Dreadlords What Lies Beneath

Threads open to all members of the Dreadlords group
Edric glanced over at Drastus for a brief moment. "He's right."

The Initiate confirmed.

"There's something alive over there. More than one thing." Not a city. Edric knew what that felt like. The cacophony and chaos of all those lives moulding together, a boon for his magics and yet a terror to him for the temptation they represented.

What lay within the city was pinpricks. Small flickers of life. They were distant still, well within that carving upon the cliff. Not rats or vermin, but something more.


The Archeologist claimed.

"Nothing has been down here in hundreds of years! Even the King Anireth the First did not explore Tenebria to it's fullest extent. Well...according to the records."​

Edric didn't argue with the man, finding it pointless. Instead he joined Drastus in seeking another way across the chasm. His eyes flickered to the sheer cliff, seeing how it raced straight to the bottom until it was encapsulated in darkness, a murky river laying hundred of feet below. Then he glanced lengthwise, searching for another bridge.

It did not take him long to reach the conclusion all of them would come to; there was no other way across.
"Some people don't like to keep records."

Alistair mumbled out loud without even really thinking about it. He quickly shut up as it was not his place to talk back. Instead, he looked to the bridge where Drastus and Edric seemed to be focused.

"It's the only way across. Likely meant as a funnel for defenses...We just need to be careful."

He took a step moving forward towards the bridge. Sitting there and looking for others options that would not be there was a waste of time. They would just have to meet the challenges as they came. Besides, the first step to defeating a trap was knowing it was there.

"I'm guessing not rats? Great." He asked Edric, but he already knew the answer. He would not have brought it up if it was something minuscule. No, there were living and dangerous things down her. As another precaution, Alistair finally unsheathed his sword and held it at the ready in his right hand.

Edric Drastus Tal'deneshaar Ventress Everleigh Ebersol
There's something alive over there. More than one thing.

was why House Sirl had taken an interest in courting Initiate Edric. This along with the potential he had shown. Coincidentally, there was relevance with Ventress's unstated mission on behalf of House Sirl. If it so happened that the object of their concern had not met his demise already by the multitude of other lifeforms Edric was sensing, then the boy's talent could be leveraged in locating him.

Nothing has been down here in hundreds of years, so said Professor Theldwin.

But the archeologist knew nothing of the Forsaken.

Ventress dispelled her arcane orbs, purging the pink light they emitted. Initiate Drastus and Initiate Alistair were both correct, that the bridge was a funnel and that they should anticipate being seen crossing it, but there was a motto Ventress followed: silence before violence. Silence included, as well, unnecessary lights. You should not give your target any advantage against you.

She checked the functionality of her underwrist-spikes; the magical bidding shot forth the mechanism and with the sound of vicious, metallic CHNKs each spike erupted from her sleeves, and slowly they slithered back within. She tapped the tips of her shoes against the ground, touched lightly her earrings, tested specific feathers of her epaulets, and traced briefly a gloved pair of fingers along her belt. Everything was in proper working order.

"Proceed forward, Initiates," Ventress said. "Your foremost priority is the defense of Professor Theldwin."

Hers as well--according to the official reason for her presence.

Everleigh Ebersol Drastus Tal'deneshaar Edric Alistair Krixus
Hopefully it’s more than rats.” Everleigh said in regards to Alistair. She had a impish grin clear on her face as she continued to look over at that city. Professor’s Theldwin probably wasn’t wrong, he believed the records and why wouldn’t he? This was his first time down here, just as it was all of theirs. And Everleigh felt that giddy excitement course through her. Now things were finally starting to look up.

The clinks of Ventress’ trick weapon caught her attention and she looked over. She recognized the movements, often it was what she did before going into a fight. Double checking, counting her weapons, making sure hands could slip through in and out with ease. But whatever that sound was before had the initiate breathing out a subtle “how cool.” Under her breath.

Professor,” the poison eater chimed, coming up near him, eyes glowing violet as she pulled out three throwing spikes to enhance with her toxins. “We’ll have you stay close next to me.” She offered in her sweetest voice but really, she felt it was the best plan of action anyways. She made sure to choose her next words carefully, just in case. “If there is anything alive I won’t let it get close to you. We may need to be cautious for the time being.

