~Two days before the battle~
The midday sun had beaten down hard on the land that surrounded the ancient city, bearing a silent witness to two travelers on horseback that made their way to it through the winding paths and craggy slopes that made up their passage into
Falwood. More than a century had passed since the war that had nearly ruined the city, but the old inroads and paths that the inhabitants had constructed or carved remained remarkably intact, a testament to their spirit, their ingenuity.
Of the two, only the ranger,
Elias Morn had ever been down in this corner of the world once before, long ago during his days as an explorer. Though he had not yet set foot in the city, never gazed upon its beauty, not yet born witness to the
legendary temple that was the centerpiece of it, he had heard wondrous tales of it from his old friend, the elf, Khalil Sandstrider. Since their chance meeting a decade earlier, the ranger had become well-versed in the many different
elven peoples of
Arethil, been fascinated by their customs and their long histories.
For his part saving Khalil's life from slavers, Elias had been named Falendil, or "Elf-Friend" in the
common tongue. For the greater part of a year, he had learned the many dialects of elvish and from Khalil had been told of the city and its woes. He had been especially troubled when he learned of the interloping
monsters that had plagued her were now fighting under a new leader, this
Arkhivom. The people's suffering alone would have been enough to draw the attention of his companion, the paladin,
Nathaniel Jameson - but the other human also would have come anyway for his own reasons.
Unlike Elias, Nathan was a Celestialist - raised in the rites of the faithful and trained in the arts of combat from a young age.
For his devotion and his purity of heart, Nathan was awarded the favor of
Nykios, the God of War. Taking up his sword to defend people against the
Dark Ones and their rabid followers was as natural to him as breathing, but then there also was the fact he had always wished to look upon its temples and see for himself if he might find out more about the nature of his faith. A wealth of knowledge, about to be wiped from the world by dark forces, he had said in the meeting before they departed was a travesty that could not be tolerated.
"We are almost there." Elias had said, turning his head slightly. Beside him, mounted on his brown charger and wearing his battle-armor, Nathan was like the sun itself; impassive, unflinching and unyielding. He wore a stern expression, utterly unlike his usually good-natured self, probably because he was attuned to the ebb and flow of the ambient magical forces around them. As part of his blessings from the God of War, Nathan had the ability to sense the presence of malevolent forces. He had described it once as a direct offense to his senses; akin to a powerful stench assaulting his nostrils.
If so, then there seemed to be something in the air that he found especially repellant, for his expression darkened as he only nodded in reply.
Elias pursed his lips and turned his attention back to the city. Surely, getting to see first hand the old city and the promise of a good fight would lift Nathan's spirit. Though it need not be said Nathan was the most courageous, upright and noble man Elias had ever known, he had a taste for the rush and thrill of combat that the ranger did not share.
Elias had an aptitude for diplomacy, which was at least part of the reason why Nathan had recruited him for his group, the Freedom Fighters. His preference was to speak first, then fight, and only if all other venues had been exhausted. But then, there was no negotiating with these enemies, he supposed.
The time for talk here was already over before it began. Now it was time for war.
When word had reached the paladin of Arkhivom's assault, Nathan had sworn that he would see to this threat personally. A self-proclaimed champion of the Dark Ones? An attack against the Celestialist faith?
This would not stand, he had declared.
Before departing from his home at Angelos Keep in
Alliria, Nathan had knelt in the chapel in solemn prayer before the altar of Nykios, his patron god. Ankle deep in the incense from the censers, his voice a droning hymn, he had invited the god's divine spirit into his soul.
"Mighty War God." He had chanted. "I am Nathaniel, your herald and champion. Lend me your power, that I might stand against your enemies. Grant me your favor, that I might do your will. Let me do your holy work. Give strength to my sword, for my cause is just and my heart, true."
As he had so many times before, when he rose to his feet and took up his sword, he felt invigorated. His muscles had tightened. His senses had sharpened. He felt it, even now, two days later, rushing through him as much as the blood in his veins. The favor of the War God was pressure; a presence with crushing physicality. Yet, it was not intolerable, more like a driving force or a gale of wind behind him, a vast and terrible push that urged him onwards toward his foes.
