Fable - Ask Reconnection and Retreat

A roleplay which may be open to join but you must ask the creator first
Character Biography
It was a risk Kaira was willing to take.

The idea of many Guardians gathering in one area was a risk they only took when it came to Homecoming every three years, but with so many being nearby or present in Valenntenia this time, she had thought it best to suggest to the Absalon that they take time to come together and spend a day reconnecting with their peers and destressing from whatever ailments they could be suffering.

Of course, not every Guardian would wish to attend, but Kaira was hopeful to see the full roster in attendance. Her handwritten letters had been sent out to all Guardians, inviting them to join her in a day and overnight stay at a spa retreat set high in the ranges found in the 'nose' of the Gnome's Head.

They would be free to take advantage of the spa being rented out during their stay, so none can bother the Guardians of Valenntenia other than the staff standing by to attend them. There would be spa treatments available, skin care, and massages. A few choices of hot spring baths found on site, as was a sauna and cold and icy dive pool to waken one's senses. There were other sessions being held for the Guardians too. Painting, guided by an artist hailing from Dornoch, and yoga to be hosted before a bountiful breakfast after a night's stay in their cosy cabins on site of the retreat.

Of course, Vanguard filtered throughout to act as security, but none were ever seen by the Guardians. It was their time to let loose and reset. Besides, it would take a fool to try and come after a Stone or Guardian when many of them were honed weapons.

Kaira curled up on a lounge made for guests to laze about in the sun, but she was rather engrossed in a book lent out by Lyta. So far away from many citizens of Valenntenia, out here she felt as if she could think for the first time in forever. Only the thrums of the other Stones filled her ears, but it was a welcomed sound. Only in the presence of another Stone could Kaira be granted leave of Valenntenia, as dictated by the Ancients that used Yehven as their vessel of putting the ancient city with peace.
The first thing Hruugen did when he arrived at the mountainous retreat was wash.

It was a habit the Monks of the 36th Temple held true above all. Cleanliness when you have just travelled is the best introduction. It gave the mind time to reflect upon a new situation and it was often joked that should today be the day you die, that it would be a shame to leave a dirty corpse.

Humour was quite specific at the 36th Temple sometimes.

Still he bathed and dried and was quick about it. Cold water first to steel the mind and temper the body and then a rinse of warmer water to open the pours and cleanse, last cold to seal the body again. He often thought that the procedure was not unlike the cleaning of a house.
Clean and dry he left his room and admired the wooden floors on the way to the lounge. In a simple black robe and light, clean indoor sandals he made his way. Pine was the wood of choice in this place unlike the birch of his own home. It was a soft and light wood which caught the light well and even when lackered it did not darken so much.
His bladed earring swayed like a pendulum every time he stopped to admire a display of flowers of seemingly inconsequential piece of art. There were many images of bathing figures and some were slightly suggestive. It occurred to him that bathing and resting were not the only things this retreat might be used for.
The idea made him smile like an old man.
Though young his upbringing among those so many years his senior had lent to him adopting their attitudes to such things. A reserved acceptance rather than a willingness to participate.
Solomon had told him to try and embrace his youth though Hruugen admitted to himself that he did not truly understand what he had meant by that.
He had known old folk who were as giddy as children and infants as sullen as veterans. It led him to a question as he poked his nose into the lounge area, bright and sunny.

*What was YOUTH exactly?*

In sense of time it was a counting of days and years but mentally that did not always match what one may expect and cultured ended youth at different times. Coming of age ceremonies that marked one as an adult. He thought of his own tattoos. He had gotten them in expression of himself, not of any ascension.
The thought grew in his mind with each footstep he made into the wide and welcoming space. Many seats were arranged in a way that could be used in solitude and in merriment. He thought it a clever way to do it.

One such seat held Kaira, the Guardian of the Faith Stone and she looked as if she was enjoying herself. That was good.

