Private Tales The Scholar and the Bear-man

A private roleplay only for those invited by the first writer

Adius Alvawyn

Within the College of Elbion's main building, Adius sat in the lobby on a bench, reading a book as his leather satchel sat on the floor in front of him. He glanced at the door, looking to see if anyone resembling a Nordenfiir man had entered. Seeing nobody he resumed his reading. The Queen of Nordengaard had requested to the college that a citizen of her realm be instructed on several subjects, and the College decided that Adius would be a good fit for such a need. So that was why he sat on a bench, reading a book, and awaiting the arrival of a man named Solveig Odasson. As he read, another scholar, a professor at the College, approached. He had been in Adius year as a student, and Adius hated him.

"Well, Adius, you excited to teach a bear-man how to read?" He laughed haughtily. He thought anyone who was equal or below him in College status was not worth anything, and Adius clenched his jaw, eyes not lifting from his book.

"I taught you how to read 45 years ago, Edgar. You're the only bear man I know." Adius replies smoothly.

Edgar frowned. "Don't take your anger about this assignment out on me."

Adius sighed, shutting the book and placing it beside him. He stared Edgar in the face. "I am looking forward to this. Unlike you, I enjoy doing more than talking about the same spells every day to a group of students that avidly dislike me." He takes a deep breath. "You have not published a new piece of work in the last 15 years, your last book is not even duplicated in our library, and the only time it is touched is to move it to reach the book behind it. If you wouldn't mind, I'd like to be allowed to resume my peaceful waiting."

Edgar stuttered trying to think of a reply before storming off, leaving Adius alone. He looked at the door again to see if the man had arrived.

Solveig Odasson
In the hallway coming in, Solveig would bump into this Edgar. Bump into because he towered above the odious wretch and quite literally bowled him over just by bumping into him. The scholar sputtered, making disjointed and ill-worded threats until he saw Solveig standing above him. The Norden had trimmed and shaved his beard and hair, wore a fine set of brown and red tunic and breeches, brushed his boots. Over these sturdy northern clothes sat an odd blend of smith's apron and armored jerkin, blazoned with a radiant star over a hammer, made in the hide of a boar from his home. An axe hung from his belt on one side, a blood rune on the butt and a faint glow about it, the other side holding a smith's hammer with yet more runes, and a seax hanging from the small of his back. He forgot if he had slipped the dirk he had brought into his boot this morning. The delivery goods were safe for now, so he sat about this appointment.

Then this had happened. With a tug at the bead in his goatee, boar tusks carved with a masked face, he smiled and picked the man bodily up by his collar to set him on his feet, dusting the scholar off rather forcefully and smiling not unlike a predator.

"Sorry there small-man. Didn't see you. Hope I didn't break you. Was too busy thinking on the debated I overheard on the merits of self-blooding ritually runed tools versus higher magic components like dragons blood. We Norden are rather slow, hard to focus on too much at once. Be well."

With a grumble and trundle, Solveig shouldered past him and grinned, leaving the fop still sputtering.

At this point, he breached the doorway, and seeing a man obviously waiting in the area he was told his guide would be, he threw a wave in greeting, a soft smile.

"Ho! Solveig Odasson. Are you Adius Alvawyn ?"
Adius watched the man bump into Edgar, chuckling internally and stood when Solveig approached. "Yes, I am. A pleasure to meet you!" He said cheerfully, offering the man a handshake. He then moved on, gesturing for the man to follow him as he walked down a hallway at a quick pace, having slung his satchel over his shoulder and holding his book under his arm.

As he walks, many faculty and even some students greet him politely, to which he replies politely. "How was the journey here, friend? Tiring I must imagine." He says to Solveig Odasson as he continues walking. "We're heading to my office here, which frankly remains empty most days as I travel, so excuse the mess within it. I simply have no need to organize it in a cleanly manner."

He continues walking for several more moments before reaching a small wooden door, open takes out a key, unlocking the door and stepping inside, motioning for Solveig to sit in a small wooden chair opposite the desk and the larger chair behind it. A few bookshelves were on the left wall, and a map was pinned to the right wall. The window's opposite the door let in natural light, resulting in no need for a light source as of now, thought multiple candles were on the desk.

Adius tosses his satchel onto the floor beside the map, sitting in the chair behind his desk with a grunt, casually adjusting some of the books and papers on his desk, which coated the surface in a mess. "So, I know what your Queen sent you here to learn, but I'd like you to tell me what you are here to learn, in your own words."