Ulva Tal’deneshaar

Ulva Tal’deneshaar

Biographical information
Unknown 22 Vel Ehn - Now living in Route
Physical description
Human Female 5'6 130lbs Ginger Vivid Blue Sunkissed
Political information
Out-of-character information
Wynter Willow 6/15/2022 Pinterest


Ulva holds what many would call an otherworldly beauty created by the gods themselves and yet, as a mere human, she does not believe in such silly things.. She is humble about her looks but will gracefully take a compliment, even if she doesn’t see what others do. Supple skin with freckles that kiss atop her nose and below her eyes, body well balanced & toned. Hair that could easily resemble fire itself normally hung freely past her waste. Eye’s a striking blue, imbued with the light from the heavens perhaps..

Skills and Abilities

Archery - Learned at a very young age and is something she's very passionate about.
Swordsmanship - Although still learning, she's taken a liking to swinging a sword - or two.
Needlework - Also learned at a young age, this skill does not get used much but she knows it well.
Cooking - She knows her way around a kitchen rather well.
Singing - Though shy about it, typically only does so when alone.
Hunting - A skill of which her mother thought she did not need, as there were many others who could take care of such things. Ulva however, thought differently and became a decently skilled hunter.
Herbalist - She has acquired many studies on this subject but not enough to truly call herself an herbalist.


She carries herself and what she does with confidence, even if she believes otherwise. Eager to learn, friendly to all. Enjoys her alone time and is not a fan of big crowds. Can be rather blunt at times, has no problem getting her point across. Not afraid of getting dirty or ending a fight, bruises heal and blood can be cleaned up. Adventurous, to the point that she will jump right into something even if she knows barely anything about it.

Biography & Lore

What was explained to her once she could understand what it meant was, Ulva was left on the doorstep belonging to the nobles of House Tal’deneshaar and taken in without question. She was raised beside their other children, giving her more opportunity to learn more and see more than most children in her situation. She was never made to feel as if she was nothing more than just an orphaned child, nor was it ever questioned why she’d been left at their door. Had she been sickly, was there something wrong with her? Was it merely a young woman unfit to be a mother that had taken it upon herself to, hopefully, find a good home?

She spent her years with her face in books, fingers upon the stiff shaft of an arrow, hands wrapped around the handle of a blade, kneading dough, threading needles, even learning the ways of a lady in waiting. She always knew that since she was not of noble blood, not born of it, that there were still many things that would not be allowed for her to learn or do. She knew her place would be of lesser standards than most, but it bothered her not. She’d been given an opportunity in life that most, if not all, orphans weren’t and that’s something she’d always be thankful for..

That’s not to say the Ulva never questioned where exactly she had come from, who her parents were and why? Why had they chosen to give her up? Questions that would likely go unanswered, but it didn’t stop her from wondering it. She was always drawn to magick, it called to her, and she loved watching those practice it. She’d neve given much thought about trying it herself, one had to be born with magick and she, as far as she knew, was not. Instead, she was hired to be a new Queen's lady in waiting which now meant that all her time would be spent serving this Queen, taking care of all her wants and needs as well as accompanying her on all her journeys. Ulva’s desires would have to wait until her duties were no longer needed..


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