across the saddle all neatly tied down. His ears flicked forward when his mistress reappeared. From the pocket of her cloak she offered him a small mint which he greedily gobbled up.

"This is Kuruk," she smiled up at the red elk and patted his soft neck. "He's been with me on every mission since I became a Guardian. If you are ever in any doubt, just follow his lead," she smiled and then moved to mount.
  • Yay
Reactions: Mikko Cendrillon
His dark eyes noted where Lyta had led, him, snapping to that perception instilled into every Vanguard soldier. Indoors cane be tricky situations, and he wondered what precautions Brom had put in place to look out for his Guardian. Mikko was still in his gear, light armour he preferred to don when on duty as it gave him better movement. It would suit well for the journey ahead, and Mikko began to assess the supplies already packed and ready upon the Dream Guardian's mount.

"A red elk." He smiled, grinned even. That definitely beats a horse. As if sensing his thoughts, his own horse, who had been brought round, bristled at him.

Holding his hand out for the salt and pepper steed to nudge gently, he chuckled. "You are still handsome, old friend." He avoided using the name he entrusted to his younger sister, who at the time was young and not at all clever with names for a horse. A dog, perhaps.

"We will pass the barracks in the Province on our journey out of the city. I will only be a few minutes to grab my things, if that is no inconvenience on the timing we have alloted for travel." With considerable ease, his tall frame lifted and mounted his horse with a soldier's succession.
"Of course," Lyta inclined her head and reached for the hood of her cloak.

Out of the manors quiet stable yard the streets were bustling with activity. Giftmas was not a long way off and people were decorating their houses, fetching presents, or stocking up on food to last them the week the city would shut down for the festive season. A light shower of snow had started as they had been enjoying their tea and a faint dusting of it now stuck to the paved streets. Children ran across the streets heedless of others trying to catch the falling flakes on their tongues. They were not the only ones who rode. Other elks, horses, and even oxen filled the streets and barely anyone gave the pair a second glance; with her face covered Lyta was just another noblewoman.

In times of haste she preferred that.

Soon they arrived at the barracks and Lyta pulled Kuruk to a halt. The elk shook his head, dislodging some of the fallen snow.

"I shall wait here."
Mikko dismounted with practiced ease, gifting the Lady Lyta a smile before disappearing past the side gates of the barracks. Some of his comrades had called out to him, shouting out jovial taunts in his wake before glancing at the red elk and it's rider. They recognised Kuruk, and suddenly they stopped staring outright. It was not fear of the Guardian, no, it was the fear of what her assigned Vanguard would do to them if he caught wind they had been staring.

When Mik returned, pack slung over his shoulder and his hair blowing into his face, those stationed at the gates bid their farewells with an added politeness. Cendrillon did not seem bothered by it, too busy now tying his things to the saddle before mounting once more.

"Onwards, Lady of Dreams?" He grinned, moving his steed to walk past the red elk. "We are on a tight schedule are we not?"
  • Cthuloo
Reactions: Lyta
Lyta was smiling beneath her hood when Mikko returned.

Brom kept her away from most of the Vanguard labelling them all uncouth, youthful delinquents and foolish - though in more colourful language. As she watched the heckling and jeering as Mikko entered the barracks, however, she could not help but think Brom had exaggerated. She did not see a bunch of mindless soldiers, what she saw was the comfortable banter between friends. A bond such as that was one to be respected and - in her case - a little envied. Lyta was friends with many people and many in the city had given her title of 'Darling' but with none of them bar her brother would she feel comfortable to this degree with.

"Especially with the snow, yes," she stifled a yawn with the back of her hand. Even the cold would not keep the rune from pulling her into its slumbering embrace if it wanted her there. The sooner they set up camp the better, but Lyta wanted to cover as much ground before then as they could. As they resumed their journey Lyta led her mount close to his.

"You are well liked at the barracks it seems."
Mikko grinned easily as Lyta spoke. It was not a question, nor was it only an observation. She spoke it how it was, a fact. He sat up taller, peering down at the Dream Guardian before facing forward and watching as the crowd parted without issue to allow the two to pass.

"Took a lot of fights and losses to gain their trust." Reminiscing on his early days joining the ranks of the Vanguard meant he had a decade to prove himself. With a name like Cendrillon, there was much expectation on him and the others bearing his name. He had cousins, many of them, and they too were scrutinized. "We were all recruits but, I helped them. At first they didn't want to listen to me. I was a know-it-all Cendrillon, the next batch to serve. They soon realised I was right, that I was good at this. I wasn't in this to be better, I became a Vanguard to be better."

His face dropped slightly, shrugging. "Some of my cousins lean on the status our name gives them. One of the ancient houses to serve Valenntenia." The pressures were there, but he also had all his life to hit his goals. He was still young, still able to hone his craft before looking to receive a higher accolade to decorate his uniform.

