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  2. The Trinity of Light

The Trinity of Light

Polytheist WIP WIP List members
WIP They're moderately known through Arethil. They're rarely the most prominent religion in an area, but you can generally find some of their followers anywhere.
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Aliandra - Goddess of Light, Life, and Creation.

Titles - Queen of Elysium, the Creator, Mother, Lady of Light,

Appearance - She takes the form of an elven woman with long blonde hair and silver eyes. She brown-skinned and is depicted as wearing a long white dress. She wears a matching white crown on her head and is depicted as carrying a scepter.

Personality - Aliandra's a benevolent goddess who embodies all that's good and righteous. Elysite's see her as the true embodiment of goodness itself. She's a patient, understanding goddess who's generally slow to anger and forgiving of mistakes. She's a joyful, upbeat, and celebratory being who loves all but the most irredeemably wicked. She values life and abhors the needless taking of it. She's considered the patrol of parents, doctors, charitable acts, and nearly every other good thing.

She's open-minded in the sense that she sees the benefits of both order and chaos, willing to work with either as long as they serve goodness in the end. The only thing that she hates and refuses to cooperate with is darkness and evil, which she despises and dispels wherever she can find it.

Seelah - Goddess of the Moon, Magic, and Wisdom. She's second in authority to Aliandra.

Titles - Heir of Elysium, the Scholar,

Appearance - She takes the form of an elven woman with silver hair and matching eyes. She has light, pale skin and a thin body build. She's depicted as wearing the robes of a scholar with a scroll in one hand and an olive branch in the other.

Personality - She's a patient, stoic, and wise goddess who can sometimes come across as detached, due to her relative lack of intervention in the lives of mortals. But in truth, she's as benevolent as the rest of the Trinity of Light, she loves and cares for mortals, but she believes that intervening too often will make them weak and lazy. She prefers motivating them to better themselves instead.

She's a teacher of philosophy her followers are responsible for most of the written records and theology within the Trinity of Light. She too despises evil and believes it should be removed, restrained, and otherwise stifled for the common good. She doesn't believe it should be eradicated through violence, however, unless it poses a threat to the lives of others.

Tancred - God of the Sun, War, and Passion. He's third in authority, mainly due to the inherently destructive nature of war, he must be restrained or else he could cause needless pain.

Titles - General of Elysium, the Dragon God

Appearance - He takes the form of a golden dragon, lizard-like in appearance with two wings. His eyes are an orange color and burn like flames.

Personality - He's a fiery, but benevolent god who embodies all noble passions and righteous desires. Though he's the God of War he doesn't relish the taking of life, but his hatred of evil often prompts him to wage war on those who practice it. At least, he would if he wasn't held back by Aliandra and Seelah. He teaches discipline, courage, and boldness, especially in the face of evil.

While he generally favors order over chaos, there are times when he'll align with revolutionaries who fight against tyrants. He intervenes frequently when it comes to war and often helps his followers achieve victory.

Other Deities

In addition to their own gods, Elysite's officially acknowledges the existence of three other groups of gods, all of them directly relate to their view of the universe and mythology.

The Trinity of Order is a group that focuses on upholding law and order, whatever form it takes. They and the Trinity of Light will sometimes join forces when their interests align.

The Trinity of Chaos is a group that focuses on chaos, anarchy, and freedom. They and the Trinity of Light will sometimes join forces when their interests align.

The Trinity of Darkness is a group that embodies evil, darkness, and death. They're mortal enemies with the Trinity of Light and the two will never cooperate.

Individuals Elysite's may acknowledge or deny the existence of other gods depending on their own personal beliefs. But there's no official stance on this matter.

Other spiritual beings/Views on mortal races

In addition to Gods, Elysite's believe in a number of other lesser spiritual beings. Or mortal beings who are associated with certain concepts and ideas that relate to their religious beliefs.

Angels are believed to be the servants of the Trinity of Light who dwell alongside them in Elyisum. They're soldiers who seek out and eradicate evil wherever it's found.

