Fable - Ask The daughter of Soleiman..

A roleplay which may be open to join but you must ask the creator first
Nym's lips twitched as she fought a grin whilst he looked her over again and she dipped her chin in a nod in response to his question, quite clearly finding some amusement in having him pick out her attire. Her head tilted to see past him as he looked over the garments, and she smiled at his choice with a short nod of approval. "Good choice." she mused quietly, draping it over the bed before getting back to her feet with a brief frown.

She cleared her throat and turned away from him with a shyness he seemed to cause her that she wasn't entirely used to, but she let out a breath and let the silk sheet fall to gather around her ankles. Aside from the bandages around her calf and thigh, she'd been left in a very short silk undergarment and nothing else. She sighed and slipped her fingers under the straps to slide them from her shoulders and let it fall too, adding to the pile of fabric gathering around her feet.

She chewed on her lip for a moment, turning her head a little to cast a sideways glance, curious as to whether he was watching or had decided to give her some privacy and look away. Regardless, she took the emerald dress and lifted it over her head and the creamy sheets of the silk garment slipped onto her shoulders and fell to cover her, peppering her body with soft, sensual kisses , it seduced the senses and conveyed with utmost skill the art of pleasing. The dress was haltered, leaving her back and shoulders bare and required a bow to be tied at the back of her neck. She pulled her dark waves around her shoulder and twisted a little to look at him "Would you mind?.." she asked, unable to fend her smirk away this time.
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"Is it?" he quietly asked as she flattened the dress out over the bed. Uvogin's attention only returned to her when she cleared her throat, and by then, her back was to him. She wore a floaty garment, its light, muted color contrasting beautifully against her dark skin. The thin straps over her shoulder, holding the garment up, seemed liable to snap away at any moment. They would not have the chance to snap, however, as the Princess let the sheer dress fall around her ankles.

The captain's brows subtly rose as the entirety of her backside was lain bare for his viewing pleasure. His eyes made a trail down the base of her neck, over her shoulders, down her back, and finally to the Princess' derriere. The small scars, the imperfections scattered about her otherwise perfect skin was in no small part enticing to the captain. Although watching her closely, his expression was stoic save for the wolfish gaze he cast over her body.

"I would not," he whispered, stifling a smile. He stepped close to Nymeasha, and before he worked at tying the dress, he traced a finger over a lengthy scar on her trapezius.

"Is it bad to say that scars suit you?" Uvogin whispered as he took lengths of fabric into each hand and tied a secure knot. "There."
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The touch was far more pleasant to her than she'd have expected for the man who was prepared to torture her and enjoy it only yesterday. He'd been doing his job, but she'd hated him for it. Now she knew more, now he'd been kind, understanding even, and without that ghoulish helmet of his he was beautiful to look at. No, she didn't mind the touch at all, and her eyes closed with a small smirk at his words, her muscle giving a slight shudder..

"Hm, well they'd better, they've served me well so far." she laughed quietly under her breath. Each scar had been a lesson, and there had been no better way for her to learn than the prospect of dying if she failed. She'd only come that close once. "I wear them proudly." she smiled. As her dress was secured she turned to face him, eyes lifting to his face for a moment before she looked down, smoothing the emerald silk over her figure with a bright smile. "Well?..How is it?.."
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"Stunning," he flatly stated, "It truly becomes you."

They shared the sentiment that their scars and the experienced that earned them the scars were lessons. There had been no greater teacher for the captain than the times he brushed shoulders with Death.

Betraying his low monotone, Uvogin's deep, dark blue eyes were glued to the young woman's figure. She was short, her body lithe, but a lifetime of training had honed it into a spectacular thing. As she smoothed the dress over her body, he could see the vague contours of her muscles under the silk. It was truly stunning.

"Now," he cleared his throat and stepped back, "that cane."

Uvogin turned on his heel and strode over the tile floor. He peeked out of the room and whispered to the attendant outside before returning to the Princess, though he stood a respectful distance from her now.

"It won't be long now."
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He did amuse her, and it showed. It was like he was an exceptionally handsome shell that was so used to being a rough exterior that his mind and body no longer interacted together, the stoic expression on his face and his monotonous voice rarely betraying his thoughts though his eyes, those did. Thank the gods for his eyes. Once again she tried to hide her grin and she looked down with a quiet thank you.

