Private Tales The Siege of Salesia

A private roleplay only for those invited by the first writer
The three of you had better come back alive. All of you.

Kristen gave a firm nod to the departing Evangeline. And she shared that same sentiment.

She intended for this not to be a sacrifice, not by any measure. Where last she had departed Salesia, critically wounded, carried by Edric, a wake of death left behind them both, here it had to be different. Here it had to be as she had thought when she departed from Edric in the jail.

In all that death, there had to be life. There would be life.

* * * * *​

Kristen led the way to Pinewood Lake, and there would they await Fabien.

The village itself was mostly a linear one, built along the curving road running from the north to the southeast. And on the more eastern side the land beyond the village's bounds went down in a steep slope to the edge of the lake that was the settlement's namesake. Large it was, stretching perhaps further than the arrow from a longbow could fly, and across its placid surface small flocks of ducks floated and there were but light ripples here and there following the bidding of the breeze.

Kristen and Blair waited with the periphery of the village just behind them, the road on their right, and the beginnings of that slope and the lake to their left. Their horses stood by with patience.

To Blair Kristen spoke in the interim time, "May I ask you something, Blair?"

With solemn mien she looked to her, and her eyes asked for openness and honesty, whether such answer born of it would be in accordance or opposition to Kristen's own.

"If you were in my place, what would you do? I mean to say, would you do all of this for a man or woman whom you know not? Is the risk of life and well-being in this venture a worthy one? Many things I could do besides—gods, I even neglect a more timely reunion with dear friends for the sake of a woman whose name I do not even know!"

Still had she to meet again with Alistair and with Zinnia, the foremost of those whom she loved and had yet to see in her return from Mount Dincia. How foolish and naive of her to think that once she had graduated from the Academy she would have all the time available to Arethil to do as she pleased! For it was that she was made busy by her Ladyship of Vel Numera, and Alistair and Zinnia each had their own duties to which they had to attend.

"Surely you can see why my uncle Tobias, my father Neil, even Evangeline herself, all would be—or are—counseling me against this errand."

Blair Rennick Fabien 'King' D'Amour
Blair's eyes widened at the question, at Kristen asking for her thoughts on the matter. The Stormguard frowned, turning to look back to the road where she was sure Fabien would come from. On this journey alone, without seeing combat, Blair had learned more about the mindset of a Dreadlord... or at least what she thought their minds and lives steered towards. That there was a higher price to be paid, allegiances to uphold.

"I would like to think I could be as honourable as you, Lad— Kristen." That had been truth, an admittance she would not have said just to appease the Lady Pirian, but what Blair strived to be. "That I could have the means and power to help... I would. Perhaps one day, if I learn to be better with my shard of power, I could make a difference for people."

Still, no evidence that someone was coming towards them on the road. She could not remember exactly what Fabien looked like, but Blair shared the same pale hair as Proctor D'Amour and hoped to Kress that Fabien had not gone with something more fashionable.

"But even one life is worth saving. That is what a healer told me when I kept telling her I was not worth fixing." Blair gave Kristen a sheepish smile. "I like to think that is why you chose me to accompany you."
"Go and hear her out. If nothing else it will get you out of the Academy. You'll be doing Kristen a favor...and me, as well. Please, look after her, Fabien."

That had been the gist of what Big Sis Eva had asked of him. Tradition had held that a D'Amour hardly needed a reason to aid a Pirian, especially one so closely tied to the main family. Both Eva and their father would likely have jumped at the chance to die for their lords and ladies, and King, too, held the Great House in high regard. Perhaps not as greatly as his parents and siblings, but highly nonetheless.

All that said, King hardly needed an excuse to get out of the Academy. The only trifle in the specific request was that he wasn't allowed to bring Vittoria along. An irritating detail--his dearest friend would have also made for a perfect addition to this impromptu covert mission, after all, but King was not one to look a gift horse in the mouth.

"Pinewood Lake," Eva had said. A bit of a jaunt, but not unreasonably far from the Academy. He'd taken a horse, cutting the travel time down nicely. There was no reason to try to mask his approach...King figured he'd either happen upon the Lady and the Stormguard soon, or they'd hear him coming and happen upon him. One way or another, they'd have their little chat.
But even one life is worth saving. That is what a healer told me when I kept telling her I was not worth fixing.