Certain mortals, living or dead, who received divine blessing, were martyred for their beliefs, or simply lived especially virtuous lives, are regarded as Saints. To them, saints are mortals who've been awarded special status and powers by the Gods and who serve their will even after death. Saints are believed to sometimes act in Arethil.

There are a few Saints who're regarded as such while they're still living. Often marked by special powers or virtue. They're prominent members of the Elysite community. Often they'll be considered candidates to become a Vicar. Despite the special status, they are still mortals and abide by the same magical restrictions as everyone else. They also still need to train like any other mortal, and can be defeated by other mortals as well.

Elves are believed to be the children of Aliandra and are deeply respected on account of that.

Dragons are believed to be the children of Tancred and are respected for that.

The undead are associated with the Trinity of Chaos, due to the way they defy the natural order of things. While opinion of them differs, Elysite's generally pity them and believe undeath is a curse they should be released from. That said, they disapprove of murdering the undead and instead believe in convincing them to let go of their undead existence, so they can pass on to the next life.

Demons are believed to be the servants of the Trinity of Darkness. They're believed to be beings of pure evil, who must be eliminated wherever they're found. That said, this policy is only in place concerning full-blooded demons who serve the Trinity of Darkness. Half-bloods, or those born in Arethil are exempt from this judgment.

That doesn't mean there isn't a stigma against them, however.

Elysium and other realms

Elysium is a heavenly realm where the Trinity of Light reside. It's always day, and never night there, where all the joys of life exist without any of the sorrows. Aliandra is said to live alongside mortals here, while Seelah mediates on a mountain far away, and Tancred rests on the edge of a mountain, watching and waiting for his time to attack the Trinity of Darkness.

They teach that all the souls of the faithful go to Elysium after death.

Elysite's believe that other realms exist, each associated with one of the three other trinities.


Elysite Clergy is divided into three distinct categories, each based on one of its three deities. Aliandra's order (The Lightbringers) generally has seniority over the others. But all three willingly submit themselves to the guidance, direction, and rebuke of the Vicars.

Vicars - A small group of three experienced clerics who are believed to be touched by the Gods themselves. They're placed in a position of authority over the rest of the clergy and are responsible for guiding them, keeping them responsible, and purging their ranks of corruption if necessary. One can't become a Vicar unless they've accomplished a miraculous feat or had a sign of divine favor bestowed upon them. Since this is extremely rare, most Vicars are from long-lived species and hold this rank for centuries.

The Lightbringers - The largest of the three clergies and the most traditional of them. They're ministers, healers, and missionaries who often dwell in temples and shrines across Arethil. They handle most day-to-day issues perform charitable services.
High Priest/ess
- A very prominent and experienced member of the clergy. They're assigned to oversee the clergy of an entire region. Only the Vicars are higher ranked than them.

Archpriest/ess - A prominent member of the clergy, promoted and assigned to oversee the clergy of an entire city or town. They usually abide in temples or larger religious sites. They're proficient in Divine Magic and can perform more advanced spells.

Priest/ess - A more experienced member of the clergy. A single one is assigned to manage small religious sites like chapels or shrines. While several will be assigned to larger sites like a temple. Their responsibilities revolve around preaching, healing, and charity. They're trained in Divine Magic.

Initiate - A new member of the clergy. There are usually several of them assigned to a single religious site. They're training in Divine Magic but otherwise focus on mundane things like cleaning, learning to read, transcribing once they can, and handing out basic blessings.

The Seelite Monks - A monastic order whose members live apart from the rest of society, where they focus on the study of magic, theology, and science. In the interest of self-defense, they also teach themselves hand-to-hand combat or how to fight with common objects, like staves. They will intervene to stop evil and do have members who travel Arethil, but generally, they prefer to live isolated lives.

The Gold Order - They're a knightly order dedicated to eradicating evil and bringing justice wherever they go. They can operate both as individual agents and as an organized army when necessary. Most of their members dwell in scattered Chapterhouses between or during journeys. Most of their members take vows of poverty.
- The leader of the Gold Order, they have final say and are the one with the authority to call for a Crusade.

