Open Chronicles The Great Ones Aftermath: Elbion

A roleplay open for anyone to join
Character Biography
[OOC Thread: Continued from the Great Ones Main Thread. You don’t need to read the thread or have been in it or care where your character was in it. Feel free to throw your character in where-ever you want.]

It all happened so fast.

A giant dragon appeared in the deserts of Amol-Kalit. Drakormir, its name. Soon after awakening, it flew toward Elbion.

As it walked across Elbion Lake, Gerra stood before Drakormir and used an artifact to attempt to slay the colossal being.

Chaos ensued at that moment.

Drakormir ceased to move. Yet, magical forces tore apart Elbion. Cracks split districts in half and apart. Then, these fragmented sections of the city rose into the sky as floating islands. After ascending for some time, they stopped and continued to stay suspended in midair.

Elbion is now a floating city.

Some of the immediate damage could be seen immediately. The College survived in its entirety – floating on one solid island high in the sky. However, the Doge’s Palace was split in two. However, the status of the rest of the city remains unknown.

Beneath the city, a hole filled with a purple miasma materialized. Drakormir fell into the hole and was buried by mud and water from Elbion Lake and the Cairou River.

Yet the carnage did not cease there. At the same time, bodies of the dead or soon to die twisted and morphed into disfigured, gored beings. These new monsters began to attack people indiscriminately. If not defeated, they would surely devour everyone…

Kara descended from one floating island via a stone platform she created with rune magic. Once close enough to a new island, she hopped off. She saw a peasant man being chased by two flesh monsters. Drawing her runic sword, she dashed forward with a swing of her blade. Two blood stained “heads” fell to the ground – the monsters’ bodies dropped to the ground.

With the immediate threats put down, Kara turned to the man and asked, “Are you okay?!

Meanwhile, others in the city would be fighting to survive, or flee, or quell the threat somehow. Others would be trying to figure out who was alive, who was in charge, and what would happen to Elbion once the chaos subsided…

Elbion College
Next to Kara Orin, three spikes of ice, each as tall as her, slammed into the earth. Like meat on a stick, three more of those monsters were impaled, even their death rasped silenced as rigor mortis set in with alarming speed. Focraig himself descended from above, beneath him a larger monster than the others, bristling with spikes yet clearly dead. As it fell it crystallized into white, as his ice flooded every vessel, organ, and inch of flesh and bone, turning it into brittle and fragile ice. As it met solid earth it disintegrated, leaving Forcraig'Diin to land on his feet with a grunt. It was a simple seven feet, from a upper platform he had been fighting the four earlier. But he landed on his heels, and slipped.

Quite painfully. Tumbling to a stop, his back struck an ice spike, and nearly knocked the breath from his lungs in a gasp of white mist. Coughing, he rose to his feet, ignoring the slight ache from falling down seven feet. "Bloody city's gone mad." he grumbled, questioning why he had chosen to stay, looking down at the world below.

His attention had been caught by those monsters, he recalled. Taking away his attention from the black ooze earlier and forcing him away from the Port District and into this... haphazard mid-air jungle of islands. Each sharing a similar species of flesh monsters. He had just missed the mage cut down more of those monsters with her sword, saving the peasant. And these were hideous beyond belief. Clearly not natural, as those faces were unmistakably human. Well, were, at least. Those jaws could not contain such teeth, nor open in such a grotesque manner, as he recoiled slightly at the split lower jaws and the absurdly large fangs on the upper ones. Fit to be used as daggers, those things.

No dark magic he heard of could cause such radical mutation and transformation in such short amount of time. Unless it was a disease, perhaps the likes of the Draconic Plague. He would consult a professional, if he could. For now, he needed a temporary alliance. This woman would certainly agree to a short term alliance, surely, if only to figure out how to get this place working in order once again.

Dusting what ice had fallen on his robes, he bowed slightly to the woman. "Cryomancer, Focraig'Diin. It is a relief to see the City's mages have yet to fall." He nodded at her cloak, which bore the College's mark. "I - "

An utterly inhumane screech cut him off, as he looked up to see blimps of shadow descending from nearby islands above them. Dots that became much larger... and decidedly unfriendly. Clicking his tongue in annoyance, his eyes flared cerulean. As he mustered his powers, he readied to fight. "Perhaps a temporary partnership, m'lady? Until we make sense of the world properly?"

And the first of the monsters landed, right onto a spike of ice he had sprouted. Speared from rear to head, it died instantly. With a flex of his hand, the pillar dissolved into ice mist, coalescing back into his open palm as an axe construct, roiling with hoarfrost. He was no good with weapons - That was Traecon's forte - but he was at least, creative with what he could use.

