
  1. Aroylecio

    Private Tales Wills Drawn By Wonder

    Falwood - Fal’Raheal, The Town Square Zulryn Oknu The sun gleamed fairly this morning in Fal’Raheal, uninhibited by any measure of cloud. Merchants served their clients, families roamed in the will of solace; a scene endowed in peace and diversified through its multi-cultural resonance...
  2. Raea Stormcrow

    Fable - Ask Something Lurks in the Shadows

    The carts stood in the road, their contents untouched. If not for the complete lack of people near to hand, it wouldn't have been near so odd, or so patently creepy. The sun shone high overhead, but the thick canopy of the trees prevented the majority of the brilliant light from reaching the...
  3. Liliana

    Dreadlords The Lies They Told

    Ayel Anen - The Falwood Liliana sat atop her steed with an expression of pure and utter boredom. They had been riding for what felt like weeks now, though the reality was more like like five or six days. Most of it had been easy going, only because the Carriage at the center of their party had...
  4. Zulryn Oknu

    Open Chronicles Monster on the Loose!

    “Be careful, okay? If you need anything send us a letter. Don’t forget to eat. Also—” “Dad, I get it. Don’t worry, I will send you a message as soon as I arrive at an inn. Fal’Addas is a peaceful city, and I have been there before.” “I know sweetie, but I will always worry for you. Now, hurry...
  5. Lanna Thalien

    Private Tales We need to talk about Vel Anir

    The Council of Mevenua, Tarnossia, Falwood Early Afternoon Even in the height of summer, the heat of the sun seemed to dissipate amongst the trees of the Falwood. So while Mevenua was sometimes uncomfortably warm while the season was at its peak, there was never any true discomfort amongst the...
  6. Kristen Pirian

    Completed Hanging Upside Down

    Swaying gently. Back and forth. Back and forth. Kristen Pirian's eyes opened slowly, her vision clouded and out of focus. There was a soreness on the side of her head, some blood in her hair. Her ponytail dangled, the tip of it pointing down to the ground some thirty feet below. One of her...
  7. Arwyl Minras

    Private Tales Staying Low

    From the treeline it was obvious that someone had returned to the farmstead. It hadn't been Arwylvs troupe either. They wouldn't have left the doors wide open to every house and barn. The Dreadlord must have come with more than one helper and they had been sent tracing Arwyl's path. They...
  8. Ereven Theruvanen

    Private Tales Those That Carry On

    In the heart of the Falwood, trees towered higher than some of the tallest buildings you might find in other realms. The thick canopy allowed only so much sunlight to the forest floor below, and such a forest held many dark and terrible secrets. It also held life: here you would find the home of...
  9. Shrike

    Fae Courts Where the Long Grass Grows

    Beams of broken sunlight poured down through the canopy of the Falwood, brilliant shafts casting a warm glow upon the leaf-strewn forest floor. The air whispered in soft, gentle breezes that rustled the treetops. The air smelled crisp, with the slight, sweet tang of decay that lurked beneath...
  10. Ánië Táralóm

    Open Chronicles A City of Wonder and Starlight

    The night was cool, but it was calm and quiet. It felt right. She was alone now, her former companion having brought her as far as the city's borders before departing. Or at least, that's how it seemed. His ways were so... interesting. But what was certain was now she approached the gates of...
  11. Arastan Aellevanda

    Private Tales The Path of Exile

    It had been several weeks since Arastan, Taliyah, and a delegation of Aellevanda had left their city and headed south for Fal'addas. The unit of the royal guard that followed was with them for obvious reasons, and the diplomats that traveled with them were the diplomatic 'advisors' to Arastan...
  12. Ziggy Steele

    Private Tales Moonlight Meeting

    Nighttime, a few years in the Past, somewhere in Northeastern Falwood. It was the good year 365 and Ziggy had just completed their 364th birthday. The day had no importance for the nomad merchant, who spent most of last decade or so dancing around with elves and fae, moving from experience to...
  13. Everleigh Ebersol

    Private Tales If It Bleeds

    [art creds] The small town of Lahiri was right on the border of the Falwood. Because the majority of it’s occupants were human, it had been claimed by Vel Anir. There were plenty of whispered rumors that Lahiri pledged allegiance to Vel Anir long ago because during the second war it was clear...
  14. Eleanor

    Private Tales High Tension Containment

    Somewhere in Falwood Someone at the Academy thought they were hilarious. They were the only one. Eleanor and Vance had been sent on a mission together. Alone. Fuck, was the first thought Eleanor had when the Proctor had given them the mission details. The two of them were to go to a...
  15. Kthell

    Private Tales Of Monsters

    [Location: Near the Falwood Border] The air stank here. Of refuse. Sickness. The village youth went missing only to return a few weeks later, pale and softly bleating gibberish with pustules of darkness pulsing underneath their clothes. Mothers wept as they tended to their dying sons and...
  16. Arwyl Minras

    Private Tales Choosing Sides

    Tessa Varon "Out of the way, out of the fucking way!" The group of armed men had burst into the farmstead without warning. They would take no argument as they carried one of their wounded members into the kitchen and dumped him on the table. There had been rumours that the mayor of the...
  17. Zaire

    Private Tales Love on my fingers, lust on my tongue

    A month had passed. Within that time, many things had happened. There was another court party that Luella had gone to and regretted as she had made a fool of herself. Meeting another swordsman who bested her with ease. Baking a cake and getting higher than Lessat at it’s peak. Beginning the...
  18. Lechies Delrio

    Completed Greenwrath

    Lechies gently nudged Garuban's arm aside, mentally commanding her werelight to lift higher that she might better examine the bump on the man's head. It was about the size of her fist, most of it disappearing under his black hair, but what she could see of the injury was a painful shade of red...
  19. Zaire

    Private Tales A Love Potion for “a Friend”

    “Keep raising your sword up and you’ll keep getting kicked,” Luella growled up to her opponent, Urube, a tall and fit duanann who lately seemed always trying to spar with her for the last four months. She didn’t mind of course, more practice for when it came to her going against bigger opponents...
  20. Arnor Skuldsson

    Open Chronicles Something Wicked...

    Village of Sonder, West of Alliria Click-click, click. Arnor's horse tread on the stones leading to Sonder, his eyes darting to and fro each way. The entire feeling was off. His adventures, his exploits and his experience had lead to him have a sort of sixth sense of danger and when...