
  1. Alexander Vistain

    Private Tales More than you know...

    It seemed to be a rather average day around the Elbion gates, a stream of merchants and civilians alike were coming in and out of the roads that led into the large city that is Elbion, a reasonable number of guards were posted around the gates as expected, checking and validating those who were...
  2. Kiileet Glassdancer

    LFG Hurry! Hurry! Step Right up!

    COME ONE COME ALL! Where are the freaks? Where are the outcasts? Come and join our happy family! come and join the fellowship of brothers and sisters! The gathering of lovers, joy makers, showmen, tricksters, comedians, magicians and other lunatics like that! come and join us in bringing...
  3. Corlis

    Private Tales Counting On Hearts

    The small woman sat silently on her knees, a hand idly running over the small insignia on the corner of the shawl she wore. The threads there coming together to form what she had been told was the letters B and L. It told her the color of what she had adorned, a small mercy granted to her by a...
  4. Mahaki

    LFG - Quest A Shift in Perspective

    Background It has been a few years since the Shadow of Elbion had returned to his home. He has spent the majority of the past several years in solitude, writing down what he had discovered of his deity. Volumes he had written on this subject, elaborating upon the practices for his newfound...
  5. Caddell

    Private Tales A Rocky Start

    Mystmarch was great. It was where Caddell was born. But his people were not the most, understanding, about his circumstances. The idea of spirit magic was a threat to them. Something about it being used in the past to raise angry spirits, enslave spirits of nature and the elements, and placing...
  6. Kara Orin

    Open Chronicles College of Elbion - Applicants Wanted!

    The College of Elbion – the center of magical knowledge. A new round of applications to the College has begun! Any being wanting to attain arcane arts could do so there. Those 16 and older were free to apply – provided they could pay for the fee. And those with the pedigree or ability or money...
  7. Poppy Rowan

    LFG Ahoy!

    Hello! I've just created my character and am looking for people to interact with! Could be something trivial like finding having a chat in a library, or something more exciting like an excursion into a bandit cave. It could even be a ship battle, or at least a battle involving a ship. I'm open...
  8. Liam Silvern

    Private Tales A Devil Deal

    It had taken some time but Joseph and his hires had eventually gotten away from the strange elf woman at the tavern. An odd event that warranted a private room for their discussion. After changing locations Joseph revealed the nature of the job to Liam and Simin Omid. It seemed he had a deal...
  9. Urzog Mhartoc

    LFG Dolana's Terror in Elbion

    Hook: Dolana Stonebeard, a dwarf Maester of the Fourth Order at the College of Elbion, has been working on her dissertation for the last eight years. As is standard practice, few if any outside of Dolana's advisory board were aware of her upcoming dissertation defense to become a Maester of the...
  10. Zera Leigh

    Private Tales No Avoiding Fate

    The loud clanking of mugs and glasses carried through the windows just as easily as the smell did. Someone shouted and the other patrons joined in a discordant chant that culminated in the strumming of a lyre and cheers. Inns like this always had a quality to them that those in the larger cities...
  11. Surks

    Private Tales Surks the Thief and the Definitely Well Planned, Thoroughly Thought Out Heist

    "If that bastard, Jick, gave me shit information again, I will cut out his tongue," Surks muttered under his breath. The man in question, Jick, had a track record of giving out information that was not entirely correct. Jick had a tendency to get over excited and sell his information...
  12. Keiran MacArthur

    Quest A Troubled Coast

    She moved with haste through the brush, terror strangling her heart as she fled into the darkness, sobs of fear trailing behind her. Her legs wobbled, threatening to give out from beneath her yet she powered through the spasms of fright that threaten to rob her of her mobility. The stinging pain...
  13. Keiran MacArthur

    LFG - Quest Trouble along the Shore

    Hey gang, looking to start a small quest soon and wanted to see if anyone is interested in joining me and Phillipa Ebonheart. The quest itself would involve looking into the murder of Governess, a magical artifact, various ghost towns popping up along the coast of Vel Anir, and a looming threat...
  14. Nerisyrre Silvern

    Private Tales For the Dancing and the Dreaming

    The sun was going down in Elbion. It had cast long, deep shadows through the city, but lamps were going up to combat the growing darkness. Evening came early in the winter months, but the bustling streets were alive at all hours. Some businesses had closed for the day while others would be open...
  15. Ambroz Baros

    Ambroz Baros Biographical information Birthplace Elbion Born Died Age 63 Home Ambroz's Cabin, Vesturfjord Physic...
  16. GreekGod

    Letters Old and New Friends

    Dear Marius Alva Decimus, First and foremost I'd like to offer my condolences for your fathers death. I wish I could've attended the funeral but unfortunately I was at sea. Before he died, your father would always talk about you and the work you do for the college. He said that you claimed it...
  17. GreekGod

    Private Tales Adventure to Anywhere

    Marius Alva Decimus sat outside the tavern in Elbion fuming over what had just happened. The caravan that Marius and his apprentice Serbert were supposed to travel with had left without them. Marius banged his fist on the table they were seated at and Serbert focused on the book he had opened in...
  18. GreekGod

    LFG Friends for a Scholar

    Looking for a few people who would be interested in becoming friends with my scholar named Marius. He currently lives in Elbion but travels around frequently on research missions for the College of Elbion. Adventurers, knights, mages, anyone is a good match for Marius really, so long as they...
  19. Liam Silvern

    Quest A Not So Noble Request

    A deal with a devil had been done and now the devil was demanding its due from Liam. He had promised his service as a sellsword to Joseph Tailor, the owner of the Fancy Fabric tailoring and fabric store, several days ago. It almost seemed like he wouldn't be hearing back from the elderly man...
  20. GreekGod

    Private Tales A Scholars Interest

    Marius Alva Demicus walked down the busy streets of Elbion. He stopped for minute to adjust one of the straps of the large backpack he wore everywhere. As he continued on his way he smiled at a group of men sitting outside a tavern and approached the small bookstore. He paused outside it a...