"Hello Guardian Kaira, are we the first to arrive?"
His question was marked by the thought that he supposed there was no set time to arrive and that given distance and means Guardians may be arriving throughout the day or perhaps were already enjoying some of the activities on offer.

Kaira Yehven
"You are not," said a smooth voice quietly from another side of the lounge. There sat in an overstuffed armchair with a cup of tea and a stack of her own books, sat Stella. Gone were the silks, gilded hair, ornamentations, and fairness of her chosen form at the festival--today she stood as the figure she'd long since come to be known by. Porcelain skin and pale aqua hair dressed in the plan robes more fitting of a librarian, Stella tipped a brow at the young man over a smile so faint it might as well have not been there. It insinuated that she may have been the first to arrive but did not declare.

It helped when one could fly to their destination and forgo the obstacles of travel by land - but racing to rest and relaxation was rather besides the point, wasn't it?

Brow setting over a keen gaze, she gave the boy a momentary but intense look over, "The new Guardian of Light. What is your name?"
Turning towards the familiar voice of Stella Hruugen smiled widely.
He only heard the voice for a moment as he heard them speaking with another at the Festival and decided not to intrude. Privacy was to be respected after all.
"My name is Hruugen."
Politeness was the morticians business, nothing taught manners and formality like dealing with the grieving. He was glad for it, he still did not know what he was to do with the Stone, though he admitted, being able to see in the dark was handy when staying up.
The greater purpose of his role still largely eluded him.
"You must be the Guardian of Wisdom, Stella. Guardian Lyta spoke highly of you. I'm glad to meet you at last."
He took a seat and sat spine straight and body neat. His hands in his wide sleeves tucked and folded over each other altogether it gave the impression of a man wrapped in a dark cocoon of fabric. Feeling her eyes on him he noted it was similar to when the eldest of the Monks might inspect him before duty. Quietly he thanked Master Dumah for his wisdom on travel and hygiene.
Vaima sat on the bottom of the supposedly icy dive pool. It wasn't particularly icy to her. It felt perfectly temperate- slightly warm, even. All water felt that way to her, though. Her runestone pulsed slightly with heat on her arm and she smiled at it in gratitude. She looked up at the surface of the pool, her long hair floating aimlessly about her head. It was a beautiful sight, the water refracting the light above and creating a smooth, shining barrier. Everything was quiet here.

Eventually, she sighed, the sound projected through the water as if it were air. The point of this retreat was to get to know the other guardians better, and sitting at the bottom of the deepest body of water she could find wasn't going to help accomplish that. She stayed there for a moment longer, then swam to the surface. She did that the old-fashioned way. Her runestone could've moved her up without her needing to lift a finger, but swimming was fun. She couldn't let herself get lazy, anyways.

Stepping out of the pool, she went to go grab a towel, but paused. She closed her eyes and focused on water covering her. She searched for its essence, and quickly found something. Hastily, she pulled on it, trying to lift it off of her body. Instead, a small waved formed in the pool behind her and crashed into her, soaking her even more. She frowned, but wasn't surprised.

Vaima nabbed a towel and quickly dried herself off, wringing out her hair. While she wasn't wearing a swimsuit, her clothing, like most of what she wore, was made of materials intended for swimming. They'd dry off pretty easily on their own, so she didn't bother to change. Plus, staying a bit wet would keep her awake better.

She turned around, deciding that she wasn't going to completely give up on training with her stone today. She mentally reached out for water again. Vaima intentionally chose the pool this time. She drew a deep breath in, then let a deep breath out. As the air left her lungs, a sphere of water about two feet across separated from the rest and rose upwards. Grinning, she willed it towards herself. Her powers were still pretty new, and thus they still seemed pretty cool. She didn't think they'd ever stop feeling that way.

