Letters Scarlet Fanny’s Spectacular Fan Fiction

Roleplay dedicated to correspondence type roleplays such as letters.

Scarlet Fanny

Fan Fiction Writer
Character Biography
A Dance to Remember:

A autumn festival for the fae celebrating the hunt. The Erlking himself was rather pleased about the year’s hunt, and so he had subjected himself to a dance on his dearest brother’s request. Midir would do anything for his brother, and he had no complaints when he saw who his dancing partner was. It was Dianthe, who was affectionately called Dia, a old friend of his brother’s. She hadn’t been around in the courts for the tragedy that had befallen her.

Her family had arranged a marriage for her, believing it to be best for her to be with a man that was timid and mild. But Dia was like a proud mountain lion. Capable and a force to be reckon with. This meek man was also foolish and ended up squandering all of their money on this special type of “lamb” before divorcing Dia in shame. Dia was then homeless and had to sleep in the forest next to forest creatures. The forest accepted her because of her kind heart and Dia was happy.

But women need more than fresh water and cute animals to keep them company. She had gone to Asemir to rekindle their friendship and so he brought her to this autumn festival. He thought now would be a good time for her to leave her horrid past behind and to search for love again. And there was no one better than Midir, the Erlking, ruler of the autumn lands. He was handsome, devilishly so. Long, platinum blonde hair and stunning limpid blue eyes. His face was all angles and sharp edges that promised to cut whoever dared touch him. He was a man of power. And Dia knew this, yet she didn’t care.

“How are you enjoying your stay in my lands?” His eminence asked the lovely Dianthe as they swayed in the center of the room. They moved together as one, as if they were always meant to dance with one another.

“I’m enjoying it very much.” Dia said with a beautiful smile, looking up at Midir. He was struck then by how beautiful she really was. Her kindess and her looks were very much desirable to the hardened man. He couldn’t last remember a soft caress or holding someone that he didn’t want to break and kill. “It’s so different, being around others again. I was worried.”

“How could someone like you worry? You’re wonderful.”

“I was afraid you’d know the rumors of me.” She admitted, looking away, suddenly feeling quite shy. “You see, I was once married. But my husband, maybe you’ve heard of him, Gale Greensword, ruined my life. I was lost and alone for so long. But I learned many things about myself. What I wanted, who I really am. I am a strong, independent woman and I don’t need a man.” She said this with such conviction that Midir was besides himself. Where had she been hiding all this time?

“Dia,” Midir whispered, tears coming to his eyes and he held her close against his broad muscular chest. “I have never heard a more woeful tale of sorrow and loneliness. But I must confess, I too have had similar hardships. I was once in love but she chose another man over me. A stupid man.” He shook his head and Dia emphasized with that statement. Sometimes people were such idiots. “You and I are so alike.” He said and looked into Dia’s eyes and she looked back into his.

For that moment it felt like it was only them in the room.

“Tell me you’ll join my court.” Midir whispered, frantic, searching her eyes for the answer he so desperately wanted to hear.

“Depends.” Dia smirked, tilting her head to the side. “There’s someone I have my eye on. Can you promise him to me?” Midir’ s glacial gaze darkened into a fierce storm.

“Who? Who is it?” He growled, leaning down close to Dia so he could whisper in her ear. “If you think Asemir can make you happy, I’ll have you know Queen Mab says I am more impressive.” Dia laughed at his jealousy, causing Midir to give her a confused look.

“My dearest Midir, I only want you.” The moment those words left her lips she stood up on the very tips of her toes and kissed the erlking right on the mouth! Midir was overjoyed and hungrily kissed her back. Dia tasted of spring and sunshine and crystal clear streams and it was something he had missed so much, especially being in autumn court where leaves were constantly falling off of trees. She rejuvenated him like nothing else could.

Finally, the Erlking felt whole. He picked Dia up bridal style and began walking away to his room so they couldn’t be disturbed.

“Where are we going?” Dia asked innocently.

“To get you settled into Autumn Court. You’ll live with me now, forever and ever. Tomorrow we marry.” He answered the love of his life with a huge happy smile on his handsome face.

[HIII!! First story! I’m so nervous omg! Hope you all like it. I dreamed of a hot blonde hunk and a cute girl next door brunette and came up with this. This was so much fun to write!! I post every day instead of doing my chemistry homework. Follow for more!]
(Hung in a hallway at the Elbion College.)

Greetings students.

