
  1. Kreyadis Nightwing

    Open Chronicles The Self Recorded History; Whispers in the Wind

    (OOC INFO, PLEASE READ) (This is the story of Kreyadis Nightwing's origins, written in the Chronicles roleplay tab to validate the drama beheld before you in eyes of the Lore Standards, done so under the instruction of the administration of the Chronicles RP Forum. Some of you may have already...
  2. Aeyliea

    Pandemonium Not Worth The Price

    Streamers of fog yet lingered in the air, the humidity slowly ebbing away to more tolerable levels as the sun finished its work burning it off. Here, in parts of the slums leading to the Shallows, the air smelled of the fens only a mile or less away, the air rich with life and the subtle...
  3. Nola Wildsong

    LFG Reward: Save Our Village!

    Hey guys! I've got my first character all finished up, and I'm looking to see what sort of plotlines she might get involved in! I'm really looking to start her out in the forests west of Alliria - she's a hermit druid so she avoids the cities unless absolutely necessary. If you already have a...
  4. Wilkas Thornbuck

    Private Tales Wherever We May Gnome

    It never occurred to young Wilkas that adventure could be such trouble. Far from the warmth and comfort of the tree village of Gildden his feet had been chasing the earth without direction. Making the mistake of assuming a cave would make good shelter, the little gnome didn’t check for wild...
  5. Neremyn Virvyre

    Private Tales Sauntering through the Falwood

    He had traveled to Elbion, as he always had, on the gales of hope and some odd sprinkling of ambition. The college had offered him an opportunity to advance through to a more prestigious lecture hall, the sort with towering columns of hand-carved wood, inlaid by swirling tapestries of marble and...
  6. Gilbert Goblinson

    Open Chronicles The Monsters Dioltas

    Dioltas flag The monster-folk from the City of Dioltas have stopped many raids be them from lionfolk, or any other who would attempt to raid the merchants who passed near the city, each soldier wearing the flag of their city, on their breast plate. Each time a diplomat from the city would talk...
  7. Neremyn Virvyre

    LFG Trade routes and druidism

    If anyone is interested in some writing with an old elf, I'd like to do something in either the area around Elbion/Falwoods or even...Thiria. Ere is heavily focused on maintaining/establishing trade routes, promoting the spread of Druidism, and is a low key capable Empath. I'd be up for any...
  8. Hath Charosh

    Open Chronicles The Great Rites

    Open to all Orcs. OOC Thread Penteth Charosh, between Aberresai Savannah and Falwood The dawn was greeted with the soft songs that were individual to each tribe. There was a buzz around the camp. Young bloods eager to prove themselves were psyching themselves up for the challenges. Others were...
  9. Anebus The Human Slime

    Open Chronicles A Tale of Two Slimes

    Somewhere in Northeastern Falwood. Anebus sat still, and unmoving somewhere in the forest. In which forest it wasn’t sure, but surely a forest. Currently it didn’t have it’s sight runes activated. It’d convinced itself it needed to learn to do without sight as a normal slime would. Though...
  10. Niq Vista

    Private Tales A Journey Through Falwood

    Niq would take a deep breath looking up at the trees. He'd smile as the fragrant odors of nature filled his lungs. He was standing near the edge of Falwood outside of Vel Anir at the approximate meeting spot for a job. He didn't know all to much about the job other than that he was to escort...
  11. Skuld Zajac

    Open Chronicles Rosemary and Thyme

    Between Val Anir and Falwood Wooded Area - Early Sunset ---- Two fires burned in a campsite off the mainroad about half a stones throw away. Easily seen by anyone passing by on the path since no attempts to hide it were made, but only intent would draw a person to it. A larger fire...
  12. Fëanáro Elrohir

    Private Tales A Cure for Evil

    Falwood Border - 800 Leagues South-West of Alliria Word had been sent, now it was just a matter of waiting. Ironically despite her age and heritage Fëanáro Elrohir was actually not at all good at waiting for others, she liked action and she liked to take care of issues before they became...
  13. Eirika E'sprit

    Eirika E'sprit Biographical information Birthplace Fal’Addas Born 93 Died Age Home Physical description ...