She felt her expression twist from the soft frown she wore as she had expected him to leave, into the warm smile when she realised that he wasn't, and she leaned herself against her bed as she watched him stand a little further from her now. A cane was going to ruin her dress, and even with the aid walking was going to hurt a fair bit, but it was a hard lesson learned and she'd deal with it without complaint, she was simply pleased to be offered the opportunity of stepping outside of these walls for a while.

"Is Gerra likely to be around?.." she asked, her tone somewhat apprehensive.
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"I wonder," he mused, "Are you concerned that he will join us in the gardens?"

In truth, Uvogin wasn't wholly aware of where or what Gerra was doing at any given time. Of course, there were days when Uvogin was at the Emperor's side at every moment, but this was not such a day.

"If he is around, I doubt we will see him. He seldom roams the gardens."

Just then, the attendant knocked on the door. Uvogin retrieved the cane and returned with it in-hand. He held it out for the Princess.

"Shall we go?"
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She sighed and her bare shoulders lifted and fell in a shrug "Well I did try to murder him. I expect that soured things a little.." she frowned and shook her head, realising how ridiculously stupid she'd been to even attempt such a thing in the first place. How far had she expected to get exactly? The Emperor had succeeded in panicking her beyond sense.. She gave a light nod and absently fidgeted with her hair, running her fingers through the waves and twisting it.

It wasn't exactly fear she felt when she thought of Gerra. It'd been a distrust that had been planted within her mind from a very young age and one she was finding difficult to shake despite being well enough treated, aside her visit to the cells.

She looked up as the door knocked, and reached to take the offered cane with a twist of a smile and got back to her feet. She really did feel pathetic, but her chin lifted anyway and she clenched her jaw and dealt with the pain, trying her best to retain some semblance of elegance as she walked, hoping her legs wouldn't buckle underneath her.
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"He has forgiven," Uvogin wryly smiled, "but I can assure you that he will not forget it. Gerra is a dear friend to me." Of course, the attempted killing had angered Uvogin when he heard of it. Despite that, if Gerra forgave her, then Uvogin could. He had even taken some semblance of a liking to her as well. But... "I will not forget it, either, Princess."

And with that, the two made for the gardens. It was a relatively short walk, though the Princess's condition did make things slower than it normally would be.

"Wait," Uvogin said, noticing her struggle even with the cane. He seemed to limp on one leg more than the other. He took the cane from her and instead offered his arm to cling to. At least her weight would not be forced on the cane, though he wondered if her pride as a Princess would keep her from holding onto him.
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Her gaze narrowed slightly as she listened to his words, a slight dip of her chin offered in acknowledgment.. "No.. nor should you." she sighed lightly, she was hardly going to get upset about the fact, she never forgot those who would seek to harm her or her family either. It was her job not to.. "Just as I won't forget how happy you seemed to be about removing my fingers from me, Captain." she smirked at him..

She stopped as he told her to wait, bearing her weight onto her left leg, the right thigh causing her more of a problem. She felt exhausted again already but she wouldn't allow her expression to say such a thing. Nym glanced down at his arm, though didn't need much time to consider and she took it, both arms snaking around the crook of his, offering her a little more balance. "Thank you, Uvogin." she sighed and cast a smile up at him, realising how often she'd had to say thank you to him this morning alone.
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"Hm," the stoic facade broke for a moment as he warmly smiled in response.

The arm suited her better than the cane, and Uvogin would be a liar if he were to say that he didn't enjoy having her cling to him.

The pair silently continued on for a while until they arrived at the gardens. Beautiful fountains were the centerpiece of the gardens; around them, exotic and native flora splendidly bloomed. It was a vibrant, colorful place, and a gentle warm breeze blew over the gardens. The garden itself was on a large balcony overlooking much of Ragash. It was a truly beautiful place to be.

"Look," Uvogin pointed up and away from the gardens. There was a smaller balcony above the gardens. "My quarters are there. I wake up to this sight every morning."

They walked through the gardens, sometimes stopping to admire the beautiful flora there. He guided her to a small bench next to one of the many beautiful fountains.
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Damn..that smile. A rare sight but the most beautiful things often were, and if anything it only made the weakness in her legs a little worse off.

Nym inhaled slowly as they reached the gardens, her face lit and her gaze danced over the sight in admiration. A riot of colour in a dreary, beige world. She followed his pointed finger toward the balcony he says was his and she smiled softly "It's beautiful.." she sighed deeply and absently allowed her head to rest against his bicep for a brief moment as she enjoyed the sense of peace in the sound of trickling water and the noticeable smell of jasmine.

