The Dawn Court
The Dawn Court is the largest of the Solar Courts which consist of Day, Night and Dusk. Usually the Solar Courts' domain only stretches as far as a few islands or cities making the Dawn Court unique for its stretch over most of Amol-Kalt and positioning it aggressively on the boarder of the Summer Court. As with the other Fae Courts, whilst their control covers such a large area they exist almost in a sub-realm to the mortal realm and as such their cities cannot be seen on most human maps. Evidence of the Dawn Courts existence is still quite strong in the desert lands. Their groves are most often known to appear to weary travellers seeking water and will appear and disappear to cause them distress. This has given rise to the curious notion of oasis mirages.
As with all Parlours, the Dawn Court is supposedly ruled by the strongest fae. Where they differ to other Parlours however is that most there are many fae who reside within the Court who are indeed stronger than the King. However, many of them deliberately avoid the task of leading due to its political constraints. As such the title of ruler within the court is seen more as a punishment than an ambitious title to strive towards. Instead the Dawn Fae prefer to get on with their real task which is causing mischief and stirring up great wars. Chaos, to the Dawn Fae, is far too orderly.
It should come of little surprise then that there are very little rules and what ones do exist there is little regard for. It is a part of the nature of this court for laws to constantly be shifting, blurring and changing in order to aggravate the other courts. To those who might find this a headache, most fae from the Dawn Court will suggest looking at the rules of Summer and inverting them for a rough guide on what they stand for.
"Go! Break taboos, stir things up, create mischief wherever you go. In the end, though the other Courts shant admit it, it is us who truly give fae and mortal alike what they really want - freedom. So let them call it mischief. When it is past and they've prospered they will name it a virtue."
The Dawnish Fae do not particularly like the motion they have a set purpose per see - especially nothing like the Summer or Winter Court proclaim to have or drab little Autumn with their stringency for the law. What they have instead is the general edict that the famous Maedbh issued when she left the Summer Court and took with it a large swathe of fae and this is to create mischief. There were no edicts to say that mischief would be limited to mortals and so the Dawn take pleasure in casting their chaos wherever they go, whatever the situation. More often than not this leads to great Wars which infuriate the other Courts and spoil their petty plays of politics. As such they have also been accredited with the unofficial purpose of creating War.
- Queen Maedbh, founder of the Dawn Court
The Dawnish Fae do not particularly like the motion they have a set purpose per see - especially nothing like the Summer or Winter Court proclaim to have or drab little Autumn with their stringency for the law. What they have instead is the general edict that the famous Maedbh issued when she left the Summer Court and took with it a large swathe of fae and this is to create mischief. There were no edicts to say that mischief would be limited to mortals and so the Dawn take pleasure in casting their chaos wherever they go, whatever the situation. More often than not this leads to great Wars which infuriate the other Courts and spoil their petty plays of politics. As such they have also been accredited with the unofficial purpose of creating War.
The Dawn Court requires a certain taste.
Not many can stomach the uncertainty of its laws and the way sentiments are ever shifting towards this that or the other. However, for those that can will find a head-spinning melting pot of cultures that the fae have brought with them from every Court across Arethil, as well as a good heaping of mortal cultures too. No two cities look the same and the trends of food, fashion and art change with such quickness that even those living in a certain place may find it almost unrecognisable when they visit.
One of the most curious pieces of culture about the Dawnish court is their abhorrence to marriage. Seen as the ultimate chain and destroyer of freedoms, even those who have the mating bond will refuse to get officially wed. Some will even go so far as to try and have the mating bond broken in order to avoid the yoke about their neck. Couplings instead tend not to last long and the fae here take many lovers over their centuries both mortal and fae.
Strangely, however, the Dawn Court are one of the few to have an ordered religion. The Priestesses of Dawn are devote followers of the memory of Maedbh. There are several ceremonies throughout the year where all Dawn citizens will gather to pay special homage to their founder and delight in nights of revelry in her honour.

The Dawn Court is a Parlour Court meaning that the title of King or Queen is not based on blood but won through strength. Any fae is allowed to challenge the current ruler to single combat that will last to the death in the hopes of taking the title as its leader.
