Dreadlords Negotiations

Threads open to all members of the Dreadlords group
Character Biography
Three days ago, a message had arrived in Vel Anir. The note had been born by a messenger like many others, though something had been broken about him. His goal had been singular, his eyes dulled, and his speech a simple and singular repetitive phrase. One uttered again and again as he made his way through the city streets and towards the hallowed halls of Vel Aerelos.

At first the Guard had tried to deny him access. Their halberds crossing and their words firm, but the young man had continued to push and press, muttering turning to shouts as his way was barred. Eventually what was taken for madness took him as he was reduced to sputtering cries of desperation, the noise barely gurgling passed his throat drawing the attentions of anyone and everyone nearby.

It was the intervention of a senior Lieutenant that brought the mans words to the attention of the powers that be.

"Come and talk...come and talk...come and talk."

He had repeated again and again, and when beckoned, when questioned with a gentle reproach, the boys eye seemed light. As if someone could finally understand what he was trying to say. His voice haggard and harrowed, his mind split and broken, he finally offered his message;

"To those whom it will concern; Dreadlords Amelie and Erodin of the First, former retainers of Vel Anir and celebrants of the Old Ways will in Three days time host an audience in the town of Tolven. Your attendance, is suggested."

The words almost immediately spread like a cascade through the structures of Government. Ripping from the soldiers who had heard it, and quickly plaguing the Republic's ministers. Within minutes debate began. The two Rogue Dreadlord's were well known, their names marked as two of the strongest within the retinue of a rogue Archon. Their message, insulting, demanding, and entirely presumptive was ultimately something that could not be ignored.

Eventually it was decided that a mission would be sent to the town of Tolven. Three Dreadlords, several Initiates, and a contingent of the Guard as well as representation of the Republic itself were sent. All of them told that there would likely be a battle, and none of them expecting what they found when they crested the final hill upon their journey.

A ripple of shock and indignation ran through the small column as more eyes set upon the sight in front of Tolven. Disbelief and curses carrying without thought or regard.

Erodin and Amelie sat comfortably in two large throne like chairs. Each decorated with bright red satin and gilded with gold, the comfort second to none. Their hands were interwtined, eyes set upon one another as though they had been locked in the most intimate of conversations one might only expect to find in the depths of privacy.

It was not the sight of the two wretched criminals that set up the hackles of the Anirians however, no; It was those who stood behind them.

Arrayed within neat column and rows were the Citizens of Tolven. Each and every one of the thousand or so men, women, and children. They stood like statues within the fields that had fed them. Some flanked by ghostly wraiths, others clutching knives to their own throats. Tears spilled down the cheeks of a few, while others stood stoic and empty, their fate already accepted.

None made a single sound.

None but silent sobs muted by the winds.
  • Popcorn
Reactions: Livia Quinnick
The minds of the contingency Vel Anir sent were easy enough to pick out as they approached. Of course, keeping her pets from Tolven was taxing enough that she could glean very little of their new arrivals.

But, she could tell they’d arrived.

There was no acknowledgement of their presence at first as she kept her gaze trained on her husband. They’d let the dogs loyal to the Republic stand there and watch upon the helpless citizens of Tolven. The theater of the mind was often far more intimidating than any direct threat or gesture.

Eventually she gave Erodin a sly grin before swiveling her head to face their guests.

”Welcome to Tolven.”

Nearly a quarter of the citizens echoed the words in perfect harmony with Amelie as they pressed their knives slightly tighter against their own necks. ”You’ll forgive us for remaining seated, it doesn’t seem your silly Republic sent anyone worthy of our status.”

Rage filled the faces of the three Dreadlords at that quip. She only recognized one of them, Lucrezia, a Second Level. The other two accompanying her were likely Thirds or Fourths and thus so unimportant that Amelie had no reason to know of their existence.

“Right,” a well-dressed bureaucrat stepped forward. Clearly he was the one the Republic had sent to speak on its behalf, perhaps a minor noble or some politician who rose to prominence in their absence. “You both have committed crimes against the Republic of Vel Anir, we are here to-“

One of the citizens stepped forward, a lanky young man with hair the color of the sun, abundant fear darkening his features. “Lord Erodin and Lady Amelie have liberated Tolven.”