"Fused Arts," he intoned, the freezing energies flaring at the blade of the ax.

"Glaive Storm."

He let loose, and the projectile spun like a top of death, cleaving more of them as they fell. Those that did land, he directed the axe into a perimeter, keeping the rest of them at bay.

"Any plans, miss?"

Kara Orin?
That was nice. He doesn't need to make anymore jabs at Zarko's ego-- not that any were landing anyway. The small look of mortification was enough of a victory. "Alright then, Zarko." He said through a small laugh, stepping past him and giving him and wave goodbye. The Shield of Elyleed is something he'd definitely steal the fuck out of, but calling it cumbersome would be an understatement. After observing, pulling, poking and pushing it, he gave up. He barely hauled it out the doorway. THEN there's the challenge of somehow getting it down and this just isn't worth it.

He walked over to the to the edge, peering off into the distance below. The scene was chaotic and horrifying; Elbion, a beautiful city once filled with talented mages and noble merchants that strolled down intricate pathways, past tall complex buildings that must've been constructed by magic is now reduced to destruction and death.

He couldn't discern what's transpiring below. He heard the frightened shrieks of survivors below as people scrambled about and chasing onr another. It was odd to say the least. He looked down at the islands below and next to him, pondering his next move. His idea is risky, but he can't stay up here for long. He took a few steps back in preparation, stopping next to Zarko.

"As you know, weird shits happening down there," Zier is not the serious type, but he has his moments; he paused and looked the Gnome in the eyes with a searing stare of concern and urgency that'd hopefully pierce through this veil of arrogance and narcissism that he cast around himself. "So don't get killed." This still isn't meant to come off as condescending; he isn't exempt from death either, but he knows when to hang up the bravado cape and call it a day.

With that, he-- most likely temporarily-- departed from the Gnome and took a perilous leap from off the College's island, darting through the air and closing in on the nearby one. His foot briefly made contact with the edge, but he missed it by a few inches, causing him to slide off past it. His heart skipped a beat as he quickly clung to the ledge of it, claws of his armor snagging the crust and saving him from an unfortunate plummet.

In what seemed like a fright inducing, agonizing eternity of precariously dangling from the edge of this island was, in reality, about thirty seconds before he went through the herculean task of hauling himself up. He placed an arm up, carefully removing the claws from the crust and moving them up further. He slowly repeated this until he could get a leg up, and thats when a few chunks of rock gave the ol' 'Hah, fuck you' and fell into the miasma below, scaring the absolute shit out of him.

Finally, he managed to drag himself up onto the island and on safe ground. It's the first fucking island and he already feels as if he's leapt across five already. Some Bullshit. He tooka few steps back again, running and jumping across the next, landing without a problem. As he got closer, he saw two people below: Kara and a newcomer. The more the merrier! Not only that, he noticed that people were being killed and turned into more of these things! Alright, just don't touch them.

Although, there appears to be more hostile company nearby. He doesn't know what these mother fuckers are, but they're just as grotesque as every other ungodly creature around here. The newcomers display of Cryomancy was impressive and captivating, but this isn't the place to watch a performance.

Even through Focraig'Diin was successful in cutting some of those monsters down, they were outnumbered. Zier is only one person, but even a small advantage can assure victory. Courageous or idiotic, or a combination of both, he leapt onto the chunk of land those creatures were jumping from to confront them. Two of them whirled around to charge him, but with a quick sidestep and flank, accompanied by the slash of his sword, their decapitated bodies collapsed.

As the remainders jumped off to kill the two mages on the ground, Zier followed them, leaping off as well. midair, he lashed him arms foward, conjuring two, blazing flame whips the wrapped around two of their necks. With a strong heave and a grunt of exertion, he yanked onto the whips, hurtling those two monsters into others and sending them into the chasms below. He can-- hopefully-- entrust the cryomancer with keeping him unharmed during his midair plight with the perimeter he set up to keep them back.

Concluding his descent, both feet touched the forcefully landed onto the ground with a loud thump! this is no mere Thump. He felt it; that familiar surge of invigorating power. The ground, flowing with magma upon impact as if it was waiting for him. A call he didn't refuse. Directly after landing in front of the two, he pivoted around towards the rest of those things, raising both arms as his palms faced the ground, commanding a six foot tall, five foot wide wall of granite that separated them from the monsters. Then, with a stomp of his foot, the wall cracked and splintered in seconds as dust fell from it. He shot his arms out and several fragments of granite darted towards them, impaling and maiming several of them. It's a simple tactic he uses, but effective and not as strenuous. Focraig'Diin could easily cut down those that dodged.
"Well this... Is... Problematic."

