Forsaken by his kin and left to die in the slums of Salitra, Rahma did not know acceptance or trust...until the reach of Medja and her Hands enveloped the city he dwelled in.
Rahma, for the most part, appears to be a fairly dark skinned, athletically built, human male. His hair is ivory in color, his eyes gold, his facial features sharp. What distinguishes him from an average human, however, are the large, jackal-esque ears that sprout from the top of his head, his sharply fanged canine teeth, and the bushy, low hanging tail that sprouts from his lower back. Since coming under Medja's employ he likes to wear gold jewelry and comfortable, yet practical robes and slops.
Skills and Abilities
- Thief: Having mostly fended for himself from youth, Rahma is proficient at pilfering, lying, cheating, and surviving. Sticky fingers and a subtle cloak can carry you far, and Rahma is quite good at grabbing things and getting out.
- Beastly Brawler: When subtlety and tact fail, force is often required. Many long nights were spent by Rahma brawling in fight pits and learning how to not be pummeled into paste. His instincts quickly found him, and Rahma learned to fight like a beast, tooth and claw when necessary. When using actual weapons, Rahma prefers what is comfortable, usually favoring katars or simple knuckle dusters.
- Shifting: Though Rahma himself is unaware, he is not human; rather, he is a Letai. Like all Letai, Rahma can somewhat shift his anatomy in instances of great stress, anger, or when his survival instincts kick in. Claws grow tougher and longer, fangs grow sharper, eyesight grows keener, fur spreads, legs become digitigrade, and musculature becomes stronger and more nimble.
- Budding Mage: Rahma is not particularly skilled in magic yet, especially since he doesn't spend much time focusing on it. For the most part he lets his skill with conventional fighting and sneaking , as well as his natural talents carry him through life. However, in the brief training he's done, he has unveiled his own sorcerous power: concussive magic. He can generate stronger impacts than his physical limits would normally allow for. With time and focus, he could develop this further...
In spite of his past, Rahma tries to maintain a jovial and optimistic air when dealing with others. He is, however, rather impolite, having learned his etiquette from Salitran street thugs and the dregs of society. He is forward and direct with those few he is comfortable with, and somewhat curt and secretive with everyone else. Rahma has significant difficulty with opening up to others, especially humans, and especially females. He is slow to trust, but grateful to those who show him kindness. He has a definite cocky streak, believing himself to be fairly infallible when it comes to dealing with urban survival.
Biography & Lore
Rahma was born of a life he never knew and wouldn't understand. His life was sparked when the woman who would be his mother, a human, was abducted by what the species called Letai call a Blutjäger clan. Blutjägers respect only strength and take what they want, even against the will of others; Rahma's mother was no exception. Sometime after her capture, Rahma's mother was able to escape the grasp of the clan and return to the safety of Salitra, but not without a new life dwelling within her. She carried the child to term, and months later, an apparently human child was born to her.
The woman raised the child lovingly, and Rahma loved his mother more than anything else. Despite their poor stature, Rahma was happy, and cared after his mother with joy and enthusiasm in his heart. That was, at least, until he reached the age of 10. At that young age, Rahma began to manifest traits similar to that of his father. His canine ears and tail grew in, revealing his inhuman nature. His mother could not bear the sight, and in time her mind broke apart. In a moment of weakness, Rahma's mother attempted to kill him, only to fail and wind up killing herself out of guilt.
Too young to understand what had happened, Rahma was left alone, an outcast even within the diversity of Salitra. He was left to fend for himself, his heart broken by the betrayal and subsequent loss of his mother. He eked out a life as a street urchin, then a thief, clinging to survival through grit and spite.
Then came the Siege of Bread, the Sacking of Salitra, and with it the influence of Medja of Ragash. Rahma did not need to seek out Medja or her Hands. They found him, and promised him a new life...one with purpose, where he could find family and belonging. Entranced, Rahma allowed himself a moment of vulnerability for the first time since his mother's passing and offered himself to the Vizier of Stars.
The woman raised the child lovingly, and Rahma loved his mother more than anything else. Despite their poor stature, Rahma was happy, and cared after his mother with joy and enthusiasm in his heart. That was, at least, until he reached the age of 10. At that young age, Rahma began to manifest traits similar to that of his father. His canine ears and tail grew in, revealing his inhuman nature. His mother could not bear the sight, and in time her mind broke apart. In a moment of weakness, Rahma's mother attempted to kill him, only to fail and wind up killing herself out of guilt.
Too young to understand what had happened, Rahma was left alone, an outcast even within the diversity of Salitra. He was left to fend for himself, his heart broken by the betrayal and subsequent loss of his mother. He eked out a life as a street urchin, then a thief, clinging to survival through grit and spite.
Then came the Siege of Bread, the Sacking of Salitra, and with it the influence of Medja of Ragash. Rahma did not need to seek out Medja or her Hands. They found him, and promised him a new life...one with purpose, where he could find family and belonging. Entranced, Rahma allowed himself a moment of vulnerability for the first time since his mother's passing and offered himself to the Vizier of Stars.