Macari Longeas
You don’t believe in leprechauns.
A myth you say they be.
You don’t believe in pots-o-gold,
or four-leaf-clover tea.
You don’t believe the rainbow’s end
alights on treasured finds.
They are illusions meant for fools
you say ‘ave lost their minds.
You don’t believe in whispering
your wishes to the wind,
You don’t believe in magic spells
or longings coming true.
And Yet...
Macari will wander 'cause it is what he has always done.
In search of tales of love and loss, and most of all fun.
Some whisper of a kingmaker who flew to close to the sun.
But that is just Macari who told a lie he spun.
A wanderer of the Dawn Court, Macari can be found all across Arethil bring with him song, joy, and laughter. He still returns to the home of the Dawn Court to pay his respects to the court. After all, they are the only ones who seem to be able to keep up with his fun.
Macari Longeas stands at a respectable 5'9, but with a demeanor that often makes him appear larger. His shaggy black hair is kept short and braided, standing up. Macari has a lean build fit for someone who spends all of their time walking. His intense gold eyes stand out to most that meat him, followed up by the tapestry of tattoos on his body.
For his attire, Macari prefers a color combo of gold and black, usually choosing a jacket that is opened to expose his chest and a pair of soft silky pants. Macari also never wears shoes.
For his attire, Macari prefers a color combo of gold and black, usually choosing a jacket that is opened to expose his chest and a pair of soft silky pants. Macari also never wears shoes.
Celestial Alignment
Leprechauns are all Solar Fae. This means that their power is at its height during the Summer Equinox but also on a day-to-day basis when the sun is at its highest point. It is often thought that this also has some impact on their wishes and that is why those made and granted at Night or when the moon is bright have a more twisted and dark edge to the results.
Elemental Alignment
Every fae aligns to at least one of the five recognized elements of magick: fire, air, water, earth, and light. Fae of a specific element have a higher resistance against its effects. Fire-aligned faeries may never burn (with the exception of iron and silver). Water cannot drown water-aligned fae -- who, more often than not, are born with the ability to breathe in water. Earth-aligned fae can pass through thorns and brambles without taking damage to their bodies. Fae aligned with air cannot freeze nor be suffocated.
Macari has an affinity for Water and Air. Both relate the most strongly to wishes e.g. wishing wells.
Macari has an affinity for Water and Air. Both relate the most strongly to wishes e.g. wishing wells.
Skills and Abilities
Fae Magick: Macari, like another fae, is quite adept at wielding ley line magic for creating wards and glamours, traveling via ley line, or elemental magics that feature water and air.
Fae Deals: Macari loves to make a deal or two if featuring the right deal. Although, he much prefers his kind's "deals".
Wish maker: Like all other Leprechauns, Macari is himself a prolific wish maker, whether it be keeping a horse from going lame all the way to make a noble lord fall in love with a peasant. He loves the thrill. Of course...many do not remember times from long ago when Macari would make even greater wishes come true. Wishes that shaped the course of Arethil, itself, but his kind paid the price for such hubris. Still, a small part of Macari encourages to make such deals again.
Luck Magic: Macari has had quite some time to gather luck over the millennia. He lost a great deal of it during the Culling, but has been gathering it back ever since. He chooses to store his luck inside one of the several teeth that sit upon his necklace. The reason he wears so much jewelry is in part to disguise his charm.
Musically Gifted: Amplified by centuries of stories and songs, Macari can play nearly any instrument and also has a lovely voice.
Linguist: He speaks every fae and mortal language. After all, he has had plenty of time to learn them and what good is a performer that no one can understand.
Golden Tongue: Macari's smooth and calm demeanor aids well in his ability to talk and charm even the most skeptical of onlookers. This is also certainly influenced by Macari's wisdom from years of experience.
Hedonist: Macari will be the first to join in when it comes to parties, food, drink, lust, or anything else he can find pleasure in.
A Worldly Fae: Macari's opinion on things is often well respected due to his lifetimes of experience and information gathering. It is impressive the number of people who talk to the traveling bard.
Mortal Lover: Macari loves the mortal realm. Even though they did such awful things to his people long ago, he can not help but love them when he walks amount them...like one might love a family pet.
Biography & Lore
There is a lot to remember in Macari's life and he does not remember it all, or maybe he does not want to remember. Instead, he chooses to fill his head with sounds and stories of the people of this world.
Before the Great Culling, Macari was a Kingmaker. He would go around granting kingdoms to nearly any mortal with his abilities. He can never forget the one time helped this one urchin boy become a king after he simply wished for enough money to eat dinner, that was truly funny. During those times, Macari was truly pompous and hoarded wealth like some sort of dragon. It was an interesting period, but Macari was one of many Leprechauns that learned lessons from the Great Culling. His true name at even nearly been discovered.
After the incident, he hid away with his brothers and sisters on Iuk-'u Delta for a few centuries, but he got bored. He wanted to roam the world once again, but he would not make the same mistakes as last time. He would not get tied down, or attached. He would be free.
Before the Great Culling, Macari was a Kingmaker. He would go around granting kingdoms to nearly any mortal with his abilities. He can never forget the one time helped this one urchin boy become a king after he simply wished for enough money to eat dinner, that was truly funny. During those times, Macari was truly pompous and hoarded wealth like some sort of dragon. It was an interesting period, but Macari was one of many Leprechauns that learned lessons from the Great Culling. His true name at even nearly been discovered.
After the incident, he hid away with his brothers and sisters on Iuk-'u Delta for a few centuries, but he got bored. He wanted to roam the world once again, but he would not make the same mistakes as last time. He would not get tied down, or attached. He would be free.
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