I would like to remind you all that members of the fae courts can be dangerous and should be addressed with due caution. The works of the writer known as "Scarlet Fanny" are strictly fiction and contain little to no reliable information on the fae or their politics. Furthermore, I would strongly advise students against writing anything that could potentially enrage the fae courts or pique their interest, as either may lead to potential harm, loss of possessions, or being caught in an unfavorable deal.

For factual information on the fae and their courts. Please ask a professor or consult the library. If any of you believe you've upset a fae in any way, ask for help immediately.

Yours truly,

Professor Elias Dorven
Puppy Love:

Marisic Kleibe had just graduated from college, and over their summer break before being a full-fledged adult, had gone to a crazy party. Mar wasn’t like most guys. They were soft and fragile with a huge heart, and while those things seemed like good traits, it made it so Mar fell in love and fell hard. The young man had gone to the party to try and get over their most recent break up with Masara, a diligent and hard working woman who had no time for love. Mar had chased after her the entire time they were in college, only to find out that she was secretly sleeping with his greatest bully: Goja. Back to the party.

Mar was standing in the corner by himself, looking down at his large tin cup of ale. He didn’t like ale, it was too bitter for someone like him, but he was drinking it anyways. His heart ache and if rubbing alcohol was used for outside wounds than drinking alcohol should soothe the inside wound that was his broken heart. He sighed, looking at the dark-colored liquid.

“You shouldn’t be here by yourself,” Mar balked and looked up, seeing one of the most handsome men he had ever seen. He wasn’t much older than Mar despite his very pristine and professional attire. He wore black slacks and black dress shoes and a black turtleneck sweater that offset his sexy gold eyes that peered down at Mar with all the brightness of the sun. He also had really pale skin that was flawless and coal black hair cut into a neat hairstyle. He looked like a sexy businessman. “Why is someone like you all alone?” He was drinking red wine and Cas watched a drop fall from this hot man’s lips like a deer caught in the headlights. The man wiped at his mouth with the back of his hand.

“Oh uh um…. Um…..” Mar stuttered, his lavender eyes looking away. “Honestly? I got dumped by someone who I wasn’;t even dating, and usually I’d just stay home and sulk but I thought maybe i should go out and find someone else.”

“Sometimes the best way to get over someone is by getting under someone.” The sexy man said. Mar nodded his head. “My name is Rave by the way.” Mar smiled at him and Rave smiled back.

“My name is Marisic but everyone calls me Mar because it’s just easier that way.” Mar went to go take another sip but stopped. “So what are you doing here?”

“Looking for something special.” Vaer said with a smirk and then leaned in close to Mar. “and i think I’ve found him.” Cas shuttered feeling Rave’s warm breath on his pale neck. “You need another drink.” He said and then handed mar his red wine. “Drink.” He ordered. Mar did as he was ordered to, looking straight into the gold eyes as he chugged the entire drink. He was starting to feel a little woozy now and wasn’t sure if it was because of the booze or from how close Rave was to his body now. “Good boy.” He whispered into mar’s ear and then bit it.

Mar yelped and rave chuckled before smirking. And then he kissed Mar hard! Mar was confused and at a lot but as their tongues fought for dominance and danced like long lost lovers, he closed his eyes, loosing himself into rave’s big strong arms. After that he couldn’t remember anything else but the next day he woke up in a fancy bedroom, alone and naked.

Embarrassed mar collected his clothes and got dressed. It was monday morning and he had to go to work!

*~*~*~*~*~* hours later *~*~*~*~*~*~*

Mar ran into his new job at THE SLAW upset that he was so late! He went to the front desk and went straight up to the receptionist.

“I’m u h um i am Marisic and i work here and today is my first day. I’m so sorry im late~!” He said very fast and flustered.

“Sssssssave your apologiessss for sssssomeone who caresssss.” The receptionist said. “The cccccceo wantssss you to go to orientation in hisssss office. I’d hurry up if i were you. Ssssss.” Mar nodded his head and then went straight to the elevator and went to the top floor where the Ceo was. He was very nervous and jittery and kept playing with his hands. When the elevator arrive he ran right out of it, bumping into a broad, strong back.

“I’m so sorry!” He said as he fell back. He rubbed his nose and looked up. Looking down at him was a very very tall man with raven black hair in a mullet. He had gold eyes and a handsome yet cruel face. He was wearing black skinny jeans with wholes and rips in them and black combat boots and a black muscle shirt that showed off his strong and muscular arms. He also wore a belt with spikes on it. This guy was hardcore goth.