At the supposed top of the Dawn Court is King Andronicus. A peculiar fae with the ability to bend the light to create images of things which are not there, Andronicus keeps mostly to his palace in Leogaire or busies himself the the problems of state. Most fae inside of Dawn would call Andronicus a puppet more than a King, though they would do to keep such opinions voiced in a quiet whisper. Whilst the Dawnish King appears mild tempered and preferable to the rabble he commands there is a reason no other fae has dared yet to challenge him for the rights to rein.
The Priestesses of Maedbh
The Priestesses of Maedbh are considered the real power within the Dawn Court. It is they who hold the fae who reside there in check and ensure that their activities are directly serving and befitting of their founders memory. Not much about the order is known outside of its ranks but the fae who choose this path go through horrific ceremonies of right to be gifted with unique and devastating gifts said to be given to them by Maedbh herself. They reside within her sacred temple which is home to a vast amount of knowledge on the worlds histories and they keep a careful chronicle of all that passes.
The Furies
The Furies are often another name given to the collective members of the Dawn Court, however a Fury is also a rank within the Court belonging to the most powerful of fae. Other Courts use the name "High Lord" to describe such characters but within the Dawn Court women can hold this title alongside men.
The Lesser Fae
Everyone else. From Brownies to Leprechauns, merfolk and more, those with niche or limited gifts are often seen as Lesser Fae by those governing them. They make up the largest portion of the Dawn Court and are its main citizens.
PC & NPC Members
- King Andronicus - Puppet leader of the Dawn Court (NPC)
- Favashi - Fury of War, one of the oldest Duanann's of the Court
- Isiell - Fury of Chaos
- Eònan - Favashi's Warlock
- Maphesa - Courtier
- Simyeoleonolas Ilayda - Fury of Manipulation
- Declan Thormaigh - Leprechaun, member of the Court
- Yasin - Cwn annwn
- Alynthi - Refugee
- Macari Longeas - Leprechaun
- Lady Aubretta - NPC Priestess of the Dawn Court, Mother to Prince Lorcán and past lover to the Erlking
- Relorath - Fury of Madness
- Fayu - Pixie
Dawn Factions
Surprisingly, there are not any factions within the Dawn Court despite spies from other Courts probing for such. Perhaps it is the fact the Court is in a permanent state of Chaos or maybe it is a true love of what they have built within this Court that stops the Dawnish from turning against one another. Either way, the harmony exhibited here is unique and rare amongst the fae kind.
The Four Solar Courts are relatively new in the history of the fae and appeared long after the four great Seasonal Courts. First came Day then came Night, split from the courts of Spring and Autumn, but then came Dawn and Dusk, split from Summer and Winter respectfully. Each has their own muddied history as to the ins and outs of why these small factions of fae decided to break from their pledges and seek refuge elsewhere.
Around 20,000 years ago Queen Maedbh, who was the youngest daughter of nine and with no wish of the throne or indeed that lifestyle, occupied herself with travelling to other courts, hosting lavish parties and creating a rather wretched reputation not only for herself but her family. Unfortunately for the latter, however, the people seemed unable to resist her. Wherever she went people were drawn like moths to her flame. She made them feel cherished, she talked about their dreams, and she whispered how good it would be to do anything in their power to make that dream a reality. She didn't seem to care one bit about the waves of destruction she left behind her by doing so.
Eventually, her mother died and her oldest sister took the throne. Her first act was to do what her mother hadn't had the heart to do and announce Maedbh's exile. Not content with going quietly she whipped the Summer fae into a frenzy, speaking from her barricaded balcony to the masses of what it would be like to taste pure freedom. When she fled it was alone but in trickles, then groups, then waves, her people found her and thus the Dawn Court was born.
Court Relations
Below is the current status of their relationships with other Courts.
The Summer Court: Very Bad
The Winter Court: Uneasy
The Spring Court: Neutral
The Autumn Court: Good
- https://chroniclesrp.net/threads/nightmares-or-memories.3390
- https://chroniclesrp.net/threads/a-court-of-dragons-and-mist.3382
- https://chroniclesrp.net/threads/a-nightmare-dressed-like-a-daydream.3263
- https://chroniclesrp.net/threads/a-fae-moon-on-the-rise.3289/
- https://chroniclesrp.net/threads/the-broken-crown.2765/
- https://chroniclesrp.net/threads/felling-the-forest.2750/
- https://chroniclesrp.net/threads/come-take-me-from-this-dull-world.2253/
- https://chroniclesrp.net/threads/a-winters-dawn.2270/
- https://chroniclesrp.net/threads/coinciding-paths.1087/
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