The well-dressed representative looked shocked before he continued, “son, are you quite alright? You’re holding a knife to your…”

“Lord Erodin and Lady Amelie have liberated Tolven.” His words rang hollow and empty as he continued moving towards the representative.

”I don’t like this one, too proud. Bring forth one of your academy initiates.” Amelie said and the Tolven citizen repeated her words as he continued taking steps towards the Anirian contingent.
She had met fear once before, no, plenty of times in the past, and still, she could never quite get it to leave her be.

Archon Morid's Taskforce had been preparing her for such a task, but nothing compared to being in plain view of two well known Rogues.

"Fuck." She breathed, physically wincing as those crowded spoke in eerie unison. It was power on magnificent display, that did not need to command attention aside from the fact they all held blades to their own throat.

And forward, their representative went to address Erodin and Amelie, and his first choice of words made her stomach sink.

"Bring forth one of your academy initiates."

Her compass magic gave off a small ping only felt on her own, moments before she saw the representative turn around to where the Initiates came to stand, and spied her amongst those gathered around her. Liv sucked in a breath, body locked in that awful fear she seemed to forget how to make disappear, until the representative called upon her.

"Your name, Initiate?"

"Quinnick. Livia Quinnick."

His heart sank, unseen by their hosts. He had recognised her name then, a minor noble House that held generational money and business. "Initiate Quinnick... please, come forth."

She had no clue what will allowed her to move, coming to stand beside him and flick her eyes to the hosts still seated. Livia dared not to speak until asked.
  • Devil
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Reactions: Amelie and Erodin
Erodin chuckled as he watched the Republican official quickly scurry away from them and back up towards his own. The rat of a man sifting through the Initiate's that he had in tow until he seemed to find one who stood out. "I do enjoy watching them scramble."

He whispered to his beloved, watching in amusement as a few of the other Dreadlords bristled at the Representatives choice. Most of them likely utterly chomping at the bit to be let off their leashes and try their hand at killing the two Rogues.

Not that any of them could manage it.

It was almost insulting how little the Republic had brought with them, but perhaps they hadn't understood the true gravity of the situation. He supposed it was nothing to be complained about, after all, if negotiations went south they would have to kill everyone here.

Before too long, Livia and the representative once again began to step forward. Moving towards the two Rogue's.

"There, I brought one of them no-"​

"You can leave." Erodin said with a wave of his hand, dismissing the ratfaced man without so much as a glance. His eyes instead studying the Initiate that had stepped forward.

He did not know her, but then again that was hardly surprising. Of those he had seen, half were dead, and the other were now the same age as that little dolt Edric. Their names were hardly ever important, at least until they showed themselves capable enough. "Go on."

Erodin said, finally deigning to look at the representative, his face having gone red with rage. His eyes flickering briefly over the Dreadlord's shoulder towards the thousand or so citizens of Tolven still held captive. "Tell us, girl. Whats your magic?"

He asked, the gauge that all Dreadlords were measured by.
  • Nervous
Reactions: Livia Quinnick
Amelie gave her beloved a thoughtful whisper. "So easily manipulated."

These were the simpletons of the new order. Those without the strength, or the courage, to stand up for their values. Instead they'd send children to protest on their behalf simply because someone stronger than them suggested it.

And, ah! A nudge here. A tug of the mind there. And then the rat-faced man selected the exact initiate that Amelie hoped he would. Young. Naive. And a head filled with dreams that were meant to be broken.

"Yes," Amelie cooed the way a mother hen reassures her chicks, "tell us of your magic, child."

They'd end up cracking a few eggs for this omelette after all. No doubt by the end of the day this rat-faced bureaucrat would be dead and this fresh-faced initiate would be aiding them in their search. It turned out that Tovlen was truly a gold mine.
Livia sucked in a breath to prepare her answer, feeling so inadequate for what she was about to tell them in regards of her magic. What was knowing the right dkrection in comparison to being able to make puppets out of anyone?

"Compass magic," she began, keeping her face impassive, "and a secondary magic I was not born with... Corruption Magic." She was silver haired now, no longer her Quinnick brown of head with silver ends from the introduction of the foreign magic. She had thrown herself down the depths of the magic she feared most, and came out rippling with it...

But she was a fair way from bringing down two powerful Rogue Dreadlords.

