Open Chronicles Queens, Politics & Pirates

A roleplay open for anyone to join
The sun had set and all the royal guest finally inside the ballroom. The finaly few had eventually arrived and all mingled amongst themselves. Nobles, Royalty, Diplomats, important merchants, ambassadors and the like filled out the ballroom.
Servers moved from guest to guest offering wine flutes and directing them to tables with finger foods set up.
Warriors had positioned at every entry way just in case but they kept to them selves and spoke to passers by when the moment arose.

Eventually everyone began to settle and one of the council members took the small stone stage. Behind him the throne, and on the sides were two diamond basins obviously displayed, a wooden engraved box between them on a small podium.

He clinked his glass ever so slightly. First the musicians fell silent then the rest of the room

"Honoured Guests, on behalf of Her Majesty the Queen I would like to thank you all for joining us on this lovely evening."
Polite applause filled the room.
"I am certain you all curious as to why we have held tonights event. Firstly, this evening our queen will be reciving her markings along side those who fought with her in the Battle Of The Bay. For our foreigners, this is a sacred tradition amongst our Routien warriors and is never seen by those besides our kin but tonight is an exception. The second reason for this evening is the arrival of a honoured guest who will be speaking to you shortly.
So with that Ladies and Gentlemen, I leave you."

The councilmen waked down the few stone steps and rejoined the crowd.

Gwynnestri Ravaneiros Arnor Skuldsson Otto von Stehlen Karl von Stehlen Nere Ashorn Ulva Tal’deneshaar Azlat Ushus
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Eklos was not a priest yet, he still had years of study ahead of him before he would be anointed as a cleric of the Draconic Order. Still, he could assist, and though he’d have no speaking part he was happy to carry the holy text that contained Thagretan scripture as he walked beside his mother. He had his thumb between the pages, to keep track of the page that held the passage Azlat would read from. She had taken care to avoid any overly vitriolic passages, as the ball was a diplomatic affair. Tales of violence and vengeance, though entertaining to herself, would be poor diplomacy and could not go over well with their guests. Yet there remained plenty else to work with.

She'd found a passage the didn't quite pertain to royalty, but the theme of it ought serve suitable for Queen's event. The passage had been carefully selected, with Azlat opting to abstain from holy literature pertaining to subservience to the gods, or tales of their wrath. Most everything written had been explicitly written for Thagretans, which made the task of finding a suitable neutral passage a tricky matter. This would be the first she had preached to outsiders, and Azlat conditioned her sermon to account for that.

Even then, it took a bit of interpretation. Which, as a priestess, she was qualified to make. Rather than the Holy Dragon Queen, Azlat would focus on the mortals involved in the holy writings. There was a lesson to be learned in their conduct that went beyond simple divine loyalty. This was an event open to all, and Azlat would not sully it by telling her audience to obey her gods. Even if they should, she knew better than to outright say it.

“I ask of your attention for a mom̴ent, to hear the holy Draconic word.” She began, looking to all in attendance as she spoke in a loud and authoritative tone.

“Blessed be Route, the city of the faithful. Blessed be the kingdom accepting of the Great Holy Dragons.” Azlat began, speaking loudly enough for those in attendance to hear clearly, while Eklos held the book beside her. “It was over a year ago that I began my pilgr͞image. Though Route was an unknown city to Thagretis, it could be no coincidence that guided me here, and in so doing I follow the footsteps of the Holy Elder dragon and the Great Dragon Queen. For it has be͡en written in holy text that there would be those individuals remaining pious and proper among those who had forgotten Their n͝ames.” Azlat continued, her head tilted high while reciting her words with an official oratory tone.

Drakormir and Neha, the holiest of the holy! Who years ago were woken from slumber by the alignment of planets and moons, as has been foretold for millennia. I hold no doubt that they guided me on my journey to bring me swiftly to Route. Here, tr͡ue dragons find themselves in receipt of proper reverence. Know that their ǵuiding grace led me here, to share their holy names with a city deserving to know them. That they were pr̢eviously unknown matters not – it is Route’s Draconic reverence that earns the blessing of their grace! May they too watch over and safeguard this city, as they have over ours for untold ages.” Azlat would have never imagined that they’d be receptive to her faith, and it had been an unexpected blessing. She was grateful for the opportunity, and remained hopeful for the first pleasant relations Thagretis had enjoyed with outside powers. While Routans may not be formal members of their clergy, that they were accepting of the Holy Dragons that Thagretis worshipped was a boon. And it was surely by their guiding hands that Azlat found herself here among them.