Master - Prominent and experienced Knights, sometimes too old to fight themselves. They're placed in charge of a Chapterhouse and oversee the other members.

Paladin - Knights who've received a special blessing from Tancred or performed a great feat. They're often clothed in armor that resembles scales and are placed in command of platoons of soldiers.

Knight - Squires who've been knighted because of their experience, or because they performed a heroic feat. They're well-trained and armed, either acting independently or they're placed in charge of a small unit.

Squire - Nicknamed hatchlings. They're skilled and well-equipped, but still in training. They're generally assigned to the tutelage of a knight or paladin.


The Trinity of Light teaches the virtues of love, compassion, charity, courage, patience, discipline, perseverance, freedom, and justice. Anything that goes against or is the opposite of these things is counted as evil. That said, they're forgiving to failures and willing to accept those who repent of evildoing, as long as their repentance is genuine.

They believe that light is a sacred gift from above and revere it greatly. The darkness they hate, seeing it as the work of the Trinity of Darkness. They accept it as something that currently exists in the world but believe that one day, night be replaced with everlasting day.

They don't have any strict rules as it relates to wealth, but they see material possessions as a temptation that can lead people to be greedy and cruel to others. For that reason, they'll often warn against seeking out wealth.

Elysite's are neither strictly dedicated to order nor chaos. They'll associate with either if they believe it'll bring about good things, but they don't see either as inherently good or evil in themselves.

In terms of their view of the universe, there are two dominant opinions. The first is that the Trinity of Darkness is a perversion of life, responsible for the Origin's shattering and all the evil in the world. Nothing good can come from them and they must be destroyed for the betterment of all.

The second, less popular opinion is that the Trinity of Darkness is a necessary evil and natural part of life. Something that should be combated when needed, but not eradicated.

A tiny minority believe the Trinity of Darkness isn't evil and is simply another aspect of the Origin's mind, as valid as any other.


The Trinity of Light's intent is to spread their teachings across Arethil, usually peacefully, the only exception being when they're dealing with somewhere tyrannical or hopelessly corrupt. Fortunately for anywhere like that, their numbers are currently too few to stage such a campaign.

Their other objective is to bring an end to whatever evil they can. This is often useful to various governments, as it generally means they'll help fight crime, poverty, and other social ills that plague their lands.

Some Elysite's believe that one day, when their numbers are big enough, the Dragon God Tancred will be allowed to wage war against evil without restriction and that they'll bring a permanent end to darkness.

A minority of people believe that one day the Gods will all reunite into the Origin, where they came from. Either by destroying the Trinity of Darkness and bringing peace to the Origin's mind or by coming to an understanding with each other.


Once there was only a single entity now simply called the Origin. This being was at war with its own mind, wrestling with countless concepts and ideas until it became too much for it to stand. The Origin shattered into countless pieces that scattered throughout the universe and took on lives of their own.

Among them was Aliandra, born from the Origin's virtues and desire to do good. It's she who brought order and chaos together to create Arethil and the mortal races who dwell within. But she was alone in her desire to do good, and so she gathered the Origin's wisdom and combined it with its virtues to create Seelah, Goddess of Wisdom.

The two of them would go on to create the heavenly realm of Elysium and the race of angels. There, they lived and reigned over the universe for generations. But unbeknownst to them, the Origin's darker desires, for vices, destruction, and death had come together to form the Trinity of Darkness, twisted beings who desired only evil.

They assaulted Elysium, and all other realms, but when all seemed lost Aliandra and Seelah called upon their own desires for justice and create the Dragon God Tancred. He chased away the darkness with the light of the sun and chased the Trinity of Darkness into the depths.

Though victorious, the damage was done and evil had been brought into being. The newly formed Trinity of Light came together to guide and protect Arethil until the day they can purify the world once and for all.

In terms of the religion itself, it originated among the elves and has remained a minority belief, but a persistent one that's lasted the test of time. Often they'll partner with governments and noble organizations to fight against various forms of evil. This helpfulness has helped them garner a generally positive reputation among both the common folk and the powers that be, at least in certain parts of the world.


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