Quest The Stuff Nightmares are Made On

Organization specific roleplay for governments, guilds, adventure groups, or anything similar

Melusine Flarell

Elbion College
Melusine had been called upon- though probably rather reluctantly to some- by the people of her village to help find a monster. The problem was that she didn't even know what kind, she was just aware that something with rather big feet had been walking through fields and eating people's crops and animals. As so little was known about the beast except that it had been terrorizing the populace for weeks, Melusine though that she might need help. Judging by the size of the thing, she could probably fit- or very nearly so- within one of its footprints. That meant it was probably too big for someone with her graceful but petite frame to kill easily. And to that end, she was on a nature walk, hoping she might run into someone along the way who might be able to help. The crisp air signaled cold nights were well on their way, and so, the sooner this menace was found and dealt with, the better, though she was almost tiptoeing across the grass in hopes that if it were nearby and sleeping, it might not wake.
"Hey you!"

Willis overheard a raspy, haggard voice yelling at a patron. It was just a typical day in the tavern. Some drunk asshole tends to muster up fools courage and think they can take on anyone. The young mercenary paid no mind to it focusing on his cold ale that lay before him. The froth began to bubble and pour out from the edge of the metal jug. Willis' mouth began to salivate his eyes gazing at the beverage it felt as though Willis had found buried treasure or a portal stone. He had a long day involving hunting a pair of Grecks who were killing a farmer's animals.

Tracking the Grecks wasn't particularly hard, they were insectoids who love digging and aren't particularly subtle. There were huge holes in the farmers place which allowed Willis to go in search for the Grecks. After about 5 hours of searching, Willis found the insectoids gnawing on the rotting corpse of a cow. A fight ensued in which one of the Greck's tried to lunge at Willis with its razor sharp pincers. The young man kept his distance and attempted to penetrate the gaps of its natural armor with his Cutlass. A few whacks later, Willis managed to stab at the Greck's exposed neck area killing it instantly. The last Greck attempted to escape but was doused with a fire bomb by Willis.

The Farmer grumbled about his fields being destroyed but nonetheless gave Willis pay. Willis couldn't care less about the Farmer's problem he got paid and that's the long and short of that. "Is your name Robert son of Robert?!" The drunk man continued to shout at the poor soul who was cowering in front of him. Willis sighed, it wasn't a situation that involved him besides he had an alcoholic beverage to drink and a invitation to attend later. The bartender craned his head towards the drunk patron, his eyes filling with worry. "This is the fifth time Harry has picked a fight." the bartender muttered. "Damn Sailors always trying to start something."

Willis frowned. "I miss the part where I should care," he grumbled. "Fights happen in Taverns all the time, when you have exhausted, angry people and inject them with copious amounts of alcohol then no shit it can turn to chaos."

"I am Robert," the frightened young man replied. The Sailor grinned his bulging arms twitching a bit, in an instant the Sailor grabbed the boys neck and held him up high for a bit before throwing him in Willis' direction.

"Fuck!" Willis managed to run dive on to the ground belly first before the young man haplessly landed on to the table and on to the Ale Willis was salivating over five minutes ago. The jug of Ale fell on to the floor its contents spilling next to a shocked and angered Willis.

"Time to kill you!" The Sailor shouted swaying back and forth lumbering to the beaten kid. Willis forced himself up before glowering at the drunken man. He's sailed with Pirates when he was younger and they know you DO NOT fucking mess with another sea dogs drink!

"Hey fucker!" Willis spat. "That was my drink you spilled! I don't give a shit what this kid do to you but you're going to have to pay for that!"

"Fuck you!" the Sailor charged at Willis bellowing. Willis grabbed the spilt metal jug and hurled it towards the Sailor's skull. Metal met flesh as the Sailor staggered clutching his bruised head allowing Willis rush in and kicked him in the crotch. The Sailor howled in pain falling to his knees, Willis silenced him with a punch to the throat and the drunk Sailor fell down face first coughing.

Willis shook his head, "one moment of relaxation!" he said. "All for nothing! Fuck you!"

The kid slowly got off the table while the bartender emerged from his hiding place. "Thank you sir," the boy said. "I don't know why he tried to attack me but thank you."

Willis sighed stepping over the coughing sailor heading for the exit. When he reached the door, Willis turned his head to Robert. "Think nothing of it."

The young man exited the inn and began stretching, it was time to check the notice board for work.

"Big. That's all we know. Sent a woman from here by the name of Melusine to investigate already so you wouldn't be alone."

The ronin sipped his sake as the strangers from this village spoke to him in the middle of the street. His flowing sleeve hid the missing arm and all these poor, afflicted folks saw was the blade on his hip. He stashed his drink and utensils and set off the direction they pointed him.

At this point in his life asking for a reward felt gratuitous. He'd often lose more than he gained regardless of the job. And he didn't know better than to do what he'd always done.


The ronin moseyed the direction Melusine had supposedly gone. Not knowing what was to come was always fun. New creatures offered challenge. But so did being an appendage down.

Let's see if he couldn't find who was already hunting this beast.
Nebulus slept calmly in the trees surrounding the quaint little village. He’d found it and thought that it would be a good place to observe humans and their daily activities. There was so much he didn’t know about them, and he was a curious soul. And in his observing, he saw a creature, not sure just what, eating their crops and livestock. He didn’t know if it was supposed to be there or not at first so he simply made a mental note of it, it wasn’t until he saw the girl looking for it that he understood that it wasn’t meant to be there.

But it was still too early to be getting up, the sun hadn’t set yet, so it was time for sleep, not action and hunting.
(OOC: At first I read a couple of the posts and it seemed like everyone was in different places, so I had to think about how to respond. )
Melusine was suddenly aware of what seemed to be at least two people following her by the sound of the footsteps coming in the direction she headed.

"Hello," she greeted them. " My name is Melusine Flarell. Perhaps you might know who could help me with this monster I'm supposed to be looking for? Surely the people of Falwood don't expect me to kill it alone- it's probably as big as twenty of me! Unless- hopefully- they sent in reinforcements after all?" She wasn't really sure if they would or not. Since leaving at age eighteen, Melusine hadn't spent much time there- she'd mostly been in Elbion for college for a few years. And, well, there had been reasons why she had left, and bullying had been one of them, though she did still have some friends.

Unaware of the dragon in the tree watching her, she nonetheless happened to stop near that very tree. "I've been looking for about two days now, but apparently it seems to be a nocturnal beast."