She sat on the bench and continued to gaze around, enjoying the heat of the sun on her face.. "My father had similar gardens at home. My mother and brothers would play in them." she smiled at the memories, before realising how horrible the memories truly had been, for she'd only ever watched from a shadowy corner. She looked down, kicking her legs out to wriggle her toes. "Thank you for bringing me." she nodded, wincing slightly as she was once again thanking him.
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  • Bless
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"I thought it would be good for you. This is still the palace, technically, but..." his gaze wandered over Ragash's cityscape, "at least this view is here."

He casually sat on the bench's armrest. "Quiet, too. It is a good place for contemplation."

The day was still young; the sun had yet to reach its apex in the sky. After looking over the city for a bit, he turned his attention back to Nymeasha. She was beautiful before, yet under the sun, no words came to Uvogin that would do her justice. Her dress shimmered, and her skin took on a healthy radiance under the light of day.

The dark clothes that Uvogin wore starkly contrasted that of the Princess. Tailored to comfortably fit under his armor, the clothes hugged his muscular frame. The sleeves of his shirt were pushed half-way up his forearms, which were folded across his chest.

There were several things they could have talked about, but the tranquil silence between them was a pleasant thing. In a reticent manner characteristic of himself, Uvogin averted his lasting gaze on Nymeasha back to the city. He couldn't suppress the childish half-smile that grew on his face.
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Nym nodded at his words as she admired the fountain, gazing across the breeze-ruffed surface to the lily pads in bloom, their white or magenta petals fluttering in the warm wind. She inhaled deeply. Peace. A little piece of heaven amidst the chaos of a city.. She'd quite happily stay here, she thought, not that she'd admit it.

She cast her gaze up at him as he stood smiling like that, and she grinned and shook her head in amusement at the game he seemed to be playing with her.

"You know.." she cleared her throat, deciding to voice her thoughts.. " This day has been more peaceful than any day I've ever lived?" she frowned at the admission. Being a 'princess' should have come with plenty days of peace and happiness, but there was not a single day she could recall that had given her what he'd given her in a single morning. The gardens really were good for contemplation.
"That so?" He looked back at her with a small, warm smile on his face. "Good. It may be hard to believe, but that is what Gerra wants. Peaceful days. For everyone."

Peace did not just happen, though. Unity was not something that could be achieved on a whim. Gerra had to do many things, some terrible, to see out his ambition. The thought of it wiped the smile clean off Uvogin's face. His usual stoic brooding returned.

"Of course, not everyone sees the vision of peace that he does." He opened his arms, gesturing to their surroundings. "But, this is the goal. This peaceful moment that we are sharing."

And he was glad to share it with the Princess.
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Reactions: Nym
She enjoyed that smile of his whilst it lasted, but hers faded too as he spoke of Gerra’s vision. She didn’t believe there could be such a thing as peace for all, there would always be unrest whilst there was something for people to be jealous of or want or hate. How many people had died under her father’s rule? How many had been slaughtered under Gerra’s command?...Nym believed that all they wanted was the world, but she kept her opinions to herself, not wishing to sour the conversation.

Nym’s smile returned for a brief moment as she looked up at him.. “It’s a very beautiful dream..” she answered, her gaze lingering a little too long before she dragged her eyes away and watched the water cascading into the fountain. “Wouldn’t it be lovely if it were real life?..” she sighed longingly.

She couldn’t return to her home, or her life, but if this captivity was to be her retirement then he could keep her here. She felt a sudden wave of disloyalty toward her father, like a cat who’d been better fed elsewhere and had abandoned its owner.. She’d never be free anyway, but if she had to choose her prison this one would do nicely.

She smiled to herself.
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“I yearn for the day that I can throw my sword away,” Uvogin’s lips pressed into a thin line. Though he was an exceptional killer, he’d never taken actual pleasure in being that. War, violence - it was all he knew. “I fear that day may never come.” His voice trailed for a moment. “Moments like this are enough for me.”

Yes, the peaceful moment he shared with the beautiful Princess was a refreshing thing. To be away from his normal duties and instead spend time leisurely chatting in the garden?

Well, his men were well-trained. They could manage a day or two without the captain.
Nym nodded vacantly at his words, her brow creasing gently in thought. “Why not? If you are truly free then you can throw it away whenever you choose.” she twisted to look at him, a slight grimace as she pulled her bare feet up onto the bench and draped her arms around her knees.

“I’m unsure if I’ll ever use a blade again. And I can’t say whether or not that thought troubles or soothes me.. It’s all I know.” She pondered aloud, but any worry she held was quickly abated by the warm flora scented breeze that caressed her skin and she smiled again.