Vaima left the room with the dive pool and started wandering around, towing the sphere along with her as practice. She wasn't sure where she was going, and focusing too much on that would probably break her concentration on the floating water. Hopefully she'd eventually run into someone.
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Ayden had been so close to nabbing Hruugen's clothes while he bathed. But he'd been too slow. The impish guardian's sights were set on someone else now.

Vaima Laure would suddenly find a wall of wind gust toward her and that spear of water she carried around. The intent was very clear. A playful splash if it worked.

One of the youngest guardians was not to be soon, though.

But there was a chiming sound of mischievous laughter that carried on the wind.
A sudden gust of wind appeared, battering against her orb of water. Immediately, she lost her tenuous control, and it fell to the ground. She looked sadly at the newly-formed puddle in defeat, but her expression morphed into annoyance when she heard familiar laughter on the air.

"Not again... Ayden!"

She glared at her surroundings, trying to find where Ayden was hiding. She had initially thought his constant pranks were hazing her first few days as a guardian, but quickly realized that was unfortunately not the case. Despite being slightly younger than he was, being around Ayden made Vaima feel like she was much older. The guy insisted on acting like a child.

A retreat wasn't exactly where you would find the carrier of the Stone of Disease. She was hardly welcome anywhere, and a spa was probably one of the worst places the poor girl could be invited to. Still, she was told that to better her abilities, she needed to practice being around others. It was her Stone that didn't like to play nice. She wished she could have kept it home, but with her was safest.

She had been curled up in a ball on a chair by the pool. It was likely Vaima hadn't noticed her, so still and covered by cloth was she. She had attempted to make herself as small and unseen, though her body was sickly small as it were. She lifted her head as Ayden's antics briefly tilted her lips up into a smile. She caught Vaima's eye and pointed in the direction Ayden had been, though as the winds shifted, neither could he sit still.

Ayden Vaima Laure
Lyta let out a quiet sigh of contentment and rested her chin upon her crossed arms so she could better stare out over the landscape.

The springs were said to heal hurts both of the body and of the mind. The Guardian of Dreams had been eager to seek them out from the moment she had arrived. The last few months had seen a steady increase in disasters in both the Dreamscape and the Waking world and she had not been able to shake the feeling that there was some greater power behind each instance. When Kaira had announced she had planned a retreat for the Guardians to reconnect and relax, especially after the fall of Alidonia. She had not seen Mor so grief stricken...

Lyta let herself sink further into the naturally warm waters until they lapped at her shoulders. This was not a time to think of what had been lost. It was a time to rest. She eagerly awaited the painting classes that afternoon, and had signed up to yoga with the sunset. Perhaps if her painting were good enough she would show Mikko. Her cheeks reddened at the thought. The Vanguard was around somewhere but the soldiers had been given strict instructions not to bother the guardians during their trip.

With a sigh she forced herself to focus on the landscape stretched out before her. The springs dropped off over the lip of a cliff meaning it was hard to tell where water and sky separated. Where she had sat right on the edge she was afforded an enviable view of the jagged cliffs, rich woodlands, and winding river that would stretch all the way to the sea. There was no sign of civilisation up here aside from the spa itself. For a moment, Lyta could Dream for herself for once.
Mordred had not seen anyone for the two weeks since he had returned from Alidonia. He had shut the door and simply not come out again, refusing visits from friends and messengers from Somners alike. He had needed time to come to terms with what he had seen, the loss he had felt, from the devastation of the city. In the end if had been Lyta who had broken through to him in the only place he couldn't keep someone out; his dreams.

She had convinced him the retreat would be a good idea. A way to get away and forget the weight of the runes and the loss he felt deep within his soul. Sitting under one of the apple trees Mor was almost glad he had come.

Away from people the rune was quieter with its whispers to kill. He could think and breathe.
Despite her best efforts to hide it, Vaima's cheeks reddened slightly when she noticed Ingrid sitting nearby. She'd probably seen her embarrassing failed attempt to dry herself off. It seemed like everyone else- even Ayden- had already managed to master their runestones. The more subtle aspects of Vaima's continued to elude her.