Really she would have preferred to be in the front, but she couldn’t sacrifice the professor to do such a thing. Edric and Alistair were capable fighters, yes, that much was for certain. But if there was someone who was more sneaky, more adept to stealth hiding in the shadows, waiting to pounce when they were distracted? Everleigh could handle something like that the best with just one hit. And in case the professor found anything noteworthy, Everleigh could be the first person to potentially swipe something valuable.

Drastus Tal'deneshaar Edric Alistair Krixus Ventress
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Reactions: Edric and Ventress
Drastus would take the moment of debate and continue to sidle on behind the cover of the stairs. While the normie was busy being flipped like a flapjack before being settled with the venom-eater, Drastus would remove his pack and set it on the ground. Rupert was screaming for freedom. For blood. And so he get to stretch out those bones of his.

Carefully, he would remove each bone from the pack and place them in a truthfully haphazard stack. Of all the creatures he had re-animated, Rupert was the quickest and he didn't know why. Perhaps it was his companions lust for life, perhaps it was their bond. He wasn't sure, nor was he willing to question it. For others, there was a short ritual of sorts, for Rupert, he just wanted blood.

Sleeves would be rolled up and the left glove removed with a fluid motion and tucked it into his belt. Next, would be the dagger, one of the two items his father had given him before his disappearance. Without any hesitation, he would glide it along the same scar that marred his left palm and open the flesh with a silent curse and a wince. The now bloodied palm would be pressed against Ruperts jaw and for several long seconds, nothing would happen, until the others could feel the slight tug of magic from his direction. Ethereal blue eyes would "open" in the empty sockets of the skull before the mound of bone began to shift and strain, as it re-organizrd itself.

Drastus could feel the drain as Rupert awakened and quickly pulled his hand away from the now animated jaw. The fingers of his left hand would trace the fire rune on his arm before the fingers bent and pressed against the opened flesh, the heat from the rune sealing the wound shut. The process would take another few seconds and he would then proceed to clean his wounded hand with the water bottle before procuring a bandage and wrapping his hand. The evidence would then be hidden beneath that perfect glove.

Smirking at his companion, Drastus would look briefly at where the others were before glancing back at Rupert. "Wanna have some fun?" A brackish wave would wash over the skeleton, forming his armor and weapons. Those haunting eyes peered at Drastus through the slit of the helm and the head would only nod once.

Everleigh Ebersol Ventress Edric Alistair Krixus
Edric reached out and placed a hand on Alistair's shoulder. "Let me go first."

His voice was stern, unquestionable.

Of them all he was the most durable. There was no questioning that. Alistair and the others could handle themselves well enough. None of them were Kristen or Chasmine, but only he could walk to deaths door and return without much reason for concern.

Briefly his senses flickered, lips thinning as his head turned back towards the stone floors behind him. "Watch Drastus."

He warned Alistair quietly, though he did not quite understand the flicker of life that had suddenly appeared in besides the other Initiate. His focus was instead on what lay beyond the bridge, what might have lurked in the city beyond.

"Oh yes, of course My dear."​

The Archeologist said as the group began to move towards the bridge.

"I shall stay as close as a poppy to the earth. I am sure you're more than capable of keeping me safe."​

Professor Theldwin said with a genuine smile as he glanced up towards Edric and Alistair. The former of the two made his way towards the front of the group, moving over the bridge with self assured steps. His senses reaching out beyond the chasm.

The small flickers of life began to move, and those more observant would see flickers of reflected light within the windows of the carved cities. Not lanterns. Not fire.


Watching. Waiting.
Alistair was prepared to protest at Edric's sudden command. He had a great deal of respect for Edric. His fellow initiate was more than competent and he would not label him as one of the problem children like Kalix, or maybe Zael. Still, it was more just that involuntary thought that maybe Edric saw Alistair as less than him.

Alistair quickly tried to push the thought away since now was not the time. Still, it itched in the back of his mind. Alistair might not have amazing magical gifts like the others, but his intelligence could make up for that fact. Cmon, stop acting like a child Alistair and move on.

He glanced in the direction of Drastus before giving one more look back to Edric and nodded. He would put himself more towards the middle of the group again giving him a bit more adaptability. It would also let him watch out for Drastus. He nodded and as Edric move forward, he moved to his newly decided position.