“But yes... I suppose more of these moments can’t be such a bad thing.” she closed her eyes with a sigh of contentment and lifted her chin in worship of the sun.
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The eyes of Ragash's Unseen Hand were ever watching...fortunate, too, since Nymeasha was not in her designated quarters as Gerra had told her she would be. Of course, it was a lovely day for a stroll in the gardens, and the poor princess was assuredly getting stir crazy by now. So it was that the bandage-wrapped Vizier of Eyes made her way to one of the more scenic portions of the palace to deliver an important message.

Medja dipped a toe onto the ground from time to time, sensing the vibrations through the stonework and narrowing down the location of the princess and the captain. It didn't take her too long to find them, though she couldn't help but eavesdrop a moment or two before she approached. Funny, she usually let her spies do this sort of thing; it wasn't often she got to overhear things first hand these days. How ironic that they seemed to be discussing freedom...

When she was ready, she hovered her way over and made her presence known.
"Fine choice of scenery, dear captain. I'm surprised you didn't pick the Room of the Golden Pond like everyone else always seems to." She smirked and ran her fingers gently across Uvogin's shoulders as she brushed past him, then turned her attention to Nymeasha and gave her a smile, both warm and proud. "Good day, your Highness. Please, pardon my intrusion; I am Vizier Medja of Ragash. I come bearing greetings...and good tidings."

She dipped her head in a polite, but informal bow as she greeted the girl. She hated to interrupt such a...tender moment, but this was the sort of news that Nym likely wouldn't want to wait on.
He let Nymeasha’s words sink in before an unexpected guest arrived in the gardens; the newly appointed Vizier of Eyes. A deserved reward, Uvogin thought. Time and time again, the sorceress proved herself more than capable.

“Vizier,” he greeted her and returned a small smile, “The Princess has already seen the Golden Pond. Besides, you know that I am hardly like everyone else.”

As she stood in front of Nymeasha, he gave the vizier a brief once-over with the smallest of frowns. How long had she been around? What exactly did she hear?

They hadn’t talked about anything substantial, but even Uvogin was capable of embarrassment. He did, after all, speak to Nymeasha in an uncharacteristically personal manner. The vizier knew him as a stoic, cold man and he intended to maintain that image with her.
Nym flinched slightly at the sound of another voice, she'd been so focused on Uvogin's soothing tones and the peaceful ambience of the gardens that she'd forgotten that there may be other people around. The golden pond hadn't been so golden the last she'd looked upon it, and she chewed gently on her lip at the suggestion..

It was still odd for Nym to be greeted by her royal titles by anyone that wasn't within her father's small circle of trusted confidants. Gerra and Uvogin had continued with it, though she wasn't exactly sure they were necessary anymore..

She cleared her throat at the woman's introduction and dipped her chin politely, emerald green hues studying her curiously for a short moment before offering a brief but warm smile. "Vizier... Your good tidings would be welcomed.." she frowned softly, glancing to the captain and noting his frown, and she sought some form of reassurance.

"I hope you'll forgive me for not standing.. My legs are somewhat impaired." she told Medja, though she turned to settle her feet back on the ground, her fingers tapping on the edge of the stone bench where she sat watching her.
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“The Princess has already seen the Golden Pond. Besides, you know that I am hardly like everyone else.”
Medja spared the Immortal captain a sly wink and a knowing smirk. Teasing him would never not be entertaining.
"You most certainly are not, dear captain. And might I say, a fine job on the recoloring of the pond, Princess. I'm more a fan of green, myself, but the red was a nice touch."

The sorceress offered the noble girl a warm grin, then sat in the palm of one of her floating, stone hands, cross legged and in front of her.
"My sincerest apologies about your injuries, your Highness. Hopefully this might serve to raise your spirits," She brushed a hand through her hair and smiled again, speaking in a soft and comforting tone. "An old friend of yours payed us a visit recently, one Noelani of the Mchawi people, and asked that you be released from Imperial custody. I agreed with the sentiment...after some debate with Lord Gerra, I've secured your freedom, my lady. You are free to do as you please."
Uvogin did not hide his grimace. No other person was able to verbally dance around the captain quite like Medja could. With nothing to say in return, his small frown lifted into a wry smile and he softly chuckled. The vizier’s presence brought with it the assurance of entertainment.

What came next, though, was rather shocking. He didn’t let his surprise show past his raised brows. Nymeasha’s freedom was inevitable, granted that she would behave herself in the palace. Uvogin would have bet on a month, perhaps two at most. She had already been held for a considerable amount of time, anyways.

