The Empire Some Scars Run Deeper

Threads open to all members of the The Empire group


Character Biography
There was a day when giants cast shadows over cities and mountains...

And he remembered that day still as if it were yesterday. It still played in his dreams not every night, but frequently, reminding him of what could be. Reminding him that demons do exists, and that even a god can become one. Being there by Ashuanar's side in the wake of the Great One's rising, in the wake of Sparhawk's death, witnessing the things that followed, changed more than anyone in that moment could realize.

It changed everyone.

And despite what valiance there might have been in their lord Gerra's actions in ending Drakormir's existence at the expense of Elbion, even in this there was great sin, which says nothing of those sins committed just prior. And it was those earlier sins that were witnessed by him and the other couple dozen Sipahi that had been dispatched with him on this latest endeavour, who were also among those present. They watched helplessly as Gerra lashed out against his closest confidants, and it was these cruel moments as the now Empress Regent bled in the Red Sun's arms, their hearts for their god changed, and they grew wary. Instead, they gravitated toward the bond that the Stars and Sun shared and looked to them for their light to lead them. Even if it was that it would lead them back there: to the heart of Arethil's great wound, near the Forbidden city.

The desert nights were cool, and its wind could be harsh. Tonight, was such a time, and so with wagons rounded in a semi-circle at the base of a great dune, they found reprieve from the cutting winds. Their fire burned in relative peace with only the odd, infrequent flicker of a draft. For Ihtizaz and his brethren, it was nothing they hadn't seen thousands of times before. The nomadic tribes of the Abtati were all too familiar with the desert's various displays of wrath, and the Mari-Kuul were no different. Many of them stood off a little further from the fire, robed in their all too distinctive albeit plain dress. Ishizaz, however, stationed himself quite close to the fire with some of the others who'd been chosen to undertake this task. There in the orange glow, the discussed what was to come.

As it was, the Forbidden City was just out of sight. They would be there in only a short matter of time.

"I'm not sure if we really understand what to expect out here," he said, sitting cross legged by the fire with a plate of food on his lap. He was the only Abtati who had thus far shown their face to any of the others during this journey, "I'm not sure if there is anything left to expect."

It was clear by his tone that, though he was ready to carry out this task, he was not exactly keen on returning here.

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Masika didn’t mind the cold too often, especially not when she was so close to the fire. And today was a celebratory day. Still a granite hand herself, she felt more than the word “honored” could express that the wonderful Empress Regent had thought Masika capable enough to join in on this assignment. Such an important assignment!

A part of Masika wondered if she were even qualified enough to go on such an important mission, but if Medja thought her to be ready then she was.

At least that was what she kept telling herself as bounced her knee up and down in excited anticipation. A plate of food was steadily held in one hand while her other hand dipped into it to scoop it into her mouth. She blinked for a moment, and looked at Ihtizaz, and tilted her head to the side much like a bird. While Masika tended to be friendly towards anyone, it was rather hard when so many here were… well, stoic was the nicest way to put it, she supposed.

Unless there was a word that suggested someone was as emotionless and lifeless like a bronze statue that looked down at you. Like that one in Ragash on the streets that intersected at—

I hope there’s something to find, that’s not ash or dirt.” Masika said, hoping that the conversation wouldn’t end after she put in her two cents. “Imagine! If we find the remains of… of…” her brows lowered as she tried to think of something exciting. “The remains of something very exciting!
"Ain't about the city, right? All that's there are scavengers and skeletons." Rahma piped up, jabbing at the fire with a stick. Maybe it was the beastly side of his nature, but the desert's hots and colds never much bothered him. Even now he was still only covered in his usual loose-fitting garb, a good portion of his torso wholly exposed. With his other hand he lifted to his mouth and took a bite out of the cooked bird he'd been slowly munching on. Getting sent out into the middle of absolute fucking nowhere wasn't exactly Rahma's idea of an "important mission," but whatever the boss lady wanted, she got.

"Wait, you want to find something out here? Didn't a giant fucking dragon come out of that hole? Think I'd rather be able to come back home and tell Medja we didn't find shit." He chided Masika, waving the bird leg around at her like some roasted wand. Medja seemed intent on pairing the two of them together for a time now for reasons that Rahma didn't fully understand. Maybe she was just trying to acclimate him to the most harmless woman she could feasibly employ. "I feel like we've got enough on our plate back in Ragash already."