His eyes assured that he spotted most of the flickers of light. They weren't alone, and worst...their opponents already knew they were here.

Edric Ventress Drastus Tal'deneshaar Everleigh Ebersol
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Ventress watched Drastus perform the reanimation of his minion with mild interest. In and of itself, necromancy did not bother her. It was yet another tool that had its use in the furtherment of Vel Anir. Corpses, whether still or walking, did not on principle vex her. Death was her trade, and she had numbed herself to it as the battlefield physician numbs herself to blood--this was no special feat, for it was expected of all Dreadlords.

All of this, however, did not ameliorate the filth nor the smell that often came with the discipline. Necessities. Unpleasant necessities, like the manner in which Drastus had to perform the summoning, the cutting of his own hand. Yet success in one's present task was seldom lacking the demand to endurance a host of unpleasant necessities.

And theirs was a task which lay across that bridge. Unknown environs, teeming with unknown targets.

Ventress waited for the others to proceed, she herself bringing up the rear. And to aid in this task she summoned a Projection. Ventress walked sharply, her hands ever folded in the small of her back, her Projection nearly back-to-back with her, their combined steps in perfect tandem. Between her own eyes and the eyes of her Projection, she saw what was both before and behind her--in the possible case that something might climb up from underneath the bridge to their rear.

Vigilance could never be understated.

Their own footsteps seemed tenfold more expansive, echoing over the stone of the bridge and throughout the emptiness of the canyon they crossed.

Ahead, where Edric and Drastus would be the first to discover if they proved to be a threat, were the shimmers of life. Like the eyes of cats in the dark.

Are you hiding in there?

Everleigh Ebersol Drastus Tal'deneshaar Edric Alistair Krixus
Everleigh nodded her head at the professor, that smile still on her face which didn’t quite reach her eyes. Especially not when Drastus performed… well, whatever it was. The smile was there but her violet eyes narrowed. A pile of bones into a walking pile of bones? If only Tinker could see this. She absently wondered what he would make of it, whether he would be intrigued or would just somehow insult it. Actually, she couldn’t imagine Tinker liking Drastus much in the first place… which meant he’d probably just considering it be dumb and lazy.

All Everleigh felt about Drastus’ magic was slight trepidation. Nothing like the undead to remind her that you can’t use toxins for everything. She refrained from rolling her eyes, despite disliking flashy magic. She shouldn’t be inward now anyways. After all, they were crossing the bridge and she needed to be on high alert.

Her guard was up which could be seen by her agile and balanced walk. Gimlet gaze darted here and there, and especially as they got closer to the underground city, she began searching. Mostly for some humanoid form, but also anything that would move. It was only then that she noticed that the city seemed to have a layer of twinkling stars within the darkness.

But everyone knew there were no stars underground. Gemstones? No, there was a moment when they were gone before the light was back. Inhabitants? Everleigh grinned. Hopefully it was inhabitants and not something boring like a reflective surface.
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Reactions: Edric and Ventress
Drastus would rejoin the others, with Rupert in tow. Despite the heavy look of the armor, the re-animated guardian moved silently, his ethereal blue eyes washing over each member of the party before they fell on the archeologist. Drastus would follow the gaze of the creature. "No no.. not him." Drast could feel the disappointment at that. So many rules for Rupert, so many crunchable livings that he couldn't devour.

The pair would walk past Ventress, with Drast flashing his still clean white gloves with a grin, before passing the rest and falling in step behind Edric. "Figured we could use some extra muscle. You still want to go first? Or shall we?"

Rupert would continue remaining silent, his gaze fixed on the darkness ahead of them. His voice echoed loudly in the back of Drasts mind. And with the noise, he could feel the endless hunger and desire to consume what lay ahead.

Everleigh Ebersol Ventress Alistair Krixus Edric
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Reactions: Edric
"I'll go first." Edric said, glancing towards the construct of unlife.

He could still feel the power from it, still sense the lingering soul that animated the corpse. His lips thinned for a brief moment in distaste, and then slowly he began to make his way across the bridge. It was not as small as he had thought, wide enough to carry three abreast if need be.

The Archeologist was quietly whispering to Everleigh as Edric moved forward.

"Utterly ridiculous. There is nothing that could survive down here. Certainly not anything that might be a thre-"

Before he could finish his sentence there was a flash of something. It erupted from the city beyond. An arc of fire and stone that launched itself from one of the windows. The thing seemed to expand as it flew through the air, growing larger and larger. Then it smashed into the space just before the bridge.