"They have been wanting to make me Captain for a few years now... they think I am capable of more than just showing the new recruits how to defend themselves and the city." He usually was not a conversationalist like this, but he was not going to ignore the Guardian throughout their two week trip. There was a reason Brom had chosen Mikko to go in his stead, and Mik could not help but compare Lady Lyta to that of his own Guardian he was assigned. He let the awkwardness take precedent, let her belittle him into being a glorified guard with a useless job.

But no two Guardians or Stones were the same. Not even Faith and Passion were identical.

"I want to follow in the footsteps of my father and grandparents. My grandmother is the representative that speaks to the Absalon and Somners. You might not see her a lot, but she's pretty scary. Every child and grandchild ate every bit on their plate growing up, otherwise you were subjected to her stern stare." Mikko laughed before letting it die quickly.

"I am talking quite a lot. Feel free to tell me to be quiet, Lady Lyta." A hint of a blush settled at his bronzed cheeks.
  • Wonder
Reactions: Lyta
Somner Cendrillon, of course. Lyta felt a fool for having not connected the two sooner when she had first met Mikko on the training field. Then her mind had been far more full of the concerns of her brittle body and the impact fighting would have on her than on the heritage of her instructor. The connection to Somner Cendrillon made it easy enough to mentally rifle through the family tree of the ancient name, however. Soon other Cendrillon's sprang to mind, both those she had met in passing and those she had formed a deeper acquaintanceship with. His family was as old as her own or so the records said.

"No, no. It is quite a refreshing change to Brom. I could barely get more than a few grunts out of him unless I asked about battle tactics," then Brom was very hard to shut up in honest truth. Lyta never minded then, either. She enjoyed listening to the things that made others so enthused. It allowed her to understand their Dreams better.

"So you would prefer to take your Grandmothers place and beat the Absalon with your walking cane when he has one too many new ideas, than to be a Captain?" Lyta could not hide her smile as she gave voice to one of several whispered stories she had seen in the dreams of the Towers servants.
  • Haha
Reactions: Mikko Cendrillon
Mikko breathed a laugh, relieved that she had not minded him waffling on like he had.

And he only laughed louder hearing the odd remark from Lyta.

"She did that to us when we were young! I think the last time she got me with the walking cane was when my twin brother, Malik, had loudly cursed off our older brother. She could not tell us apart, and I was fifteen years at the time." He grinned widely, chuckling at the memory.

"The Vanguard is great for brotherhood and loyalty... but what about the time after all that wears off? Am I always going to fight until my dying day as an old man? Or will I bite down my pride and settle for a job that can still make a difference. If I cannot be Guardian, then I can be something else for Valenntenia."
  • Bless
Reactions: Lyta
Mikko's laugh was an infectious thing and she found herself trying to cover her own with her gloved hand. It would do little in helping them avoid attention laughing as they were in the gathered crowds. Already people marked Mikko and glanced curiously towards her in an attempt to see beneath her hood. It would not take much for those who had a care to do so to figure out it was a Guardian he rode with. Making herself known however would only slow their travel to a crawling pace. As the first citizen began to cautiously approach, Lyta spurred the red elk into a light trot to give them the air of urgent business.

Once they had got beyond the main city centre to the quiet country road beyond, Lyta slowed her mount back down.

"I am positive Brom intends to die in his role, though I keep offering him a retirement fund. He served my mother, and my grandmother as their Guardian protector; did you know that?" she sighed and turned her face up to the falling snow, some of the troubled tension that had crossed her face disappearing at the simple pleasure of snow. "Perhaps it is something you can create. A place for the Vanguard who are older but their minds still sharp with a desire to do more. It is not fair to keep such minds as simple protectors their whole life."
  • Bless
Reactions: Mikko Cendrillon
Hearing Lyta remind him of the service Brom gave to her family brought a somber expression to his face. He was quiet, stewing on what to say as the thoughts fell into place. "And we are taught that to serve that long is to be honoured." What monotony, he thought, so remain in the same place for generations. Mikko was sure Lyta's family were kind and just as loyal to Brom, but he could not see himself serving Kaira or any of those that would follow in her stead.

"With Carvyre throwing around her weight lately, I don't think I would be able to get a word in edgewise. Have you seen her? The way she can just... announce to a crowd and demand change. She is a disruption, a different kind to her father." Odhran Carvyre had been an instigator, a sore loser. His bitterness could be felt the moment he encouraged the people to march onto the Tower. Mikko remembered that day, being crushed by the crowd. It haunted him for weeks, and even in his dreams.

"My father says to wait, to let the bitch get what she wants and to pipe down... but what if she does get what she wants, what she claims the Vanguard wants, and it is declared that the Vanguard are no longer serving the Guardians?" Mikko glanced at Lyta from the corner of his gaze. "Not all of you are trained by the Vanguard prior to your service."
  • Nervous
Reactions: Lyta