“WELL WELL WELL IF IT ISN’T MARISIC THE WIMP!” He said laughing and pointing at mar before crossing his arms over his chest. “Who would’ve thought we’d work as interns together at the same company.” He shook his head.

“Goja.” Mar whispered. This was the guy who stole masara from him! “I i didn’t know you worked here.”

“Of course i work here. They recruited me specifically because of my good looks.” Goja may have been an asshole but he was a sexy asshole. Even cas had to admit that jago was a fine looking man and his gruff personality was actually kinda sexy. Mar shook his head, tears coming to his eyes.

“You’re going to bully me again aren’t you? Steal the love of my life again! Hurt me! Throw me into a trash can!” Mar shouted as he started crying. He then stood up and with all his strength punched Goja right in his face! Goja gasped and fell back, shocked that someone so small could be so strong. He then growled and stood up, crabbing mar by his white hair and shoving him into the wall.

“You punk i’lll show you who’s the boss around here!” He hollared.

“Marisic does know who’s the boss here. It’s me.” Cas gasped. He recognized that voice. He looked over and saw Rave standing there with a briefcase in hand! “I’m sorry about the first day you’re having.” He said very professional. His gold eyes were cold. Mar nodded his head as Jago let go of him.

“It’s okay Rave—“

“Mr. Rave.” Rave corrected amend frowned at Mar before shaking his head. “Considering the fight, you’re going to be having orientation with Nabeon. He’s down the hall. He’s the smartest man in the building. Hopefully you can learn a few things from him. He’ll be your mentor for your time here. Goja, follow me.” Mar looked down at his feet, shaking his head.

Of course. Goja would steal even rave from him too!

With a sigh, mar went down the hall to Nabeon’ s room. He stepped inside and saw how clean and tidy the room was. Everything had a place and was in it’s place. In the middle of the room was a dark, brooding man at a black desk. He wore a black suit and had long hair neatly tied back into a ponytail. He also wore glasses with metal frames and his dark eyes finally looked over at mar.

“Are you nabeon?” Mar asked in a hushed voice. He was afraid of this man too but couldn’t understand why. Was it because he looked like the other two men who were tall dark and handsome and sexy?

“I am he. You must be the new intern. I am going to be instructing you how to work for this company. We will be handling finances.” Nabeon said. His voice was deep and rich like chocolate. “Come here first.” Mar hesitantly stepped over to him and flinched when Nabeon raised his hand up. Nabeon frowned. “You have glitter on your face. Someone has hurt you before haven’t they?” He said, gently wiping it off from Cas’s cheek. Cas looked at Baenon in amazement.

“how do you know that?” Mar asked. Could this guy read minds?!

“Because why would you flinch from me?” He shook his head and then sat down. “Sit down now, i promise i won’t hurt you.”

“There’s only one chair though.” Mar said looking around the room. Was he supposed to just sit on the ground?

“Right here.” Nabeon ordered and patted his lap. “We’ll find you a chair later.” Mar blushed but did as he was told. “Good boy.” Baenon whispered and patted mar right on the head. Mar blushed some more and just as he was about to get to work the door opened.

Rave and Goja stood there, and for a moment Rave looked surprised! Then mad! He shook his head and muttered under his breath “i should’ve known better, i thought you were different but i guess not.” Before storming off. Goja looked confused as well and ran after Rave telling him to slow down.

Mar looked down at this hands and started playing with them again. Should he run after rave? Explain to him that it wasn’t what it looked like? He then looked up at nABEON the only one who had been kind to him today. Should he stay here instead?

[sorry for such a long chapter but once i got writing i just couldn’t stop!!! I love BL!!! Who do you think mar should end up with? Might write more about mar and his love square but i really need to study for my chemistry test i gotta take in two hours ; - ; i hate school sometimes. Thanks for all the love on my last story! Names have been changed this time fyi just because you don’t wanna make the fae mad or whatever lol]
  • Cthuulove
Reactions: Charity Briarthorne
Davi-Doo Where Are You?

The gang was altogether for another mystery. Passing through a groovy green and orange portal stone, out stepped the set of meddling-kids. Jock Ralene, fashionista Edric, Hippie Drastus and the Scaredy-Cat dog shapeshifter Davi-Doo were ready to find the missing merchant, the fashionable Daphne.

“Like, zoinks, gang,” Drastus said, taking a slurp from his flask that always helped ease his nerves. “Where the heck are we? I think we’re like, lost!” He said with a shiver.

