Tybalt the Grey
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We were once a simple fishing town trapped between the trade of Belgreth and the Gulf of Ryt. The lake bore us a blessed bounty and in the winters we gave in tithe to our gods. But now the winds bring a deep chill, and the shadows of a winters noon bring talks of the strange. There are whispers upon phantom lips, and they say the Elder's of Shoal-Ridge who govern our laws have been enchanted by their calling.
They now speak of a Mother to whom the worship of and sacrifice to has been demanded. At first many of us doubted but the winter came abruptly and harshly damning us to our dim hearths and hovels. Then came their fearsome brood. A cult of chosen elect, The Children, were now the only ones to come and leave from Shoal-Ridge while the fishermen stay in their homes in fear of what superstitions wade beneath the surface of the frozen lake. But the Mother's chosen are seen coming and going, taking with them travelers and those who have questioned the Elders.
Biting our tongues we wait out the winter. I fear we will not survive that long so I send my son Kalder out in search of the willing and brave with this letter. Please send help dark tides have come to Shoal-Ridge.
~ Baird Strowman, Captain of the Guard
Plot Synopsis
That is right folks we got ourselves an old fashion Cult Story! Shoal-Ridge has been taken by the mysterious and elusive Children of the Mother, a strange folk that have seemingly come out of nowhere traveling on cursed winter winds. The town is almost 300 fires strong and is a fairly populated fishing town and port town on the north-eastern area between Crobbear Lake and the Spine.
For those interested know this will definitely hold elements of horror and an developing mystery that will motivate the group as they seek to wrest Shoal-Ridge from this supernatural terror. Leading this expedition will be Tybalt the Grey a Paladin of Tychan who will serve as Kalder's aid in the beginning before taking lead once the conflict develops. Kalder has been sent with enough gold to pay moderate sum to entice the brave with the promise of further wealth, and what remains to make the travel back with party of 10 to 15 men / sellswords.
Where our core party of Player Characters are concerned I am looking for up to 3 or 4 maximum players. So please post here if you are interested, and / or have any interesting personal plots for your character that may be tied in. Feel free to ask any and all questions.
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