Formerly Yasin Cuinh
A former member of the Cuinh sept and recent addition to the Dawn Court.
Yasin is a typical male cwn in almost every way. He is of average height, has paper-white skin and pure white hair with not a trace of patch or discoloration, and eyes as red as ripe apples. He possesses a trim, athletic physique and a long face full of sharp angles and soft planes. Being pretty is not a great feat among fae, but Yasin is more roguishly good looking than pretty. The upper parts of his hair are shorter than the bottom, which he has left much, much longer.
As an exile of the Summer Court on accounts of treason, the left side of Yasin's face has been ritualistically scarred and charmed against glamours. He has two lines curving from the bridge of his nose, across his cheek, and up towards his ear.
Yasin typically wears yellow, honoring his sept even after being excommunicated from it.
All cwn annwn can shift into their canine bodies at will. Yasin becomes a dog of pure, clean white the color of jasmine flowers with a long, sleek frame. Larger than most dog breeds, he is still an average cwn even in this form.
As an exile of the Summer Court on accounts of treason, the left side of Yasin's face has been ritualistically scarred and charmed against glamours. He has two lines curving from the bridge of his nose, across his cheek, and up towards his ear.
Yasin typically wears yellow, honoring his sept even after being excommunicated from it.
All cwn annwn can shift into their canine bodies at will. Yasin becomes a dog of pure, clean white the color of jasmine flowers with a long, sleek frame. Larger than most dog breeds, he is still an average cwn even in this form.
Celestial Alignment
A true son of light, Yasin’s power comes from the sun. His power grows toward the summer equinox and fades in winter. His power is not affected by day or night cycles.
Elemental Alignment
Yasin is a fae of earth and, like all other cwn, also possesses the element of light.
Skills and Abilities
As a cwn annwn, Yasin can briefly channel his magick into a burst of energy that enhances his speed and responses, while also causing his fur to glow brightly.
Yasin has all the typical abilities of the fae, but has no more magick than the average cwn annwn. He has, however, honed his abilities to favor war magicks over glamours and tricks of the mind. He has very limited practical magical abilities that can apply outside of battle, relying instead on old-fashioned doing things instead of using magick to simplify his life.
As a cwn annwn, Yasin can briefly channel his magick into a burst of energy that enhances his speed and responses, while also causing his fur to glow brightly.
Yasin has all the typical abilities of the fae, but has no more magick than the average cwn annwn. He has, however, honed his abilities to favor war magicks over glamours and tricks of the mind. He has very limited practical magical abilities that can apply outside of battle, relying instead on old-fashioned doing things instead of using magick to simplify his life.
Set apart from his siblings from a very young age, Yasin is very mature for a male cwn annwn. Clever, cunning, and a natural leader and extrovert, he stands out in a crowd for being boisterous and loud. He is very competitive and can often be found in some kind of match to prove his worth against anyone who will take up his challenges. While first impressions may present him as brash and stupid, he can be very calculating.
Yasin is not, however, very well inclined towards things like patience, decorum, or textbook intelligence. His strengths come from his charisma, experience, and confidence.
Though he does not advertise it, Yasin is a bit of a romantic. Since tragedy has taken him far from his home and family, he has become very lonely. After all, cwn annwn are not meant to be alone. He has difficulty with comprehending theory and philosophy, and he very quickly grows bored with stories -- both fictional and not. However, he had a secret fondness of poetry and meter, and has been composing very bad poems since his youth.
Yasin is not, however, very well inclined towards things like patience, decorum, or textbook intelligence. His strengths come from his charisma, experience, and confidence.
Though he does not advertise it, Yasin is a bit of a romantic. Since tragedy has taken him far from his home and family, he has become very lonely. After all, cwn annwn are not meant to be alone. He has difficulty with comprehending theory and philosophy, and he very quickly grows bored with stories -- both fictional and not. However, he had a secret fondness of poetry and meter, and has been composing very bad poems since his youth.