Several islands below the other mages, Tonwee walked away from his shop. Several fragile experiments had been ruined. He has been trying to use two magically infused parallel panes of glass to trap residual energy.

Tonwee shuffled towards the end of the street. A street which no longer reached the end. He slammed his staff into the road and several cobbles tumbled away. It gave him enough purchase to lean forwards and look down.

His head quickly retracted into his shell.

"Oh dear."
A city torn asunder, thousands of deaths, many the victims of unknown retribution lying in streets or desperately searching for loved ones, those they lost in the cataclysm, or for pieces of their own body lost in the rubble. The college itself was seemingly immune from the destruction, likely due to the conjoined efforts of its masters - but that meant little to the mortified masses left in the crumbling remnant of the lower trade city. Whatever order the city once had, descended into nothingness as guards once dedicated to their posts ran through the streets looking for their families, and many more brought themselves to looting; greed knowing not even the bounds of cataclysm.​
Between the crowds, a hooded figure walked through the streets. A man wanted for the murder of Eimur Emisol, once famed Maester of the Fifth Order, and Member of the Merchant’s Council. While Douglas wasn’t recognizable, many in the city would be hard pressed to have forgotten the brutality of the Maester’s murder, forever blaming the once golden child of the college for his premature departure. Yet, amidst the chaos, Douglas would be nothing but another passing person in the sea of anguish - alongside him, the unnaturally glowing face of a young woman with a wide grin.​
Do you think you’re ready?”, the voice mocked - many octaves overlapping eachother in a cacophony of voices.​
I don’t have the choice of waiting. We don’t. If the dragon’s soul degrades, we will lose our once chance at this.”, he said, pulling from his cloak the Elder Dragon encrusted leather of The Book of Viduus; perhaps even made from Drakomir’s cousin.​
Rundal, lost in his new persona, simply laughed as he followed closely behind the Kavoshi mage. Douglas, lost in the ancient pages of the forgotten tome barreled past others - forcing expletives hurled his way as he moved towards the warehouse Agron Salim owned under a false name. As they entered, the mage glanced to the floor - lucky that the cracks had only been superficial thus far. They’d only have a bit of time before the entire rock they were on would turn into dust.​
Go get the others. I’ll prepare the circle.”, he said with a quick glance to the lich turned young woman.​
Rundal gave a simple nod and headed out.​
Tereth had followed the destruction left in the wake of the dragon without difficulty, and a special kind of fear began to set in when he realized that it was on a direct path for Elbion.

When he'd arrived, he was floored. The city had been practically ripped apart. Chunks floated above the surface and destruction was clearly widespread. He'd discerned that the dragon had somehow died, and with its death the city had suffered some sort of cataclysm. The exact details were yet to be discovered by Tereth.

But he was a skeptic. He'd seen creatures enter near comatose states to avoid death before, and he wasn't about to let that happen again with something as massive and destructive as that dragon.

But that might prove a problem to make sure the thing was dead. The creatures left behind by the dragon's... illness, if you will, were still roving the streets, and so Tereth traveled with sword in hand as he made his way toward the location that he'd been told the body of the dragon remained.

The hunter had already cut down a handful of crazed creatures and had helped several civilians free of the clutches of near death when something else drew his attention.

Someone (Douglas Haley) was pushing through the crowd and causing quite the commotion as he shoved people out of the way, face buried into a massive book that quite reminded Tereth of the grimoires and tomes he'd been forced to study out of in school. Dreadfully boring with hours spent reading about this portion of a monster's anatomy or the double stomachs of that fiend that more easily enabled the digestion of human bones.

Certainly, none of it had ever been so consuming as to require shoving others out of the way in the middle of a national crisis. And why were they not at all concerned about the monsters roving the streets? Something in Tereth's years of experience told him there was something off. It was a thoroughly unpleasant feeling, but one that he couldn't ignore.

He followed at a distance until they vanished into a warehouse and he paused. Odd. Looters perhaps? There were always people trying to capitalize on situations like this chaos that had unfolded here. But they didn't look like looters. Perhaps he would poke his nose around. That was something he'd always been good at doing. It had let him find the blood sucking spear, and while he still wasn't sure if that was the reason the dragon had been killed, that was what he liked to think until it was proven otherwise. So... poking my nose where it doesn't belong, it is.
It had been a long journey towards the city of Elbion. Countless hours were spent riding on his horse, a sturdy breed that was the pride and culture of his people. Horsemanship was of great importance in the nomadic tribes of the Aberresai Savannah. His people rode for hunting, for trade and for war. Their warriors reigned the battlefield with mobility and fiery courage, raining down arrows from their swift horses in well trained formations. Once the enemies were discouraged and wavered, the horde of cavalry would charge to inflict heavy losses.