She mouthed a silent thank you to Ingrid, then strode over to the pool. Focusing on her annoyance with Ayden, she channeled her mental energy into convincing the water to move. A sphere of water roughly three times the size of what she had previously attempted to carry rose out of the pool. The waterline was now noticeably lower.

Vaima stalked over to where Ingrid had pointed, her giant glob of icy-cold water floating over her head. Ayden needed a taste of his own medicine.

Ayden Ingrid Bohnes
  • Smug
Reactions: Ayden
Perhaps it was her intense concentration in blocking out the sounds around her of the tranquil retreat, her imagination coming alive with the stories of dragons and magic to hear the approach of another Stone or two, not until her name had been spoken. Startled, she sat up and closed her book without saving her place on the page and smiled sheepishly to Hruugen of Light and Stella of Wisdom.

"I would believe our fellow Guardians that could make it are spread out across the retreat."

And as if Faith had been hearing, the presence of Stones began to hum to her. Some familiar, like Lyta's Stone of Dreams, or even the chaotic gusts that came back her way told her of Ayden's arrival to the retreat. Wisdom was one Kaira rarely felt, but was happy to see even Stella had chosen to attend... and was that the call of the Blood Runestone?

Kaira pouted at her book and set it aside, moving to stand. "I do hope more arrive..." And the Daughter of Valenntenia did her best not to miss Mabbon Dreierg too much.
One would hope they were spread out. Stella could hardly comprehend the idea of having all of them stuffed together in one place and being told to relax. Truthfully, she had not planned to attend but Solomon had insisted in his own way that she go. Well, at the very least she could continue research on her current fixation before heading off to the Falwood.

It also gave Hazanko Miya a few more days time to prepare for the journey.

Stella made no comment on the hope of company from all the Guardians. Either they would come or they would not, hope had very little to do with it. Instead she turned her attention to the new Guardian of Light.

"Lyta is hard pressed to speak ill of anyone," she stated plainly, a foil to Stella's often-times uncanny ability to speak bluntly, "but it is good that you know her. Well met, young Hruugen. How goes your training with the Light?"
"I hope they do. I have not yet been acquainted with the other Guardians and I'm eager to meet them."
He replied to Kaira in a reassuring tone. Taking her worrisome attitude in line with his own desires then he gave a slight incline of his head to Stella, displaying more of the mannerisms often associated with older priests and monks.

"In truth I am often, in the dark about how to use it. If you'll forgive the word play."
A small smile arrived on his thin face.
"So far I can create light literally, give it shape and direction, even warmth but I know that that is but the merest part of the potential of the Stone."
He did not like to refer to what their stones did as "power". Such words conjured images of dominance within him.
"I know only that there is much that I do not."
A quote from the Philosopher Tufiir Muunn. It was one of Hruugen's favourites.
Though the time she'd spent living among the Guardians as one of them could be considered a mere blip in her life, Stella had come to meet many a Guardian. She had seen stones fall and rise and used the gifts of her own runestone to view the entire breadth of history provided to her by the memories of those Guardians of Wisdom that preceded her. In this moment, Hruugen's humility was refreshing. Humans were so easily overcome by their own hubris and it was no small wonder that some certain stones shifted Guardians so often.

"The most potent cup to drink from is one that is never full," Stella returned, "have you read the journals of the previous Lightbearers?"
"The wise are said to fill their cups from many wells."
Surprise appeared in his eyes. Were such journals open to all or only Guardians?
"I haven't, I didn't know that there were such journals."
Indeed their very existence raised a great many questions in him. For one he did not keep a record of his life at all, except perhaps for his tattoos but they were hardly an open book. Was he expected to start?
"I'll have to amend this when I next return to Valenntennia."
His path had taken him to strange places, now untethered from the 36th Temple Hruugen had fallen to something of a wanderlust in the surrounding areas. It was that curiosity that led him to the desecrated temple of Sacred Amu. It furrowed his brow to think of it, the reckless destruction and violence.
"I imagine they hold much insight into the workings of the Light Stone."
His training at the Temple came to his rescue as he recovered.

