Open Chronicles Untying the Knot: Riddles Beneath Alliria

A roleplay open for anyone to join
A lot of things seemed to happen one after the other and the winged elf watched it all with a bemused expression, like she was watching a play perhaps. Firstly the the boy who had the other boot to her pair threw a punch at the other man, and then more people arrived. She was impressed with the one who got the question correct though and gave him a smile of encouragement as he stepped forward to claim the sword. She was looking forward to the next riddle, especially now there were more of them.
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Garrick considered using the leverage of the hold to trip up fellow student Cosmin Lowdust, but decided against it. He'd done enough this day. He was embarrassed for having spent so much time on the letter man, but he knew how to draw Garrick's ire.

The price was won through merit of Bread, and Garrick considered heading out. But the next inscription? Far too tempting.

"Hunger." Garrick guessed at the door.

Another guess, another coin. It wasn't hunger, and it wasn't debt . . . No wealthy man knows me. Hardship? No, Hardship doesn't help a home stand. What helped a home stand, stay together? Wealth didn't make sense, given the last line.


Odd, Cos thought. These coins seem to be falling for rather disparate answers- And they were drifting closer to the riddlers' heads! Might do well to see if an attempt needs to be accurate to 'earn' one.

"Wood, fire, or the letter 'Q'," the mage offered with a raised eyebrow, trying to gauge the coinage's response.
Ow, ow, OW, the mage could barely get his arms raised in time to block the pelting of coins.

"Shave and a haircut, really? Bleeding--... Ow," but nevertheless, he stooped low and gathered up the scattered coins. Seven crowns in Allir-mint should be enough to get him something nice... Maybe an ice pack for his head. "Guess these aren't clues, just... Incentives against being an ass. Damn."
Ezra grinned as each coin methodically hit the mage's head. "I wouldn't try to get rich off of this riddle, it doesn't seem good for your health - or your head in general."

Looking at the inscription once more, he tried to think of a feasible answer. "How about friendship, or companionship maybe?"
"Hailstones would've been far more apt," the grounded mage thought to no one in particular as a sizable pelting of coins rained down from above. They had abandoned all sense of rhythm this time, a tragic change that served to worsen Cosmin's budding headache. "Alright, alright, no more guesses 'til you're sure of yourself. Here I was playing the erosion angle, but we're the ones getting broken down."
Caliane began to giggle and then it turned into a full laugh that sounded like the sweetest of bird songs as she watched the others suffer the weight of the hard coins hitting them on the head. Groundlings were such strange beings, but amusing ones all the same. Wiping a tear from her eye she held her sides as if they hurt from her laughter.

"What do rich men not know?" she spoke aloud but it was more to bring her own thinking under control again.
It was at that point that his head suddenly became the target for an avalanche of coins, each one landing with a loud THUNK! as they made impact. A string of 'ow!' and various expletives streamed out of the summoner's mouth as he shielded himself from the wealthy torrent of pain.

"Okay, this door is way meaner than the other one. Note taken." He gave a scornful look at the ceiling, trying to find where the coins landed. Shaking his head, he gathered the coins into his hand, shaking them about idly as he thought.

"Is it..." He gave an anxious look up, already moving his hands up in preparation for the presumed onslaught that was probably going to come, "desire?"
Ezra pulled his hood over his head, trying to shift to the side away from the coins as they struck him like hailstones. He glanced over to Garrick, noting that there were more coins falling towards him. Did that mean he was close with desire? The throbbing pain in his head told him otherwise, but he felt that was fairly universal.

Abruptly, the ground began to shake. "That can't be good."
Giving his tender scalp a rub, Cosmin muttered to the group. "I'm not even sure if that rumble means we're close or way off. Maybe the ground'll just give way, that'd make this all a fair shake easier... Heh, shake, rumble, it's, uh... I--... I'm in pain."

Pinching his temple, the mage resolved that he wouldn't be getting pelted again. Alright, it's time actually think this thing through! Pulling a card from the deck box near his hip, the young man gave it a glance- Four of wands. "Yeah, I've thought about contentment, too, buddy, but the contented don't really have 'prey' in any sense," he muttered down to the card, flicking it back into its box. "Neither does respect, hm. What else doesn't a rich man know...?"