Private Tales Birth and Reclamation

A private roleplay only for those invited by the first writer
The ritual was complete. Built out of anger she had harbored for far too long. It had aged her beyond self recognition. The bitterness wasn't good for her skin, nor her mind. This effigy was carved from the bones and flesh of those that dare walk the world with annihilation in their step. It served as remembrance. Motivation. But it was her undoing. She was ill, much like the forest surrounding her. The life force that joined all creatures together were experiencing a severe case of bradycardia. A slower heartbeat. Crimson streams picked up pace as they circuitously found their way to her finger tips. The blades of grass stretching out to quench their hunger. She dropped her dagger and laid down next to her vessel. One of the few vestiges left of mother nature. A primeval tree, "Ashi'sompori." The collector. Once a proud monument to her people. One that perpetuated the cycle of life, now an instrument of death.

Her soul shall live on through this patron of renewal. The blood of those bastards fueling it. Her eyes closed as she felt the embrace of the forest. Her final words were ones lost to time. Words she hoped one day would be used to continue on tradition.

The spell of awakening.
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