
  1. Ivan Skender

    Private Tales For the brave

    Falwood “Fuck.” - He cursed under his breath, as he finally made it over the crest of that ridge, only to find yet more bloody trees. While in the Falwood this - in and of itself - was not surprising, Ivan had thoroughly been expecting to see some signs of civilization. He'd been fairly sure...
  2. Elmfury Nature's Scion

    Private Tales Birth and Reclamation

    The ritual was complete. Built out of anger she had harbored for far too long. It had aged her beyond self recognition. The bitterness wasn't good for her skin, nor her mind. This effigy was carved from the bones and flesh of those that dare walk the world with annihilation in their step. It...
  3. Andoniel Sharion

    Quest The Blood of Falwood

    The High Lord had known Garathiel since he was a small boy. He'd always had a love for trees that seemed abnormal even for their kind. The boy's father would attempt to pull him back to reality wherever he could, but Adoniel would just watch him through the years. In his fiftieth year, he'd...
  4. Everleigh Ebersol

    Private Tales A Monster With No Name

    “I know little about corrupted magic,” Everleigh protested. It was true however, and whatever she did know about one’s magic manifesting in negative ways was sparse compared to what the other proctors must have known. She had never even seen a book detailing corrupted magic, other than it almost...
  5. Vikesh Sahin

    Private Tales Birth of a Wish

    “No,” Khiiral said in common tongue to the human blacksmith. He had examined the blades offered here extensively and nothing had caught his eye that showed this man had the talent nor skill he was looking for. He heard the blacksmith curse him under his breath, mentioning something about a elf...
  6. Vikesh Sahin

    Private Tales Goodbye Declaration

    It had been three days since the fever started and the cough was only getting worse. Khiiral held his son tight against his chance, patting the toddlers back as soothingly as he could. There was a certain tempo that his wife had which he could never grasp. Needless to say, despite him...
  7. Tehi

    Private Tales Wayward Paths

    In the distance, rainforest sprawled across the land, the tropical plants a common sight across much of Falwood. Closer to the coast, though, the salt leeching into the soil and the coastal winds left some smaller towns amongst the more sparse forest, surrounded by hardier trees built to...
  8. Skull-hammer

    Open Chronicles Ohgrack Larc Rakka! (A heart lies beyond my home!)

    On the edge of the Falwood, beyond it's Fae courts on the eastern coast the peace was broken by a heavy sigh. Not the sigh of love found or exhaustion (though he had been travelling a day and a night without stopping) but a sigh of great mourning. To the people he was Rhuk Anagg, The Dragon...
  9. Quacey

    Fae Courts A Grove, Lost and Forgotten

    Sweet Summer Child Lost deep in the wild. Why do you hide? Why have you cried? No longer feel riled, My arms are open wide. How long had it been since Quacey left his children at home? A few years. No longer babes nor toddlers. Since their birth he had been there for them. His heart consumed...
  10. Maranae

    Completed Not All Cells Are Steel and Stone

    The clatter of wheels and groan of overloaded axles quite easily drowned out the sounds of nature, the dirt kicked up obscuring the sharp scents of the wilderness. All around trees towered over the narrow road that the half dozen carts rattled down with more than twice that number in men and...
  11. Elida

    Private Tales The Sun and Its Shade in Spring

    A symphony of howls and barks resounded all around the Falwood. A dozen or more hounds were chasing after one prey, their parted jaws easily picking up their prey’s scent as they bounded through the verdant green of the forest. Bloodhounds and elkhounds and retrievers were leading the hunt...
  12. Kristen Pirian

    Private Tales The Serandil Valley

    [Plot change]
  13. Zaire

    Private Tales Relentless

    [art cred] Lately, it seemed Vel Anir was trying to show off how there was no issues between the Kingdom and the Falwood. Now, anyone with more than three brain cells knew better. From the Brotherhood to the skirmishes along the border, it seemed Vel Anir and Falwood were still giving one...
  14. Orion

    Fate - First Reply A Body in The Woods

    "There is no place on this world for a being like me" Wild amusement. That's what danced and trotted its way through his mind every time that little thought shot up to his brain for a fraction of a second. Why was that something he constantly felt a need to remind what was left of himself? It...
  15. Soleil Verdane

    Completed The Absence of Mercy and Empathy

    OUTSKIRTS OF ALYR'SYLINA Soleil couldn't be more excited. She had thought that with the coming of the Republic, missions like this would be no more. And this was a mission like the ones of old. No rules. No compromise. No mercy. Butchery. Two Initiates, of which Soleil was one, had been...
  16. Garrod Arlette

    Fable - Ask At the Wrong End of a Bottle

    The wagon train had come to rest along a woodland road. Caravanners made ready the camp, and Garrod hopped off the wagon, armored up as he was. He stretched, this way and that, and his cuirass rattled with his movement. "Think I saw a beach down the eastern side of the trail," he said as he...
  17. Garrod Arlette

    Private Tales With a Hunger Most Foul

    7 Years Ago The Cat's Cradle Inn, In the town of Lesilan, Betwixt Alliria and the Falwood It pounded in his head. The green flame and its long teeth. A feeling he felt mirrored in his right arm. A feeling he felt digging into the flesh beneath the bone white gauntlet he wore. Yet he dare...
  18. Soleil Verdane

    Fate - First Reply Trapped in the Rain

    Soleil Verdane was trapped. The young Dreadlord Initiate, as could be imagined, was having a bad day. This bad day had its seeds planted three days prior. A mission gone wrong, enemy forces of the elven Fellowship stronger than expected, many Anirian Guardsmen dead or routed. Dreadlords and...
  19. Pasion Pasiva

    Private Tales A Long Way From Home

    Lucis crouched low near the water's edge. With elbows on knees, and balancing on the balls of his booted feet, he peered up through tendrils of silver-white hair that fell across his forehead and over his eyes. But there was little to see. The misty exterior of the dense forest didn’t give away...
  20. Violetta Amrita Primrose

    Fate - First Reply Cheers to You, Magnificent Dead.

    Aberresai Savannah - Northern Entrance to Falwood. Splintered wood. Broken wheels. Had to be more than wolves. Much more. Something giant, like a troll. Why would a troll be in the Falwood? It didn’t matter. Something of that size was the only real answer. Spilled goods. Smashed fruit...