Hearing Blair make the allusion to her childhood disease brought to the fore an old memory of Kristen's, her father Neil with a grave countenance mentioning the very same to her mother in conversation. A wise healer indeed Blair had attending to her! Vel Anir at large, Kristen had come to learn, could take a rather dispassionate and even cynical view of human life.

"You have the very spirit I hoped to find within you, Blair," Kristen said. "Had I the breadth of selection from among Vel Anir's most formidable Dreadlords, none could aid me better in this venture than you. What good would be all their power, if they spat on the very notion of making a difference for an unknown woman, and of saving even just one life?"

Presently some way in the distance along the road could be a rider, coming at a brisk pace. A lone figure that could well be Fabien.

"It will be good to at last properly meet with him," said Kristen of the rider's approach. She'd not truly grasped it at the time, but now Kristen felt a small stab of pain at the thought of what the old way had done, taking Fabien D'Amour at so young an age and robbing both him and her—and Evangeline too—of all that could have been had it not been so.

Blair Rennick Fabien 'King' D'Amour
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Reactions: Blair Rennick
Blair whipped her gaze back to Kristen, her eyes wide with surprise at the lovely compliment and kindness the Pirian Lady offered about her character. It meant more to her, that she could have not been strong enough to become a member of the Stormguard, could have been bedridden still, but this small part in Kristen's story did not go unappreciated.

She had been struck with surprise, so much so that she was unable to come up with any word to thank Lady Pirian.

Blair settled for a smile.

Her eyes then returned to the road, following Kristen's gaze that inquired as to the figure approaching.

From this distance, they could see the halo of pale hair atop his head, and by the way he carried himself, she knew who he was to be.

"Fabien. He came... Kristen, he came to answer your call!"

Fabien 'King' D'Amour Kristen Pirian
Two figures by the side of the road. Armored wings jutting from the back of one. King could not think of many groups that wore those beyond the Stormguard. The pair could only have been the ones that King was sent to meet with.

The horse's brisk pace became a trot, then finally slowed to a halt as King came up alongside the two women waiting for him at the side of the road. He dismounted shortly after, planted his feet, and offered a confident smile towards both.

"Good evening, ladies," he said, flipping a few stray tufts of hair out of his face. "Dame Blair and Lady Kristen, I presume?"
"You presume correctly."

And here he was at last, Fabien D'Amour, brother (not nephew!) of Evangeline D'Amour. In him could be seen that familial similarity to her, so much so that Kristen might have guessed it if she had seen him in anonymous passing and lacked the advance knowledge she had. It led Kristen to wonder: did his character reflect Evangeline's own as well? In short order would she discover it.

Blair, of course, was quite pleased that he had come—as was Kristen. The old way of the Academy, those years he had endured, at least had not deranged him such that he would outright scoff at this venture.

"Fabien D'Amour, pleased am I to finally make your acquaintance," she said, offering a small curtsy with the greeting. "An odd happening indeed for us to have been in such close vicinity at the Academy together, yet like silent travelers by dark passing unknown to one another for those years. Nonetheless, here we now are."

Blair Rennick Fabien 'King' D'Amour
"Please, just... Blair." The grimace was there on her face, plain and straight. The Pirians were known for their gracious manners, but Blair had not be accustomed to such formalities growing up. "Or Stormguard Rennick if titles are... important to you."

Her childhood fantasy of marrying into a noble family dashed in one sentence with her awkwardness at her name being attached to anything other than her family name, but Blair had grown since then. The Stormguard, her loyalty to her family and Great House, she had learned of the more important ideals in her life. She had been given a new lease on it, and she was going to make herself proud by what she could overcome.

Salesia would be the next big step for her.

"Yes, thank you." Blair smiled. "Last I saw you was before you left for the Academy." And Blair resigned to her bed or a plush chair in the family room so that she did not miss out on the day to days. "If Kristen wishes for stealth... well, your family say you have been quite excellent in your magical skills."

And perhaps just the right fit to their small number.

Fabien 'King' D'Amour Kristen Pirian
King winced at Kristen's use of his given name, but pushed past his knee-jerk reaction and returned her curtsy with a deep bow. This was one of the most influential members of the House that King's family had loyally served for generations; he'd not make a fool of himself that readily.

