Amelie Cosades
Meeting Notes Transcribed by Archivist Liam Jung
23 June 355
Headmaster Wynne
Proctor Livingston
Livingston: You don’t understand, sir, she’s dangerous.
Wynne: Proctor Livingston, what is it that you think we do here? We transform children into dangerous weapons for Vel Anir.
Livingston: Yes, but you’re not understanding the problems here. We’ve never seen someone with the ability to read minds so easily. Even at the age of fourteen she’s finding ways to get around our usual precautions.
Wynne: And? We already stopped the experiments on captive elves and bandits. I will not further limit the potential of one of our most promising students because you believe she-
Livingston: Last week she found out about Vel Acan, sir.
Wynne: What? How?
Livingston: Likely a wayward thought, perhaps Proctor Jenson, we aren’t certain.
Wynne: Very well. Fifteen years ago, before your time Livingston, we had to take tough measures because of Initiate Greasom. Meditation, mental exercises, thinking in another language. This isn’t the first mindreader we’ve had at the academy.
Livingston: But sir, there’s more than that we think she may-
Wynne: Meditation. Mental Exercises. Anything else, Livingston?
Livingston: I think… no, nothing else sir.
Wynne: Good, then get out. I have a report to prepare for the Great Houses, that damn Sebastian Weiroon complaining again.
Amelie has dark hair and dark eyes contrasted by a relatively light skin color. Her body is similar to many other Dreadlords after more than a decade of service, lean yet muscular. She often wears a welcoming face and feigns curiosity or ignorance to disarm many of those she’s around.
Skills & Abilities
In martial classes Amelie often specialized in daggers or short blades though she greatly favors using her magic to fell opponents. However, she should not be underestimated when in the presence of magic nullifiers as her dagger throws are incredibly accurate and her ability to best enemies in close combat is just as exceptional as any other Dreadlord.
Amelie’s magic is what makes her both feared and respected. Her mental magic is immensely powerful, being one of the most incredible mental mages in the history of the Dreadlord Academy. She can read active thoughts as well as delve deep into someone’s hippocampus to read memories, fears, and desires. In addition to the ability to glean information at an alarmingly fast pace she can control the mind to an interesting degree.
Being able to cut off certain senses or control over muscles. There are rumors that she can even halt blood flow to the brain.
Additional Transcript
Meeting Notes Transcribed by Archivist Liam Jung
07 September 358
Headmaster Wynne
Proctor Livingston
Dreadlord Mortred
Wynne: How did this happen? A Proctor and three promising initiates. Dead. Explain it to me as you would a child.
Livingston: S-sir,with respect, per the last report we warned you that-
Wynne: Spare me. Explain how it happened.
Livingston: She knew, sir. Where she came from, what the mining town did. Proctor Valerihn believes that Initiate Cosades became enraged and, well, you know the rest.
Wynne: How? Everyone picked up Cerak creole, Valerihn thinks exclusively in elvish. How did she uncover this information?
Mortred: With respect, headmaster, I believe she can delve into memories. Not simply mindread. Traditional methods won’t stop her; we'll need someone like me present, or a nullifier.
Wynne: Dreadlord Mortred, you were the one who subdued her, yes?
Mortred: Correct, headmaster. Then we threw her into the pit.
Wynne: The pit? You threw our most promising student into the pit?
Livingston: It was my order, sir. I wasn’t risking the lives of more Proctors and initiates until after she cooled off.
Wynne: Can you control her, Mortred?
Mortred: Yes, headmaster, of course.
Wynne: Excellent. And House Virak?
Mortred: They would accept her, sir. Gladly. I can smooth out the edges while she’s under my charge. Graduation is only a year away, after all.
Livingston: Graduation? Sir, she is a danger to-
Wynne: Very well, we are all in agreement. She will apprentice under Mortred. Dismissed.
Biography & Lore
Amelie was born in Urstholm to Caius and Miranda. Caius was the son of the overseer of the town and while in his wayward period fell in love with Miranda. The couple was heartbroken when Amelie’s magic manifested and the Guard seized her and sent her to the Dreadlord Academy.
Once there she wowed, and terrified, multiple Proctors who slowly developed her magic. Upon graduation she apprenticed under Mortred, a prominent Dreadlord who served House Virak. While in her apprenticeship the Viraks identified Amelie’s talent and began giving her multiple opportunities to succeed. At every chance she met the challenge and often outperformed her assigned duties.
While in the service of House Virak her mentor died suddenly but Amelie found herself promoted to a Second Level at her one year anniversary of service and in a few short years she was promoted yet again to a First Level Dreadlord. Along with her lover, Erodin, she was clearly poised to be on the path of Archon.
Her partner was just as ambitious as she and their well-laid plans could only be de-railed by an unfortunate revolution. Pledging to serve Gilram seemed like the best option for the pair in order to keep their long-term goals alive.
Once there she wowed, and terrified, multiple Proctors who slowly developed her magic. Upon graduation she apprenticed under Mortred, a prominent Dreadlord who served House Virak. While in her apprenticeship the Viraks identified Amelie’s talent and began giving her multiple opportunities to succeed. At every chance she met the challenge and often outperformed her assigned duties.
While in the service of House Virak her mentor died suddenly but Amelie found herself promoted to a Second Level at her one year anniversary of service and in a few short years she was promoted yet again to a First Level Dreadlord. Along with her lover, Erodin, she was clearly poised to be on the path of Archon.
Her partner was just as ambitious as she and their well-laid plans could only be de-railed by an unfortunate revolution. Pledging to serve Gilram seemed like the best option for the pair in order to keep their long-term goals alive.
Journal Entry
Proctor Livingston Filed a Special Journal Entry into the Academy’s Archives
12 July 361
I’m filing this in the archives as Wynne still wishes to consider himself a ‘genius’ for advocating for the girl and everyone else has called me crazy for seeing that serpent for what she truly is. To their credit she’s managed to impress the Viraks who defend her actions religiously and the House has even threatened my own life after complaints I lodged against her actions in Vel Stratholm.
Then, last month, Mortred ended up dead. Officially the Dreadlord suffered from a stroke, a freak accident as confirmed by two different autopsy reports due to the complaints I raised with the Ruling House Council. Being summoned in person and having to sit in the same room as Amelie was, to be crass, fucking terrifying.
She knows now that it was me who prevented her from graduating as a Second Level as her power likely deserved. She knows that it was me who issued objections when House Virak lobbied for a promotion after her first full year of service. She knows that I’m the one person who will continue to insist she murdered Dreadlord Mortred.
I saw what she did to those elves a decade ago. I don’t want that to be me. Mortred was lucky, her death was quick. I’m not going to spend the rest of my life muttering gibberish and playing with my own feces. I’m going to make preparations and when Amelie comes to slay me I’ll have a trap prepared. Her magic is mighty but let’s see her stop a crossbow bolt directly fired into her chest.
I am filing this in the academy’s main archives so that if my plan falls through, if I end up dead or worse, this entry will survive and that monster of a being will face the justice she deserves.
Proctor Jeremiah Livingston
Archivist Note: By order of House Virak this document has been sealed and requires written approval from Houses Banick, Luana, Sirl, Urahil, and Virak to access. Unauthorized access to this document will be punished to the fullest extent of Anirian law as per Title 6 of the House Council Records Bill.
1. MentOREship