The city of Elbion; flourishing with this festival or that many leagues below where Agron stood now. His balcony was his own, accommodated by the soft scent of lavender burned with sage and the tart presence of wine beneath his nose. The air was cool, but not so cold as to...
"Upon the waves of happenstance
I heard a voice. It sang, it danced
I myself upon a cutter
Sails of silk, sea smooth as butter
We'd left from port in eve of night
Till town nor land remained in sight
Stumbled did we upon an Isle
No mark on map, no giv'n name
Unease upended my stomach
Time in Elbion had spaced by in relative ease for Kaelen. The exchange of scholars, tutors, and mages from Mystmarch and Elbion's great university didn't require much work. All he had to do was met with those who landed from home and make sure they found their way to where they needed to go. He...
The fire crackled and popped. The wind was coming in off the northern seas so Hath placed his palms close to the flames. It was warm during the day and list most orcs he didn't need to keep very covered, but when it was a northern wind the cold crept in quickly at night.
Scabhair had gone as...
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