Fate - First Reply A Court of Dragons and Mist

A 1x1 Roleplay where the first writer to respond can join
"The only acts of bravery that are considered stupidity are the ones that fail," Isiell shrugged. "Whether the act succeeds or not has little to say about the fortitude behind it in the first place, though."

There's was so much more Isiell could say, things from her story that would almost certainly sway Fraeya to her side. But they were things she'd only shared with one other person, and some of them were things she'd not shared with anyone else at all. If Fraeya were to accept the pact, then... in time, Isiell would share more.

She listened, twirling one of Fraeya's blonde locks through her fingers, as the girl spoke. Her gaze softened.

"I may enjoy chaos above all," she answered, "but I have no desire to force someone be bonded to me if they abhor me. I have fought my entire life to be free from a similar bond myself, and I won't force it on anyone.

"As for... asking you to do something you don't want to do, and whether you would have a choice... that is a rather ambiguous demand. It would depend. But if you agree, we will negotiate before the pact and the bond is formed."

Isiell grinned. "You are adept in the ways and trickery of the fae. I expect it to be a stimulating experience for us both."
  • Yay
Reactions: Fraeya
Fraeya’s grip on Isiell’s arm loosened. But her fingers didnt leave the female’s skin entirely. This fae understood. Understood what it was like to have choices made for you. Understood needing to…escape something.

Even if this female was piss poor at keeping physical boundaries. Eyes flickered to that finger entangled in her blonde hair. Very slowly, her own fingers released Isiell’s wrist. Quietly weighing and measuring the words the fae just spoke.

“I’ll think about it with one last question. Would the formation of the bond, for either choices. For using magic…would it hurt?”
  • Thoughtful
Reactions: Isiell
Fraeya's fingers fell away from her wrist, and Isiell let her own hand gently unwind from the girl's hair, and settled back, cross-legged, before the human.

Her eyes widened a little at the question.

"I... don't know," Isiell answered honestly. "I imagine... there's probably a certain amount of discomfort. For both of us. Our minds will be linked... and our bodies. I will be able to take some of your injuries on myself, to protect you. I would also be able to do the opposite.

"It's... a powerful working of magic. I'd be surprised if it was completely without pain."
  • Yay
Reactions: Fraeya
Fraeya chewed on her lower lip. Eyes still searching Isiell’s own. The female’s face. She couldn't give her an answer now. She meant it when she had to think about it.

“I don’t know if you want inside my head.” A wobble of a smile. A brief flicker of white teeth. Fingers came up and pushed her stubborn blonde wisps firmly behind her ears.

“How can I contact you if I…decide to accept your offer?”
  • Smug
Reactions: Isiell
"That's... understandable," Isiell said. "A few years ago... I don't think I would have even considered letting someone else inside my head either."

Her eyes followed the movement of Fraeya's fingers as she tucked her hair back behind her ears, though a few stubborn strands immediately made themselves free again. As Fraeya asked how to reach her, Isiell grinned.

"Well... you can always send a missive to the Dawn Court. Someone there will always know where to find me," she answered. "Or, if it's... more urgent than that... pour some whisky into a crystal glass and smash it in a fire, then say my name. I'll come."
  • Wonder
Reactions: Fraeya
Her gaze softened. She wanted to say thank you and she’d mean it. Only. She’d been taught never to say it. That would imply owing something.

“Whisky?” She grinned. “That’s rather specific.” It was all specific. The bite of liquor. The fire. The broken shards of something that was whole. Each thing seemed to fit Isiell well. Chaos in a glass that was meant to be shattered by consuming heat.

Hunt book help her. She might actually be starting to like this one. She stood, finally. Teetering on the edge of a question she might regret asking.

Delun doesn’t expect me back for a few days. I’ve never been to the dawn court.” She didnt know much about it. Just that it wasn’t terrible for humans like Spring. Spring was the worst. Followed by Fall. The others…she didn’t know much about the others.

“Woukd you be willing to…take me there?”
  • Sip
Reactions: Isiell
Isiell grinned back. "Well, if you want to summon me and not just some random fae, then it has to be specific."

She was, though, quite surprised by Fraeya's next question.

"You want to go to the Dawn Court?" Isiell repeated, raising a brow as she sat back on her heels. "It'll be... more than a few days. It's in Amol-Kalit, and I can't take you through the ley-lines. We'd have to travel by human ways."

Isiell laughed softly and shook her head then, more because Fraeya had utterly surprised her, not in refusal. "You're a brave one," Isiell said when she looked back up. "Careful, or I'll start to actually like you."
  • Ctuhlu senpai
Reactions: Fraeya
"So uh," she rubbed at the back of her neck, her thumb brushing across the inking of the star mark that was hidden by her blonde wisps. Free hand lowered as she offered the fae a hand-up from the ground. As if any fae needed any help from a human, ever. But Fraeya felt the gesture naturally and didn't think about how...odd it might look.

"I actually can travel the ley-lines." Thin shoulders shrugged. She wasn't sure why. Perhaps it was because of Delun. Or being among the fae since she was a baby. Or her ties to the rock trolls or the little folk. Or Vaer. She knew it wasn't normal for a human but when had Fraeya ever been normal?

"And I do want to go. As long as humans aren't treated like they are in Spring?" Fraeya honestly didn't know.
  • Wonder
Reactions: Isiell
Isiell loved to be surprised--it fed that chaotic energy inside her--but there were very few things which actually shocked her, and hearing Fraeya say that she was able to travel the ley-lines was one of those.

She stared at the girl, mouth agape for just a moment, and wondered just what exactly it was about this human which made the fae--even Isiell herself--desperate to have her at their side.

"You've actually done it before?" Isiell asked. "Traveled the ley-lines? You don't just think you can? You know you can?"

She had zero desire to accidentally kill Fraeya.

"As for humans in the Dawn Court..." Isiell bit the inside of her lip for a moment, thinking. "I haven't been there overly long myself. I wouldn't say they're as accepting as the Winter Court is, but they are definitely a far cry better than Spring or Summer Court. And as long as it's clear that you're my guest, you won't be bothered anyway."
  • Ctuhlu senpai
Reactions: Fraeya
Head ducked slightly. Fingers coming to rub at the back of her neck. She never knew it was that...strange for a human to travel the ley-lines. But the more she thought about it, she'd never seen other humans do it. Not even the other workers of the Autumn Court.

"Yes I'm sure. I know," she confirmed quietly, hand once again dropping at her side.

"I just never thought...it was something humans couldn't do." Even with the faster travel she knew it would take a few days. "Alright. Perhaps I'm foolish after all but I trust you enough to go as your guest." A twist at the corner of her lips.

"But I don't have anything else with me. I'd need to go pack things at Delun's unless you think we can just pick up stuff along the way?" Like food. More clothing, etc.
Who the hell is this human? Isiell wondered silently for a moment as Fraeya confirmed that she had traveled the ley lines before. What is it that makes us all want her so badly?

When Fraeya said she trusted her, though, a genuinely delighted smile spread across Isiell's face, and she shrugged as the girl asked about packing things.

"Unless there's something specific you want to bring, then we can get whatever you need along the way," Isiell answered. "I can't imagine you have clothing appropriate for the desert anyway. Leogaire is quite warm."

Isiell stood and took a moment to stretch out her back and legs and roll her shoulders before holding out a hand to Fraeya to help her up.

"You ready, then?" Isiell asked as she waited for Fraeya to take her hand.