"I..." She breathed again, taking a step forward to begin once more. "I can never miss a shot with a bow and arrow."

Anything to make her look more than this pretty faced Initiate. Anything to appear more useful, to convince them her life still could hold value.

She dared not look back at her fellow Initiates, and the Dreadlords she knew by name. It was mere feet between herself and them, but it also felt like Dead Man's Land... if she went to it, would support come to her?
  • Smug
Reactions: Amelie and Erodin
Erodin's face was a mask, giving nothing away as Liv spoke of her magic.

"How practical." The First Level commented, not even feigning surprise and letting amusement flickering through his throat as Liv tried to justify the strength of her abilities. His fingers ever so gently tracing over the gild on the arm of his chair.

Glancing to his wife before briefly commenting. "I never remember being so nervous, do you?"

He mused before turning back towards Liv.

"Breath, girl, steel your nerves and act as the Dreadlord you could be. Not the weak little thing they're making out of you." Erodin instructed. Apparently done playing with their food. "Now listen carefully."

He instructed, sitting in his throne as though he were a King. "We have a bargain for the Republic."

Over Liv's shoulder he could see the Representative practically willing himself to hear the conversation. No doubt he had been tempted to use one of the Dreadlord's to cast a spell to listen, but Erodin and Amelie both would feel it. Meaning the citizen of Tolven would be under threat.

"Our Association with Gilram, you know who that is, yes?" He assumed the Initiate's were taught that at least. The few he had encountered at least had known the name. When Liv tipped her head in a nod to him, Erodin continued. "Excellent, well, our time with him and his has come to an end. This presents your puppeteers with a remarkable opportunity."

Erodin continued, leaning back within his throne. "We know what Gilram hunts, and we know why."

He smiled for a moment, and then explained further.

"Our bargain is a rather simple one. In exchange for our assistance in the capture of the rogue Archon, we want three things." Erodin finished, Amelie speaking in turn. Almost as though the two shared a single thought.
A hooded robe stood among the forms of the Republic's Dreadlords.
Salak, the Venomancer. A level 4 Dreadlord though he held little stock in such rankings.
He watched these two cowards sit on their mocking thrones, designed no doubt to "remind" the newly formed Republic of its former Monarchism.
No doubt they thought it clever and not the clumsy display of petty arrogance it clearly was.
They asked for a child, unready.
Any excuse to flaunt power.
They hungered for it.
Their captives told him much.
A rabble, taken at random for their convenience. No allies, the two were alone.
They were drawing it out. Teasing them their true intent.
Arrogant, flaunting, weak. Salak already knew what they wanted, amnesty from their crimes. Pardon for the lives they have taken and protection from Gilram's wrath at their betrayal.
He moved, shifting the weight from his bad leg.
Strategy, endgame.
These poor people under their thrall were good as dead.
Saving them would be a dream so he discarded it.
Now was the time for harsh and necessary realities.

Salak took a step forward and another. He came up behind Livia Quinnick, far too courageous and noble to die here. He stopped off to her left side. The place of advisor, not warrior protector.
Yet protect was his plan.
"You have demands, I will hear them. This Initiate does not have the authority to treat."
He looked them both in the eyes and wondered idly if they would know him.

Livia Quinnick
Amelie let loose a laugh loud enough for the Anirian fools to hear as she leaned over towards Erodin, ”no, in fact, some of the Proctors were afraid of me.”

She nodded along as her beloved spoke. Whether they were talking about that beat Erodin, or the two little mice Mieri and Noel, the batch of Dreadlords the academy pumped out lately were… disappointing. If not outright failures according to her standard.

Right as Amelie was preparing to speak up a fool stepped forward. Judging by his insignia he was one of the Dreadlords sent by the contingency, likely tasked with protecting the rat-faced bureaucrat they’d already dismissed.

”The girl has a tongue and can speak for herself,” Amelie said in a tone as dismissive as possible before tilting her head back towards the initiate.

An insincere smile spread across her face as spoke to the academy whelp. ”Livia was it? Livia Quinnick?”

“Livia. Quinnick.” The townsman nearest them with a knife pressed against his throat repeated.

”Livia. Be a doll and let your negotiator know that we will aid your government to thwart Gilram’s plans but,” she didn’t flinch or move but her faux smile grew ever larger. ”In exchange we have three simple demands.”