"The pleasure is all mine, my Lady," he replied, mustering every ounce of etiquette he could. "Quite the shame we hadn't met sooner, but better late than never, I'm told. My sister speaks very highly of you."

His gaze slid to the Stormguard at Kristen's side. Blair of the Rennick family, cousins of the D'Amours. The resemblance was noticeable. It came as no surprise to King that a D'Amour, even a distant one, would have dedicated themselves to the Pirians so utterly. It came with the name, it seemed. Odd that she would shirk the title afforded to her, though.

"Just Blair it is, then," King stated with a casual shrug. "I hate to disappoint, but there's nothing particularly well-suited about my magic to covert operations. Not that I don't have experience with such things..."

His thoughts wandered to the recent mission he took part in on Kortes, systematically assassinating the figureheads of Cortell without so much as being noticed by the locals. Of course, that was in large part thanks to the others involved. Vittoria had quite the knack for stealth, despite her rather ostentatious magic.
Last I saw you was before you left for the Academy.

And here Kristen's thoughts were briefly interrupted, for she was struck by the...gosh, just the gentle sweetness of a reunion so long in the making. The Republic Kristen esteemed greatly for its decision to immediately abolish the forcible enrollment of children into the Academy. The new policy promised that a greater dawn had come, and that in the future some variation of Blair or Kristen or Fabien need not ask "what could have been".

Fabien's particular gift of magic, which Kristen knew nothing of as of yet, came to the fore of the talk. He downplayed it, but perhaps there would be much unforeseen use of it before the end. Yet the character of Fabien's magic was not the most important item of discussion. Not for Kristen.

"How much did Evangeline tell you of our mission to Salesia?"

Blair Rennick Fabien 'King' D'Amour
Blair blinked, ready to tell Fabien that her idea of suggesting him in the first place until Kristen asked him a question. Never the one to speak over another, she kept to herself. Perhaps Kristen would see the idea, could envision the plan just as Blair had done within moments. She may not have a lot of potential as a wielder of ice, but she had combat training and drills worked into her enough to give her an education about something.

Perhaps it was entirely too soon to speak of the plan readying in her mind. She needed to see what they were dealing with in Salesia before finalising any sort of plan.

Fabien 'King' D'Amour Kristen Pirian
Kristen shook her head.

"That is the extent of it, Fabien—simply stated. Not Vel Anir nor the Guard nor House Pirian nor the Academy, none of them, have a stake in this, and indeed all would be opposed to it if I were to loudly trumpet my intent. I say forthrightly that this is a personal mission of mine, and that none shall truly know of it, save Evangeline, Blair, myself, and the woman's whose life we may yet save."

Blair Rennick Fabien 'King' D'Amour
King breathed a laugh.
"I wouldn't have taken the Darling Daughter for a delinquent! How very bold," he commended her, clapping a few times to overstate his approval and amusement. "So why me? Why not hire a mercenary or five? I'm sure you've got the funds and you'd certainly be in less trouble if a bunch of competent nobodies got killed doing this, rather than an initiate and a Stormguard."

Etiquette or no, Pirian or no, King was never one to shy away from speaking his mind. Anyone in their right mind could see this was a fool's errand.
Awkwardly, Blair gave a sheepish smile.

She had an idea, she just... hadn't actually put it all together in her head in order to explain it to others. She was not well versed in the training or inner workings of a Dreadlord or Initiate, but Rennick could see things that seemed to fit into the picture perfectly. "With the free city already under siege, if we were to engage, your magic is the most convenient and can produce results quickly. Can you not amplify your own actions? A simple shove on a door blasts it open?"
"Why risk my own?" She countered. It felt like she was arguing with her you ger siblings to get them to do something they didn't particularly wanted to do. "I know my duties can extend beyond that of a Stormguard. I am here for Kristen. For the difference she can make."

Blair, no longer feeling the awkwardness and now emboldened by her own resolve, raised a brow at King. "The old ways would have the Houses pick and choose which Dreadlords would serve them. Do not abandon that. I believe even in this republic, a Dreadlord can still choose."

Fabien 'King' D'Amour
And here Kristen spoke with a soft smile.

"There is a likeness of Evangeline in you, Fabien. She too had her own reservations."