“As those who settled Route held Draconic guidance, as do I. A holy omen unto Route as witnessed evidence that the gods continue to watch ov̵er us. That I arrived to be present for the c͞oronation of Her Highness, Queen Esme, is no coincidence. It is a timely and divine endorsement of her rule. Long may she reign.” Azlat paused for a moment. Now was the time to read the passage she’d selected, and Azlat turned to Eklos with her arms out in a gesture to receive the book. Eklos dutifully opened it up to the proper page and handed it to his mother. She’d have smiled if she could have, yet could not break the formality of the presentation. He too, kept his expression stone-faced out of reverence despite his concealed excitement. He was doing rather well.

“There is a tale in our holy text th̴at details an account which holds relevance. Etani and Kynla had inherited plots of land. The two to̸iled, and with time and hard work did they see the land transform from empty field to lush farmland. Kynla remained faithful to the Holy Dragons throughout, and gave them credit for the results of her labour. Etani did not. As she saw that it was by her hand alone that the land had yielded nourishment.”

“While Kynla made time for p̷rayer and worship, Etani ever insisted that there was work to be done. She did nothing to honour the gods. She marked no crops for sacrifice. She heeded no advice from her sister. Before the harvest, a ter̵rible blight arrived. Both plots were struck by it, yet the blight spread through Etani’s crops far faster. Kynla found that much of her harvest survived, in plentiful enough amount that she could share what she had with her sister.”

“The blight passed, the fields were replanted and a new harvest season arrived. But days went by without a single drop of rainfall from the skies, denying the cr̕ops the water they needed. The stream nearby dried up, and the pl͠ants began to wither and die from thirst. Etani could do nothing but panic, struck with helplessness at her situation. Kynla too, was without solution, but she had remain͝ed loyal and faithful to the gods. Kynla had explored and exc͝avated stone for a shrine to Neha. In doing so, she revealed a stream from which potable water flowed. Again, piousness had delivered her from ill fortune.”

“It was węeks before the stream flowed again, and the sun b͡aked the soil that surrounded the tilled plot of land. Spring water saved the harvest, and rainfall fin̢ally arrived. The thin, fine mist fell and brought the land to life again, triggering the bloom of dormant plants and spurring the sub͡sequent arrival of pests and vermin. Mice were the next misfortune to plague the sisters, raiding the storehouses of fo̸od they had w͜orked hard to harvest. Again, Etani suffered the most. Despite her greatest efforts, she could do little. Kynla however, had built her storehouse around the shrine to Neha that she’d cons͜tructed earlier. With the Dragon Goddess keeping watch, and candles kept alight, little food was lost.”

“All that Etani saw was the result of her own work. It was she alone that tilled the fields and planted them. When all proceeded well, she nee̴ded no aid. Yet, when misfortune reared its head, co̴uld she do it all alone? It was only through lab̵our that the fields they t́ended yielded plentiful food, but labour on its own it rarely suit͟able enough. The sisters had gr̴own the crops, but it was Neha who provided pr̕otection from vermin. Blight attacked their plants, but in adhering to holy principles, Kynla’s crops were kept safe. Drought thr͞eatened all, but when there was no w͠ater, it was Kynla’s devotion that led to the life-giving water beneath the ground. It is to her that Etani owes her own well being, and it is to Neha that both ultimately credit their survival. Such wa͞s Her gift unto her, for those who keep faithful need not fear.”

“Yet this is a tale of legend and antiquity. The ma͢chinations of the divine remain mysterious, the analogy remains. Faith remains important, but as Kynla judged not, nor ought any. Aid your neighbour as she did, and place further faith upon your co͟mmunity that may provide when you find yourself in need.”

“For as they toil, so do we, and it is easy to lose sight what is holy when the only work witnessed is wrought by our own hands. When all goes well and there is no hardship, the c͠redit for our prosper̵ity might seem like oúrs and ours alone. It is in tim̸es of difficulty that community aids us. When threaten face us, it is to the warriors of Route that we may owe our safety. When plague strikes, it is through our healers and clerics that we may be shelter̸̕ed from it. It is through faith in kingdom and our gods that we may live with a sense of security.”

“Friends, devotees, and guests alike, I pray your lives are of ser̵ene safety without need of help. Yet should you fall, may you have dependable neighbours to rely upon. For none of us can do better alone than we can together. As a queen is no ruler without her kingdom, her citizens are nothing without their Queen.”