“Cle-men-cy. Clemency!” The captive citizen barked, his words beginning to slur as he fought Amelie’s magic. “The Duchy of Gatos.” The man before the Republic simpletons pressed his knife slightly deeper into his flesh until a small trail of scarlet rushed down his throat.

”And you,” Amelie punctuated, her eyes like a viper, ”for a short while. We have use of your magic. You, probably, won’t be harmed.”

The smirk upon her pale face had grown to a comically large size as she targeted her gaze towards Salak and the facade immediately broke. ”That’s all boy. Three simple demands. Clemency, a holding, and the temporary services of Miss Quinnick. I think the initiate can recall all of that but if the academy has fallen into such disrepair I assume you can convey our requests?”

Amelie turned her attention back towards her husband. Totally disregarding the group of lackeys the Republic had sent forth.
  • Cthuulove
  • Cthulhoo rage
Reactions: Erodin and Salak
The way Erodin spoke to her about he outward nerves, reminded her of her mother. Livia learned to mask pain and anything that bothered her with that advice, the need to make her mother proud, and that came forth as Proctor Salak arrived at her side.

"They do not want me to negotiate, Proctor. I am simply a messenger." Her jaw tightened, waving away all her anxieties and emotion. She was not happy that someone came to stand beside her, making her look incompetent before two powerful mages. And then Amelie spoke, and Livia straightened her spine and walked a few feet forward to properly receive the demands they ask of.

Clemency, that was to be expected, as she had gleaned with her magic that when they spoke of breaking ties with Gilram, they were genuine in that thought. The Duchy? Livia simply nodded, indicating no word or opinion on the matter.

Until their next demand left Amelie's lips.

Livia felt a coldness go down her neck, down her spine, and dread settled in her gut. Her olive eyes glance to Erodin, face giving nothing away besides the furrowing of her brows. She could find anything when given time, a prospect she hoped the Dreadlords would see and believe her to be more than a Fourth Rank in her career...

But to be in the hands of another?

"On behalf of the Republic, I will pass on your demands and the service you offer in exchange." Her voice was aloof, the very same armour she donned when attending a mission assigned to her. A show of good faith, Livia gave them each a curt nod before turning to glance over her shoulder at her Proctor.

"We are not here to fight this, Proctor Salak. Messengers, are we not? An audience?" She willed that he would not take up a fight at this, that herself being included of these demands were nothing to worry about.
"You've cut to the quick of it Miss Quinnick as usual. Let us be away from here."
Salak left them without ceremony. Limping back to the ranks with Livia.
"These people are already dead. The Republic will not treat, not for this."
It was as he predicted, protection and power. Now they wanted Miss Quinnick which could not happen.
"Ervan, Marcelle." Salak addressed two high ranking Guard who led detachments with them.
"Take all Initiates away from here. In fact take everyone. This place is lost. Set up a perimeter, every road, every path, nothing and nobody gets out. I want the best bowmen, longbowmen. Your order until it is changed is to shoot to kill on sight, man, woman, child, bird or beast. Rivers too. Net them, finely. No living thing escapes. Understood?"
"Yes Sir!"
The two set about their work.
Salak went back to his horse and mounted it. Staring at the two would be rulers and their helpless captives.
"Powers help us!"
He muttered.
  • Smug
Reactions: Amelie and Erodin
Alistair stood near the back of the contingent of Dreadlords and initiates. He had said nothing, kept his aura in check, and not worn anything that would bring attention to himself more than others. There he just watched. The auras of both Erodin and Amelia were calm and in control, not surprised there in the slightest. The last time he had come face to face with Erodin, the man had been in control and nearly killed him.

A chill ran down his spine as they called forth Livia, but she had a good head on her shoulders. She represented herself well in their conversation. Salak, as usual, was quick to make his decisions for the good or worse. There was still room to speak with these two.

After all, that was what they wanted. They asked for them to come to talk, not simply to listen.

The three requests were within expectation, but they would need to be worked on. A duchy? Unlikely to say the least, maybe a castle, but a whole duchy? Clemency was to be expected, and for Gilram, may be worth it. The last one was the bigger problem. Political hostages was not an uncommon card to play, but the dangers of allowing Erodin and Amelia free unprotected access to Livia with no supervision was dangerous for the initiate and the Republic. There would need to be some safeguards put in place.