Rahma glanced away from the fire, pupils dilating far beyond what a human or elf's could, and he pondered over the dark environment around him. "Nothing but snakes and bugs out there," he'd always heard, yet he couldn't shake the feeling of discomfort that crawled across his skin. This place
  • Nervous
Reactions: Masika
Ihtizaz returned Masika's inquisitive look with one of his own with one brow slowly raising higher as she proclaimed her hopes in discovering something. In this regard, he was most certainly with Rahma. He was far more inclined to hope that all that they would find out here were indeed skeletons and scavengers, ash and dirt. But, like The Mongrel, he too perceived something amiss in these forgotten lands. Something... lingering. So, he too cast a look out into the surround, though he knew his companion's eyes would discern far more than his own. In spite of this, he did see what he could - which was nothing of note. Only those of their company were stirring.

"I would agree. But here we are all the same," he set his plate aside having barely touched it, "but... it is possible that this could be dangerous, which is why we are here," he gave his head a subtle inclination to the nearby Sipahi, "we were here when the dragon had risen. And he did come out of that hole, only..." his eyes drifted into the fire, "he wasn't the only thing."

  • Nervous
Reactions: Rahma and Masika
Masika hunched in on herself, making herself small as she was (rightly) reminded that this mission was one that should be taken quite seriously. The levity of her words weren’t to be taken lightly. Especially as Ihtizaz pointed out a valuable bit of information: there was more than just Drakormir that had made itself known.

Masika’s lips pursed together as she mulled this over. What other things came? He couldn’t just be talking about the ash or the sickness, right? Another creature? Maybe some dark and forbidden magic? Masika hoped it wasn’t that, she wasn’t the most magically inclined. It required too much reading and thinking back to all those lines and squiggles.

What could be so dangerous?” Masika questioned, and then looked over at Rahma impishly. “If there’s monsters it’ll be good exercise. And I’ll be the one to finish off the most— more than Rahma!” She then looked back at Ihtizaz and flexed her free arm. While muscle was evident there was still a sleekness to it that was nothing like the bulk of what most imagined to be of a strong warrior. “I’m quite strong so there’s nothing to worry about!” At least, she hoped so.

Rahma Ihtizaz
  • Sip
  • Bless
Reactions: Rahma and Ihtizaz
he wasnt the only thing.

"See, that's exactly the kind of thing I don't want to hear." Rahma groaned, his eyes lingering on the dark before returning to jabbing at coals with his stick. Nothing good could come from ancient things popping out of a hole in the ground and running amok.

What could be so dangerous?

Bright, yellow eyes snapped up towards his compeer, staring sharply at her over the glow of the fire.
"We don't know, and that's the damn problem. Surprises don't exactly go well for us, remember?" He pointed out, tapping the side of his head. It hadn't been all that long ago that Masika had been put through a wall by a surprise attack. Masika's positivity was nice, but her naivety was going to get herself killed.

"What if there's something stronger than you waiting down there? What if we--" The demi-jackal's ears flicked, then spun atop his head as they picked up something, and his words fell short. A sound in the night, like wings cutting through air, nearly silent like an owl.

Rahma stood, drawing his katars. He was thankful his anatomy granted him this sort of early warning system, even if he sometimes hated how paranoid it made him. In this situation, though? Paranoia paid dividends.
"We're not alone out here."
  • Scared
  • Devil
Reactions: Ihtizaz and Masika
It was a good thing that he'd already done himself the favour of setting his plate aside, because when Rahma drew his weapons and uttered the words he least wanted to hear, he was quick to bring himself to his feet. In a quick motion his headcloth was once again adorned and his features once more obscure and more protected from potential sand flung up by the wind. And finally, he too took up his weapon, a simple but finely crafted dadao.

Upon seeing the two take up their arms, the other Sipahi needed no spoken order to take up a defensive posture, likewise bringing their weapons to bear. They'd come to know Rahma had an acute sense of his surroundings and was very rarely misled. If he thought there was something out there, then chances were, he was right.

He cast a glance back, recalling Masika's question...

“What could be so dangerous?
"I think we're about to find out," he said, then he turned to Rahma, saying, "what do you hear?"