“Beyond our walls, I have encountered the very threats that exist in the untamed land beyond our city. I have seen a city run by b͝andits, a burden on those who failed to res͠ist the yoke. I have seen the barbarism spread by those lack̢ing proper faith and civility, and ignorant of true Dragon’s grace. Keep faith strong, and so it shall guide you. For the Holy Dragons watch over us who accept them, and blessed be us all to know it.”
Azlat spoke, closing the book she had read from and handing it back to Eklos, who attentively remained ready to receive it again.

“Blessings unto Route, prosperity unto its citizens, and glory to the Queen.” Azlat concluded with hands clasped as she ended her speech. With a nod to Eklos, both retreated from the centre of the room, with the young boy keeping the book clutched carefully in his hands.

“You did gr͝eat, dear.” Azlat beamed, once the activity of the ballroom began to resume and replace the respectful silence during her sermon.

“Thanks, Mom.” Eklos replied happily.
Nere stopped playing at the dignified clink clink of an announcement glass. She rose from her seat at the piano and joined the rest of the crowd gathered round the stone steps of a raised stage. Excitement filled her thoughts as she heard that they'd get to witness a Routen tradition. Nere wondered what was meant by markings - surely it was some sort of medal or symbol of honor given to warriors. But it seemed that she would not find out right away, as another speaker came onto the stage.

The crowd stilled as soon as the woman walked up to the dais, Nere included. The priestess's appearance was striking, yes, but Nere could sense something else underneath the ceremonial garb and face paint. A presence that commanded - attention, respect. Obedience.

She admired the way the woman composed herself, the way that she spoke with such clarity and confidence. The people around her were nodding along to the words, their hearts beating with understanding. Even if that feeling wore off later, in the silence of privacy, right now they were wholly committed to what the priestess had said. Nere didn't know if she could ever do anything to inspire a crowd in the same way. In a bout of utter blasphemy, Nere found herself jealous of the other woman. The priestess seemed so sure of her words, of the direction that her dragon gods had given her.

Tychan gave me the gift of language, she mused to herself. But I don't really know what I'm supposed to do with it.

Soon the magic of the sermon faded, and guests went back to enjoying the ball and talking amongst themselves. Nere stood quietly the longest, consumed by her own thoughts.

Azlat Ushus
It had been a long wait, Killan had docked at sunrise already so he kept himself busy playing cards with his crew. As expected, informants had been watching him the moment his ship entered the harbour. He knew his cousin would take extra precautions with this ball after his unannounced apperance at her corination.
The day seemed to stretch on, something he had noticed though, between winning card games and drinking wine, was the flag on a ship docked not to far from his own. The crest of the Velvet Fleet, which he knew to belonged to Zufar el Hassan, the man who called himself the pirate prince.
Killian scoffed at the thought, was Zufar powerful?  Sure. Did he have an entire fleet at his command? Well....yes.
But still! Killian was confident enough...of stupid enough, to believe he could charm himself out of most sticky situations.

Eventually the time drew near and Killian Grey departed from his trusty wooden palace - well to him it was a palace.
And made his way to the castle. With the other party goers he did his best to slink in with the crowd. Did Esmereldas men know he was here ? Most likely. So he decided for himself tonight was simply an oppertunity to mingle.

Killian scanned the groups of people , off in a secluded part of the ballroom sat a women playing the piano. The pirate swiped to goblets of wine and just as he was about to approach a stuffy councilmen took the stage so his plans were cut short.
To his surpise though he knew the following speaker. The priestess ! Aaah the priestess...the one who got away - A haze came over Killian as she spoke. Eventually, he speech came to an end, not like he had heard a word of it though...
He would most defiently find her later!
Killian scanned the crowd once more, the pirate prince eluded his gaze but he had seemed to spot the pianist from earlier.
A dashing smile on his face and both goblets still in hand he made his way over to her.
"Hello Darling," he offered her a goblet. "You look parched."

Nere Ashorn Zufar el Hassan Azlat Ushus
Gwynn found it nearly impossible to disappear into the crowd, and felt as if she stood out wherever she went. Thankfully, it was the kind of obviousness that was easily ignored, as people went about their usual business. One thing that did seem to stand out, to everyone, was the current absence of the Queen of Route. Gwynn had no idea where she might be, but at least it made the late stragglers not look so late.

Gwynn had just turned down a server offering goblets of wine when a stuffy old man introduced a priestess, who gave a long, elegant, insightful sermon. Gwynn smiled in appreciation when the sermon was over and the crowd returned to normal. Mingling wasn't her strong suit, especially since she did not know the majority of the people here, so she was surprised as a young Routen soldier walked up to her, bending his back in a bow and kissing her knuckles. She wondered if there were any Routen rules about the degree of service and ass-kissing that was allotted for foreign royalty.