"Not again... Ayden!"
His mirthful laugh echoed on the breeze. Played in the air like the surface of the waters of that pool. A mild, puff of warm air would be sent toward Ingrid Bohnes. It would be as comforting as the first warm breeze to show for the coming of spring after a long, frigid winter. A flash of red hair as he hovered in the air in a position like he was laying in a bed on his back. One knee propped up. His chin held aloft by his hand and a bent elbow in the air.

"V," he called down to Vaima. The boyish smirk still very much on his lips. "It's just a bit of fun."
Vaima looked up at the red-headed menace floating overhead, silently crossing her arms and frowning. Then, without warning, she suddenly sent the icy sphere of water rocketing upwards, trying to drench Ayden. Compared to her current capabilities, it was actually rather impressive. Speed and relative complexity. She wasn't quite skilled enough to fully maintain the cohesion of the water as it shot through the air, however, so its remains fell to the ground after it reached its target, re-soaking her as well. That was probably for the best- had she been able to keep the water as tightly packed as it had been in the pool, Ayden would've been battered with a fair amount of force. She didn't seem to notice that her half-hearted attempt to dry herself off had been undone.

"Oh, yes, very fun."

She couldn't help the slight smile that crept across her face and spoiled her attempt at sarcasm. Ayden wasn't a very good influence. She wasn't sure yet how much, or even if, she'd managed to drench him. He probably had lots of practice avoiding things people threw at him.

"Indeed," the Guardian of Wisdom replied, "it is encouraged that all Guardians keep a journal of their experiences with the Runes. This knowledge allows future generations of Guardians greater insight to all the Runestones may provide and all that those who came before them learned along the way."

She had read every journal on file merely out of curiosity. Knowing the lives of former Guardians from other Runes did not necessarily help her own ventures in any way, but it had proven useful in other ways when it came to aiding her fellow Guardians of the present day.

Studying the young boy for several moments longer, Stella's gaze noted his unusual wardrobe and markings as compared to the other Guardians. "Where did you come by such life lessons and markings?"
  • Sip
Reactions: Kaira Yehven
"I shall start one then."
Hruugen smiled.
Few of the guardians had thought to ask him of his tattoos. Not that there was any great secret about them but he enjoyed it when others noticed them.
"Of my lessons I have Master Dumah to thank. The man practically raised me at the 36th Temple, on the northern coast of the Steppe and I regret to say I was not as good a student as he deserved."
Rolling up his sleeves he remembered the incident with the peach tree, he still had the marks on his back from the caning.
"These are of my own design. There was not a lot for a young boy to do up that old mountain on his own."
The markings came in two distinct types.
The first was thin lines which joined his cheeks over the bridge of his nose, his rightmost forehead had two and his left bicep bore three distinct marks. The second were bands around his wrists, ankles and neck which were decorated with short spikes all of them pointing upwards.
"I read about how some artists adorned skin in ink and that notion connected with me. I cannot rightly say why and of course my efforts pale in comparison to the masters but I am satisfied with my efforts."
Regarding them he remembered each prick of the needle brush, every wipe of the cloth.
While on display he wondered if he ought to explain more of the 36th Temple and its mission, the business of death rites and funerals was perhaps too grim for this airy occasion.

He yelped as the cold water soaked him and knocked him through th eair. The glint never left his eyes nor that smirk. It only widened as he fell. A loud "EEEEEEeeeeeoWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!" Left his mouth as he tucked his body into a ball position as he landed in the pool below, sending a very big splash toward Vaima Laure's already damp form and potentially any near the pool.

