Private Tales You knew what I was when you picked me up (Ava Gilleth)

A private roleplay only for those invited by the first writer

Mirielle Merlon

The Bloodseer of Lazular
Character Biography
A letter arrived in Ragash by raven. (Certain supernatural beings had suggested ravens as the best way to deliver the message.)

To Archmage Ava Gilleth, greetings.

Lady Mirielle Merlon, sister-in-law of Amir Farid Ibn Baha of Lazular, extends you an invitation to attend her at the Amir's palace at your earliest convenience. Lady Mirielle wishes to discuss matters of shared interest, and hopes you enjoyed the tea and pastries you shared with your friend in the School of Peace.

I remain yours respectfully,

Steward Jamil ak-Taran of the Royal House of Lazular
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Ava was not pleased to find the raven resting on the back of the chair at her desk, least of all because it had helped itself to her favourite quill and shredded it with no remorse. It dropped the remains and cawed loudly at her. Crossing the room, she pinched the feathered fiend's beak in her fingers. "Shut up." she said, tugging the scroll from its ankle then shooing it away. She could hear the laughter in its cry as it soared out of the window and over Ragash to wherever it had come.

Irritated, she unfurled the letter and read it carefully, running the name around her mind she smiled, her annoyance at the raven evaporating. She'd known the girl hadn't been a servant, but she'd been unable to track her down after speaking with Selene, which only made her more curious.

Dear Steward Jamil Ak Taran of the Royal House of Lazular,

I humbly accept Lady Mirielle Merlon's invitation. She can expect me in two days.

Please tell her that was delighted by the tea and pastries, though the service could use some improvement.

Yours sincerely,
Vizier Ava Gilleth.


Ava rode into Lazular alone. An unusual sight in Amol-Kalit as she'd taken to moving with servants or guards to keep up appearances. However, she felt that today's visit didn't need such grand posturing, Mirielle knew who she was, and now Ava knew who she was. Besides, if Ava went in with the intent of playing games, she imagined that whatever doors Mirielle was about to open for her would lock before she had a chance to see a thing.

Mirielle Merlon
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Ava Gilleth riding alone into Lazular might be an unusual view of Ava Gilleth, but not an unusual view for Lazular. Horses were absolutely everywhere, and lone travelers abounded. One blonde elf on a horse attracted no attention whatsoever, except from a certain gate guard who'd been told the approximate day that one blonde elf would arrive. A young runner took word to the palace. By the time Ava reined up there, Mirielle was waiting.

She'd had her fill of pretense lately. She met Ava on the front steps as herself, in relatively fine local clothing. Discerning eyes might note blood under her fingernails, not quite cleaned up.

"Welcome to Lazular, Archmage. I'm Mirielle Merlon."
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Ava dismounted the black stallion, handing the reins to a waiting stable boy. She gave a small bow of her head to Lady Mirielle and smiled. "Ava will do just fine, Lady Mirielle." She swept her gaze over the woman, noting, as she had the first time they'd crossed paths, the dried blood beneath her fingernails. Ava's smile widened ever so slightly.

"I missed you at the Madrassa. Its not often that someone slips off my radar so easily. I'm pleased you contacted me, if a little curious."

Mirielle Merlon
Ava Gilleth

"Oh, I was busy that evening. Off making friends." That probably came off as an allusion to questionable activities, but she'd been with Archlector Snaaib at the time, in private. "Please come in."

The Amir's palace would be familiar, at an architectural level, to someone who'd lived in Ragash. Nothing quite so grand as Ragash's great edifices, of course - Lazular was comfortably second-tier among the population centres of Amol-Kalit - but still relatively grand. Most so than anywhere in Ashdell, at least. Mirielle led Ava inside and down a side gallery designed to funnel cool breezes. They walked alone.

"So tell me, Vizier - how fares the Divan of the Empire?"
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Busy making friends and playing maid, Ava thought still with the unmovable smile on her face. It wasn't dis-genuine, more along the lines of Ava found this whole fable incredibly entertaining. Perhaps it was the fact that she didn't know what was waiting for her round the next corner. The cool corridors were a blessing after the ride in the sun. Ava feigned interest in the architecture, but she was here because of the woman that walk beside her.

The question brought her attention back to where she wanted it to be. "As well as can be expected for a group that is still young and without their leader to hand. We are still getting to know one another, if the gods were good, our relationships would be full of trust and respect, but the gods are never kind, and life would be incredibly boring if they were."

She paused for a moment, thinking of little progress she was making with her own alliance. "You are very good, by the way. At slipping into the background, your only true giveaway was the blood under your nails. A common occurrence it would seem. Why were you in my meeting?"