"You look stunning, your Highness," the soldier continued, straightening. "Would you do me the honor of this dance?"
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Ulva kept the door slightly ajar, noting Esme's dismissal of her hand maidens. A bow of her head given to each as they passed before her attention was placed fully on her Queen. Did her eyes give away that she was a bit taken back by how they'd chosen to present their Queen tonight.. "Oh.." She mouthed, seconds later she stood beside Esme and gave her shoulders a gentle squeeze..

"You are correct.. You are the Queen and there is no set time as to when a Queen should arrive." Fingers were already going to work at removing the pins that had been placed in her hair. "So, lets get this fixed." The pins were placed on top the vanity before grabbing her comb. It took her no time at all to smooth out the teased mess and began separating strands to create soft loose curls. By the time she was done she'd created a braided halo, twisted, and curled with other tiny braids along with stray strands of curls spilling out from the halo. The lower half of her hair had been left untouched, save for the loose curls that danced upon her back.

Quickly moving onto cleaning up her face, removing everything they'd lathered onto it. She was a natural beauty and didn't really need anything, but she knew that this being a ball, she'd use things to enhance that beauty. Lining her eyes with black kajol and darkening her lashes with it as well. Quick pinch to the cheeks to add just a little bit of color and lastly, lips colored a deep red.

Ulva stepped back to get a better look of Esme.. "Well, what do you think? Don't be afraid of speaking truthfully.." She gave her that look.. "If you're okay with it, we should be on way.." Ulva then laughed nervously "I don't know why I'm so nervous when I shouldn't be. I'm sorry, I shouldn't be. This is your night."

Esmeralda Sophia Le Roux
She lingered for some moments with her son Eklos, proud of his part in the ceremony and happy to have him with her. Though he was her third child, it never ceased to amaze her just how fast they seem to grow up. Ever since he’d started the lessons that would prepare him for priesthood, he’d been quite enthusiastic over anything pertaining to it, and Azlat was always happy to indulge. That the help he could provide was limited mattered not to either of them. Even just carrying the book filled him with happiness, and her with pride.

Azlat hadn’t imagined she’d ever trust the northern lands with her children, but neither had she imagined a city akin to Route. A place of draconic reverence and established order, holding believers hidden among those that reject the great dragon gods. It seemed not unlike the lost holy city spoken of in holy Thagretan literature. Though vague in description, the two held enough in common for her to feel sure that the city she stood upon must be truly one and the same. It surely couldn’t be anything else.

Azlat took a seat with her son and bid the attention of one of the servants to fetch some drinks.

“Lemonade, please.” Eklos requested.

“I'll h͜ave water, thank you.” Azlat added, and the servant headed off to fulfill their requests.

“Mom-” Eklos began, “I never knew that other part of the story.”

“Well, what do you me̵an, dear?”

“The part about our neighbours. I thought the story was just about trusting the gods to provide, 'cause Neha provided enough for them both.”

“Well, it's that, to͝o. But where would Etani be wit͞hout Kynla?” Azlat began to explain, spending the next little while discussing the story of her sermon with her inquisitive young son. It was a wonderful and precious moment she shared, until another arrived to interrupt it.

Ugh. It was Killian again.

"Hello Darling, you look parched." He spoke, offering her a drink while she waited for her own to arrive. Was this some criticism of her delivery? Doubtful, as that would make his gesture one of more genuine care than he was capable. Then was he really going to try to flirt with her again, with her son sitting right there?

Oh, of course he was.

“How q͢uaint. You look hop͠eless.” She remarked, before returning her attention back to her own son.

“Who's that?” Asked Eklos.

“No one who matt̵ers, dear.” Azlat replied, whether Killian remained in earshot or not.
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Killian narrowed his eyes and smirked. Then his expression changed as he flung a dramatic hand to his chest as he mocked agony, "Priestess, I offer you my heart and you shatter it once again." Killian wiped away a fake tear. "But it was not you I wished to converse with...just yet. I do hope you save me a dance later," he offered her a flirtatious wink. "It is your company I wish to partake in my lady," The pirates head tilted slightly in the direction of Nere who happened to be standing close by. His luck with Azlat might have run low for now, but he had another plan to win back her favor at a later stage of the evening. Killians focus was now wholey on the Nere, something about her had peaked his interest.