Alistair slowly cast his gaze towards the field of hostages, each one of them had either Amelia or Erodin's ghastly magical aura wrapped around them like a noose.

He whispered low so that Salak and Livia could hear him.

"They may not all be dead, Salak. Let Livia talk for a bit longer."

He turned his eyes to Livia.

"Calm and in control, but aim for some concessions for such a huge message to be sent to the Council...at least the children."

Salak Livia Quinnick Erodin Amelie
Erodin very nearly crooked his finger as Salak stepped forward. An effort that might have brought the end of a hundred men, but Amelie's words stopped him.

The other Dreadlords affront could be allowed to slide, after all, they were here to negotiate. It was all part of the game, and slaughtering a dozens of the Republic’s citizens wasn't exactly an act of good faith. Better to ignore the simpleton and continue on. Despite how much Erodin yearned to teach yet another lesson in humility.

Still, the rogue Dreadlord remained quiet, content to have their demands listed by the plighted citizens of Tolven.

As their messengers turned away, Erodin watched them dispassionately. Lips pressing to a thin line as he stared after Liv and Salak. ”He’ll know quickly what we've done. We’ll have to take the girl and move fast, sweetheart.”

Erodin remarked quietly, referring to the Archon whose back they were driving a knife into. There was little doubt Gilram had his sources in the Republic, and the Guard leaked like a siv. Amelie and Erodin both knew this, and the risk that this little meeting came with, but the rewards would be worth it. A duchy was a small thing to trade for the Rogue Archon's head.

His fingers tapped gently on the armrest of his chair, watching as their chosen messengers departed.

As Salak began to give orders to the present Guards and Dreadlords, the representative practically swarmed Liv. His cheeks were red and puffy, his fingers squirmed over one another, and he looked as though his nerves were threatening to burst out from underneath his skin.

As she relayed Amelie and Erodin’s message, his face twisted into a frown. “You?! What in the hell do they want with you?”

The representative questioned, frowning before he shifted and yelled over to one of the others. A panicked urgency now grabbing him as he realized the weight of these negotiations. He had not the authority…nor the will to make this call.

Feeling a pit begin to form in his stomach, the Representative turned, quickly motioning to one of the other men in the caravan.

“Cedwyn, quick, come here.” He called to one of the other fourth levels, the man wearing the insignia of the signal corps. The man quickly stepped over to Liv and the Representative, the latter of who prattling on a mile a minute in his mixture of panic and urgency. Quickly getting a message ready for Cedwyn to send back to the powers in Vel Anir. “This is ridiculous…these demands are…no no Gilram is valuable but…this is madness.”

As he spoke, half to himself half to those around him as Cedwyn sent his message. The Representative stepping back towards where Liv, Alistair, and Salak now stood. "Yes, yes, Dreadlord Krixus is right. A show of good faith, Tell them their demands have been relayed...get them to release some of the hostages. I'm sure things will have to be...negotiated further, but a sign of good faith would go a long way."
The child barely flinched as she processed the reality that she was included in their demands. That was good, they’d need a compass that functioned. Truthfully, there was a part of her that feared they’d have tote around a sniveling little infant.

As the Republic toadies milled about she thought there was a chance they may all pack up and abandon Tovlen. Condemning an entire town to die was the sort of thing she’d have done, not the kind of action that a Vel Anir which claimed to respect the ‘rule of law’ would engage in.

”Perhaps we should’ve tried to kick off a house war instead of negotiating with these vermin,” she whispered to Erodin while giving him a subtle nod in agreement.

As powerful as the two First Levels were they weren’t a match for Gilram.

It was why they had reasoned that their demands would be taken seriously. Surely the Republic knew he was up to something. The ex-Archon had enough strength, and enough Dreadlords, to capture swaths of Anirian territory yet he and his followers skulked in the shadows.

Amelie shook her head in disapproval as the delegates continued speaking. ”Maybe there’s a silver lining here. After the megalomaniac kills us he’ll slaughter most of them too.” She gestured towards the decorated Guards who were falling back.
“You?! What in the hell do they want with you?”

