Willowy not tall. A strange, circular scar or mark on his right cheek. A lightness in his eyes matched by a pep in his step, when his feet remain on the ground. His lips seem cemented forever in a mischievous smirk.
Biography and Lore
Orphaned at a young age, Ayden was still always the cheerful boy. It was rumored that one or both of his parents were Guardians but no one really knows. He was found wrapped in a blanket outside the orphanage of Valenntinia, a leather cord with a strange symbol on one end in basket and an easy-going smile on his baby lips. He wears the leathcord today but doesn't seem too concerned with finding out its origins.
Ayden has a way of making others laugh, lightening the mood, and sways others to join him in his trickster schemes. A true scamp, leading many a food-fight in the orphanage and some of the best pranks ever to be thrown. Teacher's carriages ended up on the roof and many a bedsheet went missing only to be found in tree forts later.
He is no stranger to trouble and often bucks with authority, moreso out of fun than outright disdain or ill will. Though often caught for his pranks, the orphanage custodians usually found him missing from his timeouts. Ayden had a way of squirming out of trouble, long before his possession of the Air Runestone.
His penchant for wanting to just have fun often lead to a short attention span and as the custodians tried to find a suitable position for him as he aged, he ultimately lost interest or 'failed out.' If anything, Ayden felt stifled by the orphanage, the city, and its borders. Though he remained in good spirits about it all. On the eve of his seventeenth birthday, he was getting ready to sneak out and runaway. What a grand adventure that would be!
Though he was stopped by Stella, herself. Only a dragon could convince the boy to stay and wait. Perhaps a grand adventure waited for him here. And just a few weeks later, it was announced that he would begin his studies to take over as the Guardian of the Air runestone. Whenever she was free and willing, Ayden spent his time flying with Stella in the skies - learning the winds and current from her.
Ayden has a way of making others laugh, lightening the mood, and sways others to join him in his trickster schemes. A true scamp, leading many a food-fight in the orphanage and some of the best pranks ever to be thrown. Teacher's carriages ended up on the roof and many a bedsheet went missing only to be found in tree forts later.
He is no stranger to trouble and often bucks with authority, moreso out of fun than outright disdain or ill will. Though often caught for his pranks, the orphanage custodians usually found him missing from his timeouts. Ayden had a way of squirming out of trouble, long before his possession of the Air Runestone.
His penchant for wanting to just have fun often lead to a short attention span and as the custodians tried to find a suitable position for him as he aged, he ultimately lost interest or 'failed out.' If anything, Ayden felt stifled by the orphanage, the city, and its borders. Though he remained in good spirits about it all. On the eve of his seventeenth birthday, he was getting ready to sneak out and runaway. What a grand adventure that would be!
Though he was stopped by Stella, herself. Only a dragon could convince the boy to stay and wait. Perhaps a grand adventure waited for him here. And just a few weeks later, it was announced that he would begin his studies to take over as the Guardian of the Air runestone. Whenever she was free and willing, Ayden spent his time flying with Stella in the skies - learning the winds and current from her.
Seems far younger than his age. A true trickster who likes to play around and have a good time. Mischievous and playful though not to the point of trying to actually hurt anyone. A youthful disruptor. Everyone needs to lighten up!
The Air Runestone
Flight: can fly, float, hover, and make others or objects do the same, though at greater cost to his stamina.
Wind: can control the winds and kick-up or dissipate storms.
Oxygen Manipulation: suffocating? Never! Whether buried in the earth (yucky) or submerged under water, can manipulate oxygen to breath. Can suffocate others but that's usually bad form!
Speedy: quick escapes and fast flight, case of the zoomies.
Sound Manipulation: can make sounds seem farther or closer than they actually are.
Temperature Control: never gets cold or hot, bby.
Fart Attacks: can make it smell, feel, and sound like someone else farted.
Phase Walker: can walk through walls and other objects if he concentrates long enough.
Wind: can control the winds and kick-up or dissipate storms.
Oxygen Manipulation: suffocating? Never! Whether buried in the earth (yucky) or submerged under water, can manipulate oxygen to breath. Can suffocate others but that's usually bad form!
Speedy: quick escapes and fast flight, case of the zoomies.
Sound Manipulation: can make sounds seem farther or closer than they actually are.
Temperature Control: never gets cold or hot, bby.
Fart Attacks: can make it smell, feel, and sound like someone else farted.
Phase Walker: can walk through walls and other objects if he concentrates long enough.
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