Nere Ashorn Azlat Ushus
Esmerelda took a final look at herself once Ulva had finished. "Most definitely an improvement." She was greatful for Ulvas efforts and her lady had done much better then expected, Esme was so far pleased with her decision to make Ulva her lady. When it came to her more traditional duties she was perfect for the job, but it was the not-so-traditional ones that she remained skeptical about.
"You look lovely Ulva and you have nothing to be nervous about. If you ever feel lost or uncomfortable please come and find me. Wesley will also be on duty this evening, You should remember him from your journey back to Route? He was the red-head." She stood from her chair and soothed out her dress "Yes, we best get going."
The pair traveld down the passages and then the stairwell just around the corner from the ballroom.
Esme nodded to her men at the door that she was ready, moments later the music inside would stop once again. The entrance doors opened and all her guest grew quiet.
The young queen entered, raidating elegance and strength. Once standing infront of her throne on the small stage she spoke. "Welcome all, thank you for joining me tonight, especially those who have travel grate distances to be here." Esme looked to Princess Gwynnestri Ravaneiros, offering her a small nod. "I am aware you have already heard from two speaker before myself and they have said all that we needed to hear for this evening,"
Esmerelda spared Azlat a small, knowingly welcome glance. "So let as enjoy the rest of our evening for soon enough seriousness will enter the atmosphere as you all witness a sacred tradition in our culture."
She clapped her hands together once and the music began once again.
Stepping down from the stage Esmerelda found Ulva once again, "Enjoy your first Routen ball Ulva. You have done perfectly and remeber, you are much more then a lady-in-waiting. You are a Noble from a stong house. You possess knowledge, power and prospect." With a small squeeze of Ulvas hand and turned in the direction of the rest of her guests. She took a deep breath, and dissapeared into the crowd.

Ulva Tal’deneshaar Nere Ashorn Azlat Ushus Gwynnestri Ravaneiros Arnor Skuldsson Zufar el Hassan
When it became clear that the priestess was not going to immediately disappear after her speech, Nere wandered over to her with the intention of asking a few follow up questions. Mostly about the linguistic differences between the original parable and the one she had told to the crowd - quite a bit of it felt translated.

But before she could get a word in, someone else offered the priestess a drink, which made perfect sense to Nere... the other woman was very pretty and well-spoken, and besides, the two seemed to already know each other.

To her surprise, however, the gentleman turned to Nere and said the drink was for her.

"Wait, you're talking to me?" The feathery pink sleeves on Nere's dress puffed up in surprise. But as soon as she got a good look at the man, her surprise ran cold. He was scruffy, smelled like saltspray, and the priestess didn't seem to respect him much. Was he really a gentleman? Well, no matter. It's not like she was a proper lady either.

"Uh, sure," She reached out and took the glass of champagne from the man. "Nere Ashorn," she introduced herself with as much elegance as she could muster, which only amounted to a polite tilt of her head. Then what...? She could hardly say she'd just come off the boat from the bayou - nobody but scoundrels and pirates came from there. Better deflect.

"And who do I have to thank for the drink?"
Nere asked the man.

Killian Grey Azlat Ushus
Gwynnestri gave the soldier who offered her a dance a smile. "I would love to," she said, the sweetness in her voice not fake or forced. She took his arm and he had just begun to lead her onto the dance floor when the Queen made her appearance. She gave her speech and then left the dais on which her throne rested nearly as quickly as she had taken it.

Gwynn turned her attention from the Queen back to the soldier as the musicians started a waltz. "You never told me your name," she said, looking up at the soldier. He was a good dancer- very by the book.

"Lieutenant Cillian Varez, your Highness," he replied, with a tilt of his head.
Wesley surveyed the ballroom from a secluded archway. Many new faces were here this evening, amongst them the Princess of the sky elves; Gwynnestri Ravaneiros. She had been accompanied by quite a few men, though it was to be expected and after the next dance or so he assumed his Queen would make a move to converse or possibly alley with the foreign monarch.

The set up for such a discussion was already in place. With Wesley being the most friendly of the Esmerleda warriors was to approach accompany the royals alongside Gwynnestri's own guard if the pair made the decision to talk in the royal study when the time came and keep the foreign fighters company. His social skills were a hope to put the Elven soldier or two at ease when positioned outside the doorway.

Besides that interaction he was on his own. Tonight was also Ulva Tal'deneshaar's first proper integration into Routen society so he would be sure to keep an eye on her just incase she looked to be in need of a friendly face.

Gwynnestri Ravaneiros Ulva Tal’deneshaar
"I am Captian Killian Grey of Purple Harpey,"
He took Neres free hand and offered it a gentle kiss. "And my lovely friend here," He gestured now at Azlat; "Is the darling High Priestess of Thargreen."