But, the day after an attempt on Gerra’s life?

The captain looked down at Nymeasha, anticipating her response.
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Reactions: Nym and Medja
Nym's cheeks heated somewhat as the woman commented on the pond, and she frowned gently, unsure why it seemed to be amusing to her.

At the mention of Lani, she sat up a little. Nym had one friend. The woman's name caused an ache in her throat and she smiled with a soft laugh under her breath to know she hadn't been completely forgotten about. Her smile faltered however as the Vizier continued, and her expression became one of confusion. She returned Uvogin's look as she felt his eyes on her, though she only managed to hold his gaze for a moment before it fell to her feet in silence for a moment.

Just yesterday she had broken her voice from screaming about her freedom. She'd stabbed Gerra in the chest in attempt to gain it. But her brow furrowed and she looked up to stare at the woman with a light shake of her head. "I don't understand..I made an attempt on the Emperor's life just yesterday, I blinded one of his men. He reminded me of how many people outside these palace walls would see me dead as soon as I set foot in the city. What of my mother, and brothers, his fears of us taking back what was ours?.." she got to her feet and grimaced before falling back to the bench with a growl.

She realised she was arguing against her freedom, but she'd only just accepted the lack of it and the prospect of peace and rest had soothed her. Now, where would she go? She'd have to watch her back constantly and hide herself away..

"Not that I am ungrateful .. of course. It's just unexpected, I'm sure you understand."
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Confusion was an expected and natural response, certainly not an unexpected one. That said, Medja seemed to recall an expression she had heard Prince Mago use...something about looking a gift horse in the mouth. The vizier cocked her head and rested her face in her hand.

"What's there to understand? When I want something, I get it. I wanted you free, and now you are." She giggled playfully and leaned forward. Elucidation was something she felt the poor girl deserved, at the very least, so elucidate she did.

"The Emperor put a trained assassin in lockup and that assassin lashed out the only way she knew how. He's well aware of what happens when you goad a caged tiger..." Medja paused a moment, her choice of metaphors very specific and very purposeful. "...and he's also aware that he could've easily lost his life."

The vizier shifted her legs to her side and reclined into the palm of the giant, clay appendage. The bandages around her left hand fell free and she began to examine her nails as she continued her explanation.
"For all intents and purposes I am the ruler of Ragash. As far as I'm concerned, you're my honored guest here in my city. That makes you untouchable." Medja went on, nonchalant as could be. She refocused on the princess, her gaze narrowing. "As far your family, well...let's just say I'm not concerned that any of you will be reclaiming Salitra any time soon."

The sorceress hummed and put a thoughtful finger to her chin, looking skyward as though pondering the clouds above.
"That just leaves the matter of what you'll do next, I suppose. I believe Noelani wished for you to travel back to the islands with her, which you're more than welcome to. Or..." Suddenly Medja's gaze became laser-focused on Nymeasha, emerald orbs boring into her. "If you wish to stay in Ragash, I have something of an offer to make you."
Nym remained quiet and allowed the woman to say all she had to say, and even then her silence lingered a little longer. She did offer somewhat of a smug grin at being likened to that of a caged tiger, but otherwise her expression remained stoic and pensive. She watched her with curiosity, the floating hands were intriguing, and something about the woman unnerved her. Nym held no magical abilities, she'd always been jealous of Lani's magic as a child. Her father had instructed mages to try and teach her and she'd been punished for her lack of it, it had only made her training all the more brutal. How much simpler her life would have been to hone such abilities..

"Untouchable.." she commented after a while, her lips pursing as she pondered the word. "My father thought he was untouchable. The Emperor would've thought himself untouchable, more so in the safety of this palace, would he not? What makes you think that rebels would stay their hand from me because you say it is a crime for me to come to harm?" her head tilted, speaking with the same nonchalant tone the Vizier had afforded her.

"You would be right not to worry about that reclamation 'any time soon'. I don't want it, my mother wishes to go to Elbion. But I can't speak for my brothers in the years to come. Would you let them loose now only to hunt them when they become men?" her brow arched.

Despite her tension she couldn't help but smile warmly at the thought of returning to Lani's home, the Islands were beautiful, she'd find peace there it was a certainty but she couldn't contain her curiosity over the woman's alternative and her gaze narrowed slightly. "Then make your offer and allow me to consider my options." she sighed, glancing to Uvogin as she noted his silence on the matter.
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