“Drastus, that’s why we’re here!” The best dressed of the group with the best, drool-worthy abs, Edric, said with a sigh, rolling his eyes at Drastus. “Velmer is lost and we gotta find him. So we gotta be lost too.”

“Oh yeah, makes sense.” Drastus said, nodding his head and then looked over to see the strongest of their group, Ralene, laying in the ground all beat up. “Oh no! Rae! What happened to you?”

“The bad guy got me!” She said, gritting her teeth all tough-like. Davi, who was in the shape of a Great Dane and was wearing a teal collar, whimpered. “Eddy, help me up!” She said and Edric complied to buffets initiate’s whims. He helped pick her up and then looked over at Drastus.

“You got anything to patch Ralene up, bud?” He asked and Drastus nodded his head, and began using some of his magic. He wasn’t as good as a elbion student and actually his magic was quite crappy. The academy for human murder weapons didn’t focus on magic enough and that’s why Elbion College was always gonna be the best.

“Davi-Doo, come here.” Ralene said, still fighting through the pain, flexing her muscles. Davi-Doo came over, and licked her hand. “Use the stab wound from me to find the bad guy. We’re gonna set up a trap for him and then we’ll catch him.” Davi-Doo shook his head. He didn’t want to go find a bad guy, that was scary and he hated being scared! “What if… I give you a Davi Snak?” The dog shook his head and said “Ruh-roh!”

“Two Davi Snaks?” Drastus said. The dog shook his head again.

“Five Davi Snaks, take it or leave it Davi-Doo!” Edric said. Davi-Doo perked up and wagged his tail. Five Davi Snaks? Well he’d do anything for five! He began slobbering and drooling and as Drastus pulled them out from his pocket and gave five to Davi-Doo. With five Davi Snaks in his system he blasted off for a moment before settling down and getting back to business. He sniffed at the wound on Ralene’s side and then huffed. He began sniffing around on the ground.

“That’s our Davi- Doo the super sniffer!” Edric cheered and then Davi-Doo was off, searching for the culprit.

“Alright, Gang,” Ralene said with a grin. “Now let’s plan that trap and get Velmer back from the bad guy!”

[part two coming soon C:< who could the bad guy be?! I wonder!]
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(A recently surfaced diary page of uncertain origin, found lying in the streets of Vel Anir.)

Today was a complete disaster. All because I accidentally packed my copy of Scarlet Fanny’s latest work in the wrong satchel and took it to the Keep with me, I guess it fell out when I was walking. Lucky me, nobody knew it was mine. A Proctor found it and started raving about it containing words of treason against the Republic and its noble guardians, demanding to know who brought it.

I didn’t say anything, how could I? He nearly ended up searching the whole place looking for any more copies of it. Surprising, he found two more, I have no idea who’s they were. But the Proctor was about ready to start an official investigation over it.

I guess “the Academy for human murder weapons” and "that's why Elbion College is always going to be the best" set him off. It was kind of an apt description though. We do train to...

I should really throw this out before someone finds it.

Hektor Hartrook had been born with the sad fate of forever being in bad luck. When he was born, he was unfortunately born to parents destined to die. He was also born a elf, for as you know, while nothing is wrong with being a elf, for some reason, a lot of places on Arethil despises elves. Hektor though, despite being a elf, would actually have the misfortune of losing one of his glorious elf ears. But that is not the story to tell, for now we go back to the time when Hektor has both of his glorious elf ears.

This is the story about Hektor and a Knight named Lorinna. Lorinna was everything Hektor wasn’t. Hektor was meek, Lorinna was confident. Hektor was a elf, Lorinna was a human. Hektor was a man, Lorinna was a woman. Hektor had black hair and Lorinna had blonde hair. As you can see, they are very different.

But both were a part of the hippie organization called the Knights of Anathaeum. Hektor had parents in it, but remember, the parents died when he was a boy. So he was a lonely elf squire in the Knights of Anathaeum. But somehow, this unlucky elf managed to snag a cutie like Lorinna.

But Lorinna wasn’t just a cutie. She was part of the Knights too and she was a badass. She had killed wolf raiders, defeated a zombie army, defeated undead giants, saved nobles from a brigand attack but most importantly of all, rescued a bunch of toys for children. Everyone who knew Lorinna admired her. She was the cool girl, the awesome girl next door that every lady wanted to be.

Well, other than Helena and Selene. We all want to be like Helena and Selene.