A golem began to form before the Anirian's eyes, made of stone and magma. It's flesh seeming to be made from fire and heat. Fist formed together, and with a roar it smashed it's hand down against the bridge.

The entire structure of stone began to shake, cracks flickering through the earth. "SHIT!"

Edric called out, charging forward towards the creature as it began to decimate the bridge.
"Utterly ridiculous. There is nothing that could survive down here. Certainly not anything that might be a thre-"

He had to go and say it. Alistair was not a superstitious man, but even he knew when you should not test your luck. Sure enough, the archeologist's comment was answered back with a flaming ball of magma streaking across the sky and slamming into the bridge. That would have been its own problem, but then the ball ended up being a golem. Things had gone about as bad as something could go.

Alistair unsheathed his sword as he held it out in front, but spoke to the archeologist that he and Evie were next to.

"No offense sir, but they sent dreadlords with you down here...They don't really send us to places unless there are threats."

He took a few steps forward to put himself between the archeologist and the golem. A quick motion with his hand and a verbal phrase sent several bolts of force at the golem. Edric and Drastus were ahead of him, so he would play the support role until necessary. He hoped to make the creature flinch and slow down long enough for the other two to get in range of the golem.

Edric Everleigh Ebersol Drastus Tal'deneshaar Ventress
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Reactions: Edric and Ventress
A bold move. Showing yourself so blatantly.


Ventress watched as the meteor of fire and stone slammed into the landing of the city-side of the bridge, as the magma golem began to rise from the steam and smoke and dust. There the bastard offspring of House Sirl, from an obscene lecher long since disinherited and disowned, stood defiant against his inevitable fate--within that golem lay her target. Like all Forsaken, he had his uses. Once. But now, with the coming of the Republic and the vast change in the political paradigm, not to mention the reprehensible fact of House Sirl's decimation at the hands of traitors, which by necessity forced a shifting of leadership, Cavill's "services" were no longer required. And it was desired that he be expunged from memory, erased like the lecher who spawned him.

The stone of the bridge trembled as the golem struck it.

"Off the bridge. Now."

Ventress ran, and ran in a most peculiar way, merely leaning forward to a slight degree as her hands stayed nestled in the small of her back. She was moving fast and yet, somehow, still seemed unhurried.

Cracks splintered across the bridge, tiny pebbles and fragments of stone bouncing up and falling back down and quivering to the tune of the bridge's impending destruction.

Ventress made a decision.

"Initiate Everleigh, distract the golem. Professor Theldwin..."

"W-What? What?" The man, unconditioned to combat, had taken fright.

"Do not fear."

And as they got close to the termination of the bridge and solid ground, whereupon the golem stood sentinel and blocked with its molten mass much of the way off of the bridge and presented an undeniable hazard, one the mild-mannered man was unlikely to survive, Ventress slapped a hand onto Professor Theldwin's collar.

And shoved him off of the bridge.

As he fell flailing and yelling toward the cliff face, several golden flashes along the cliff's edge. A chain of five Projections appeared. One was lying on the cliff's edge, her arms around a rock and body mashed against it to prevent her falling. This Projection held the ankles of another, who in turn held the ankles of another, all the way down to the last in the chain, whose free hands were able to catch Professor Theldwin--though he suffered a hard smack into the rocky face of the cliff.

The strain was enormous. Ventress was not physically strong. She felt the phantom agony of the first Projection in the chain, the feel of arms about to be ripped clean from their adjoining shoulders.

"Initiate...Edric..." she said through clenched teeth, slowing down some. That had better be enough prompt to spur the boy into appropriate action. Of all the Initiates, she had nominated him to be the one to not only get around the golem, but to then help pull Professor Theldwin up to safety. Initiates Everleigh, Alistair, and Drastus would have to see to occupying Cavill's time such that Edric could indeed skirt past.

The true Ventress stood just shy of the golem's reach on the bridge, sparks of arcane energy crackling to life about her person. Gathering. Charging.

Everleigh Ebersol Drastus Tal'deneshaar Edric Alistair Krixus
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Reactions: Edric
The moment the golem came into view Everleigh couldn’t help but to smile up at it. Not because she understood what it was, other than it being a threat. The city was cool, the bridge that was the perfect chokehold was cool, but a fiery golem? Now that was exciting.