Just then, his elven ears finally picked up hints of something out there, prompting him to focus his attention out into the dark, and ready his sword.

"What is it," he asked, though he did not fully expect an answer.

  • Nervous
Reactions: Masika and Rahma
Oh by the hundreds and goodness what else, she must have jinxed them. Well, Masika had never been the luckiest person alive, or rather, for every time she was blessed with good luck, soon enough some bad luck would come to make everything equal again. Recently though she felt she had a chain of events that were all related to bad luck… Masika glanced at Rahma. Or maybe he was the one bringing all the bad luck?

She stood up immediately, letting her food drop to the floor. Normally she wouldn’t do such a rude thing, and who wanted to waste food? But if there was something out there then she needed to be ready. Unlike Rahma and Ihtizaz, Masika’s hearing were normal. She couldn’t hear anything nor could she see anything past what the large fire’s light could show.

Regardless, the young warrior swiftly removed her mace-axe from it’s latch behind her, and with a bend in her knees she was ready. She was facing the direction that Rahma and Ihtizaz were facing, a serious and determined look adorning her ebullient features. The firelight continued to flicker, shadows dancing in such a way that Masika’s brown eyes mistook movement.

Rahma Ihtizaz
  • Yay
Reactions: Ihtizaz
What is it,

Whatever it was, it was fast. Fast and probably smart. Rahma could barely track it as it circled the camp again and again, the dish-like ears atop his head naturally keeping themselves pointed in its direction as much as they could.

"Gods be damned if I know!" He answered angrily, spinning bodily as the thing whipped by once more. He half expected it to just keep this game up until he got dizzy, but then a horrid shriek pierced the night like a spear through glass. That was it.

Rahma rushed towards the thing as it came towards the closest point to Rahma in its little race loop, but as soon as he did it filled its wings and swooped upwards and away. The demi-jackal slid to a halt in the sand and watched, listened, waited.

A few quiet wingbeats later he'd seen the silhouette of their strange visitor move out towards the Scar of Drakormir and duck down into it.

"Shhhhit. That ain't good." Rahma cursed. He ground his teeth a moment, then walked back to the camp site. "I heard wings. Leathery. Saw something the size of a small camel circling us, then go dive into the Scar."
  • Scared
  • Nervous
Reactions: Ihtizaz and Masika
There were murmurs amongst the gathered explorers and warriors at this new revelation delivered to them from the self proclaimed mongrel, Rahma. For some of the Sipahi, the first words they spoke were of these now evident omens of dread. Even Ihtizaz was perturbed to say the least, but with Rahma having returned and seemingly sheathed the most of his alarm, he too eased.

He pondered Rahma's words, then turned to Masika saying, "the ash that Drakormir brought with him caused people to become far more than just sick. It changed them over time... most are unaware of what really happened. The Sun and Stars worked diligently to see to this..."

The Sipahi present were already well aware, and were even a party to the secrecy. But even still as he began to speak in hushed tones, he drew both Rahma and Masika close. And so Ihtizaz explained to them what most of the Empire - what most of the Imperials for that matter, were ignorant of. He spoke what truths he knew regarding the terrible thing - The Draconic Plague - and how many innocence had been changed and many more slain before they could. Changed into monstrosities.

"If into the Scar this thing fled, then there can be no doubt. This is of Drakormir's design."

  • Nervous
  • Sip
Reactions: Rahma and Masika
Masika frowned, feeling quite out of her element. She still held onto her mace axe, just in case that strange winged creature decided to come back, but it seemed— and Masika could be wrong— that it wasn’t there to attack. Perhaps it was investigating? A chill traveled down her spine and she couldn’t deny how scary that thought was. Who was it reporting back to?

Maybe she was overthinking things. The unknown often had that affect on her. If only the ash didn’t affect her then she could be at peace, although even that was beginning to nag at her as well, whatever this ash was, it was serious. More serious than Masika had originally assumed.

Should we wait until it’s day to travel into the scar?” She asked, glancing at both of the men. “Do we go now?

Rahma Ihtizaz
  • Sip
  • Thoughtful
Reactions: Ihtizaz and Rahma
"Depends," Rahma replied, tucking his katars back into their sheathes. Already he was back at the fire, gathering his things. On its own, his body started to shift slightly, white fur growing over his extremities as his fight-or-flight instincts kicked in. "It's gonna be dark down there no matter what. Plus, whatever's down there knows we're coming."