Biography & Lore
Yasin was born to the Cuinh Matriarch in her second litter. From a very early age, the boy distinguished himself among his littermates and siblings as a bit of a bully and troublemaker. He was, therefore, one of his mother’s favorites alongside his littermate and sister, Ciwse. The duo were constantly squabbling with their older siblings as children, and emerged as leaders as they grew older. One thing was certain: Yasin and Ciwse were a team.
As young adults, their aging mother chose Ciwse as her successor to become Matriarch. This caused some waves in the Cuinh family since there was an older sister who had also shown promise as the future leader of their sept, but their mother maintained her decision -- and the word of the Matriarch was law in her sept.
Ciwse and Yasin ran wild in the Summer Court, leading their family pack and eventually forming a turnout from neighboring septs. They networked wisely and built a strong foundation for Ciwse’s future role as Matriarch. Yasin spent this time building a reputation as a strong protector and a formidable rival to anyone who might challenge their sept. They were young and promising in the world of the cwn.
When they were nearing their third century, the Cuinh Matriarch finally stepped down from her position to make way for her chosen daughter. Yasin was proud to stand beside her as the teeth and claws of their sept.
Life progressed as expected. Ciwse found a suitable partner from allied septs (a frequent rival in their youth, which obviously made him a great candidate), and together they had their first litter of puppies. The Cuinh family was growing and a new generation of cwn were flourishing.
Change, ugly and dark, happened without warning. Yasin was called away from the sept on what he had been led to believe was business for the family. When he arrived, he was arrested and charged with treason against the Summer Court. He would spend days in a cell, awaiting a trial for a crime he was innocent of. In the end, the trial didn’t matter. Yasin was judged and convicted by Titania herself. The left side of his face was scarred and cursed so that no glamour could ever disguise the marks of his exile, two long, curving lines arcing from his nose to his ear.
Left in the wilderness, weak and wounded, Yasin was taken in by a young hag for a time. She nursed him back to health and it was in her care that he learned about the death of his sister and her children in a sept coup.
The news was devastating. When he was well enough to go, he left the Summer Court to travel the world in search of a new purpose -- and to find a way to exact his revenge from afar.
As young adults, their aging mother chose Ciwse as her successor to become Matriarch. This caused some waves in the Cuinh family since there was an older sister who had also shown promise as the future leader of their sept, but their mother maintained her decision -- and the word of the Matriarch was law in her sept.
Ciwse and Yasin ran wild in the Summer Court, leading their family pack and eventually forming a turnout from neighboring septs. They networked wisely and built a strong foundation for Ciwse’s future role as Matriarch. Yasin spent this time building a reputation as a strong protector and a formidable rival to anyone who might challenge their sept. They were young and promising in the world of the cwn.
When they were nearing their third century, the Cuinh Matriarch finally stepped down from her position to make way for her chosen daughter. Yasin was proud to stand beside her as the teeth and claws of their sept.
Life progressed as expected. Ciwse found a suitable partner from allied septs (a frequent rival in their youth, which obviously made him a great candidate), and together they had their first litter of puppies. The Cuinh family was growing and a new generation of cwn were flourishing.
Change, ugly and dark, happened without warning. Yasin was called away from the sept on what he had been led to believe was business for the family. When he arrived, he was arrested and charged with treason against the Summer Court. He would spend days in a cell, awaiting a trial for a crime he was innocent of. In the end, the trial didn’t matter. Yasin was judged and convicted by Titania herself. The left side of his face was scarred and cursed so that no glamour could ever disguise the marks of his exile, two long, curving lines arcing from his nose to his ear.
Left in the wilderness, weak and wounded, Yasin was taken in by a young hag for a time. She nursed him back to health and it was in her care that he learned about the death of his sister and her children in a sept coup.
The news was devastating. When he was well enough to go, he left the Summer Court to travel the world in search of a new purpose -- and to find a way to exact his revenge from afar.