And yet for him, his passion was not the battlefield. He might be the top warrior in the Tarkhan Clan, but he always preferred to pursue knowledge. It was knowledge that allowed him to discover the ways of magic, to channel the arcane power into his body and enhance his martial arts. And yet his father was displeased with his latest action to leave the clan, even if it was temporary in pursuit of knowledge. The Khan of Tarkhan Clan did not bother to send his son farewell, which suited Ulgen just fine. He did not want another argument.
As he rode towards the city, he knew that there were unexplained forces at work. From the distance, he could see the city being torn apart into pieces, with some floating in the air by mystical power. He urged his horse on, turning into a gallop as he reached the city gates. Usually, the gates would be manned by guards on duty which would check for security, but there was no one stopping the nomad from simply riding in.

In fact, there was no one around. The gates were barely standing, exposed to the elements as the horse stopped. He hopped off, patting his ride gently as the mare turned her attention towards the greenery. All the better, he thought to himself as he walked along the destroyed pavement. The horse was of no use to him at all, not when the pavement ended after a few steps through the gates. If he were to continue his way, he would need to jump.

He concentrated for a moment, feeling the aura magic channeling into his body and took a leap. He landed on a floating island, feeling overwhelmed by the sight of destruction. The colours of the world called out to him, seeking his attention. And yet he sensed danger around him. He moved again, heading towards the direction of the college that appeared to be intact. He knew it was the college because he had heard tales about it from travellers and merchants. As he took another leap and landed on a new island, he found himself being attacked by monsters who were eager for flesh.


Ulgen blinked in surprise, finding himself having to protect himself from vicious claws. His fists hammered a couple of blows on the monsters, knocking them away before running. There were simply too many of them for him to stay and fight. He needed to avoid them. The monsters chased behind him as he picked up his pace, magic augmenting his feet as he leapt towards the next floating island. His sight was greeted by two figures in the distance who were clearly not monsters. One of them was clearly a mage with powers over the ice, while the female preferred her sword.

He was finally forced to draw his blade when he realised that he was trapped alongside the two humans by the monsters. The scabbard on his belt shook momentarily as he closed his eyes, channeling his will onto his weapon. The sword leapt out, spinning through the air and cutting down the nearest monster before returning to his hand. He gripped on it, ready to defend himself as he made a suggestion.

"We... should run soon."

He did not know their names, but at least they seemed to be fighting against the mob.

Kara Orin
Ah Elbion... it was now floating in the air and in several places but it still managed to smell the same. Odd how a place could literally go through the wringer and, somehow, still end up entirely feeling familiar. It was beyond twisted and warped and still he kind of got the feeling he knew the way around like the back of his hand.

It just required far more jumps and magic-assisted leaps to make up the distances.

But he had a destination in mind with all of his jumping. He had left the city upon the fall of Drakormir but it hadn't been through choice really - he'd needed even just a few hours to rest. Hanging onto the dragon half way across the world, constantly using magic, had been draining in a way that few things he had ever experienced in his life before had been.

A few hours to have a bit of a nap, eat lots of high energy food and drink his weight in both water and fruit juice? It made all the difference. His head was no longer pounding and he could feel himself being able to think more clearly.

Blasting his way through some of the monsters, he did his best to avoid actually being drawn into combat because he didn't actually want to fight them. No, he wanted to contact Drakormir and take back the knowledge of the dragon fire. Through connecting to the Dragon he had held that power inside of him but since it had fallen it had slipped from his fingers.

It was as though he had been allowed the power by the sheer will of the Dragon and he hadn't been able to properly analyse it in order to keep it once the connection was gone. Like it was infinitely easier to use with the Dragon's guidance but possible for him to reach through his own power if only he had focused.

Reaching the lowest hanging floating island, he was as close to the Dragon's body as he could be without taking a dip. Sitting down atop a building's roof, he closed his eyes and reached into his own mind. He was feeling for the connection that had been formed with Drakormir during his time as one of his acknowledged 'children'. It was like a rope, frayed at the end as it had been severed quickly.

He pushed his magic at the connection, willing the connection to form once again. Drakormir was as close to a God as was possible in his experience and even if he was actually dead... a dead God could dream.