Then came that first shake of the bridge, and while Everleigh bent her knees to steady herself, she had to grip the professor with two hands so he wouldn’t fall flat on his ass already. How lame. She was wondering if she could somehow get away with leaving the professor’s side, but if he died, wouldn’t that just defeat the entire purpose? She was about to pout and let Edric and Drastus have all the fun until Ventress told her to join in. Say less, Everleigh was game.

On it,” she practically purred, that dauntless expression shadowing anything else that could be seen, eyes glowing gold. The three throwing spikes already in her hands were thrown at the golem, or rather near his pounding fists. It may have seemed they missed their mark but this is exactly how Everleigh wanted it. And then the yelp from the professor?!

Everleigh looked over just in time to see Ventress pushing him off the bridge— only to soon be caught. Everleigh raised a brow curiously. How interesting. It was a good idea and the poison eater who had always had to think outside of the box could appreciate such a plan. Innovation was key, of course.

She pulled out more throwing spikes and with a fluid, practiced movement drug the half dozen spikes along the inside of both her arms, drawing blood. Time to test something out. Alcohol and a few other flammable gasses that were dormant as a liquid was her toxin of choice and when she threw the first one that struck the magma golem in the shoulder, one could see that as she inhaled, the poison on that throwing spike was changing and the moment she exhaled, a small explosion occurred where that throwing spike was.

Everleigh figured it didn’t hurt the golem but a distraction was needed. Combined with the distraction Alistair and Drastus were adding in this should be sufficient. Hopefully. If not, Everleigh wouldn’t mind to try and get in some close-range fun.
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Reactions: Edric and Ventress
Ten seconds into bridge cross and chill, things were already going bad. Fireball golem, shaking bridges, screaming archeologists, falling archeologists, and glove mommy wanting them to give fire golem a good spanking. Okay, so maybe things were going pretty great.

Drast felt that bond between him and Rupert grow and that high he felt when he was just hanging out with his best friend. He couldn't explain. He would slow in his charge before sliding to a stop and focusing, boy could he do some serious channeling through Rupert. Really cranked him to eleven.

There would be a momentary tiredness before ethereal chains rose from the earth with a lifting of his hands and began surrounding the golem and began to wrap around it. This was always hard, the focus. As his fists clenched the chains would tighten around it, where he would try to subdue it. Fuck was this thing strong, he could feel the strain already.

Rupert on the other hand, would charge the golem at a surprising pace. Once the chains had begun to constrict the golem, he would slide, throwing an impressive weight behind a shield bash in an attempt to topple the creature.

Everleigh Ebersol Ventress Edric Alistair Krixus
Chaos exploded as the Golem was struck by the Initiates.

Alistair's blasts sent the creature half stumbling back, it's legs thudding back against the ground. Each step it took left a pool of liquid magma, heat rising into the air before him and creating an almost strange moat. Everleigh's needle exploded.

The magma golem's flesh tore apart, and yet as it rushed outward the Initiates would find themselves pelted with molten rock.

Ethereal chains sprang out from the ground. They lashed and reached at the Goblin. Grasping and digging into his skin as they sought to bind him in place. The monster let out a roar, it's mouth opening wide, and then suddenly the chains seemed to drag through it's flesh. Instead of binding it, they seemed to slip through the magma itself.

Yet the time it bought allowed Rupert to get close, moving between those pits of magma before he slammed into the creature. A solid thud rang out, and the creature tumbled backwards with another roar. It shifted, falling onto it's back as it suddenly lashed out with it's hand.

A spew of magma, enough to cover the stern of an Anirian Warship lashed out. It came like a crashing tidal wave, threatening to wipe out the Initiate's in one fell swoop. The Golem's arm disappearing momentarily as it's other began to push itself up.

Edric himself paid no mind to the golem.

Instead he did just as the Dreadlord instructed.

Pulling from the well at his core he moved fast. Using the distractions of his peers to quickly dash to the end fo the bridge and break right. He moved, sliding to the ground and reaching out to immediately grasp the first hand he could find.