Disapproval, on her part. For Fabien, more was it a concern of what should be gained if he should hazard the risk. And so this proved the avenue by which Fabien hinted he could be convinced. Kristen needed to try.

"First I shall say that it is not merely your ability alone, but the very name you bear, the name of D'Amour, which I and the House of Pirian esteem so greatly, and which makes you worth more than a mercenary or five. And second, keenly am I aware of the peril involved, and aware more so of how great a charge I therefore ask of you. There is only one suitable reward I can offer, and that is in the future to return the favor in kind: that you may call upon me, as a Dreadlord or as the Lady of Vel Numera, as I have called upon you."

She glanced from Fabien to Blair.

"And this I offer to both of you, each your own."

But as Blair said, in the spirit of the Republic, a Dreadlord could choose, and so still did the choice lay with Fabien. Perhaps he would be convinced, or would need more convincing, or would simply return to the Academy, his life and livelihood unventured in Salesia.

Blair Rennick Fabien 'King' D'Amour
"Yes, yes, honor and duty and all that. I'm not sure I would speak of the 'difference' our Lady could make in this instance, when she is putting her ability to do so at risk, no?" King asked right back with a brow quirk of his own. "But you are right. No Republic nor any other Vel Anir could keep a D'Amour from serving as they please."

"Favor." There was the magic word. King smiled, for what could compare to a nameless favor from one of the most powerful figures in the nation? A precious token to be pocketed away for a rainy day. That was all he had desired.

The compliment of being compared to his elder sister was just the complimentary icing on the already sumptuous cake.

"And just like that, you've earned my enthusiastic participation," the young D'Amour patted the side of his horse. "Shall we get going?"
"So we are assembled, this intrepid trio of ours."

Fabien happened to be more practical than Blair, so it would seem, given not to assent to requests like Kristen's on principle or by dint of "honor and duty and all that". Still, they were now three, and that Kristen deemed a fair number. Among them could now be leveraged a variety of strengths, and Aionus knew what tribulations would await them in the besieged Salesia.

Kristen hopped back onto her horse.

"Let us not tarry. First we must reach port, and even then there are many leagues over the sea to sail."

* * * * *


South and west they rode, in time coming to chase the setting sun, the fading light of day bringing a final brilliance which shone through the trees like golden spears. Even as the encroaching blue deepened to black and the fullness of the stars came to be revealed did Kristen press on. The light of both Pneria and Lessat, unimpeded by cloud or season, guided them.

But they would not ride through the whole of the night, for what urgency drove Kristen's spirit did not give succor to the horses, and they perhaps more than the Anirians who rode them needed rest.

So by moonlight did the trio find a suitable site for camp.

And this, Kristen figured, was a good time to get to know Fabien a little better. They'd time for it, between the care of horses, setting up camp, and having a last bite to eat. Would that Blair and Kristen could've met Fabien in proper environs! Something like a ball, gala, or social—a festival even. But this would have to do.

As Kristen laid out her bedroll, she said over her shoulder, "What ill luck we've endured, wouldn't you say, Fabien? That for the whole of my enrollment in the Academy, and indeed for some fair portion of yours, we the two of us were in essence side-by-side and didn't even know it!"

Fabien 'King' D'Amour Blair Rennick
Night came, and so did rest. With rest came attempted camaraderie, and with that came questions. Wonderful...that was the downside to the lengthy expanse of travel, he supposed. This was one collection of people that King could not decidedly be a complete asshole to. Sigh...

The silver-haired boy poked at the campfire with a stick, nudging charcoal off of embers and ensuring the wood might burn more evenly. Sometimes he wondered what life might've been like to be so simple-minded and straightforward as a pyromancer. Perhaps to be a complete dolt like that "Thraah" girl that had been in the class above him the year prior. Oh, for life to be that simple.

Blue eyes slid from the smoldering glow of the flames to the auburn-maned young woman just a few yards away.

"More circumstance than luck, I should think. You had your hands full with Proctor Magomo's remedial courses, if I recall. Hardly much time for dallying around the Academy, the way that old badger runs things. Not to mention the Proctors were still trying to keep the graduating years somewhat separate," King said back, more thinking aloud than anything.

"That is to say, I knew of you, even if you did not know of me. Eva could hardly have let me not, the way she fawns over you."