
  1. Kara Orin

    Open Chronicles A Wizard Wanted for Murder [Elbion]

    Ten days ago, a teenage boy named Artor Wiscard was found murdered in his family’s estate. The body’s face was mutilated beyond recognition and was only identified via the rings the boy wore and a distinctive birthmark on his left arm. News of the gruesome murder spread throughout the city...
  2. Nayden Kiers

    Fable - Ask The Initial Inquires of Medical Experimentation

    It was around mid-day when Nayden opens the door looking around the room, the gargoyles that were in charge of assuring his safety followed behind him. There were tables, some plants, a nice rug on the floor. The typical college infirmary. There were a few students being looked at by doctors and...
  3. N

    Open Chronicles A Giant In Elbion

    Elbion Nina Naghi stood on the prow of the small ship he had commandeered all those weeks ago in the Gulf of Ryt. It was a large vessel, meant for trading and built by one of the orcish tribes. At the time he had thought it would be comfortable enough for him, but after weeks at sea he'd...
  4. Glasha

    Open Chronicles Along for the ride

    The Great Eastern Migration. The first caravan train of the season. Merchants from Elbion and beyond gathered within the vast metropolis ready to begin the long journey towards the pearl of Arethil - Alliria. It was a yearly procession, celebrated across the civilised world as being the end of...
  5. Rob Yew

    Private Tales Back to the Beginning

    Galen traipsed through the streets of Elbion, amazed that he could not remember every rut and cobblestone of the streets he’d grown up on. So much had changed in his short absence with the mercenary company. Luckily, he’d managed to get out of the contract after finding a good litigator. But now...
  6. R

    Fable - Ask While the Iron is hot!

    Elbion. Midday. No clouds! Blue sky and happy sunshine! Rizzo was going to find a partner or two and she was going to get this contract done and she was going to get promoted to Iron rank and that was one step closer to Adamantite and everything was going to be like, Wow! Rizzo stood outside...
  7. Malak Baske

    Fate - First Reply Witchlings Three: A Wild Haunt

    The Wyland Estate. Around forty miles from Elbion's Gates, the estate had been abandoned for thirty-seven years, if locals were to be believed. Some believed the College would send students to communicate with the spirits here as a mid-term exam, but nobody could ever say more than rumors. It...
  8. Yrael

    Fate - First Reply A bit of light reading

    Yrael liked libraries. When he was not training or on a mission, he could often be found reading. His interests were singularly focused, and he usually read tomes on magic theory, military tactics, and combat styles. Every action needed purpose, after all, and what greater purpose was there than...
  9. Adius Alvawyn

    Private Tales The Scholar and the Bear-man

    Within the College of Elbion's main building, Adius sat in the lobby on a bench, reading a book as his leather satchel sat on the floor in front of him. He glanced at the door, looking to see if anyone resembling a Nordenfiir man had entered. Seeing nobody he resumed his reading. The Queen of...
  10. N

    Completed Speculations and Conspiracy

    Taking a sip of tea, Nayden sets it down gently onto the little plater the cup called its home. Albeit with a bit of a shake as his whole body still ached from what transpired a few days ago in Allaria. It was no thanks to some quick actions Nayden was able to make it out of the predicament...
  11. Heike Eisen

    Completed Kenne deinen Feind

    The perfect night. The perfect time. A quiet darkness dropped down from the great wall of the Monster Hunter Fortress. Landed in the courtyard, just beyond the reach of torchlight. Black moving amidst black, that figure tread from shadow to shadow, from corner to wall to pillar, behind archery...
  12. Ashieron

    Open Chronicles After the Fire Storm

    Its been a few months since he has last returned to Elbion. Ash was nervous but he knew he would be fine as he had the illusion he was a human. Just a simple one which covered his ears and altered his features slightly. Apparently it worked as he managed tig et past the gate guards, much to his...
  13. Flint

    Open Chronicles The Return

    It had felt like an age since Flint's last client had walked through his doors. With all the interesting things happening lately, he'd have not been surprised if an age had turned. The barber had taken a short hiatus from work, deciding that he needed a break from city life after his harrowing...
  14. Kara Orin

    Fate - First Reply Detective Work [Elbion]

    Two weeks ago, a murder occurred within Elbion’s Merchant District. Guards discovered a man’s body with the ribs separated from his spine. Organs were ripped out and stretched along the open back. One guard described the sight as if the man had bloody wings. And while murder happened as...
  15. Gerrard

    Letters Letting Go

    Dear Audreyn, I have been hoping that perhaps you have been practicing your quillmanship or have been nervous of putting your thoughts down in ink and having them sent to me. As time has passed I have come to realise that this is wishful thinking on my part. I suspect instead that it is the...
  16. Ashieron

    Open Chronicles The Diamond of Alchemy - 200 Years Ago

    ~Elbion: Roughly 200 years ago~ The streets were busting with people walking, or running, to their next destination. Whether they were running late to something or just trying to get home in a hurry. The cobble stone streets were dirty with dust flying up in the air as a strong wind blew through...
  17. Maho 'Jerik' Sparhawk

    Open Chronicles The Burning of Elbion

    "Here I and sorrows sit; Here is my throne, bid kings come bow to it." - Shakespeare, King John, iii, 1 ______________________________________________ Elbion was such a world away now. Jerik remembered when he and the other Sorcerers and Professors at the College had to defend it's walls and...
  18. TTamark

    Completed I Demand Justice to be Served!

    The day had finally come. Steve had had to make no small amount of payments, and he had called in no small amount of favours to get himself this fair trial. So as he walked into the court room he could only hope if he couldn't save himself at the very least he might be able to save Ella, the...
  19. Mathis Majister Mejeure

    Mathis Majister Mejeure Biographical information Birthplace Born Died Age 34 Home Elbion Physical description ...
  20. M

    Completed Betrayer. Oathbreaker.

    A ragged figure moving across the landscape. Mischa Ven'rohk walked, the Elbion portal stone at her back. The dead and desolate farmland, the lasting wound of Pandemonium upon Arethil, stretched in a massive circle from the stone. Tilled fields and managed farmland on the perimeter of the...