With a wrench, he pulled upward.
This golem was proving to be annoying. It was solid enough to really hurt if it caught them, but not solid enough to hit it back. Oh, and who could forget, it was made of magma. Still, he did feel a sense of satisfaction when his bolts made contact with the creature's form.

The wave of magma that was sent flying at them felt like it was singeing the hair on his arms and he wasn't even that close. Alistair activated a speed run as he dove to the side in an attempt to dodge the incoming wave. He could only hope that the defensive runes on his clothing would do the rest of the job.

"Anyone ever fought fire before?" Alistair asked the others. All he could really do for the moment was sent the occasional bolt to keep the things attention. If he tried to stab it with his sword then...he would be buying a new sword.

Drastus Tal'deneshaar Everleigh Ebersol Ventress Edric
Ventress felt some measure of that intense strain being relieved. Initiate Edric lifted up one of her Projections in the chain. That Projection, thus free, assisted in lifting up the rest and freeing another, that one in turn assisting. This until all five Projections were hoisted up, and lastly, Professor Theldwin, safe on solid ground.

All of Ventress's Projections winked out of existence, a quick fade and a whisper and they were gone. The distracting strain of their physical efforts was lifted. She was free to concentrate wholly on her magic.

A shower of molten rock flew by her, some bouncing onto and off of the bridge, others streaking by, some so close that the heat was scorching and the longer side of her hair rustled in the tailwind. Pebbles and chips of rock from the shattered bridge near Ventress began to float into the air around her. Energy of the raw arcane, searing pinks and violent purples, arced between the tips of her fingers and rose from the ground about her feet and swirled about her person. The golden glow of her eyes brightened with the rage of a vengeful sun.

The magma golem--and the Forsaken Cavill within--had fallen. Was getting back up. One molten foot firmly planted on the ground.

And Ventress thrust both of her hands forward and a thick, destructive beam of pure arcane energy shot forth, the magic vibrating the very air with a deep and oppressive VOOOOOOORRRRRRRRRMM. The beam splashed into the golem's leg, obliterated in succession the stone above and the magma beneath. It burst out through the other side within seconds and the gigantic leg was severed from the body, as if sliced clean off with an enormous butcher's blade.

The golem tumbled and fell again. Still a threat, but one with hindered mobility. The Initiates should be more than capable of coordinating a method to finish the golem off now.

All at once the supreme gathering of power around Ventress faded, and her hands swept gracefully behind her back once more, folded neatly into the small of it. She casually began to step forward as the bridge upon which she still walked was groaning terribly.

Her special instruction: if possible, deliver the spoken message to Cavill. Allow him to know. Before he perished.

Everleigh Ebersol Drastus Tal'deneshaar Edric Alistair Krixus
Well it didn’t seem like Everleigh was doing much, at least, not compared to Alistair and Drastus and his little friend. Or big, bony friend. The little explosions on the golem hadn’t really done anything to hurt the golem, and why would it? Fighting fire with fire actually wasn’t the best way to go sometimes— especially if you didn’t want a bigger fire.

And Everleigh didn’t want a bigger fire; she had very, very long hair, and those stray sparks worried her a bit.

Yeah, Al, we’ve all fought fire. Haven’t you sparred with Zael?” Everleigh said, right as that wave of magma came soaring towards them. Everleigh cursed, leaping and then rolling out of the way. She had missed that magma wave, just in time, although that rush of heat caused her heart to race. She quickly stood up, pulling out throwing spikes, a new plan forming when she felt it.

Violet tresses felt cool around her scorched arms and Everleigh paused. Her braid had come undone? No, wait, actually, she felt a bit lighter, especially her head. She then looked down and gasped. That wave of magma had gotten her after all! Her long violet hair, which had once danced around her ankles, was now at the bottom of her hips. How. Fucking. Lame. Was. That.

The blood on her arms was used once again, the poison eater’s eyes a blazing gold as she threw those spikes at the golem’s torso. A sizzling could be heard. And then drops of blood from Everleigh’s wounded arms began to float in the air, frozen for just a moment before flying over to the Golem’s torso.

She couldn’t destroy the silica, not yet, but all the other minerals? Titanium, sodium, magnesium, iron, calcium, and aluminum? Her acid would break through that easily. And she hoped it hurt. Or if it didn’t hurt that it then completely cut through it’s defenses.

