
  1. Korhbin Wolfgang

    Open Chronicles The Need of Freedom

    "Don't leave Mr.Korhbin! You are not fully healed yet!" A nurse tells him with panic in her voice as she takes his arm in her hand from leave his room. Korhbin sighs with impatience, "I am going to be fine Ms." He rubs his forehead feeling light headed. "No you are not, you have a fever. If you...
  2. Luc

    Open Chronicles Southward Bound

    The wooden door swung open with haste, flimsy in it's movement as the rust covered hinges wined under distress. The hooded figured on the other side rushed in and closed the poor excuse for a door behind him, baring it with an equally rusted latch. The room was dark, dank, and barren, save for a...
  3. Jonathan Burr

    Open Chronicles Careful with the Fuse!

    Well, here he was in Elbion, and he was planning a nice attraction. Jonathan really did need performers, and gold. His aim was to find more performers. While he and Hob made a lovely spectacle of themselves....Jon needed to grow this business. He had a vision. A large permanent theatre space...
  4. Kalianna Romane

    Private Tales A Lost Visitor

    A woman atop a surprisingly regal looking horse, fur black with splashes of milky white, rode calmly through the large open gates of Elbion, the hustle and bustle of merchants and prospective mages ringing in her ear as a familiar melody to an Allirian. A rapier and a violin bow were strapped to...
  5. Neremyn Virvyre

    Private Tales An unconventional lesson

    Many summers ago, a single grain of sand rode the wakes of Cairou to land ashore, far North of the sprawling deserts. The Aberrasai, the Serret, even Amol-Kalit; these features consumed and gestated at the grain, forming the lazy hills of a residential and merchant based community. Elbion had...
  6. Simin Omid

    Open Chronicles Service With a Tail

    Ship-Shape Tavern Interior Simin had bustled around the tables, a few feet finding their way into the path as an armful of plates nearly went flying in all directions. Had it not been for the Komodo's tail catching them so readily, a few patrons would have been wearing leftovers, rather than...
  7. Neremyn Virvyre

    LFG Trade routes and druidism

    If anyone is interested in some writing with an old elf, I'd like to do something in either the area around Elbion/Falwoods or even...Thiria. Ere is heavily focused on maintaining/establishing trade routes, promoting the spread of Druidism, and is a low key capable Empath. I'd be up for any...
  8. D

    Open Chronicles Seeking An Understanding

    Elbion - University Archives Djana stalked quietly down the cobbled streets of Elbion, her lips thin and her face a plaster mold of impatience. She did not like this city. Usually she thrived in cities, excelled when she was surrounded by people of all race, age, and education. Here though...
  9. Liam Silvern

    Private Tales A New Beginning, A Fresh Start

    After months of hard travel on the roads in the border of the Aberresai Savannah and Amol-Kalit desert Elbion was finally in sight. The boat ferrying them across the Cairou river rocked back and forth with the waves. A wagon with a pair of travel wary yet healthy horses stood near where the ramp...
  10. Flint

    Open Chronicles Dumb Heroics

    Two men towered over the boy, casting his fearful face in shadow. In their hands, blades. On their faces, snarls. "Where's the money, yih little shit?" One man swung a fist at the boy, no older than 17 by the look of it. The young man cried out, falling to the floor before taking a kick to the...
  11. Flint

    Quest The Sorcerer's Tomb

    The guard’s lantern light cast a hellish glow over the barbershop floor. His shoulders were slackened by fatigue, the bags under his eyes in unison. Flint stood, arms crossed, at the other side of the room an unsettled look strewn across his face. Between them lay an unconscious body. “You...
  12. Flint

    LFG - Quest Treasure awaits...

    An intricate map promising treasure has come into Flint's possession. Seeing an opportunity for adventure, the barber is seeking 2-3 warriors or adventurers to accompany him through some caves outside of Elbion. The party will meet danger in the labyrinth like tunnels, and may struggle to escape...
  13. Flint

    Open Chronicles A night to remember (open)

    A silvery light washed over his room, ever so slightly illuminating the barbershop Momentarily, the moon’s light caught Flint’s straight razor, and the man set the blade down on his table with a light clunk. The day had been long, and he’d spent hours cutting hair and sweeping it out of his...
  14. Rainie

    Private Tales A Day on the Port [CLOSED]

    The sky was clear and blue, stretching all the way to the choppy horizon that was the sea. The air smelled of salt and slightly of sewage, but the latter was easily ignored. Several ships had made port today, and shouts from the crew unloading goods were called over the crash of the waves...
  15. LittleBird

    LFG - Quest To Save a Life

    Aurelia has heard news from passing travelers in The Spine that several students from the Elbion college have been captured by slavers and taken to Cerak At'Thul. She fears that one of the students captured is the youngest daughter of her foster family, Eowyn. Her suspicions are confirmed when...
  16. Amelia

    Private Tales Thieves in the Night

    It was always hard to imagine this was where she had been born. Elbion was a place that Amelia’s mother frequented more than Amelia herself did. Sometimes it was to visit the mages, and other times it was simply for social calls. After all, even a renowned physician needed her breaks, as few and...
  17. Smuk

    Private Tales Don't Worry, It's All Light

    Lysite. A crystal with the rare power of providing an endless amount of light. Found only near the heart of mountains, it was most widely mined and used by dwarves to light the underground half of their cities. It was never freely given to other civilisations, only as a strong token of...
  18. Hath Charosh

    Private Tales Culture shock

    Pern Scabhair Meat on a stick. Nearly everything about this sprawling human city irked him in some way. From the gutter runners looking for purses to cut to the manure on the streets to the pointlessly large towers and crowded markets. Not this. Meat that had been minced, mixed with egg and...
  19. Smuk

    Open Chronicles A Dime at a Time

    Smuk scouted around the market stalls, looking for a clear place to set up his own shop. The city of Elbion was a big one, to be sure. People of all different cultures and species bustled through the market streets, narrowly avoiding each other as they walked straight ahead. Everyone moved at a...
  20. Douglas Haley

    Open Chronicles A Knife in Darkness

    ____________________________ Elbion, City of Ten Thousand Mages; home of the greatest library of arcane knowledge next to only Alliria and Vel Anir. Nigh Midnight, middle of the week... Over the previous year, tensions have begun to flair as the elite merchant and mages of the city have...