Theadora Cloud

Theadora Cloud

Biographical information
The Vale 18 The Vale (Fort Bannorn)
Physical description
Human Female 5'5 Blonde Blue Fair
Political information
Out-of-character information

Thea to most, she's a newly ordained Cleric of the Trinity of Light. One who's believed to have received a divine gift that's bolstered her Divine Magic, at an added price for using it. She currently resides in the lands of House Bannorn, in the Vale.


She looks far from intimidating, most would refer to her as "cute" instead. She's a young woman with soft facial features. She has a fit body build due to her training, but not a muscular one.

Her hair's a bright blonde color, naturally curly and often worn down so it reaches her shoulders. Only when in battle or on duty will she tie it back to keep it out of her face. She has soft blue eyes and fair skin.

She usually wears long, but simple dresses when she's off-duty. Often she'll look like a commoner and be mistaken for one when dressed this way. When on duty she wears white and red robes, the outfit of a priestess, with the symbol of the sun emblazoned on it in red.

When in battle, she wears medium armor, not too heavy and not too light, over her robes. She prefers this because she needs her armor to be both heavy enough to protect her, while still being light enough for her to mobile, so she can navigate a battlefield and help her comrades. She carries a wooden staff with an iron head.


Her magic is technically a form of Divine Magic and thus, abides by the roles of such. Thea's faith, actions, and worship deepen her connection to her Gods, and therefore her magic. This enables her to wield some of the usual powers of a Cleric. It'll sometimes tax her stamina, depending on how she uses.

Blessings - Thea's capable of bestowing blessings of strength, speed, durability, and beyond with Divine Magic. She can hand out either a single powerful blessing or multiple minor ones at a time. With enough time and focus she can create hallowed grounds, though to this something special must have happened in that place previously, a heroic act or miracle. A small aspect of her divine gift also allows her to let others draw upon her energy and stamina to cast a spell of their own.

Aliandra's Light - A gift of Aliandra. Thea can heal more grievous wounds than she otherwise might be capable of. In exchange for an additional price, usually being her own health. This gift takes the appearance of light and can both heal injuries and purify the body of poisons. If she heals a minor injury or stops poison at its initial stage, the symptoms she suffers in turn will be mild and manageable. If she heals a more grievous wound she could end up bedridden for a time. This can be mitigated by medicine, potions, and other magic like any other sickness.

Another aspect of this blessing is her ability to give auras, which can grant the recipient greater protection against various forms of damage such as fire, unholy powers, or electricity. Finally, she can surround an ally in an aura that can somewhat deflect weapons and arrows, or weaken/damage unholy creatures. All these spells tax her stamina to use.

Consecration - Thea's able to cleanse lesser cursed items and imbue other items with a spark of her power. At her current level, this usually results in minor resistance to unholy energy and a morale boost at best. The price for this is usually her health as well. The greater the blessing the sicker she is after the fact.

An item she consecrates can become a holy relic if the wielder goes on to use it for righteous deeds. The power will gradually built up in it as the wielder continues that path. If she


Staff Fighting - She's good at fighting with a staff, although again, she often focuses on defense more than offense. She waits for a clear opportunity before she dares to attack someone.

Medicine - She has basic knowledge of medicine, she's able to bandage wounds, apply salves, and know what medicines to take or give for common ailments. Though she mainly relies on her magic for that.


Thea's a friendly, but timid young woman who often feels out of her depth. Nonetheless, she tries to maintain an optimistic outlook, whatever her situation. She's a dutiful cleric and works hard to fulfill her duties and increase her skill in her magic. But due to both the nature of her magic and her own personality, she feels lost without allies at her back and therefore tries to avoid working alone.

She's a kind and altruistic person at heart, selflessly helping those in need. Some less charitable people may take advantage of this, and have in the past. But Thea's determined to keep herself from changing because of them. Likewise, she's merciful to her foes, it's not that she's opposed to killing, she accepts it as a necessary act in extreme situations. But she tries to be merciful toward her foes on a personal level and beseech them to repent, when she does kill, she tries to make it quick and painless.

Hobby-wise, she's a lover of reading, writing, and listening to music. She's more on the introverted side than the extroverted but still tries to make friends when possible.

Religious Beliefs

She's a pious follower of the Trinity of Light, for almost all her life, ever since she first discovered her blessing. She sees their teachings as wise and found comfort in them during the hard times in her life. She especially loves Aliandra for blessing her and sees her as a mother figure in her life.

She acknowledges the existence of other gods, like those of the Annunaki Pantheon, but sees them as lesser deities when compared to the Trinity of Light. With the exception of evil deities, whom she disapproves of.

The Trinity of Darkness she hates and fears, due to her history with their followers.

Biography & Lore

Thea hails from the northern border of the Vale, in the lands of House Bannorn. Her mother died when she was a little girl, in her place she was raised by her father, and older siblings. All of whom lived and took care of a farm. She lived there until she was fifteen, wherein she was kidnapped by a cult of the Trinity of Darkness.

She was held in captivity for the next few months, used for labor, as the cultist tried to build a base of operations. One night, she prayed to be saved, and as she dreamed she saw Aliandra, who consoled her. Her dream ended when Aliandra kissed her forehead, when she awoke, she'd received her blessing. One that drew the attention of a nearby cleric and allowed them to locate and destroy the cult, rescuing their captives.

Upon being rescued she was brought back to the lands of House Bannorn and was trained to be a cleric there. She's recently been ordained and is now a cleric. Although her time in captivity still haunts her, and she's not sure of her current position in the Vale.


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