Drastus Tal'deneshaar Edric Alistair Krixus Ventress
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Reactions: Edric and Ventress
Drast could feel the strain as ethereal chain battled with magma monster. It started to work, then it slowly began to not work. He cursed, cutting his focus. At least Rupert was doing the Lords work.

Glove Mommy's turn to spank the golem, and spank it she did. Unfortunately, magma was a bitch and hurtling towards him. He got real tiny and dove under the stream. He didn't mind the heat, hell he couldn't feel it most of the time. But he could still melt.

Magma would whizz past the legend known as Rupert. As Ventress took one leg, he brought his shield downwards on the other leg, trying to end mobility entirely. Thank the gods magic could take a lot of damage.

Ruperts voice would sound in Drasts head and it suddenly sounded like a good idea. He would pull his magic flask free, the boozy one and quickly traced the runes on it that allowed him to change the contents of the flask. This was about to be the party foul of party fouls. Next, came pouring the rest of his water into it. While the magic worked, he would charge the golem again, sliding behind Rupert as cover, he would hold the flask upside down as endless water trickled from the flask and onto bits of magma, flash cooling it to rock. At least, he hoped that would work entirely.

Everleigh Ebersol Ventress Edric Alistair Krixus
The golem flickered, the lines of red magma pulsing, shifting as the Initiates and the Dreadlord continued their assault upon it's skin. Drastus' water splashed over the creatures flesh, hardening the stone across it's chest. Evie's acid bit into the stone surface, and Ventress' lance of magic stopped it from moving.

Edric yanked the Professor up from the cliff, a growl entering his throat as he glanced over his shoulder towards the struggling beast.

"ALISTAIR!" He called out as he stood, pushing the Professor aside. From the reserve at his core he began to pull his magic, slowly stalking forward. More and more power gathered within himself as his walk turned into a run.

"I'll crack it open!" Edric called to the other Initiate. "You kill it!"

Drastus and Everleigh had laid the ground work, now the two of them would finish it.

His run turned into a sprint, Edric dashing forward between spews of magma and darts of molten rock. He rushed forward, turning into half a blur. His fist closing as he bounded upward. The Intiate settled his foot on Rupert, using the undead creature as a jumping off point and launching himself at the golem.

Edric soared through the air, and then with a loud crack struck the solid rock created by Drastus and weakened by Everleigh's magic.

Hist fist burned, his bones shattered, but the rock beneath his hand crumbled. It's cracked and splintered, bursting apart and revealing the silhouette of a figure beneath. A man, encapsulated in stone and magma that was now open for Alistair to strike.
Yeah, Al, we’ve all fought fire. Haven’t you sparred with Zael?
"I meant in more of a literal sense," Alistair mumbled under his breath, but now really was not the time to bicker over something like that. Not when a piece of magma had just flown inches away from his face. He ducked once again before looking on in surprise at the arcane beam. Yeah, that'll work. Maybe a bit of overkill, but who was he to judge.

Everyone was starting to do some cool things with their magic, and Alistair was still here just throwing little bolts of energy. It felt underwhelming to him, but then his moment for greatness arrived.

He simply nodded towards Edric's plan, that would have to be enough. The next problem was going to be how would he kill this thing without damaging his sword. He could do it, but it would take some fine-tuned control.

Alistair took off towards the golem in a dead sprint wanting to make it there around the same time that Edric did. His activated speed rune turned him into a blur as he dodged past debris and random spouts of magma. As soon as he felt like he was in close enough range, he had to turn off the rune though. He would just have to rely on his reaction time because he needed all of the energy he could focus.

A rune on his blade began to glow with a purple color. Alistair was channeling pure arcane energy into his blade. It coated the weapon. It was probably enough to improve the piercing ability, but Alistair continued to harden it and strengthen the coating. The energy not only needed to be enough the pierce the golem but also enough to protect his sword from the heat.

He did not have to wait long, as Edric quickly created the opening for him, utilizing all the advantages created by the other. It would almost be insulting if he messed this up. He never had any doubts. The doubt was for his weapon, but never about his own skill. Practice made perfect.

With a graceful step forward that would impress some sword masters of Vel Anir, Alistair plunged his blade into the figure beneath the golem. While it did not look like he put too much strength into the strike, the arcane coating slipped through the stone and flesh like butter.