Could impart their wisdom.

"Lord Drakormir - your child returns for your blessing and aid."

Kara Orin
The ice mage noted the new company. Two men, one with armaments, the other whom was his polar opposite in craft. Beneath his hood, his cerulean eyes gleamed brighter, hiding the grin of relief at the reinforcements. They could be from the college or even from the faraway Eretejva Tundra for all he cared. Help was help, and that was in dire need with these monsters. He directed the axe towards the monsters about to encircle the fire mage, and holding out another to turn those that were about to focus on him into ice dust.

He coughed out frozen blood shards as consequence, but he was used to the affliction. His body had long adapted to such conditions. Still, he felt the concentration take its toll as a minor migraine, though he ignored it soon enough in favor of more constructs, turning minor pinpricks into small wooden hammers tapping at his head.

He pressed on through until he had half a dozen axes before him, all flaring with a frigid chill that would burn like any fire. Within the area of alteration he had drawn before, the same perimeter that the first ax had been circling, he marked the remaining monsters, affixing their feet to the ground in blocks of ice.

'Trajectory traced... overclock set. Targets locked!'

"Fused Arts." he once more intoned.

"Glaive Maelstrom."

And in a burst of will, the remaining monsters found a cold, swift end at the blades of his constructs, providing a temporary relief from the attacks. He had to let loose a groan despite himself - his mind was still unused to so many complex manipulations of fusion. Judging the concept of creation, intrinsic elemental infusion, and alteration of temperature to further temper the finished product and keep the targets in place, all at once?

His head was ringing. Grr...

Taking out a hand-sized draught to help with his headaches, he downed half of it, feeling the effects ease up almost at once. He would need more of it, soon.

Turning to the newcomers, he bowed. "Many thanks for the assistance. I am Focraig'Diin, a cryomancer. Glad to see other faces. I feared many lost during the initial ascent of this city, along with the advent of those... creatures."

He chanced a glimpse at the earth far below, where the corpse of the dragon still rested. "Whatever that beast did in its death throes, it may be connected to our current situation." It was a far-fetched claim and he knew it, but given its sheer physical size, and the fact it was a bloody dragon (dragons were nigh-godlike, in his honest opinion), gave him some room.

"Any thoughts?"

Kara Orin Zier Xya Zythos Ulgen Tarkhan
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"What a catastrophe," wheezed an old orc who shambled into the warehouse with the help of a cane. He wore a maester's chain over simple red robes. A peculiar monkey sat on one of his shoulders, looking about with mischievous eyes in the ways monkeys do.

"Master Haley, it is good to see you again."

Murderer or no, Urberus always enjoyed seeing old students. It was not his place to judge the lives of others. Well, for the most part, at least.

"Things have changed since you were a student here, eh?"

Meaning, of course, the fact that whatever remained of the city of Elbion was now mainly a bunch of floating rocks suspended over the earth by magic.

"You're friend here," he nodded in Rundal's direction, "found me quite quickly, yes. Quite quickly indeed."

The monkey squawked.

The old orc's green eyes twinkled knowingly, then he turned to examine the floor.

"Ah, I see you've already begun the preparations. Excellent. Excellent. Might I introduce my grandson? Tezio?"

Tezio Gomst Douglas Haley
Na’ill arrives using his bird’s, Henry, wings. The massive crow using it’s talons to hold Na’ill’s arm. Beating his wings steadily Henry circles around the miasma as Na’ill analyses the situation unfolding below him. “Hmmm looks like quite a mess,” the necromancer says as he looks at the shattered and floating islands below him, “I can feel the death in the air, but there’s more I sense undead?” A smile spreads across his face as the power of the great dragons soul hits him as they circle closer towards the ground. After touching down onto the island Na’ill feels instantly at home; undead creatures run rampant in the streets which he claims. Reaching out with his mind and Necrotic senses, he seizes several nearby creatures grabbing their souls in his clutches. Several undead creatures pause and stand idly as well as two large and disfigured creatures.

Na’ill begins to walk absorbing the souls of the dead who haven’t yet risen preventing their resurrection. Those undead creatures who were too useless to be claimed he set the claimed creatures to attack. Turning the battle from a slaughter of civilians into a civil war of the dead while being empowered do to the great dragons death. Running and jumping from island to island feeling more and more alive as he begins to automatically absorb the insanely large dragons soul. The soul is so potent and large that translucent but visible white streaks which emanate light appear in the air welling up from the pit and finding there way to Na’ill. He finds his way to a group of fighters who seem to be on the island within closest proximity of the dragon that he can get to.

