Cosmin Lowdust
Cosmin has never been much of a hit with the ladies, but that’s more an issue of disposition rather than attractiveness. His figure is naturally slender, but working in the dockyards of Elbion for much of his youth has leant the young man an athletic figure that’s hard to come by in the College. Of course, everyone tends to look the same under seventeen layers of robes, but he has a sparkling pair of hazel eyes to make up for that tragic loss.
Skills and Abilities
Jack of All Trades - As a student of the College, Cosmin has attended a variety of classes in pursuit of becoming a true Maester. This variety has also worked against him in many ways, leading to a fair bit of knowledge with little use beyond general theory-work of magic. There are only a few fields that have truly captured his interest.
Divination - One of the only schools of magic to truly enrapture the young mage’s mind, Divination is a wizard’s attempt to part the veil of natural perception and see beyond the ordinary. A diviner attempts to see beyond space, time, and consciousness to gain foresight and supernatural knowledge. One’s divined portents are not always accurate, though, and fate is always malleable.
Eidetic - Cosmin has a peculiar talent to remember just about everything he's ever read or heard. This comes as a double-edged sword, allowing him to pass tests of memorization with ease but disabling him from forgetting anything - Especially those memories he may wish to forget the most.
Divination - One of the only schools of magic to truly enrapture the young mage’s mind, Divination is a wizard’s attempt to part the veil of natural perception and see beyond the ordinary. A diviner attempts to see beyond space, time, and consciousness to gain foresight and supernatural knowledge. One’s divined portents are not always accurate, though, and fate is always malleable.
Eidetic - Cosmin has a peculiar talent to remember just about everything he's ever read or heard. This comes as a double-edged sword, allowing him to pass tests of memorization with ease but disabling him from forgetting anything - Especially those memories he may wish to forget the most.
People often find Cosmin to be quiet and reserved, usually too caught up in his studies to give much of an impression at all. Those who pull back his veil of apparent shyness would find him at first to be a bit abrasive, but time usually tells of his true nature. Cosmin secretly cares deeply about those he tolerates, even if he doesn’t show it in the clearest ways.
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