Edric Ventress Everleigh Ebersol Drastus Tal'deneshaar
The Republic had not yet made a thorough mockery of the Dreadlord title. The Initiates, any single one of them likely to be overmatched by the Forsaken they fought, combined their powers into an orchestra of success. She noted among the performance two things upon which she would remark.

But this, by necessity, would come later.

Ventress stepped off the bridge and onto solid ground when Alistair's enhanced sword plunged into the cavity within the golem. A sharp shuddering followed, a tensing of the golem's remaining limbs, and a deep bellow filled the cavern. There was a loud pop which rang terribly in the ears of those who heard it, and a torrent of steam burst forth like a whirlwind from the golem's body. Ventress herself had time to do little more than shield her face in the crook of an elbow and brace herself to weather the storm. She felt the steam searing skin, reddening it as if she had allowed herself to bathe until burned under the relentless gaze of a summer sun.

When the steam at last came to an end, there was little of the original golem left, save only a small collection of blackened and diminished rocks. Within this frail shadow of a corpse, there lay a man with Alistair's sword driven into his chest. A man with skin that gave way to scales in patchy patterns along his body, with a thin reptilian tail and clawed hands and a face distinctly human.

Cavill. The half Dragonkin bastard. The Forsaken. He breathed raggedly, clinging to life.

Ventress lowered her shielding arm and walked toward him. One hand casually fixed her disheveled hair as she did so. She spoke as well to the other Initiates while walking, "Maintain vigilance on the city."

She stopped on the other side of Cavill's flat body. Her eyes met Alistair's. "Withdraw your sword."

Everleigh Ebersol Drastus Tal'deneshaar Edric Alistair Krixus
Everleigh couldn’t believe it, really, she only had a one out of twenty chance to use her toxikinesis like this. Drastus using the flask and water made the job much easier for her acid to penetrate the golem and in her mind she could feel it. She knew where her acid was moving, could spread it further, could encourage it to eat more away at the minerals that made up roughly fifty percent of the magma on the golem’s body. It was also the fifty percent retained a lot of the heat from the molten lava which meant the acid couldn’t last that long.

If there was a spot that was too hot then more of her blood was needed, but with the water rushing over the golem from Drastus’ flask it alleviated how much blood Everleigh needed to use. That water and steam was being diluted with her acid and Everleigh was able to gain control of that as well. Which was a smart move as Alistair moved in to land that final blow.

Because with that onslaught of steam, that was poisoned by Everleigh, began to reach all around those in the perimeter of the golem, was a cause of concern. If she didn’t act fast then the only ones standing would be her and Edric

Fuck me sideways with a fucking broom,” she hissed, her words drowned out by that shrill scream of steam coming from the golem. “Shit, shit, shit.” Mustering more control, more magic, more of that strange feeling and knowing of the acid, she was able to draw it to her without it harming any on her team. Iridescent droplets hung in the air before soon melded together to look like a shimmering, sinuous snake floating in the air. It began floating, being pulled closer and closer to the violet initiate, her gold eyes not letting up just yet.

Without hesitation Everleigh opened her mouth and that collection of poison and acid and chemicals was consumed, quickly being swallowed by the voracious poison eater. It was safer in her than outside of her.

Drastus Tal'deneshaar Edric Alistair Krixus Ventress
Hot and poisonous steam shot upwards as the golem thing got its cheeks clapped harder than Allirian prostitute in the business district. Heat was like a longtime friend for Drastus and he seized the moment as the hot hair flicked his hair back, he even shot Evie a smoldering look.

Rupert laughed in his mind as the death of another drew close nearby. It was a hunger that Rupert wanted more of. And so whatever time Ventress was hoping for for her friend would quickly be racing for the finish line as Rupert feasted on the soul of this Cavill. There was no ethereal noodly trail from one body to the next, just the glow of Ruperts eyes.. and his enjoyment.

Drastus would mind Ventress' order and so his eyes returned to the city, scanning the rooftops, the shadows, they had won this little battle, but at a great cost: the purity of his flask. He would need to find more of Basilisks Kiss next time he went to town.

Without even thinking he would take a sip from the flask, only to spit out a stream of water. Disgusting. He wanted booze. Oh well.. great sacrifice for victory.. at least his gloves were still clean.

Ventress Everleigh Ebersol Edric Alistair Krixus