He gave Azlat a playful glance, knowing he was completely wrong when it came to the name of her homeland.

"But enough about myself." Killian started to slowly walk in another direction as he spoke, "You play piano quite wonderfully my lady. Where was it you developed such musical prowess?"

The pirate sounded genuine now. Yes it was true his attendance was if ill will but that did not mean he could not take a few moments to enjoy polite conversation.

Killian Grey was not all bad, behind the facade he was in deed a gentle man - whilst his actions were not always honourable, his heart was true when it came to things that ; in his opinion, truly mattered.

Azlat Ushus Nere Ashorn
It was sweet of Esme to be giving her a brief pep talk when it should have been the other way around. “Oh I’m sure I’ll be alright, will just take some getting used to is all. I’ll not be a bother unless I need to, besides, it’s my duty to keep an eye on you anyway.” Although Esme had given her the night off, in some regards, to enjoy the ball. Ulva would still make sure she was well taken care of and safe. “Ah, yes, the red-headed one. I do remember him.” Said while they made their way out of her chambers.

Ulva left Esme just before she made her grand entrance, having found a spot to occupy closeby. Proudly watching as Esme gave her speech, it was obvious Esme was born to be in the position she was in. The sound of the music had her meeting Esme as she descended the last step. “I’m glad you think so and I’ve no doubt tonight will be enjoyable, this is amazing, you go and enjoy yourself too.”

Esme was correct in stating that she was from a noble house, however, she was not of their bloodline. A mere orphan who’d been taken in by the family and although they’d always made her feel like a part of the family, she knew she’d never truly be seen as one when politics get involved.

Ulva finally let herself scan the enormous room, seeing far too many faces that she did not recognize and only a very select few she did. So off she went, pushing herself out of her comfort zone and into the crowd of people, weaving through just to make her rounds and to introduce herself to those with curious minds wishing to know who she was. Grabbing herself a drink while on her way.
Killian remained as persistent as ever, and Azlat didn't doubt he'd follow up on his offer. Though her attire was proper for religious duties, it was less for for ballroom dancing. Not that it was likely to deter Killian from his promised attempt, but it would potentially deter other men whom she wished to dance with partly for the fun of it, and partly to spite him.

Queen Esme followed soon after, gaining the attention of all in deliverance of her enthralling speech. Once she stepped down from the stage, paused conversations resumed and the chatter once again filled the ballroom. Killian had struck conversation with another woman who happened to be nearby. At least he'd be a disturbance to someone else for a while, and wouldn't be a bother to her, she hoped.

A few of the younger children approached, and Eklos slipped out of his chair to speak to them as Azlat conversed with the others.

"And my lovely friend here, is the darling High Priestess of Thargreen." Killian introduced her, proving her former hopes wrong. Her city was not pronounced that way, nor did she hold the rank of 'High Priestess' within the order, nor was she his friend. Describing her as lovely was the only factually correct content his introduction actually contained.

“Tha͜gretis” Azlat loudly corrected him with an irritated expression and tone. “And I am a pr͟iestess – High Priest͞ess is another rank entirely.” Azlat added. The correction she gave was formally required. It was a title she wanted, but did not presently hold. She couldn't allow herself to be known by false rank, and to offer no denial would be sacrilege.

Perhaps one day, she would hold such a title. Until then, she'd readily work to earn it.

Killian Grey Nere Ashorn
Ulva Tal’deneshaar

Fane did not feel particularly at home here.

Everything was so fancy pantsy. Even though he was wearing his finest tunic and belt, Fane was concerned that just bumping into a piece of furniture or touch a wall would be enough to stain it. How was everything so... pristine?

It must took a whole gaggle of servants to just do the upkeep.

Usually Fane wouldn't be caught dead in a place like this. But he had little choice in the matter. Over a week ago he had saved the life of a minor nobleman. The poor chap was being assailed by a horde of gnolls. Ghastly creatures and not just because Fane woke up to one of them chewing his toes at one point.


He saved the chap's arse and the noble offered (basically begged) to take him on as his bodyguard.

The past week Fane had been going from one ball to another gala to fine dinning dinners and other luxurious events. Luckily for him his noble chap was currently busy... elsewhere. He hadn't been very descriptive about why he needed privacy from Fane. The burly man assumed it had something to do with the other gigglish nobleman trying hard not to cross eyes with his current employer.

Fine by him.

Fane had a little plate with a bunch of drinks all to himself. He suspected one of the servants assumed he was also a servant and gave it to him. To... share around, Fane figured. This did not make him mad. It did make him amused and only encouraged to take the drinks for himself.