If she were at the Academy, she would have quipped back something snappy, but she was on duty, negotiating with infamous rogues. Additionally, she was part of the negotiations.She was unremarkable to many, a small noble house daughter that was taught to be pretty. Livia had taken to her studies well at the Academy, and fought so hard to be seen as something more.

Just why did it have to take two Rogues to see that before the Republic?

"A show of good faith would also mean calling off whatever orders you just made, Proctor Salak." Cold eyes bore into the Proctor, daring him to deny it. She then cast her gaze scanned those that lingered, using her magic to seek out the one she knew would tell her it will be alright, or fight his way trying to ensure that it would be. Yet Liv could not see her friend Henk, and the Initiate chewed her cheek.

"Fuck." She gritted her teeth and pulled Alistair aside, casting Salak a wary glance before lowering her voice for the Dreadlord, and fellow Taskforce member. "Alright.... I... will tell them to let the children go, yes... and if they refuse, I am offering to go with them as they demanded, and inquire how long they need of me. If I am not returned after that day, then you find Initiate Silas Artesto. He has... my compass. It directs you straight to me... and he is the quickest thing in Arethil..." She chewed her lip now, ignoring the anxiety and fear that threatened to come forth.

"I cannot trust the Proctor right now... he's not thinking this through... I am not going to leave these people behind." Livia knew she could at least trust Krixus, just as Zana trusted them both enough to be part of the taskforce.
  • Devil
Reactions: Erodin
Salak did not believe Alistair's offer would work.
They would refuse or tack on more demands but it wouldn't mean anything.
The truth was they were running from Gilram. Why was he the only one who knew that?
Erodin and Amelie had not the position of power. That is why the dramatic display, that is why the hostages did not matter.
It was smoke.
The two were running scared and he knew it.
He would have given Quinnick the time she needed, let her bargain, recall his command to establish a border but she abruptly took Alistair and began, conspiring.
Shaking his head, Salak directed his horse around.
The guards were moving, other Dreadlords and Initiates as well as word spread. His word.
Though he did not know it, the part of him that missed the ruthless efficiency of the past echoed Amelie. Give them nothing, keep them here, let them starve and then reclaim.
Solutions came easily to those willing to be ruthless.

He waited to see if he would be graced inclusion into whatever scheme his supposed allies would conjure.
No doubt it hinged on unnecessary risk.

Alistair Krixus
Livia Quinnick
Things were moving too quickly, already the rogue Dreadlords' demands were dividing their party on how best to deal with all of this. He glanced back at Salak but allowed Livia to pull him away. These were negotiations, bold actions would get them nowhere.

"Livia, ultimately, you may have to go with them, but do not be so ready to leave. Take your time and draw out as much information as possible. First, try the children but get as many people as possible. Second, ask what you are needed for. We won't send you in there to die. Third, I will go find Silas if this goes that way, but let's wait to see if we get any word back from the Signal Corps."

He took a moment and pulled in a deep breath.

"And you can trust Salak, he is just coming at this from a different angle, which isn't always a bad thing. Just be willing to listen, that doesn't mean we have to go with it."

Swiftly turning away, Alistair pointed at the Representative. "Sir, can we expect to hear anything back from the Council immediately?" If not then they would need to do this on their own.

"Salak, I think we can go ahead and start moving some of the initiates and guards back. We won't need them all for this."

Erodin Amelie Salak Livia Quinnick
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”I have no doubt he would.” Especially after what he and Amelie had done to his beloved. Gilram was unstable at the best of times, but now he would be practically teetering. Enough of a push would see him fall.

That was part of why they had come to the negotiation table in the first place. Any bargain struck now would be easier to maintain than one struck later. There was no doubt that as the Archon krept closer to his goals the more vicious he would become. Add that to the…added pressures of things, and very soon many of the Rogue's would find it impossible to walk back anything they'd done.

The two of them had calculated it was best to turn now, and turn fast.

”He’ll make a mistake.” Erodin said confidently, gently taking his beloveds hand. Fingers slipping through hers as he kissed the back of her palm. Molly is dead, he lost his little fort, and once he hears about us…”

Erodin mused. ”He'll rush into the vipers den.”

And that was when they would strike.

With the girls help they would be able to find what they were looking for before Gilram could. Once they had it, the Archon would have no choice to come after them. When he did, they would make their move and secure themselves the exact position they desired.