Mirielle Merlon
Ava Gilleth

"Oh, I could have cleaned my nails better if I'd wanted to. I've had practice. It seemed like the kind of situation where a small flaw in the facade could serve as a useful...filter, let's say. An invitation of sorts. It became clear quickly that neither one of you entirely bought it. I'd like to think everyone involved got the measure of each other's inclinations and aptitudes."

They passed a sound of water, where a knot of windmill-turned wooden gears pulled cold water up a helix and poured it through the rushing air in a loose sheet. The water cooled the air, keeping the warmest breezes at bay.
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That caught Ava by surprise. For a moment, she wasn't sure if Mirielle was lying to cover up the flaw in the facade she had presented in the Madrassa, then she realised the mild insult intentional or otherwise about Ava's own aptitudes to spot such a thing. She laughed.

"Indeed. Well played, my lady. I'm not often caught off my guard." she chuckled, shaking her head. "You don't strike me as a warrior or an assassin, nor would I place you under the profession of doctor or surgeon. A necromancer maybe but you lack the eccentricities that come with that brand of magic..." she pursed her lips in thought "So I would hazard a guess the the blood under your finger nails is that of a sacrifice? Unless I've pegged you all wrong and you're a closet serial killer."

Why else would a noble widow bear such filth beneath her nails? Perhaps she killed her husband. Whatever it was, Ava resisted the urge to bounce on the balls of her feet. She hadn't been presented with something this interesting in, oh, goodness knows how many decades. It was the little things in life.

Mirielle Merlon
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Ava Gilleth

"Call me Mirielle, Ava," she said. "But tell me - what would a serial murderer look like to you? What traits would describe them?"

The cool walkway led through a curtain into warm sunlight, a balcony overlooking a courtyard. The Amir and some of his friends had set up archery targets and were playing at trick shots like men half their age. He looked for wine, but no, they were just enjoying themselves and honing their skills. The retreat from the White Swallow and his pet mage had struck home in their pride.

"Would they have friends, family? In a meaningful way, at least?"
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"That's a difficult question to answer. One serial killer could look very different to the next. Some have family, some are loners but there are somethings that they all share, lack of remorse, impulsiveness, a need for control...they do tend to have that predatory glint in their eyes though."

Ava leaned on the balustrade, watching the archery games for a moment. "My brother was a serial killer. He liked to play games with his prey, violent little psychopath that he was." A different life, and a different time. Ava straigtened. "Come now though, you didn't invite me here to analyse the mentality of murderers, did you?"

Mirielle Merlon
Down in the courtyard, someone put an arrow through a gently spinning ring on a rope. Mirielle leaned on the balcony's carved stone rail and watched intently.

"I kill people, Ava. Generally the worst criminals, and not by choice, but I've turned my...entrenched situation to my benefit more than once. So the question what defines a serial murderer is intensely personal for me. And yes, yes, I know worrying about it indicates the opposite - but the fact remains that I murdered a man this afternoon, and another one yesterday, and will murder another man tomorrow."

She stood and turned to face her companion.

"And more, if there's a serious need. Discounting me, the Amir doesn't have mages in his employ, not real ones. His enemies do."
Ava's smile faded away as Mirielle spoke, she regarded the woman leaning on the balustrade. Understanding settled over her and she turned her gaze back to the games below, without really seeing them.

"Well, if you want to look at it like that, then I am a serial killer. I killed a man yesterday for lying to me. The lie wasn't ground breaking, nor would allowing it to pass unnoticed have done much damage to anyone, but I still killed him. For the pure and simple fact that he lied. I drew no power from it, nor will I lose sleep over it. You killed a man today who was probably bound for the gallows of life imprisonment anyway, because your Gods, whoever they may be, demanded it of you. Because the survival of you and yours ultimately depends on kowtowing to that demand."

"So, as murderers go, I think you are the lesser of two evils. But what I think, and what the rest of the world comes to decide to think of you will not matter. No words will bring solace for the guilt that you bear, not now and not in a hundred years. Just pray that you never become numb to it. Because if you do? Well...that's how you wind up like me and mine. Tell me about the Amir's enemies."

Mirielle Merlon
Ava Gilleth

Mirielle flinched, barely noticeable but a hint of true unguardedness, when Ava said the word 'gods.' But as Ava went on, she found herself relaxing. Her eyes stung, not because what Ava said was bleak, but because someone, at long last, understood.

The clarity of it all was a bit much for her. She turned back to watching the archers.