Until some fancy lady passed by and took one of his drinks!

"Um, excuse me." He followed along. "That's my drink, ma'am. I don't mind sharing, but usually for a quid pro quo." Said with his most pleasant grin as Fane held out the plate. "If you have a smoke for instance. Just a suggestion."

That last bit added before the fancy-pants Lady assumed Fane was angling for something untoward.
Men and women alike had been placed around the room with trays of drinks, food even. So Ulva hadn’t thought much about taking one off the closest tray for herself, as that’s what everyone else had been doing.. So it must have been okay, right!? So why then, just as she brought the rim of the cup to her lips, the man then tells her that she’d taken his drink..

Shay paused, blinking slowly as she lowered the cup.. It had only been but a couple minutes on her own and she’d already managed to mess up. Turning abruptly, just barely missing the tray altogether as she leaned back. Blues lifted to the man whose drink she’d taken, the oddest of grins plastered on his face.

“I uh.. I’m sorry, I assumed the tray full of drinks would be for anyone, not just.. one..” Ulva’s brows furrowed in confusion. “Quid pro.. What?” She had not a clue what the man spoke of. “A smoke? I don’t smoke, nor do I have any to offer..” This.. This right here was the reason she’d been nervous to begin with. “But I can find you another drink to replace the one I took, as I’m certain you wouldn’t want this one back.” Ulva tried to push the awkwardness away with a smile.

Blackburn Fane
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Ulva Tal’deneshaar

He seemed to have taken her aback.

This was to be expected, because so was Fane when his drink was seized. Maybe it was unreasonable to expect his drinks to be safe. After all, she was right, there were dozens of servants with similar trays just hanging around the place.

Fane didn't look like a servant however.

More like a ruffian in clothes that were just a bit too nice and shiny for him. He didn't have weapons on him, not visible anyway, because apparently that was a faux-pas in a crowd like this one. It didn't seem like Fane needed those however.

Arms like tree branches and positively towering height... well, it was clear why his noble fancy-pants boy wanted him as a bodyguard.

"Dun' worry, darling Lady, was mah fault. I should'a dropped the tray an' kept the drinks when offered. But it's damn handy to walk around with." A quizzical look at the suggestion of a new drink. Then Fane laughed in amusement.

"Much too kind, but don't worry yarself about it." An idea popped in his mind though.

"Why don't ya have a drink an' chat with me? I dunno anyone 'ere besides mah patron and you seem less likely to order my hide whipped for looking at ya."
“I can only imagine, seeing as you only have two hands and four drinks? Unless you’re hiding those extra appendages?” Ulva joked, or was it more a question? “Why so many drinks in the first place?” He didn’t seem the type, much like herself, that needed it to calm the nerves.

“It’s really not a problem, I can just scurry over there” Her nodded across the room towards a table outfitted with not only drinks but food as well.

Ulva would never admit the fact that this was the first time she’d been asked to have a drink and a chat with someone outside her family or the Queen. “Oh, well.. Sure, though I’ll eventually have to make my rounds again.” It was after all, what a lady in waiting should be doing. One way she can make sure Esme was doing okay.

“Has someone really ordered you to be whipped for looking at them!?” She wasn’t sure if he was pulling her leg or speaking the truth.

Blackburn Fane
"Ah, one of the servants assumed I was one of them." Presumably the head butler without taking a moment to really look at Fane. "So they gave me this platter to walk around with. I wasn't upset, but I did decide to keep the drinks regardless."

Some of the mirth spilling out there as he smiled at her and gestured towards the balcony. It was not hard for him to cut a path through the busy crowd. People either instinctively stepped aside or took one look and then decided to stand aside.

Once they arrived at the balcony he settled against it, half of his attention at the vision beyond the edge, the other still on Ulva Tal’deneshaar.

"Oh, I won't keep you for long, but I am sure you can already use a break from your 'rounds'." He sipped from his drink, something fruity and slightly buzzy.

"Nah, not yet, but I figure that is just a matter of time. Nobles can be a bit of an uppity bunch, if you don't give them the exact honor they expect to receive." The words seemed serious, but the grin accompanying it made it difficult to ascertain if Fane wasn't just joking. "So, what's your name? I have been referring to you as 'Lady FancyPants' in my head, but I imagine that isn't close to your real name."

Okay, now Fane was definitely teasing her, his shoulders barely holding the chuckle in.
“Ah, well on behalf of Route let me apologize for the assumption. I’m sure it’s just because they’re swamped and nervous about making sure this goes over smoothly. Thank you for playing the part and taking the tray.” Ulva offered.