Meanwhile, the Representative quickly answered Alistair's question.

“A few minutes, I would say, there will be a debate.” The man was practically shaking with nerves as he spoke. “The Republic wants Gilram more than anything, but these two are da-”

Cedwyn interrupted, his hand quickly reaching for an empty piece of parchment as he scribbled out the message he was receiving. The representative eagerly jumping over to his side, reading over the Dreadlord's shoulder with untold urgency.

The council, will full authority of the Prime Minister responds to the demands of the Rogue Dreadlord's thus;

To the demand of Clemency;
All crimes of the two Dreadlords, Amelie and Erodin, will be forgiven and pardoned. Conditional upon information received that will lead to the capture of Rogue Archon Gilram.

To the demand of The Duchy of Gatos
In lieu of the financial reward currently offered, the Republic will acquiesce to the demands of the two Dreadlord’s in the form of the stewardship of the Duchy of Gatos. Upon the condition of the rogue Dreadlord's assistance in the capture or killing of Archon Gilram.

To the demand of the services of an Initiate of the Republic;
Should previous terms be accepted, the Republic is willing to offer Initiate Quinnick’s services under military directive. Provided an Oath of Safety is taken to see to her return.

The terms were written out, and the representative frowned slightly. The terms were reasonable, in theory. Amelie and Erodin would be provided clemency in exchange for Information, a Duchy in exchange for Gilram’s capture, and Liv’s services as long as she was returned alive and unharmed. An Oath of Safety being a small spell that compelled one to keep their charge safe. Simple, but effective magics.
Amelie looked out as some of the Guard and initiates dispersed yet the girl they wanted remained. Huddled around the rat-faced bureaucrat they'd dismissed earlier. Perhaps some sort of bargain could be reached after all.

A grin broke the dam of her otherwise somber face as Erodin kissed her hand. "He always had a temper." The pair had known the Archon prior to the revolution. Being First Levels on the up-and-up they often would rub elbows with the handful or so Archons that graced Vel Anir.

Of course, post-revolution, it was the norm for Gilram to keep Amelie at arm's length. This extended to Erodin as well and the two found themselves constantly in the field, away from his actual plans, on the outskirts of trust. Not that she could really blame old Gilly, here they were in Tolven betraying him right now.

"When we kill him," her free hand gripped the handle of her faux throne with a rare intensity, "I want to see his face. To peer into his mind as you show him the slain Lady Venour."

A foot tapped up-and-down upon the rest at the base of her chair. She absolutely hated the politicking involved in these little affairs.

If they could've just absconded with Livia and been off to find the object they sought it would've all been so much simpler.
Livia inhaled shakily and exhaled through her mouth, nodding to Alistair's advice. Never had the Academy thought you run a lesson on how to negotiate, and although out of her depth in being a messenger... she only truly cared to preserve Anirian life, even if it costed one: her own.

Krixus had a good head on his shoulders, something she had come to know working within the Taskforce. If she could not seek out Henk so readily, she was glad to have Alistair present. Salak's approach was not one Livia aspired to learn from, but she had always been the type to try and please the one's capable of holding destructive emotion or action.

Perhaps this day would be one to remember, to learn from.

She was only seventeen, eighteen in only a few months from now. She had so much more to learn after the Academy.

"Can I take that?" She pointed to the parchment, her thoughts running too fast and chaotically for her to register memorising the paragraphs she witnessed the scribe write out. The representative hesitated, but upon meeting Livia's gaze, steady and unfaltering, he visibly looked as if he would refuse her.

That Livia knew how to deal with.

"Fine. Come along with me and you can read it yourself before our humble hosts." He head yet to read out the contents to those lingering to hear them, but Livia kept an eye on him. If he lied, she would know. Her compass magic had a way of steering a course True North when one was being honest.
Salak watched, he had donned his riding gloves to protect his mount, Whose name was Ever. In silent and passive observance he stroke Ever's mane and kept his thoughts to himself.
The wheels were turning, no stopping it now without acting like Amelie and Erodin. Some called Salak mad, he might well be, but he was not needlessly cruel. Not did he seek complete control. Only a swift end to complications, bloody or otherwise.
Still, he was ready to end this quickly if things fell apart.
Alistair watched Livia begin to stride away but he whispered one more piece of advice. "Ask them what they need you for. Even if they don't tell you, they may speak among themselves."