"The single biggest threat to Lazular is a far-flung group of Sahiyi religious extremists - Kalik worshippers - in hidden strongholds: the Shtakmat State. Their main base of operations is Castle As Nineban." She explained critical figures: the mysterious Sayyiduna, the warband leader called the White Swallow, the nameless elven mage who'd assisted him in the most recent engagement.

"I'm sure you're familiar with most of that - you sit on the Emperor's council, after all. That mage is a real problem. Pyromancy, necromancy, summoning, teleportation, flaming sword, the works. I've asked my...patrons...and they've given me a name: Ashieron. A name alone is cold comfort with him out there."
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"The Shtakmat State has, as you said, I am familiar with. Their location makes an all out attack virtually impossible, so I am approaching bringing them to heel on a more personal level" The heron feather was already waiting in her desk drawer. "If all goes to plan, they shouldn't cause you any more problems." Unless I see fit, she thought smiling inwardly.

"I cannot say the same of the mage though... Ashieron...." Ava pursed her lips trying to recall if the name had ever crossed her desk. She shook her head, "It is not a name I am familiar with but I will be sure to become familiar with it. A threat to Lazular is a threat to the Empire so he will be dealt with, one way or another." A mage with such a breadth of skills would be easily found, of that much she was certain.

Mirielle would be one to keep an eye on, that much she was sure of. Her skill set would make her a valuable ally in the years to come, Ava had to be careful to keep her that way. She did not do anything for the gods herself, but she was wise enough to know that someone empower by them, whatever deity they may be, could make a dangerous enemy.

Mirielle Merlon
Ava Gilleth
"That'll please the Amir."

Later, though, Farid would have vocal and private thoughts that likely echoed Mirielle's. The Empire did nothing for nothing. The readiness of Ava's bold commitment strongly suggested that the Empire saw advantage here. A stronger hold of gratitude and shared enmity over Lazular, presumably, up here on the northeast frontier of the Emperor's territory. Lazular's status as part of the Empire had been...tenuous. Stronger ties were theoretically to everyone's benefit.

All of that could go unsaid. As a member of the Imperial Divan visiting Lazular in particular, Ava would have all relevant context.

"The mage was strong, tougher and more battle-ready than I've ever seen, and I studied at Elbion as a girl. The gifts my gods shared would have secured a victory any other day. Ashieron's not to be taken lightly."
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Strengthening ties here was more about securing personal allies than it was about securing Lazular for Gerra. When the time was right, Ava would come to Mirielle and ask for the favour to be returned. After all, the woman had invited her, not the Empire, into Lazular. Of course one might argue that they were one and the same, but Ava was an outsider to Amol-Kalit and she held very different views. Small details, that needn't be discussed today.

"Forgive my hubris, but nor am I. Asherion will have a weakness, like all of us. We will find it and we will exploit it. Why fight things head on, when coming at them sideways is much more effective? First things first, we need to find him, and learn more about him. If he's as powerful as you suggest, he will have made waves somewhere." She made a mental note to add Harrier to the list of people to ask about the mage, and also to add to the list of things to discuss with the White Swallow.

Ava was not concerned with the mage anywhere near as much as she was concerned for her upcoming visit to the Shtakmat State. She could lay out the battle grounds for the mage, with the White Swallow she was entering his home turf, everything was an unknown. She shook the concern from her mind. Better not to dwell on such things in company.

"Give me a week, assuming I survive my visit to As Nineban, I'll have some answers for you and we can look at ways to handle your mystery mage."

Mirielle Merlon
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Ava Gilleth

Mirielle took a sharp breath. "You're visiting Castle As Nineban personally? The Sahiyi are religious zealots, Ava-"

But Gilleth already knew that. Mirielle cut herself off.

"Not that I doubt your capabilities. It's just a matter of not wanting to see my new ally decapitated by the Sayyiduna. Can I assume you'll at least bring escorts, protection? I'd offer on the Amir's behalf, but bringing Lazulari men would be...somewhat counterproductive."
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"I will do no such thing." Ava replied, a little more sharply than she intended. Her expression softened, realising that Mirielle's concern was as genuine as it could get.

"I have something that will guarantee me an audience, if i take a guard i may as well cut their throats myself. It is imperative I go alone. Anything else would be inviting trouble."

Mirielle Merlon
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Ava Gilleth speaking a little sharply didn't faze Mirielle in the slightest. Next to a tongue-lashing from the Serpent Gods it barely merited attention, let alone offense.

"Now you've got me curious. When you say you've got something that'll guarantee you an audience, do you mean your position on the Emperor's Divan-"

A fun way of putting it, considering 'divan' also meant 'couch,' even 'sleeping couch.' Gerra's proclivities were well known in certain circles. Doubtless he'd have found Ava toothsome.

