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  2. The Guardians of The Rune

The Guardians of The Rune

Guardian Order The City of Valenntenia The Absalon of Valenntenia - Solomon Regis The Absalon
The Somners
The Vanguard
The Fifteen Guardians of The Rune
Children of The Rune
Citizens of Valenntenia
Valenntenia Tower
Out-of-character information
Nathan Binary 5/13/23

It is a story that has been passed down as little more than fairy tale for ages beyond ages, to children as they lay in their beds, to scholars debating over its legitimacy and accuracy. The tale of the Fifteen Runestones predates the word of mouth that keeps it alive today. The Legend, however, is very real, and it is carried on the backs of the men and women within the ancient city of Valenntenia, in the shadow of the Tower that looms overhead.

These Children of the Rune safeguard the very forces that built the world, dedicating their lives to preventing untold cataclysm from those who would twist the very earth to their whim. After their deaths, their children will continue this task, and their children after that. The Tools of the Ancients must remain away from the hands of evil, and The Absalon, The Somners, The Vanguard, and The Fifteen Chosen are the lock that hides them from sight.

The Story of The Runes

Nobody truly knows the origins of the Runestones, but those souls who protect them have passed down one version of events for as long as recorded history can remember.

Long ago, when the world was born bare and devoid of life, only the ones we call Ancients roamed its face. Looking out upon the barren surface, they saw not a wasteland, but potential. With their blessing, the earthen rock would become a bastion of light, a symbol of their power. The Fifteen Ancients each chiseled a square stone from the freshly cooled molten rocks beneath their feet, and then carved their names into the stones. They cut their own flesh, soaking the stones with their lifeblood, imbuing each with their own respective powers.

The Fifteen Runestones had been forged, and with them the Ancients created all: The Forests, The Seas, The Skies, The Deserts, The Mountains, The Tundra, The Marshes, The Plains, and everything in between. The Ancients looked upon their work with satisfaction, but something was absent, something that left the grand world they had created incomplete.

Something that no one God could create.

A final stone was carved, and all Fifteen ancients spilled their blood upon its surface. With this final sixteenth Runestone, they birthed Man and Woman. The first Children of the Rune lay cradled in a nest of leaves and grass, with the blessings and protections of their Mothers and Fathers.

Before departing their creation, the Ancients built a mighty tower, impenetrable by any not of their own blood, to hold the mighty tools they had used to create the world. Someday, their children would be ready to use their power. Someday, they would be wise enough to protect it, to understand it. content at last, they vanished, leaving only their children and the Sixteen Runestones behind.

The Guardians of The Rune

The Children of the Rune matured, the wisdom of their makers still buried in their minds. Knowing well their destiny, they birthed more life, and from that life came more still. What began as fifteen children grew to many more, and these descendants constructed a city around the Tower left by their forefathers, named Valenntenia, in the lands now known as the Taagi Baara Steppes.

However, these Children of the Rune were no longer all that comprised humanity. Many had left their new haven before its completion, and life spread far and wide across their maker's masterpiece. Some had been warped by the outside world, their vision darkened, and souls tainted. That those of descendant blood followed not the teachings of the Ancients caused concern; Could nothing stop a corrupted soul of the proper lineage from entering the Tower and claiming the Stones for themselves?

It was decided that measures should be taken to prevent any one being, descendant or otherwise, from possessing all Sixteen stones.

So it was that the Guardians of The Rune were formed. The oldest and wisest of the Children, Absalon, was elected the leader of Valenntenia, and decreed that the Runestones would be divided amongst the sixteen most capable and reliable among them. The most powerful stone, that which had created them all, would be entrusted to the leader of The City and its Guardians.

It has remained as such for centuries: The oldest and wisest in Valenntenia is appointed with the title of Absalon, who rules over the fifteen others who guard the remaining Runestones. With each passing year, the Tools of the Ancients grow weaker as the magic contained within them slowly fades. Even so, to hold all sixteen would grant a being unimaginable power, and those who hold the blood of the Ancients in their veins continue to protect the world from their misuse, even as the world around them grows more unpredictable and unforgiving.


ABSALON --- Current: Solomon Regis

The leader of Valenntenia and The Guardians of The Rune. This role traditionally goes to the man or woman deemed the oldest and wisest of the Guardians. The Absalon is responsible for maintaining the Tower in Valenntenia itself, watching over and governing the city and its populace, as well as oversight of the other fifteen Guardians.

The Absalon is also a Guardian themselves of the most powerful Runestone, The Stone of Life and Death. This sixteenth stone has not faded in power nearly as much as the others, and unlike the fifteen smaller stones, the use of this larger Rune in any capacity is strictly forbidden.

An Absalon serves until death, and only then is a new one chosen.