The jackal's gold eyes, reflecting the light of the fire in the night, scanned over his comrades. If all the legends regarding Drakormir were to be believed, whatever they were heading towards was going to be far from pleasant.

"I guess it all boils down to how rested we all are, and how brave we're all feeling." He concluded, fangs glinting with a subtle smirk.
  • Smug
Reactions: Ihtizaz
Ihtizaz was not exactly inclined to go rushing into the gargantuan chasm that awaited them, but it was not as though sunlight was going to do them much good in there anyway. Even in the day, it would be only a matter of time...

A quick look to the abtati closest to him with wordless exchange and nodded heads, and then he turned to the others and said, "we are ready to go at any time. However..." he cast a glance in the direction of The Scar, and then back to them saying, "without the light of day, if we find we must make a quick escape it may difficult to find our way back out."

Neither he or his Sipahi were lax when it came to their awareness or their sense of direction, but he was also aware of what can become of one's sense when they are surrounded by the unknown, especially if they feel like there is no way out. Skilled, confident and hardened as they were, no one was immune to fear's cold grip forever.

  • Nervous
  • Sip
Reactions: Rahma and Masika
The warrior woman debated both Rahma and Ihtizaz’ words, considering their suggestions. Ultimately it seemed waiting until daylight would not do them any favors. The issue was, and Masika felt rather shy to admit such a thing, that whereas the abtati and Rahma could see in the dark, Masika could not. They would need torches. Lots of them.

Good thing she was the strongest pack mule they had on this excursion.

Perhaps it’s best to go now then,” Masika said and glanced at both of the men. “That way when we leave the… strange hole, it’ll be daylight?” She had no idea how long they would be in those depths, those deep and dark and dangerous depths. She motioned over to Rahma and leaned towards him, loudly whispering. “I’m not good when it comes to seeing in the dark.” She said sheepishly.
  • Bless
  • Devil
Reactions: Rahma and Ihtizaz
Rahma smiled at Masika, then rolled his shoulders and cracked his neck.
"It's gonna be dark down there no matter when we go. Then again, Medja didn't send us out totally unprepared..."

The half-jackal made for his bag, opened it, and began to rummage through.
"Oi, come on out, you little bastards. Time to go to work."

Rahma pulled a worked stone and crystal object from the main pouch, set it down, and tapped it. Lethargically, the thing began to click, and then four thin, spindly, segmented legs sprouted from the diamond shaped thing. Light began to softly emanate from its body and a glowing spot opened on one of its faces, which shone a brighter light as it twisted around. The little construct, no bigger than a honeydew, began to crawl around on the ground, then nimbly up the side of a rock before leaping to perch itself on Rahma's shoulder.

No sooner had it done so than several more of the artificial creatures poured from Rahma's bag, each shining their own lights.

"The Mistress has been getting a bit more creative with the blood golems lately. She made sure I had a few of these little guys before we headed out," he looked from his crawler to the others among the group. "No excuses not to get going now."
  • Yay
Reactions: Masika and Ihtizaz
Ihtizaz watched with an almost bewildered amazement as the autonomous creatures one by one began to appear from Rahma's belongings. He explained that Medja began to develop what Ihtizaz would say were far more complex creatures. Such small things, yet they would no doubt prove invaluable in their endeavours beneath the ground. He examined the golems as the scurried about, and a wry smile found his lips as he mused how the Cabal of Amenthes must have been hard at work in their rituals to bring lasting life to these creatures.

He recalled taking part in one such ritual in the years past, and that not all were centered around blood.

He nodded to Rahma an affirmative nod and then another to Masika, and then in finality he turned and did so to the Sipahi nearby. His subordinate understood the order therein, and quietly went about sharing with the others to gather what they needed to depart.

"Then let us get moving."

  • Yay
Reactions: Masika
Masika was prepared to follow Ihtizaz and Rahma alongside the Sipahi to the depths of the unknown. It was an unfortunate twist of luck however that had need of her elsewhere. She was to leave immediately, but she left knowing that later she could pester Rahma over what happened within the Scar.

Masika has left the party
Rahma Ihtizaz
  • Cthulu Knife
Reactions: Rahma