~Present Day~
His features were strong and chiseled, one of a martial bearing, but also one that was noble and dignified, fitting for a knight. His dark brown hair held in place by a circlet of steel so that he could fight, hanging over brown eyes that held the touch of the divine. It manifested as a brilliant blue.
His armor, forged of silvered steel with the symbol of the Fleur-de-lis inscribed upon the breastplate - meant to symbolize purity. It caught and reflected all light around him, even that of the spells of the enemy were redirected and turned to a golden hue. On his back, held by a simple brown strap against his flowing red cloak was his sword. By the standards of ordinary men, it was beautifully crafted, but ultimately by the view of nobility, it was perhaps rather plain: A cruciform hilt over a long, double-edged, extraordinarily sharp blade with a slightly pointed tip.
The instant that he and Elias had arrived, they found they were already too late to stop the attack from happening. The enemy host had arrived and had begun their attack. The defenders were already at the battlements, a prolonged shootout had taken place, and outside the enemy had raised grisly siege engines to further batter the defenders. They had come upon the enemy from their left flank, just as the bulk of their forces began their advance.
The two took a moment to dismount and walked on foot towards the outermost of the
companies of what appeared to be corrupted beasts. Once, they were animals, wild creatures that grazed the fields or soared in the sky, but no more. Tendrils and claws and fangs had grown both in their mouths and on their skin. The filthy aura of corruption was palpable on every one of them.
The enemy hordes felt Nathan arrive first. His presence, positively radiating holy magic made their skin boil and steam even before he reached the first opponent. The stronger of their number, those with a sense of self-preservation took a step back as he approached. They screeched and raged at the sight of him, their frantic cries a mix of pain and fury. Those that were once human drew up their weapons and watched, horrified as Nathan drew Godsend, the blade singing as it left the scabbard.
As his gauntleted hands tightened around the hilt, the sword's length was wreathed in a brilliant golden light. Of the enemy, some of them fled at the mere glimpse of it, others turned on their kindred and began to devour their flesh, futilely attempting to gain the strength to stand against him. Others still screamed and covered their eyes with their own comrades, pushing the weaker of their number against his glow like makeshift shields.
"Let it be known the strongest race shall be My Voice and through them, shall My will be revealed." Nathan quoted as he surged forward and took his first swing. As it had countless times before, the blade bit into flesh - the first creature that it struck was a caricature of what had once been a man, but with horns and an unnaturally wide mouth. It let out an inhuman screech as Nathan attacked. Before it could raise its claws, the paladin was upon it.
With a turn of his wrist, Nathan's blade buried itself in the former man's chest, just below the abdomen. The instant the tip pierced into the blemished skin, it caught fire and began to melt away like ice before a torch. After a moment and a few, final thrashing twitches, the creature fell and dissolved into stinking miasma before it hit the ground.
Beside him, Elias had chosen this moment to draw his spear and leap into combat. The leaf-shaped edge of the blade ripped and punched into corrupted flesh, tearing and slashing his first opponent; what had once been a beast of burden that now had sprouted multiple eyes and additional limbs, tendrils most prominent among them. It was over in a moment as the ranger's spear lunged and struck true, right beneath the creature's face, straight into its neck. A sudden jerk and the creature attempted to push forward, the spear protruding from the other side of its windpipe. The momentary surprise at the beast's resilience passed on Elias' face, and he drew a short knife from his coat pocket. With a speed and a dexterous movement that impressed even the paladin, Elias turned the knife around and drove it into the creature's left eye.
Another moment of futile struggle - and the creature fell silent. Unlike Nathan's first kill, its body remained intact. His weapons, though master-crafted, were not blessed and he wrenched hard upon the spear shaft, attempting to free his
weapon, even as he left the knife embedded in the thing's head.
Leaving his companion to his own device, he fixed his gaze upon what he supposed was their dark leader, this then was Arkhivom. Nathan's eyes narrowed in resolve as he took in the sight of his enemy.
"I am the Voice of the God of War and the instrument of His will." He growled as he raised his sword in a two-handed grip. "His representative on the mortal plane - and soon, I will come for you, foul one."
He knew full well his enemy could not hear him over the din of battle, but to invoke the name of the War God gave Nathan strengthened resolve.
"But first I must deal with your minions."