
  1. Z

    Private Tales Summa cum laude

    Here's a great fucking idea. Train the best warrior-mages, drawn from all across Vel Anir's holdings, in the most intensive, strict, and brutal regimen known to Arethil, hone them into razor sharp weapons of war...and then send them all the way across Liadain to eat cake and make nice with the...
  2. Raul Renaut

    Roleplay OOC Oh, So Many Grimy Streets Plotting

    Thought I would get this started, to make plot idea discussion a bit easier, as we've had none at all so far. So far from Raul's perspective, he has arrived in Elbion, searched for locations to sleep and to get jobs, (boarding houses, taverns, inns, message/notice boards,) passed through a back...
  3. Syretia

    Private Tales Noodles and Death

    When the floating bits of rubble coasted downwards and re-settled upon the terrafirma the restoration of Elbion was able to begin in earnest. It had been a tumultuous time. Chaos and panic had stretched the Gendarmerie thin. It’d led to an explosion of crime and now that the populace wasn’t...
  4. WitchyKat

    Open Chronicles An Unwanted Invitation

    Aoife angrily tapped out her pipe, red embers catching the breeze and spraying onto a patch of newly-clipped grass. How was she supposed to pass the time if she couldn’t smoke? A group of students across the courtyard were looking up from their books, casting angry glares. In her mind she was...
  5. Raul Renaut

    Open Chronicles Oh, So Many Grimy Streets

    Were all city coins usually this sticky? Raul had spent a sum total of two hours in Elbion when this particular revelation hit him. One in the outskirts, and the other in the city proper. Only now does he see that he much prefers the outskirts. In fact, the first indicator that the outskirts...
  6. Fritz Erlain

    Private Tales God is Good....Hopefully.

    Sir Tobias the Unbroken Fritz was out in the forests below Elbion. He was looking for rocks to break incase they had minerals, while also trying to hunt some animals for food, as he preferred to do that instead of buying at the, to him, ridiculous prices the city enforces. He also decided to...
  7. Fritz Erlain

    Private Tales New around here, I take it?

    Lord Blackwell A incredibly tired Fritz came down to the counter where his coffee was waiting. He sipped it and perked up a bit. Wow, I REALLY do not like the morning, huh? he thought with a small grimace. "Blackwell! He's here! I've read some of his wildlife books. Honey, i'm going out to meet...
  8. Fritz Erlain

    Fable - Ask Training the Sword and the Brain

    "Ho! En garde." grinned Fritz as he attacked a dummy he had made himself, even outfitting it with a suit of armor. He jabbed quickly before sidestepping. He then gave two quick slashes at the statues chestplate, before going for the head, which was repelled purposely as he could slice the...
  9. Fritz Erlain

    Open Chronicles *Yawn* I'm open to talk. It gets very boring after a while of hitting metal bars.

    Fritz really had no idea how today would go. After completing his his work, much like normal, he stood at the counter on break, picking at his nails and twiddling his fingers for entertainment. There really was no fun in the life of a smith. "Kendyl! Can another Smithy take my spot? I want to...
  10. Velaeri

    Open Chronicles Notice Board: Forest Monster

    West of Elbion Rowan Village Notice Board OOC - This thread is open to anyone who needs an adventure prompt! Using the Notice and the Image above, find a partner (or two or three) and craft your own tale. This thread will NOT be DM'd.
  11. Rob Yew

    Open Chronicles Book of Wyrms - Part I

    Galen stared into the water, watching the swirling eddies of the Cairou River pouring into Lake Elbion. Somewhere down there lay the corpse of the most powerful creature in all of Arethil. Drakormir. The name sent a tingle of cold fear down Galen's spine. His fingers clenched tight around...
  12. Rob Yew

    Private Tales The Lesser Key of Telemachus, Part V

    The shattered remains of Elbion were slowly picking themselves up after the Dragon Rising. The city still lay in ruins in some places, but in others the trickle of commerce was steadily rising and in time would make the city a prosperous center of knowledge and trade once again. People hustled...
  13. Andrei

    Private Tales Tenants of magic

    Andrei pressed his digits against the tabletop's smooth surface, running each fingertip across the smooth, wooden surface. Hours had gone by in waiting, and he grew increasingly bored, if not concerned for the well-being of his soon-to-be guest. "Goodness, he is taking a while." A sigh...
  14. Rob Yew

    Private Tales The Middle of the Beginning

    A burst of light and sound filled the College of Elbion library, quickly followed by a muffled, “shit!” And an immediate end to the sudden commotion. The librarian got up from his desk, angrily twirling a mustache. He thought he’d told those no good students to stop playing pranks in the...
  15. Varys

    Fable - Ask Magic and Might

    The city of Elbion: The Gilded Feather "Wraiths... Lycans... Dryads..." The voice was hushed and focused, carrying softly across the shelves and dusty old tomes that lined them. The once pristine and world-famous library that used to bring so many to the streets of Elbion back when the city...
  16. Desiminla Mendrev

    Private Tales To Auntie’s house we go.

    “Why does SHE have to come. I thought Gran Gran only invited me...” Desi was brewing up a potion of bugs and nutrients for her pet skull crawler tarantula Francesca. She had nested in Desi’s hair for a few months now and cobwebs that used to be part and parcel with them being so often in the...
  17. Urberus

    Open Chronicles Odd Brews: Alchemical Concoctions, Potions, Plants, and Eccentricities

    Urberus' shop in Elbion once sat tucked away in the merchant district. However, much of the city was turned to rubble by the Herald when he turned the place into a bunch of floating islands. Upon one of the islands, in what used to be the Merchant's District, sits a shop crowded in amongst other...
  18. Visha Sofka

  19. Elyr Mendrev

    Private Tales The Night is Long

    Alysandra Mendrev; Desiminla Mendrev; Unity Mendrev; Asuego 'Susanna' Elyr's mother was a master wordsmith. Take this simple missive, received by post on the eve of what he had taken to calling The Event in his own mind. The Event, moreover, which his mother had been insistent that the family...
  20. Gracia von Stehlen

    Fate - First Reply Revenge is Best Served with Blood

    The dim light and low noise of the tavern served to repress the anger racking Gracia's body. That, and she didn't have anywhere else to go. In her hands, she gripped a letter with tattered edges, a product of Gracia's long nails shredding through the parchment. In the orange candlelight, her...