Even in a world where dragons wings darken the skies and Sirens sing men to their deaths on the open seas, the Fae are considered often by the people of Arethil as old wives tales when in fact they inhabit every corner of the globe. Concerned more with their internal affairs most but the Little Folk will keep to their own kind and kingdoms, but the long duration of their lives often lead them to seek entertainment in the affairs of other species.
Favashi is a high standing member of The Dawn Court, though her exact position she would never reveal. Her personality seems to depend on those she is currently with though terms such as sly, mischievous and dangerous would not be far from the truth of what she is like at the core. Whilst she enjoys making bargains with others in return for favours, homage or gifts all of her deals are suited to her own ambitions or desires. Despite her playful nature Favashi has a strict personal code that she rigidly sticks to such as the rules of hospitality and is quick to unleash her anger on those who do not afford her the proper respect.
Tall and slender, the uneducated might at a glance mistake Favashi for an elf of far off lands. However her unusual golden eyes and the golden hue of her skin tend to make people question their assumption on what she is. She wears her light brown and copper hair long and there are often flowers or assorted gifts of feathers from the Little Folk braided into it. The right side of her arm and down her back are also adorned with a series of intricate tattoos of butterflies, flowers, and other naturalistic images. To most eyes they would almost look real such is the skill with which they were painted upon her skin.
Duanann Affinity
Like all Duanann, Favashi was born with a natural affinity towards a particular essence of the world such as love or song or sunlight. Favashi's is War. She is able to manipulate this affinity to spark small conflicts and the more she uses this gift the more it demands her energies.
Celestial Alignment
Favashi is a Solar fae. At a basic level this means she enters the heights of her powers during the day but more importantly they get stronger during certain times of the solar cycle. Some of her skills and abilities may wax and wane depending on these and thus her demands in return for favours may differ on the time of year. The summer solstice is the height of Favashi's power.
Elemental Alignment
Favashi is favours both Earth and Water as her elements. This means she has a higher tolerance to any magics of these kinds and it affords her certain skills: the ability to breathe underwater and to pass through brambles and thorns without taking damage.
Skills & Abilities
Magick: Across Arethil are magical ley lines which Favashi and other Fae can tap into. These lines connect centres of magical power meaning that when she is in areas with a higher concentration of magic her abilities are stronger. Magick is borrowed by Fae from these lines and can be stored in their bodies to be used as well as be tapped into during times of need. As this is raw power it can often take many forms dependant on need, though she is governed by the same laws of magic as every other creature of Arethil - despite the myths.
The most manifestations of this magic include:
Animal Shape: Favashi can take the shape of a Tigress. This form to other Fae is as unique as her humanoid form and it is easy for those with the Sight to know her as Favashi whilst in this form.
The most manifestations of this magic include:
- Glamours
- Wards
- Travel via ley line
- Elemental magicks related to Earth and Water in particular
Animal Shape: Favashi can take the shape of a Tigress. This form to other Fae is as unique as her humanoid form and it is easy for those with the Sight to know her as Favashi whilst in this form.
Favashi does not remember how long exactly she has existed. Her memories number so many that they are difficult to sort out and at times she will comment on the histories an Age ago as if they happened only yesterday to her. She spends the majority of her time in her own Court and amongst her own people, though she had no particular care or dislike against those not of her own kind. It is more that those of her own kind can understand the passing of time as she experiences it. She has been chronicled in numerous annuals in relation to heroes, strong leaders and characters of interest as their special patron and she has become a creature of folklore in doing so.
Favashi has travelled and does still travel a lot of the globe but prefers the hotter climates of the West. There is a small sacred spot near the mouth of the River Baal-Duru that is said to be where Favashi and other Fae of her court can be contacted by offering lavish gifts. It was once the site of the palace of a great Hero during the Age of Wonders. Despite the crawl of time from the ruins that stand there today it is easy to see what a great building it used to be.
In truth Favashi often walks amongst mortals in various guises and bestows her own gifts or streaks of bad luck for her own amusement too. Some people of these lands still leave small gifts for Favashi and her Court during the Summer Solstice in return for good fortune or health for their families.
Favashi has travelled and does still travel a lot of the globe but prefers the hotter climates of the West. There is a small sacred spot near the mouth of the River Baal-Duru that is said to be where Favashi and other Fae of her court can be contacted by offering lavish gifts. It was once the site of the palace of a great Hero during the Age of Wonders. Despite the crawl of time from the ruins that stand there today it is easy to see what a great building it used to be.
In truth Favashi often walks amongst mortals in various guises and bestows her own gifts or streaks of bad luck for her own amusement too. Some people of these lands still leave small gifts for Favashi and her Court during the Summer Solstice in return for good fortune or health for their families.