
  1. Trajan Meng

    LFG - Quest Destroying the Luminari LFG

    Trajan Meng has been the ideological leader of a human supremacist organization for a while. And now the time has come for him to destroy what he has created. But he cannot do it alone. Will you answer the call? A force of 200-250 Luminari Purists (the extremist faction that took over Trajan's...
  2. Kallirrhoe Aedus

    Private Tales The Enchantment In the Woods

    (OOC: tales place 31 years ago, starting a day or so after Ser Gavin Halbert rescued Kallirrhoe Aedus ) Rhoe thought they weren't traveling fast enough. Despite the fact that she had been able to make love to Gavin the night before, in all other ways, fear still held her immobile. How come she...
  3. Adagium

    Roleplay OOC The Falwood Plotting Thread (OOC)

    I got a lot of people to tag in this lol, I tried all of you in a convo and I can only tag 5 peeps and there are 6 of yah so we doing it this way. Uhfred Kallirrhoe Aedus Aloysia Xzaar Vixneel Zier Xya Zythos (?) and Irithiel (?) lol I don't know if you two are in it or not Irith and Zier so...
  4. Adagium

    LFG For the Falwood

    So since the bloody dreadlord decided to attack the Falwood and in the process start a wildfire on purpose. I think it is fitting that the falwood rise up after the felling fo the forest thread and see how the dreadlords feel about their own home being burned down. With all the fae magic and...
  5. Kallirrhoe Aedus

    Completed Gods Help the Outcast (past thread)

    Rhoe could smell the flames already if not the smoke. Or was that just her imagination? Well, soon, it wouldn't be. And then she'd have no imagination whatsoever, for she would cease to exist. Tied to the stake for a crime she did not commit. Actually, she wasn't even sure it was a crime...
  6. Melusine Flarell

    Quest The Stuff Nightmares are Made On

    Melusine had been called upon- though probably rather reluctantly to some- by the people of her village to help find a monster. The problem was that she didn't even know what kind, she was just aware that something with rather big feet had been walking through fields and eating people's crops...
  7. Arwyl Minras

    Private Tales Pride

    Riley Arwyl took three quick steps to the side, but his balance failed him. He landed heavily in the thick grass. "Damnit," he hissed, clutching his side. They hadn't won, but they hadn't lost either. His band had been ambushed on the road by a group of fighters led by a lower level...
  8. Hahnah

    Fable - Ask Fire on the Horizon

    It all spiraled out of control. Several elven towns near the Falwood Portal Stone banded together to push back against the encroaching grasp of influence from Vel Anir. There had been some resistance in the past--shadowed schemes and guerrilla fighting--but this was nothing short of meeting a...
  9. Hahnah

  10. Zalandria Osuaneth

    Private Tales A Thirst for Understanding

    Night had fallen on the Tree City. Lamps glowed with strange lights. For it was neither with fire, nor magical illumination that they glowed. But through the use of well placed mirrors and certain kinds of glass, the natural bioluminescence of well fed cone worms was amplified to produce a...
  11. Tereth Adathar

    Private Tales Night of the Full Moon

    Tereth sat at the edge of Falwood. Where the forests met the grassy plains that seemed to stretch on for an eternity. The small fire in front of him would go out just in time to coincide with the setting of the sun, which was fine given that his business wouldn't have him sleeping or making camp...
  12. Brackard Cain

    Private Tales The Last Ride

    Sloan Twenty years ago The regiment was not quiet as it marched beyond the edges of the forests. Braying horses, hundreds of falling hooves and the laughter of men and women. An elven scout would hear them from a mile away. That was the point. They were making a show so that the elves knew...
  13. Niðþern

    Open Chronicles The fey beasts, the mane of the Unicorne

    Art by Eyvind Earle The sky was a gradient from deep periwinkle to rose pink, while the soil was as dark as coal. Many beasts lived here, many those magical and many more not. This forest was not an ordinary one. If one smelled, they'd be engulfed in the refreshing scent of mulch and wet moss...
  14. Malak Baske

    Private Tales Elves, Dragons, and Swords

    The Falwood was an odd place. Man, orc, and dwarf all made effort to tame the land, breaking wood and stone to craft house, wall, and castle. The elves were different, building from dead wood around the trees of the forest. Malak had come to the wood in search of work, and found it in the town...
  15. Arianrhod

    Private Tales A Walk In the Woods

    The Falwood was the true home for elvenkind. It was far more welcoming than the harsh cold in the north. Arianrhod felt more at home in these warmer woods than she did the pines that scattered the lower foothills of the Spine. The predators were less fierce, the forest was more forgiving, and...
  16. Erën

    Fate - First Reply The Eventide

    FALWOOD Light flickered softly against cold grey stone, laced with ribbons of green, blue, and pink. Smoke rolled slowly out from a narrow mouth in the rock, which strove high into the air above. Within, a dark and musty tunnel. But he did not delve deeper than for shelter. Dark would soon be...
  17. Silver Romani

    Open Chronicles The Shift

    The young gypsy was riding into a deep wood, her goal to become as lost and as far from any sign of civilisation as was possible, and she was running out of time. She stopped near a stream, pulling the cool air in through her nose, and finding only scents of pine, animals and flora. No smoke. No...
  18. L

    Fable - Ask Crystalline Skies and Devil's Dreams

    Falwood Sundown Even through the changing seasons, years, and ages, had Falwood persisted in its magificient and illusive beauty. As the Wandering One made his way, it could almost be described as a stroll. He enjoyed it here. It felt more familiar than anywhere else in Arethil. But alas, it...
  19. Ania

    Open Chronicles Runners

    Whispers can be heard in the backdrop of sound within Falwood. Amongst the skittering of insects, the rustling of leaves, and the howling wind between branches. Whispers. Many claim that only a select few can hear them. Many more claim it’s a fable to discourage children from wandering into...
  20. Enthund

    Fate - First Reply Vermin

    Retribution was an ever-present danger. Whoever was exerting it rarely truly mattered to an outside observer. Especially when blood was shed, innocent or not, it came to a point where good was inseparable from evil. Nobody even knew what sparked this chain of reaction. Most would say racism and...