Jumping into the center of the strangers he looks around at them with a manic smile on his face his shaggy hair waving in the wind. Faint white tendrils whip around him as he enjoys the immense soul of a felled god that would take some time to absorb. His manic smile fades as his face twists into an expression of sickness his feet lift from the ground slightly as he begins to shake. His eyes turn white as his head lols back and forth as the tendrils grow thicker and more intense.
  • Popcorn
Reactions: Smiling One
As Douglas squatted low to the ground, filling in weaker portions of the enigma that was his symbol he heard the signature voice of the elderly Maester - with all the prose of a man forced to abide by ‘Trade Speak’ for decades. It was something Douglas knew well from his time around Eimur or Agron; both of whom had somewhat perfected the nature of Elbion Diplomacy by appearing far more refined than they were. It annoyed Douglas, forced an ever so slight grimace on his youthful expression, but it faded as he brought himself up to full height to look back on Urberus.​
Its a pleasure, Urberus, but we don’t have time for pleasantries. The Corpus of Drakormir is being adversely affected by someone in the City. Either the Maester’s hoping to rid themselves of his decaying magic, or…”​
For a moment, his thoughts went back to Agron Salim. The man had betrayed Douglas, would have seen it fit to kill him were it not for a final begotten charity in their prison together that allowed him another day at life; and yet - if there was anyone who would make the attempt to absorb Drakormir, he would likely be the most dangerous. The Plague Doctor of Vel Anir was no novice at war, and he would do untold damage to the continent were he so enticed to do so.​
“... Or more ambitious agents in the city. I have doubts they’ll know more than how to take the Corpus, but even that may be dangerous contained in an unknown party. Tell me, Urberus, do you have the potion I requested?”, Douglas asked as he moved to hang the cloak he carried on a nearby nail.​
Covering his body was intricate, impossibly detailed sigils and symbols Urberus may recognize - at least some of them. They were containment runes, things to hold in a perceivably massive amount of energy, and intermixed with those were more unknowable things - symbols of the ancient Kavosh that had yet to be understood by the College at large, and many more that had not distinguishable history.​
Rundal gave a small snort as he took a few steps forward to light the dragon-ogre wax candles that surrounded the runes on the floor.​
Appreciate my work?”, she said with a nod to the tattoos that covered more than half of Douglas’s body.​
Let’s just hope it isn’t for naught.”​
Douglas, moving to stand in the center of the circle motioned back to Urberus -​
The potion, I need it now. Please, help Rundal maintain containment. If I am unable to contain Drakormir, I will see it fit that the Dragon God dies with me. If I am unable to quench that flame…”, Douglas said with a moment of hesitation.​
Then the containment may be the only thing that will stop my death from destroying the city. Worse over, if Drakormir manages to take control of me; it would be hard to estimate what he could do with a Kavoshian body.”​
No matter how far he travelled, no matter how doggedly he attempted to deliver himself from misfortune, it always seemed to find a way to catch up to him in the end. He had just made his way from Amol-Kalit with his savings; even putting in several months generating income after his arrival just to afford the fees to open up a shop. A meagre shop at that, which had, unfortunately, recently become a meagre mess. No doubt it could be worse; as he could clearly see, chaos and carnage lay about and he had no doubt that his aid would be needed. Kiros could certainly wait until after to mourn for his lost dream of financial stability...

So he muttered in a low volume, and purely to himself, as he rummaged about what was once a quaint shop... now reduced to a rat’s nest of rubble, wooden planks, and beams; all resting perilously on a modest overhang 6 metres off the ground. Piece-by-piece, the middle aged priest pried the wooden beams out, tossing them behind him with a loud clatter of wood against stone ringing out through the air. Each piece he moved brought him closer to the gleaming, hopeful glint of brass that rested within until he could reach with one lanky arm and at last pry his staff free. Panting for breath, he clutched his staff in his hands as he took a seat against the rubble. As he rested he looked over in rugged determination at a large heavy slab that had once been a wall; now turned into an indomitable obstacle between him and the remainder of his healing supplies. And while he had what he needed for now; given the current and sudden crisis there would be no shortage of need for them.

After his brief respite, Kiros clutched his white ash staff upright on the ground, using it for leverage as he rose to his feet and took a few steps towards the fallen wall. The brass end cap struck the stone floor twice with a loud metal clack before the priest would bellow out a few brief syllables, letting his magic take it’s effect. Setting his staff down quickly but carefully, he knelt down and grasped one edge of the stone slab from beneath. With a careful breath and one final moment to steel himself he gave another brief shout before he began to lift the thick slab up, aided by the blessing of strength bestowed upon himself. His body shook in strain as he lifted the heavy wall up inch by inch with all he could muster, hoisting it 2 feet off the ground before it slipped his grasp and slammed hard against the ground with a great, loud thud! Silence followed... soon to be interrupted with a growing creak as the stone foundation gave way, causing the overhang to tilt and send Kiros tumbling backwards.