Red haired head popped up as he gobbled down air that he was in no danger of being in shortage of, pale hand wiping water from his freckled face as he looked to Vaima. His tongue sticking out at her.
With a smile, Kaira bade her farewells to the Guardians of Wisdom and Light, picking up her book and began wandering the retreat. She had paid no particular attention to where she walked, but her Stone led her out towards the quieter plains on the property, with a few Vanguard standing by the horizon to keep guard.

She had wished Mabbon would have finished his travels before they had left for the Retreat, but three days ahead of departure he had sent her word he would be preoccupied with his work but wished her to go on without him. He also made jest that she probably would have more fun without him, but she frowned and knew it was self deprecation, and gave insight to his thoughts. He wasn't happy he was missing out on this, but Kaira could only hope that his Stone of Darkness did not fester his thoughts too long.

If she was there with him, she could offer him some reprieve with Faith. She did it once, Kaira certainly could do so again.

Lifting her head, her eyes caught the figure of Mordred , and a surprised yelp escaped from the Faith Guardian.

"Mor!" She laughed, catching her breath and clutched the book to her chest. "I didn't see you there." She offered him a sheepish look, truly not having recognised the signature of his Stone being recognised by her own. In fact, it was that connection that led her out here to the apple trees. "Sorry, perhaps I should leave you be..."
Master Dumah. 36th Temple. Curious - she would have to meditate on these things at another time. An inkling somewhere off in the vast realm of her mind allowed her the notion that one of her Guardian forebears knew of these things but it was not information she'd come across in any direct manner.

"I see," she replied to the boy, curiosity for his markings presently satisfied, "and what do they practice at the 36th Temple?"
Oh well it was bound to come up.
"Funerary Rites mostly but also exorcism and martial arts. The 36th Temple is focused on laying the Dead to rest, in the hopes that they will stay that way."
Hruugen was glad that Kiara had left. He did not wish to think less of another Guardian but he was aware that the sometimes messy work of his previous calling was not something everyone wanted to hear.
As he spoke he rolled down his sleeves again and taking advantage of the refreshments poured himself a glass of water.
"It's rewarding work most of the time bringing peace to the Dead and comfort to be bereaved. We are schooled in the Death Rituals of many people including prayers and blessings from many places but there is always more to learn."
It occured to him then that Stella might be somewhat uniquely suited to his services. She must have lost many friends in the long years of her life.
"Perhaps you could visit there sometime. I am sure the Guardian of Wisdom would be most welcomed by the Masters."

  • Bless
Reactions: Stella
He yelped as the cold water soaked him and knocked him through th eair. The glint never left his eyes nor that smirk. It only widened as he fell. A loud "EEEEEEeeeeeoWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!" Left his mouth as he tucked his body into a ball position as he landed in the pool below, sending a very big splash toward Vaima Laure's already damp form and potentially any near the pool.

Red haired head popped up as he gobbled down air that he was in no danger of being in shortage of, pale hand wiping water from his freckled face as he looked to Vaima. His tongue sticking out at her.
Vaima considered trying to stop the splash coming towards her, but opted not to. There wasn't much of a reason for it when you were already soaking wet, and she was getting a bit tired. This was supposed to be a relaxing retreat, after all. Relaxation was sorely needed. Her latest assignment in Alidonia had been... not fun. She raised an eyebrow when Ayden stuck his tongue out at her.

"I don't think antagonizing the Water Guardian while floating in water is a great idea."

She walked over to the side of the pool, sat down, and dangled her legs in the water. She looked over at Ayden.

"You can breathe underwater now, by the way."

She then pushed herself forwards and sank into the water unnaturally quickly, as if she were made of lead. The waters underneath Ayden surged, then tried to pull him under as well. Vaima focused, aiming to grant the Air Guardian underwater breathing if she could manage to submerge him. It wasn't fair that he was almost always literally in his element. He needed humbling, and water happened to typically have little-to-no air.

  • Ooof
Reactions: Ayden