To say that Hektor was lucky in snagging Lorinna for himself was like saying Hektor was going to be the king of Arethil. Which he would never be because he was a elf and a unlucky elf at that.

Right now, Hektor and Lori(Lorinna) were fighting some bad guys. These bad guys were called the Bellamy’s and they are awful and kill animals and plant life and don’t care if they’re running the environment.

Hector was using his bow and arrow, and thwang thwang thwang went his boy. He was getting headshot after headshot after headshot, and someone in the background was screaming, “He just doesn’t miss! This elf just doesn’t miss!” Meanwhile, Lori was using her sword and cutting off goblins and fighting the demons that were emerging from the ground. She flew through the air, her blade shining in the moonlight and like the fastest thing on Arethil she was kicking more ass than Hektor. Which was okay because Hektor was unlucky and Lori was super lucky.

Until she wasn’t!

Something grabbed Lori from behind and she howled, “LET GO OF ME YOU FIEND!” She struggled against the slime monster that was being mind controlled by the Bellamy villain. Hektor heard Lori’s cries and with a war cry belonging to a warrior he shot three arrows into the slime monster. But the arrows did nothing to the slime monster because the monster could just absorb it. Soon the slime monster was absorbing Lori and much to Hektor’s horror he saw the love of his life getting sucked into the green slime monster and becoming unconscious.

“Lori no!!!!” Hector said and began running to her rescue. For once, Lori was not saving him so now he had to return the favor. Because every time before now, Lori had came to his rescue. She had always protected him and took care of him and even if he didn’t notice it she had been looking after him. She had been his best friend all along but more importantly, she had used her luckiness to turn his unluckiness void. He would never meet another woman like Lori and Hektor knew this and appreciated her so he ran after her.

But it was too late! The slime monster absorbed Lori completely!

In a a fiery rage, Hektor summoned fire and burned the slime monster to a crisp! In his agony he burned the rest of the bad guys and the Bellamy ran away but was also burned to nothing in the ground! There was nothing but dirt and ash and Lori.

“Oh Lori what have I done?!” Hektor cried out and held Lori in his arms. “I love you! Don’t you know i love you?!”

A fairy came down to Hektor and told him a secret “only true loves kiss can break the spell.”

“She’s under a spell?!”

“Yes and if you really love her you will kiss her but the cost of this magic is that you will only live for ten more years.”

“Oh no.” Hektor said. “But I am a elf!”

“That doesn’t matter. Either Lorinna dies or you lose some years but you can be happy the next ten years.”

Hektor began crying, because he always cried. That was the unlucky thing about Hektor, how much he cried. But now he cried for Lori. He did love her. But he liked living too. What was he going to do?

“Ok. I’ll do it. I’ll kiss her. I love her and I am willing to only live for ten years if it means she can live and not be asleep. Lori!!!!!!!” Hektor said before kissing her. He kissed her with all his might and moved his lips and tongue over hers until he could feel the life coming back to his beloved. Before long, Lorinna was kissing him back, their hands moving seductively along their bodies and they angled and twisted their heads in total passion.

“Hektor.” Lori said when she pulled away. “You saved me!”

“I had to.” Hektor replied bravely. “Because I have always been unlucky but you’re the luckiest thing to ever happen to me.”

Wow this was so good, it almost made me like Lori. but why would sumone ship Hektor/Lori?!?! obviously Hektor/Aubrey is better Aubrey is so cool she would never ask hektor to lose all his elven lives for her!! besides shes waaay cuter than Lori. What if you wrote a story where Lori breaks up with Hektor and Aubrey is there to comfort him
Wow this was so good, it almost made me like Lori. but why would sumone ship Hektor/Lori?!?! obviously Hektor/Aubrey is better Aubrey is so cool she would never ask hektor to lose all his elven lives for her!! besides shes waaay cuter than Lori. What if you wrote a story where Lori breaks up with Hektor and Aubrey is there to comfort him

I am super busy with school and midterms rn so i don’t really time to write as much as i did before. My parents said they r only gonna pay for my school for 1 more year so like i really need to graduate this time. Anyways i just think u should know that the Hektor and Aubrey ship is more like ur own headcanon and if that’s ur otp thats ok but like pls be respectful for those that respect the actual canon of the knights because its kinda rude but i get wanting a ship to happen so i wont delete ur comment. But maybe i could write ur ship since it wont ever happen i will think abt it.