Somners are the attendants of the Absalon, living within the Tower and assisting him in his duties. They are far more than glorified assistants however, they also serve as the council which anoints Guardians to their Runestone, placing careful thought into who is worthy, and which of the Fifteen stones is appropriate for each Guardian.

In addition, most of the city's decisions must be made with the approval of the Somners, and a unanimous vote can even overturn the will of The Absalon in the event of an emergency. Somners are a vital part of Valenntenia, and the very foundation of the city that the Guardians call home.


Guardians are those of Ancient Blood, chosen by Somners for their exceptional talent and unbreakable spirit to safeguard one of the fifteen Runestones said to have created the world itself long ago. Guardians are chosen in their late teenage years, after which they undergo intense training of the mind and body before being given the Runestone they are to protect upon reaching the age of twenty.

Unlike The Absalon and the Somners, Guardians are allowed and encouraged to leave Valenntenia and live abroad. Not only does this allow the Runestones to be spread farther apart, minimizing the risk of collection even in the event of a Guardian's demise, but it allows for the gaining of wisdom from experiencing the vast world beyond the city, invaluable for possible ascension to the level of Absalon.

Also departing from The Absalon, Guardians are permitted limited use of the Runestone in their possession, so long as said use is for the protection of the world or its people, or in the case of self-preservation and defense. Guardians are required to return to Valenntenia thrice each year to report their actions to The Absalon, as well as to be examined by the Somners for mental and physical health; Inappropriate or excessive use of The Runestones can lead to a degradation of both.

Guardians serve until death, or until deemed to frail or injured to perform their duties. In this event, they are often offered a transition to the level of Somner.


Comprised of those not of descendant blood who still wish to serve the city of Valenntenia, or those who aspire to become Guardians and have not yet been chosen, the Vanguard make up the remainder of the City's military. They protect the city itself from outside threats and also are called upon to retrieve Runestones if they become lost or their Guardians are killed.

Those serving within the Vanguard are also provided with weekly training to better hone their spirit and bodies for potential Guardianship in the future. New Guardians are often chosen from the Vanguard, but this is not always the case.

Vanguard Hierarchy

Prospect: All Vanguard begin as prospects; Unproven warriors, given the blessing of Valenntenia to take up arms and demonstrate their mettle. Every four months, Prospects are selected from a pool of applicants, primarly newly-of-age adults. These applicants undergo a written test of intelligence as well as a rigorous physical examination in order to be considered. Those chosen are whisked away from their homes and given shelter in The Pit, where they are trained and taught by the brightest military minds in Valenntenia until they are prepared for proper field duty

Enlisted: When a prospect is deemed physically and mentally prepared to serve in the line of duty, they are promoted to Enlisted. Enlisted Vanguard are the backbone of the entire outfit, and are the most plentiful in number. These enlisted embark on missions and assignments handed down by the Leigon*, and also act as security for The Tower and House of Blessings.

Marked: Marked are not so much their own division as they are a subset of Enlisted; Marked are the Enlisted who have been chosen for potential Guardianship. These men and women can be chosen for many reasonsl


The majority of Valenntenia's population is made up of descendants of the Ancients who are said to have shaped the world with the Runestones. Any who carries their blood are referred to as Children of The Rune, regardless of age. Outside of the Guardianship and the Vanguard, the Children of Valenntenia live life very much like any other city. There are a great many jobs to be done besides those of military persuasion, from agriculture to education, and even outsiders are welcome to live amongst the descendants so long as they are respectful of the customs and rules set forth by The Absalon.

The Sixteen Runestones

Each Runestone is imbued with its own power-- Mastery over one aspect of the world. The extent to which this can be used is dependent on the skill of the user, but complete control over a Rune's aspect is unlikely to be achieved by mortals. Use of these powers is limited but permitted, with the exception of the Sixteenth, forbidden even to The Absalon.

If a Stone is currently held by a player character, their name will be listed beside the Stone.

1. The Stone of Fire ---

2. The Stone of Water --- Vaima Laure

3. The Stone of Light ---

4. The Stone of Earth --- Taima

5. The Stone of Air ---

6. The Stone of Darkness --- Mabbon

7. The Stone of Blood ---
Mordred Fórn

8. The Stone of Silence --- Noi

9. The Stone of Void --- Vazia Ferreira

10. The Stone of Power --- Konstantin

11. The Stone of Passion --- Villam Regis

12. The Stone of Wisdom --- Stella

13. The Stone of Disease --- Ingrid Bohnes

14. The Stone of Faith --- Kaira Yehven

15. The Stone of Dreams ---
Lyta Drømmer

16. The Stone of Life and Death --- Solomon Regis (USE FORBIDDEN)

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