She fell in step behind the rather large man, surely he was or had been a soldier of some sort as she imagined his size alone could be put to good use. Because of which, they’d managed to make it through the crowd in good time, making their way towards and onto one of the balconies. The breeze was just a tad on the chilly side but nothing she couldn’t ignore.

Ulva rested her wrists on the railing and let her gaze scan over the grounds. “I can assure you, the nobles I’ve encountered since coming to Route have been pleasant to work with and not at all that uppity, so you may be in luck here.” She laughed, finally bringing the stolen drink to her lips for a sip.

Brows rose as she tilted her head to look towards the man with an amused smile on her face. “Lady fancypants? Really?” Another round of soft laughter given. “Unfortunately my name is by far not as interesting as Lady fancy pants.. My name is Ulva and you are?”

Blackburn Fane
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ventually, Esmerelda was eventually able to break away from the group of nobles and she was in desperate need for a drink. Plesantries were not her favourite but they were part of the job description.

Grabing a champainge fluet from the nearest server she took a large sip as elegantly as possible... not that Esme was sure that was how it would look.

Taking a moment she would look around the ball room and soak in the atmosphere. Four years ago she would never of had been able to imagine herself in the position she was today.

A ruler, a queen.

At times she still felt as if she were an imposter. This role was never ment to be hers to fill but here she stood, runing a kingdom and holding a title that should have been her brothers.

But now was not the time to dwell, to show an inkling of uncertainty or unstability.

Esmerelda placed her empty glass on a nearby table and began weaving through the crowds once more, on the way grabbing another two full glasses.

"Princess Gwynnestri Ravaneiros," Her tone warm and the words came across as a greeting. Eventually she had found the princess of the sky elves and extended one of the glasses she had in hand.

"It is an honour to have you here today," Esmerelda offered up a smile and a small nod.

Gwynnestri Ravaneiros
The dance ended and the Routen shoulder bowed to her as he backed away. Gwynn watched him for a moment, vaguely amused. He would likely tell all his friends how he got to dance with the foreign elven princess. She turned to survey the ballrom and saw the Routen Queen make her way over to her. She returned Esmeralda's smile and accepted the glass of champagne offered to her.

"Queen Esmeralda," she replied, giving a little curtsy. "The honor is all mine," she continued. "Your palace is so beautiful, nearly as beautiful as yourself." Woman to woman, royalty to royalty; Gwynn meant everything she said and her sincerity could be seen in her eyes. While she had been raised to talk sweet to nobility, she found that compliments were best served when the one doing the complimenting meant it.

This ball had been the first time Esmerelda and Gwynnestri had ever crossed paths and the young queen was greatful for her attendance and saw the potential of a strong alliance if tonight went smoothly.

"You are to kind Princess, you yourself are the epitome of beauty."
Esmes words were true, though the princess' complexion was much lighter then those of her countrymen whos skin majority of the time was kissed by the sun; it was without a doubt that Gwynnestri as an exquisite foreign beauty.

"Thank you for attending your Highness, I hope the journey was not uncomfortable?"

Slowly Esmerelda began to walk towards one of the doorways opening over the palace gardens - atleast one or two warriors following at a polite distance - in hopes that the fresh air would assist in her current company would feel more welcome.

For now Esme needed the sky elf to feel comfortable, she knew that was key before diving into a full blown political conversation. She also needed to learn more of Gwynnestris nation, the only young knowledge the young monarch possed of sky elves and their culture was watch she had read in books and she was more then eager to expand her knowledge.

Gwynnestri Ravaneiros
Gwynn smiled and dipped her head in thanks to Esmeralda's compliment, which was equally as genuine as Gwynn's. "Not uncomfortable at all," she replied, "my men and I arrived here on the backs of the Great Eagles, a form of travelling I found quite enjoyable."

She walked with the young queen out of the gardens, relishing the cool breeze against her cheek. Like any ball, the atmosphere grew warmer as the night went on. "I thank you for inviting me into your home, and I hope we can become friends," While some might say that politicians and monarchs had no real friends, Gwynn liked to believe that the more true friends one had, the better off they were, especially if they were a politician or monarch.

The Sky Elves usually isolated themselves from the rest of the world, a tactic that might have been beneficial a while ago. But now, as the world grew and power became more widespread, Gwynn thought it was becoming more necessary to make friends with the right people should something happen. Despite their pleasantries, Gwynn knew the conversation would eventually turn political and she was ready for it.