What kind of dumbass ships Hektor and Aubrey? I mean like... Really? That's just stupid and it's CLEARLY never gonna happen. You seem to have forgotten that Aubrey hates elves and there's no way in hell she would ever even consider Hektor as a romantic partner. And Aubrey is kind of a bitch tbh. Always shouting and swearing and drinking and getting into fights with people. Hektor is much better off with a caring and loving woman like Lori. Those two are just so cute together!

Keep up the good work and don't give into these idiots!
The Performance of a Lifetime:

Y/N (your name) was a student at Elbion College. Y/N was super smart and never had to study for any test and would always pass with the highest scores and she was also awesome at tutoring others so no one thought she was snobby and just thought of her as someone nice and smart. Everyone liked Y/N because she was also super petite. She was super petite and small with tiny hands and big doe eyes and a small nose and perfectly shaped full lips and perfect clear skin that never broke out even if she ate a bunch of chocolate and didn’t even weigh a full ninety pounds and had a hourglass figure that everyone wished they had so she wasn’t just cute but also sexy when she wanted to be. She was the prettiest girl at Elbion College and everyone knew it but Y/N didn’t act stuck up like some other girls did.

Because Y/N wasn’t like other girls. She had a secret she couldn’t tell anyone!

Right now, Y/N was getting ready with her bunch of friends to head to a concert. The concert was the first ever performance in the human world version of Arethil of the Spring King hottie: Nairth San’Seya, the ultra cool mafia ceo alpha rich rockstar. Everyone was so excited to go to his performance in Elbion, the first ever performance he had here even though he performed a lot for the fae people.

At his coronation Nairth found that he had the voice of a angel and could sing really well, better than a siren on crack. On top of that everyone knew that Nairth was a good dancer so when he performed not only did he sing but he also danced. He had a whole band with him and tickets had sold out in five minutes.

“Y/N what are you doing?” Asked Y/N’s best friend Emily.

“I’m reading! We have a test tomorrow!” Y/N said. Emily rolled her eyes and crossed her arms over her chest with a annoyed huff and shook her head condescendingly.

“You are not bringing that book to the concert. We have front row seats and you’re gonna be reading? That’s crazy.”

“You’re crazy if you think I’m not studying.” Y/N said cutely and laughed and everyone around her laughed as well. Even Emily laughed and she was no longer in a bad mood.

“We’ll we are leaving right now so come on. You can walk and read but when we’re in the concert i don’t think you should be reading or studying. You’re going to ace that test anyways. You’re the smartest person ever. You’ve never gotten anything below a hundred and ten percent!”

“Ya because i study. I have to study hard and get a good job so i can support my 14 little brothers who are all dependent on me. And i had to take tonight off of work.” No one knew that Y/N had a part time job as a pizza delivery person but she did because she was a orphan and so were her 14 little brothers. They had a stepmom but their stepmom was evil and wicked and mean and didn’t pay for the kids that were left behind by her late husband. Y/N wished her dad was still alive but he wasn’t, so she had to go to school and work a part time job.

When she graduated from Elbion College she would get the best job ever and then she would save her little brothers from their evil stepmom.

Everyone stopped getting ready. Y/N didn’t need to get ready because she was naturally beautiful and didn’t need to curl her hair or dress nice or wear make up. She was stunning just the way she was. They got to the concert and they didn’t even have to wait in line that long because they had such good tickets. They got to the front of the stage and waited for super hottie mafia ceo alpha rich rockstar Nairth to appear on stage and perform.

Y/N was still reading but no one seemed to care as they were all talking amongst themselves. All the lights dimmed and then colored lights slowly began to appear around the large grand stage. The band members walked onto the stage and everybody cheered. Quacey was on the drums, Tharu was on guitar and Razareal was on the triangle. All of Nairth’s best fae men were on stage, tuning their instruments. The lights dimmed again and then smoke began to enter from the sides of the stage.

A single spotlight hit the stage and from thin air appeared Nairth! He was super sexy looking, wearing low-cut black skinny jeans and was shirtless so he could show off his washboard abs and muscles and strong pecs. His long white hair was free and not tied up, his plethora of tattoos and markings shining brightly against his perfect porcelain skin. His gold eyes looked amongst the crowd, seeing Y/N reading her book and not looking at him. He sighed but the show had to start.

His band began playing music and Nairth began to sing and dance. Everyone screamed and cheered and some girls even threw their pantaloons onto the stage but Nairth dodged and didn’t touch them. Y/N kept reading despite the noise, totally engrossed in reading and studying. But one song came on, a song she didn’t even realize Nairth sung. It was Y/N’s favorite song: Stay Alive.