Dirt stains marked his otherwise bright robes as he tumbled down the incline, with a bag of his gathered belongings and his treasured staff slipping close behind. One outstretched hand reached out to grasp the staff while the other held onto whatever purchase he could find; slowing himself to a stop just before the edge. It was close enough that he could see the ground beneath, and watch the lost bag plummet down until it struck the ground with a glassy crunch to lay between a pair of hideous and twisted abominations. The contents of those smashed potions began to seep through the fabric and stained the ground beneath as the two horrors now gave the priest their full attention as they stood and watched in wait below.

Things could be worse, indeed.
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"Oh dear," wheezed Urberus, his bright eyes shimmering like jade in the moonlight as he looked upon his former student. "That sounds serious. I think I have just the-" a clawed hand fished around inside a satchel, causing a chorus of clinking glass as he rummaged through vials before producing the one he sought.

"Here we are."

He held the glass vial out toward Douglas. A glowing blue substance sloshed within the vial. The monkey on Urberus' shoulder reached out with tiny paws, trying to snatch it, but Urberus swatted him away.

"Not for you, Chime. Now then, bottoms up, as they say," he uncorked the vial and handed it to Haley, a peculiar look on his features, like a man watering a plant pondering how it might grow.
Offering the monkey a sideways glance, Douglas reached out to grab the potion from Urberus. It glowed with a mild power, containing within it enough to mana to fortify his body for what was to come - a necessary catalyst to stop him from no doubt dying from what he was about to attempt. Downing it, he felt the oily substance trail down his throat - with a bitter flavor unlike much he had ever tasted. It took more than he cared to admit not to cough it back up, but when it had settled, he could feel it slowly pulse into his muscles, tingle beneath his skin, and flare the runic sigils that lined his body.​
A harsh exhale seemed to signal Rundal to begin - and the lich turned young woman raised his hands forming a nearly translucent barrier around Haley; allowing him to work unimpeded. The young mage brought himself to his knees, carefully focusing his energy on the distant light that seemed to fade. No doubt the Herald would soon come to collect the dragons soul - bring it to his masters in the heavens; likely the only reason he hadn’t done so thus far was due to some infighting in the pantheon.​
And so it was said the early bird got the worm - or more accurately in the case, the mage who didn’t have to deal with divine politics. Both hands clenched as his energy began to roll through the city, and find itself connected with the beast that lay heavy in the pit; and all at once, the body of the being seemed to shake and shiver to life, though it was no more than the twitches of muscles being suddenly flexed beyond their limits at the introduction of sentient manipulation.​
Those unfortunate enough to be looking near the pit would see it, feel a sudden overwhelming fear as the body of the beast began to move - though it never stood. Douglas kept himself calm and focused, and the complex runic sigil beneath him began to glow in a vibrant display of light nearly washing the mage out from those outside.​
In that same moment, the many floating lands of Elbion began to shake and shiver - their very magic being upended by the latent remains of Drakormir, and with it the very stability the refugees relied on for safety. Even the massive plot of land Urberus and the others stood on began to break apart at the seems - and yet, for Douglas, there was no noise.​
Rundal, as a lich, did not breath nor sweat; but her face twisted into a small struggle as the inside of the shield began to lose more of Douglas’s features. In the last moment, even as the wood of the warehouse creaked and groaned, they would see from the outside Douglas’s eyes open -​
And with them, terror and pain.​
For Douglas, it seemed the light emanating from the rune became something more akin to a burn. It sickened him, threatened to toss his stomach out of his mouth and leave him little more than a husk on the ground; but he held on. The Kavosh were a hearty people when it came to magic, and Douglas was one of the only pure examples of them left - making his body extraordinarily resilient to the otherwise lethal energies within the containment. He could feel it, however, pouring from his eyes, nose, and mouth in swaths of fire - bright and blue as it was.​
Though, he could not scream - leaving him little choice but to hold on. He imagined great iron chains attached to either arm, both that he grabbed and were connected by heavy cuffs. There was nothing he could do but hold on, and he understood that even before he took the efforts to put himself through such an endeavor.​
And yet, he never imagined it would feel like this. It had only been a few seconds, but to him hours had begun to pass as he was burned and burned again - until he could feel Drakormirs energys begin to flood into him, stealing the energy from his muscles, rotting his organs as he kneeled, and threatening to tear him apart by the smallest increments it could manage. In every word, this dragon was the closest thing to a god that walked this land - and Douglas hoped to contain it.​
