

Biographical information
Valentennia 23 Parts Unknown
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Human Male
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Hruugen is the current Guardian of the Light Rune


Wire thin and tough a coiled iron is Hruugen.
Hi hair, an outlandish style from the 36th Temple as are his weapons of choice. The Myrmid, elegant curved blades used in both hands. The handles are made from the femurs of past Monks, it is considered an honour to carry them.
Typically he wears the robes of his temple, grey and white.
His body is adorned with tattoos and he has three ear piercings, two left and one right.

Skills and Abilities

Myrmid -weapon- (exotic swords):
The Myrmid is a weapon made from steel, often mistaken for an exotic ornament or curiosity but it is simply a weapon of an unusual type. It composes a set of blades affixed at the centre by the femur of a holy man. They come in sets of two and though dangerous to use are adequate for both attack and defence in the right hands.

The Light Runestone:
As a Rune Guardian Hruugen has access to the power of the Light Runestone and is able to call upon its power when needed.

The way of the 36th Temple:
The 36th Temple is a Monastic order dedicated to the preservation of the dead. They utilise their knowledge and training to provide burial rites and even deal with restless spirits.


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