Where did it go wrong?
I don't remember at all
Whispering while hiding my body in a small room
Darkness is my only friend (My friend)
my hand hoping for salvation
am i weird? bloody room
anyone please save me
Hide in the moonlight
Hide in the moonlight
Yeah, there are no miracles, my wishes are just
Hide in the moonlight​

Without realizing it, Y/N began to sing along. She didn’t realize that while she started singing along that the band had stopped playing their instruments so Nairth’s voice wouldn’t have to fight for the attention it deserved. Y/N didn’t even realize she was doing a duet with Nairth! Everyone was silent and breathless at the unexpected performance. Y/N had a voice that was even better than a angel’s!

Nairth stopped singing and Y/N continued until the song was finished, hitting all the high notes without losing her breath. All of a sudden, she put her book down and realized that everybody was quiet and she had been singing out loud.

“Y-y-y-y-you w-w-w-w-w-weren’t s-s-s-s-s-s-supposed t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-o h-h-h-h-h-h-h-hear t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-that.” She stuttered and hid her face behind her book.

Nairth sAN’SEYA got off stage and went straight to Y/N, grabbing her arm and taking the book out of her hand and throwing the book far away with all his fae strength.

“You’re coming with me.” He said and began to drag Y/N away from her group of friends who were too shocked to do anything.

“N-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-no i! I! I! I can’t! My 14 brothers!” Y/N protested and tried to get free but she wasn’t able to do that. Nairth was so much bigger than her with his huge muscles and huge hands and towered over the small and fragile and tiny Y/N because he was nearly 7ft tall and as broad as a brick wall. So small and tiny and petite, Y/N could do nothing but follow Nairth as he took her up to the stage.

“Your stepmom sold you to me. You’re my wife now. My human slave wife. You can’t tell me no I am a alpha and a ceo and I’m in the mafia.” Y/N gasped.

“But i don’t love you!” Y/N squealed angrily.

“I’ll make you love me when I take care of you 14 brothers.” Nairth promised.

“Wdym you’ll take care of my brothers?” Y/N asked.

“Exactly what I said.” Nairth said.

“No tell me.” Y/N demanded.

“I will support them. Because Y/N you’re the prettiest most beautiful and kindest and perfect woman I have ever seen. I love you. I’ll do anything for you. Even taking care of your brothers. I know your stepmom is evil. Do you want me to kill her?” Nairth answered.

“No!” Y/N gasped but then giggled. Nairth smiled.

“If you don’t want me to then I won’t.” Nairth agreed.

“But Nairth.” Y/N interjected. “You say you love me but I have a huge secret.” She got sad, and tears came into her beautiful shimmering glimmering sparkling orbs. “If i tell you you might not love me anymore.”

“What is it? Tell me.” Nairth commanded.

“I’m… I’m a werewolf.” Y/N told Nairth.

“Y/N.” Nairth whispered. “That’s okay, because I have a secret too. I’m not just a hot fae king who’s a CEO and rich and in the mafia and a alpha and a rockstar. I am also a vampire!”

“A vampire?! But then that makes us enemies!” Y/N exclaimed.

“But love is more important than that.” Nairth shouted and hugged Y/N close to his bare chest. “And i love you with all my heart! You’re my wife! I don’t care if you’re a werewolf! I accept you for who you are! As long as you accept me then nothing can stop us!”

Y/N cried, hugging Nairth back. It was true. Love conquered all. And she loved Nairth and he loved her. What more did the world of Arethil need than love? All you needed was love.


Author’s Notes: I wanted to try something different so I did a different POV! Hope you all like it!!! PS!!! Isn’t Nairth San'Seya like the hottest fae king ever? Honestly I wish he’d steal me away and make me his human slave >:] ]
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Idk what a/b/o tags are, sorry. Maybe you mean blood type? Is there a ab tag? But yeah werewolves r pretty cool but it depends on the sort of werewolf. I don’t like weremen because then it’s like they r a furry and thats just not my jam. If u like furries though thats ok not judgining u but just saying what i like. Big wolf creatures that are mostly men except on the full moon is just my vibe.