Foolish endeavor.​
Was that his own thought? He couldn’t be sure - he had full confidence that he could do it, but he could feel a growing anxiety, a constant doubt fill his mind. A second voice that whispered to him in a deep, gutteral tone.​
A dragons whisper in his inner ear.​
What a grand and intoxicating innocence.”, it seemed to laugh, darker than before.​
How could you be so naive? To give me such a fine body… It is not too late for my mercy, give up, Kavoshian. I won’t let you suffer.”​
Honeyed words with a poisoned root, a death sentence wrapped in gold leaf - to lose the pain, to escape this mistake he had thrust himself into. His body was physically splitting at the sternum, his heart - container of his soul was beating in the open air as blood rushed down his chest, and every second he could feel Drakormirs claws scratching away at it - carving just a touch more blood from the beating vessel.​
He gasped for air that wasn’t there, and the words came again -​
I won’t let you suffer.”, overlapping, a cacophany of words overlapping again and again.​
I won’t let you suffer.”​
Rundal struggled to hold the shield with Urberus now, pain growing on his falsified mask of a face despite all the undead strength that came with being a lich. Urberus could hear the pulsing of the lich’s phylactery heart, growing heavy in the ear drums as he drew upon more and more of his own power to maintain the glowing ball of pure energy in the center of the room. All the while, the entirety of Elbion shook - from magic, from terror it did not matter any longer.​
Maesters of every sort ran between their posts trying to collect a resistance, to prepare for the instant resurrection of the Dragon God himself while others still tried to understand the overwhelming currents of magic that surrounded them. Trying desperately to understand what they meant - if escape was even a possibility any longer. Na’ill would feel something similar, but for him there was a sudden change in the soul he was stealing from - as though a lake lost all the water beneath the surface, and what was left was treading water. All that he touched he could keep, but there was something missing all too quickly.​
Within the warehouse, Douglas’s skin began to flake and turn to ash - and his scream grew petulant and saddening. Confident only a mere few minutes ago, he had been taken to little more than a babe crying - or would be, were tears even possible any longer. The Kavoshian, while not heard by his allies on the outside of the sphere, was dying with the mockery of a God in his ear.​
Let go, child.”​
Give this up, your soul is mine!”, it cried.​
Stop this pointless endeavor!”, it began to scream.​
Yet Douglas held on - though no part of his own accord. The sigils that surrounded his body worked much like a phylactery, but it was utilizing the strength of his Kavoshian blood and the density of his own soul to power it; deeper and deeper it drove its hooks into the soul of the Dragon God, pulling it deeper into the magical sinkhole that had become Douglas’s body - though it was quickly losing that appearance.​
More minutes passed, and the once struggling Rundal was now fully at the mercy of whatever was within the barrier she had erected for protection. It was more a sun in the room now, leaving those few who didn’t close their eyes blind, and even those who had with little more than brightness - but the barrier undulated and cracked, it seemed to screech with the horrible sound of metal tearing, and all at once they could hear Douglas’s constant screams piercing its barrier before Rundal gave out a single command;​
Down!”, the lich cried out.​
And the barrier exploded, leveling half the warehouse before the dust would clear. Urberus, his grandson, and Rundal would be a few meters away - tucked behind a second barrier Rundal had only barely managed to hold up. Energy still poured into Douglas, but it began to fade as the child mage became more visible.​
Dust had hidden some of his wounds - covering him in ash as the city of Elbion seized in terror. Drakormir’s corpse ceased its movements, but the islands still shook; and Douglas now looked as much the part of Elbion as it did now. His skin was flayed wherever the sigil tattoos were not present, his eyes were crimson with broken blood vessels, muscles atrophied into nothing as all the calories available were burnt from his body, and in the center of his chest -​
There was no sternum. Torn from his chest was everything covering his heart - yet it glowed a blinding blue before fading like the turn of a lighthouse. Blood poured onto the floor in droves, though little remained left, before evaporating nearly as quickly as it touched the ground. Straggled hair, longer than it was before it had gone in, looked wiry and unkempt - and the cracked lips of Douglas glanced up to Urberus with a pleading shame as pale eyes looked to his allies for help.​
He could not speak the words, but he offered them graciously through movement alone -​
Help. Me.”​
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