
  1. M

    Open Chronicles Bloodied Fists

    Mischa lay on the bed of her room at an inexpensive inn. The meager room big enough only to accommodate the length of the bed. Her armor and her shield in a pile beside the bed. The door left open. Unlocked. She did not care for privacy. Even now. The occasional footsteps of humans and others...
  2. Teodron

    Private Tales Looking for Trouble Brewing

    In retrospect, maybe Teodron should’ve been more stealthy in his reconnaissance of the shop before him. He’d been so excited to finally have found a clue in his mother’s disappearance that he’d rushed off without thinking. Granted, stealth wasn’t his strong suit so he probably would’ve drawn...
  3. Severin Bellerose

    Private Tales High class

    The entrance into the calligraphy workship. An unassuming door with a small red-stained window. A placque on the side clearly dictated what it was in use for. Inside were the early light fell onto the room in noticeable rays, where the tables with angled stands arranged in an U shape, all...
  4. Faurosk

    Private Tales The First Law of Merriment

    The Merchant District of Elbion was known to be the nexus of trade across the known world, playing host to permanent shops of all descriptions. Everything from the cheapest piece of scrap to the most expensive cut of the finest gemstone, from the commonplace to the wholly esoteric, could be...
  5. Trajan Meng

    Completed Oops

    ((Clarissa Mejeure)) Elbion. The Broken Quill inn. Khadija's favorite. And Clarissa Mejeure could only imagine why. Imagine. Ha. She could figure it out. Oh, Kha. So skittish. Wouldn't even talk about her predilections with her best girl Claire. She loved her silly little clocks. Loved...
  6. Madame Valkery

    Private Tales For Mankind

    They had survived. All of them had survived. The band of Idiots had entered the mists, traveled to Pandemonium and returned, and the only death was one of the four mages who they had met in the mist. Valkery was sure that if the mercenaries had not held their nerve so well and taken orders...
  7. Gavin Blackfyre

    Private Tales Where Nightmares Fade and Dreams Bloom

    The rain fell down at a violent torrent, never ending and threatening to wash the city away as the chorus of the storm's booming thunder came to a head. Rain this time of year was expected, but the ferocity of the storm itself serve to catch many off guard, sending them scrambling for cover from...
  8. Heskan

    Private Tales Training is everything.

    Heskan Noscales sat meditating in the middle of the beach of Elbion listening to the waves crash unto the shore. Earlier that morning he was hard at work, he was going to take what the old Komodi monks taught him and actually use it for a just cause. He wasn't going to be just a bodyguard he was...
  9. The Vagabond

    Open Chronicles Everything Has a Price

    Elbion, what a wonderful sight, what a wonderful feeling. After a long hard month of travel Zane finally arrived at the great city. It was a busy day at East port or perhaps it was always this rowdy and full of life; after all this was Zanes first time visiting Elbion. He would usually be more...
  10. Verys Synsere

    Private Tales Secrets of Gold

    Somewhere in the wilds of Elbion.... “Ey, Marv, whattya gonna do when yer all rich an’ famous?” Firelight danced across the far wall, throwing shadows across the moss covered ruins and the four men sitting in a loose circle around it. The one who’d spoken, a burly man with a large, greasy...
  11. Gavin Blackfyre

    Pandemonium When death knocks...

    The wheel was misshaped. Gavin could tell as much by the uneven rise and drop of the end of the wagon and how this small flaw caused what should have been a smooth ride to turn into a rather bumpy one. He'd imagine the warped wheel would cause the wagon they rode upon to tilt over at higher...
  12. Kreyadis Nightwing

    Pandemonium Mists Across the Sands

    Kreyadis trudged along the mountainous dunes as he pulled his heavy travelers cloak tighter around himself, the rays from the sun unwelcome to his ashen skin as every step brought with it an ache unlike any other in the physical proportions. His cold blue eyes held stark contrast to the sky...
  13. Eleanor Griffin

    Pandemonium Tea in the Apocalypse

    Dear Quoril, I know that the last time we met we didn't really have an opportunity to talk. A lot happened at the college. You were so kind to me and I feel you deserve an explanation. Would you like to meet at that little cafe on the corner near the guided feather, in two days time at noon? I...
  14. Kara Orin

    Open Chronicles A Plague in Elbion

    For some time, Elbion was stuffed with smelly meat bags from foreign lands. Applicants flooded in for a chance of entering the college. Predatory merchants from around the region – and some from foreign lands – brought “magical” goods to make a quick few pounds of gold. Many of the incoming...
  15. VigiloConfido

    Private Tales The Vicar of Suffering

    "Put your hands on the back of your head." And, louder, the woman said, "Do it!" Night. Stars blotted out by clouds. An ancient dark blanketing Arethil. As it had been before there were beating hearts. As it would be after every heart was dust once more. Anima stood on the dirt path leading to...
  16. Caddell

    Private Tales Secrets and Lies

    Gold, the lifeblood of Elbion. It was as much a city of merchants as it was a city of scholars, and outside of the college the merchants controlled the flow of life. That made this life hard for Caddell. He had a gold deficiency that was making the adventurous life of learning and experiences...
  17. S

    Private Tales Supersledge

    Mid-morning. Elbion in sight. And the carriage rolled along the road, preceded by a wagon full of personal guards, half a dozen in all. Each speaking to his wealth. His influence. As did the carriage itself. Covered, luxurious cushioned seats, glass windows on the two doors. A man of many means...
  18. Kaelen Silverblood

    Private Tales The Last Port Home

    How many years had it been? Too many. Far too many. Hearts near empty and hungered for what they knew. A return to the familiar. A return to the familial. A gray cloak walked down the ramp of a ship from the east. It had been a long journey. Months in fact. Pulling back the hood Kaelen looked...
  19. Ogla Crocorith

    Name: Ogla Grimoire Crocorith
  20. Vyx'aria

    Open Chronicles Bump In The Night

    It was a privilege to lead attacks on the surface, and it had been a dream of the newly appointed Commander for years now. She had her chance now, and this raid would be the first of many. The goal was to take critical supplies and artifacts that were being transported into the rich city of...