Also Y/N means your name. So everytime you read the story and you see y/n just think of ur name, so for example, in my fanfic i wrote No one knew that Y/N had a part time job as a pizza delivery person but she did because she was a orphan and so were her 14 little brothers. But u would read it as no one knew that th3grapedadi had a part time job as a pizza delivery person but she did because she was a orphan and so were her 14 little brothers. Hope that helps! Pls subscribe.
Promises of Pomengranites: In A Den of Vipers to Find Love

In the twilight, in the super dirty and filthy Allirian sewers, monsters were crawling and killing people as monsters are wont to do. The monsters didn’t know any better and it wasn’t their fault because they were born without arms and they had to kill anyone who had arms so then that they could grab the arms of the persons they ate their heads of and try to attack their arms to their limbless shoulder blades. The issue was that when one didn’t have arms this was a very hard task.

Regardless, it ended up in many deaths in Alliria. That’s why the
knights of anthem had to intervene and save the people of Alliria because Allirians are sorta dumb for only focusing in trade when they can focus on something cool, like magic. Then again if that were to happen, Alliria would be a knock off Elbion and everyone knows that Elbion is the best when it comes to magic.

Regardless, the Knights went to alliria. What the knights didn’t know however was that something big was going to happen. They had gone to help a healer shaman lady named Josia who was struggling to live because she was injured, and then there were all the monsters in the sewers that were trying to come to the mainland, and because of that, there was a lot of chaos going on. It was up to three knights to save the day: Faramund, Petra and Bebin.

The issue was, Faramund and Bebin both loved Petra deeply. Petra didn’t know this because she was too busy being a knight. With her dragon Nova, she was busy saving the day and making sure that everything was okay. But Bebin and Faramund were useless, like all men all. First of all, they needed to be told what to do, constantly. Petra was tired of making a list for them and so she hadn’t made a list for them because what they had to do was easy.

All they had to do was kill some monsters and keep people from joining the Everwatcher. But men struggle in doing things if they don’t have a list. So Faramund and Bebin were in the sewers together, slaying monsters, and not realizing that all these monsters wanted were some arms. If they had realized that, then they could have overriddden the swarm but of course Petra had to fix that to.

“Bebin!” Faramund shouted as his sword slashed through more monsters.

“Faramund!” Bebin called in return as his sword also slashed through monsters. There were blood and guts everywhere.

“I have something to confess!” Faramund said.

“So tell me!” Bebin was busy with the monster slaying and trying not to get injured or die. If he got injured he would probably die because alliria weasn’t known for their doctors or their healing magic. Once again, Alliria really needed to focus on something that wasn’t just trade because it was making it useless against the other places in Arethil.

“Do you know of Petra?” Everyone knew of Petra, the dragon knight muscle mommy who was tall, dark and beautiful. The fact that she rode a dragon, Nova, was just a bonus! She had a 15% body fat percentage and could punch people into unconsciousness. On top of being super hot, she was naturally beautiful without any make up and had eyes that were unique and special, like a peculiar rare gemstone.

Bebin felt his heart stir.

Of course he knew of Petra. She was beautiful and strong. Strong not just in her amazing muscles and bronzed skin but in her strong will. They had argued, plenty of times. She had yelled at him one too many times as he tended to be too hard on her. He expected the best out of Petra, knew her potential and what she could become. She wasn’t young for a human but was young for a elf. She was still learning a lot of things.

“Of course,” his voice softened, “I know of Petra.”

“I love her.” Faramund said. “I want to ask her to marry me.” Bebin felt very sad upon hearing this. How could faramund love Petra? No, of course he knew why he loved her! For all the reasons that he…


Petra had saved the day by dispelling the monsters because they hated aurum, which was made by 60 day old mackerel and herring and smelling like ass. Pouring it into the sewer system meant that the monsters would leave and the Everwatcher was very angry that the knights of Anathaeum had figured out that the monsters were sensitive to smelling gross stuff.

When Faramund and Bebin arrived from the sewers there was Petra waiting for them. Nova was behind her. Both of the knights were covered in blood and guts and whatever else came from the monsters that they had slayed. Both men were tired and exhausted and Petra was too but she was a woman and could preserve through such a thing.

“Let’s rest.” Petra said sternly, hands on her hips. “You can give your reports to me after you’ve had this time to collect your thoughts. You both look like you need time alone.”
BlakKat17 at 11:09: Hello, ya'll! This looks like fun, this fanfictioning stuff. I heard from someone it was telling stories and the like? Woo, and the latest one is of- No, too much. That's private. Right, wait, why am I typing what I'm thinking. Does it work like that? Lesee... Actually, it's more like Petra likes Faramund, or so I think.


BlakKat17 at 11:13: *account deleted*
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