With that Alistair took a step back, letting Livia and the Representative go forth. Meanwhile, a tattoo around his ear began to softly glow enhancing his hearing capabilities so that he could listen to the whole exchange. If Livia was taken, there was no way Alistair would trust the Representative to give them a thorough breakdown of the conversation.

He looked over to Salak and offered a small smile of reassurance and whispered.

"We just need to put up with this agreement. With their help, taking down Gilram will save several lives."

Alistair then turned his gaze to steadily watch the hostages, looking for any change in the magic that surrounded them.

Erodin Amelie Livia Quinnick Salak
The representative seemed to hesitate, frowning for a moment and then finally offered the parchment to Liv. "Fine, read it, but do not go beyond these stipulations....Ask for a sign of goodfaith still."

It was clear that the man wanted nothing more than to stand up in front of the two Dreadlords, but was also deadly afraid of what might happen. Both Erodin and Amelie were unhinged enough in his eyes to make all of this go very south.

"I wouldn't have it any other way, my love." Erodin said as he gently squeezed her fingers.

"You'll feel every drop of his horror." He mused to her, gently leaning to her side. "His fear."

The Dreadlord breathed, as if savoring the moment. "I'll make sure of it."

Erodin pressed his lips gently against Amelie's cheek, his thumb drawing over the back of her palm as he pulled himself back into his throne. Eyes wandering over the crowd, searching out familiar faces and the best avenues to kill them all if the situation called for it.

He was stretching himself thin, this many wraiths was not easy to control, but releasing the citizens of Tolven would change that quickly. Freeing them would only cause more chaos, and in this situation that was good for them. Not that Erodin ever doubt the republic wouldn't buckle to their demands.

But one had to plan. Fools were in charge these days.
Initially, it looked like one of the Anirian representatives had planned to negotiate in tandem with the initiate they'd plucked from the bunch. Another Dreadlord, one Amelie did not know, whispered to the child as they approached.

She focused her mind on Erodin whilst her physical eyes continued to point forwards, eyeing the strange procession.

An expression of glee erupted across her features as Erodin spoke. It wouldn't do to just kill someone like Gilram. They had to revel in it, they had to humiliate the man who'd kept them subservient since the fall of old Vel Anir. The former Archon who'd promised a better way but had objectively made their lives worse than before.

"This is why I love you," she said after her soulmate had plucked a kiss upon her cheek.

Those approaching the pair of ex-Dreadlords began to diminish until the official representative appeared to relent. He said something, the words too far away for Amlie to distinguish, and then handed his parchment over to the initiate. Now it was just the girl and her Republic bureaucrat and the odd Dreadlord seemingly out of earshot.

So, now, before them stood a child of the academy. Alabastar hair and a face that could've been carved from a doll. Amelie guessed that the girl was nervous but, to her credit, she was making an honest go at the terrible hand she'd been dealt. "Go on, girl. Tell us what your Republic has to say in response."

Amelie's voice was tainted by an apparent boredom. As if she was completely above whatever the parchment stated.
Livia went alone to relay the response to their demands, her walk and face determined and precise, not a show of nerves or anxiety besides the shaky breath she exhaled as she slowed before them. She waited moment, peering down at the parchment she had not read herself on the walk over, but now uncertainty tugged at her.

"Firstly, I would like to ask for a show of good faith in seeing that the children of Tolven be spared and released from your hold." She took another breath, preparing herself as she lifted the page to a comfortable height.

Fresh to her ears and those present, other than the Representative and scribe, Livia read out the response.
She paused, reading the first line to the demand of her service.

"To the demand of the services of an Initiate of the Republic," Livia lifted her olive eyes to see the expressions of the Rogues' faces, but could not glean anything from it. Her gaze went back to the neat words.
"Should previous terms be accepted, the Republic is willing to offer Initiate Quinnick’s services under military directive. Provided an Oath of Safety is taken to see to her return."

The parchment lowered, and the Initiate lifted her head to stand tall as she now regarded the negotiators. "I, myself, must ask... what it is you wish me to do with my magic... I assume you want me to find something for you? Or is it the use of my... other magic that you were intending of using?"