"-or do you mean something else?"
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Ava chuckled. "My position as a Vizier guarantees me nothing except a probable death sentence. I'm not going as a vizier. I'm going as myself, an elf who has been playing games in the shadows for as long as their order of assassins has been on record. And it is precisely that order I wish to speak to. My ticket is something I'm not prepared to share just yet. Though I imagine you will ask your patrons later anyway."

"Of course once I'm through the doors they will realise who I am but I'm trusting that the Dai will be an honourable host, unwilling or not."

Mirielle Merlon
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Ava Gilleth

"I honestly hadn't thought of asking my gods for your secret." A smile quirked the corners of her lips. She left it at that.

"But you're right about hospitality - it's absolute in the Seret. A host protects his guests so long as they respect the duties of a guest. So just try not to burn anything down unless absolutely necessary."

A thought came to mind.

"Do you have any objection to my riding along as a remote eye and ear? And voice, if that would be of use to you?"
Ava frowned at the question. If she said no, then there was a high chance Mirielle would do it anyway, if she said yes then she would know for certain that Ava's intentions within the Empire were less than honourable, a fact she might discover if her patrons felt the need to tell her anyway. Curse all the gods for their all seeing eyes.

She could simply tell her now, that her intention was to use the Shtakmat State and its Order of Assassins to stir unrest. To slowly wear away at the people's faith in their false God Emperor, and to eliminate him also so a new power could rise in his stead, one that didn't blind the people. One that was true and righteous. Not herself, Ava was not fit to rule, but someone would present themselves of that much she was certain.

"Very well." she said finally "One one condition though, Mirielle. It is imperative that whatever you hear you take to your grave. To speak of it will likely make you an accessory to high treason and only one of us need to bear that weight."

Mirielle Merlon
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Ava Gilleth
Mirielle's eyebrows climbed her forehead.

"Now isn't that an interesting development. Your condition is - well, before I agree, let's talk about this a moment. Treason isn't a small word."

<Silence this, I pray, forever.> The inhuman language came out as a rasping hiss. Ava would feel...something unusual. She might have felt a touch of it before. Mirielle had asked the same boon of the Serpent Gods to keep her conversations with Archlector Snaaib private back in Ragash.

"There. Now everything we've just said and everything we're about to say is hidden from farseers and visionaries, now and in the future. If the world's finest prophet stood in this spot tomorrow, he still couldn't catch an echo of our conversation."
The language that came from Mirielle's lips caught Ava off guard, even more so did the sensation that ran through her. She was not unfamiliar with the touch of Gods, but she had never enjoyed it. Ava closed her eyes till the bizarre sensation passed, shifting uncomfortably, though grateful for the cover of such silence.

"I appreciate the cover, the sensation less so, but sacrifices must be made for such things." Ava realised her choice of words and added "Sorry." as an after thought. For a moment she didn't say anything, she simply watched the games below, slowly gathering her thoughts. This would be the first time shed spoken them aloud after all.

"When I first went to Ragash, I was introduced as the sorceress with many masters. The servant was right in what he said, but he believed it was for all the wrong reasons. He believed that my tendency to shift from one place to the next is because of disloyalty and ambition above my station. That, is incorrect, I move from place to place, aiding good leaders until my aid is no longer needed. Or, alternatively, to unseat bad ones. My loyalty is to people, to those powerless to the kings and queens that rule over them."

"I did not come to Amol-Kalit because I believed in Gerra, nor did I come here because I saw an opportunity for myself. I believe the Gerra's crusade across the sands was engineered by his father, whether Gerra knows it or not is irrelevant. He is a puppet. A dangerous puppet with an even more dangerous master tugging at his strings. Whether I am right or not remains to be seen, but what I cannot let go is the brainwashing of the people of Amol-Kalit, nor his greed and, albeit indirect, wanton destruction."

Mirielle Merlon
"That's...remarkable candor. And - don't think me a flatterer - integrity. I hadn't pegged you as an idealist, let alone one willing to take such risks for your ideals."

They'd been standing there on the balcony for a while, and Mirielle's legs were getting sore. She'd been riding quite a bit over the last few days. Horsemanship had been one of her crucial failings in a recent skirmish. She needed to take her riding ability up several notches if she was going to ride with the Amir's forces. She gestured down the nearby steps to a sitting area, a translucent silk awning over wicker chairs. Melting ice bobbed in half-full pitchers of wine that the Amir and his men had abandoned when they started shooting. Mirielle took a seat and a cup.

"A drink?

Ava Gilleth