
  1. Neith

    Private Tales The Far Fallen..

    The rain had been relentless for hours. Had she been indoors, watching it from her window as she so often did, she'd have found it peaceful. Instead she'd been sent out to work in this and warned not to return until she had acquired what was owed. It was a punishment for coin she'd lost a few...
  2. Mirielle Merlon

    Open Chronicles For Those In Need of Home and Homestead

    By decree of Farid ibn Baha, Amir of Lazular I cast open the gates of the region surrounding Fort Shalik in the headwaters of the Cairou. I offer you fertile plains and gentle foothills in the shadow of the Eastern Seret, two hundred miles northwest of the Portal Stone of Elbion. My horsemen...
  3. Lapis The Hidden Dragon

    Completed In a New World

    At a glance, Lapis looked like an ordinary man. However, the glowing necklace he held dear still concerned the lad in his prime. With a sigh, he grabbed his bag and headed out. "Take care lad, I've grown quite accustomed to your stat here." "Don't be sad Mr. Bishop, I promised I'd come back and...
  4. Kara Orin

    Open Chronicles The Buried Temple [Elbion]

    The scars on Elbion are still fresh. The corpses of the grotesque beasts that appeared still remained. The dead and wounded are still being counted. The lake still seemed to be poisoned by some miasma emanating from the sunken body of the dragon. The earthquakes that occurred not only shattered...
  5. Faulkin

    Private Tales For King and Country

    The sun was yet high in the sky, and though the chill of winter was looming in the near future, the heat of the day was still enough to bring sweat to one's brow. Especially under a full suit of armour. Such as it was for Faulkin, suited for battle and preparing to make way for Elbion. He'd...
  6. Rizzo Bouchard

    Fate - First Reply A Failed Assassination

    Wild thoughts ran through Istra Lejeune's mind as she lay defeated on the floor. That she had chosen the wrong time and place. That she had underestimated her target. That she had not only failed her mission but also that this may well be her last night on Arethil. The Grand Council had been...
  7. Kiros Rahnel

    The Great Ones Aftermath - Aid for Elbion

    (Thread open to all; other healers welcome) Out on the very outskirts of the city of Elbion, the afternoon sun bore down on the numerous tents strewn about over the grassy ground. It was a hasty and haphazard construction bustling with activity. Important looking citizens, healers and visible...
  8. Kara Orin

    Roleplay OOC Elbion's on fire again, bruh

    See RP thread: The Great Ones Aftermath: Elbion There will be no attempt to DM the thread. Drakormir rests in the waters below Elbion. The city is literally fractured. Monsters roam the streets consuming innocents. One could slay the monsters and protect lives. Or take advantage of the chaos...
  9. Dearien Verook

    Private Tales Voice of the Unspoken

    It was a nice day, with clear skies and a slight breeze. The Elbion market was bustling but the small enchanting shop was rather quiet. It was cool inside. Rows of shelves filled the space and paper lanterns hung from the ceiling between the rows. The shelves were covered with random seemingly...
  10. Alexios Marxan

    Fable - Ask What Riches Here Do Lie

    Alexios had put the word out that he was a collector of rare magical items and he was in need of a mage of some deft skill in order to confirm or deny the presence of a magical enchantment he had purchased. The lie wasn't too far from the truth after all - he had recently come into possession of...
  11. Alexios Marxan

    Open Chronicles Sweetrolls for Days

    Elbion was rather nice. Oh it was boring as fuck but it was a nice enough place to live he supposed. Alexios had been living out of the Free City for almost all of his adult life, having spent some time out and about the continent doing jobs as a mercenary but always returning to Elbion later...
  12. Aivrid

    Open Chronicles Suitable Offerings | Elbion

    Shaman Vrogak of Clan Braugh Elbion, Port District "The air here is different, Vrogak. It smells like..." "Humans?" Durgah grunted. "Yes." Vrogak's eyes turned to the captain of their ferry. It was a large and well-crafted vessel, far more impressive than he had ever seen before. But the...
  13. Rizzo Bouchard

    Open Chronicles The Work of a Nation

    "Class dismissed," Istra said. "Enjoy your lunch." Her students stood up from their desks in the small classroom in the College. A small classroom for a small class: only eight of them, down from eleven. Alteration was one of the less popular subjects at the College, for it was far less direct...
  14. Istra Lejeune

  15. Jeriah Thackett

    Fable - Ask Attention to Detail

    Melfa Florinthe Othal William de Courcey "So the plan is simple..." started Jeriah as the fire crackled. He looked entirely disappointed by this as his gaze passed around the campsite. He preferred a plan that made William turn the air blue in frustration half way through the explanation...
  16. Wallace Grimley

  17. TTamark

    LFG I want to fight the system! MAN!

    Looking for people who would be down to explain the laws of Elbion/the college to Steve. Steve really thought he was doing the right thing so he is confused why he got in trouble. So either he just doesn't understand something or the laws are dumb and should be changed. in the later case nothing...
  18. Autumn Whispergrove

    Open Chronicles A Collegiate Inquiry

    /Elbion Portal Stone/ "Whoa." Elbion was gorgeous. Despite the damages on some buildings from a previous attack she'd learned a little about, the city took Autumn by wonderful surprise. She looked around the moment she stepped out of the portal stone and while overwhelmed, was extremely...
  19. Kala

    Private Tales Supply & Demand

    Elbion Nicodemus Kala stood on the street corner, a coin slowly running over her fingers. There was a lantern nearby powered by some sort of magic, but the Tiefling stood just outside of it's range of light. In the back of her pocket sat a card that had been supplied to her some weeks ago...
  20. Nicodemus

    Open Chronicles New foundations

    "The excavation is for the most part going according to schedule, though the lower levels are taking more time. The need for proper equipment and laborers are a bottleneck.” It was only natural Nicodemus thought to himself, given the dangerous and unstable nature of the work that had been done...