Private Tales The Starling and the Bear

A private roleplay only for those invited by the first writer
Bess had been right. Leaving in clothing that was little more than scraps of fabric sewn together would not fare well in the cold drizzle that had yet to cease after the thunderstorm. She wanted to welcome it, to enjoy the way it made her toes feel numb as they froze while she walked through puddles. But even that miserable feeling seemed like joy compared to the depths of rage that brewed inside her.

She had money. Very little, it would be enough for a night or two at some seedy tavern. Perhaps more if she could still charm them with a sob story. Who could deny a pretty young woman, soaking wet, crying with some tragedy she could make up on the walk over?

Isla wasn't exactly sure where she was, though. Things had changed a lot since she was a child, and Isla was forced to travel in the shadows, through back streets and alleys to avoid the watchful eyes of his guards.

And by the gods those guards were everywhere.

She doubted word had spread that quickly, of the woman who had verbally assaulted their prince. But...she could not be sure. They stood at every corner, waiting for something or someone. Isla sighed quietly, looking to the tavern doors as drunks tumbled down the stairs, and some less than wholesome led their men in for a night. She couldn't risk it. No, she would have to find somewhere else.

Isla was shivering by the time night fell. She silently cursed Bess, Lynus, and Renly for the way her stomach grumbled from hunger. With guards still on the prowl, Isla settled on an unfortunately familiar location. One that had long since been abandoned. A merchant's headquarters. Her father's. When she was younger, the area seemed so full of life. There was hardly a time she couldn't remember people passing by and stopping to chat. But now, it sat there. Unlit torches and all.

A darkened time capsule. Isla pried a wooden board that had been hammered over a window off and climbed inside. It took a while for her eyes to adjust, to assess how bad the glass had cut her knees while she broke in. She would live.

The rage simmered down slightly, looking around and lighting a torch, when she was that nothing had changed. It was a big building, probably a house that had been converted on the main floor and some of the second floor. She ascended the marble staircase. There was a bedroom for her, the younger Isla, down the hall. She recalled the days her parents brought her with when they were working. How they worked late into the night sometimes, and would put her to bed so the cranky young girl didn't scare away their clients.

Isla missed it. She missed them. She missed her old life. And now she found herself sobbing in her old bed with a dusty bottle of whisky and a piece of glass she'd snapped off of the windowsill, heartbroken over the life she was forced into and would never recover from. The blood from her knees had stained her white sheets, but she realized it no longer mattered. She took large sips of the whiskey, over and over as she played with the sharp end of the glass. Contemplating how she could put an end to all of this and find peace.
"I need to know she's safe, Arryn. That's all that matters right now. If you want to help me, go find her. Tell her I'm..." he cut himself off. Sorry wasn't going to cut it. "Just go make sure she's alright. Varys isn't exactly a calming presence." he frowned..


Captain Varys strode through the rain-soaked streets, his irritation mounting with every passing minute. His dark cloak billowed behind him, the downpour doing little to cool his rising temper. He moved from guard to guard, inquiring after the blonde woman who, according to the babbling old woman at the inn, was ill-dressed for the wretched weather. She had turned heads, it seemed, and Varys's trail stopped at a street where she had come to hide. A recently removed piece of wood from a boarded window caught his attention. Upon closer inspection, he found blood on the broken glass.

"Found you." he growled to himself. With a swift, forceful motion, he destroyed the padlock on the front door and ripped the boards clean off, the splintering wood echoing through the empty street.

He strode inside the abandoned building, the oppressive silence punctuated only by the patter of rain and the distant rumble of thunder. The trail of water droplets and the occasional splash of blood through the thick dust on the floor guided him forward.

The door to her old room creaked open, and Varys stood in the doorway, his eyes narrowing as they fell upon the girl. A pretty thing, in a pitiful state.
  • Popcorn
  • Angry
Reactions: Polina and Isla
She would end it.

Isla decided, watching the amber liquid swirl around the bottle. A third of it already missing. She had been there for a while. Drinking, sobbing, feeling sorry for herself and the mess she created. Her father was dead. She was dead to her mother. The money keeping the little boys alive had ceased. What good was she now?

She thought of writing a letter. The look on Lynus' face told her enough to know that he would follow her. Or...he'd send one of his royal dogs to do his dirty work. The drunken blonde smiled at the thought of it as she heard the door come crashing down. She smiled, tears running down her face, at how badly she could hurt him as they came into her room.

It was a room decorated for a child in various shades of pastel pinks, purples and blues. Ribbons held back the dusty pale curtains, letting the moonlight in where it would illuminate her bed. And in the center of it all, in a pool of her own blood... Isla hoped it hurt him as badly as it hurt her to think about everything she had endured.

The door opened sooner than she had anticipated and her head turned to stare at the intruder. "Please, stay where you are." Her voice was eerily calm despite her slurred words. "I want you to tell Lynus everything you see. Every last detail." She grasped the glass tightly in her hand, feeling it cut through the skin on her palm. Tears continued to stream down her face as she spoke.

"Bring him here after if you must." She gripped it harder as she planned where she would cut. She tried to speak more, but her lip quivered and she couldn't fight the sobs as they took over. She wanted to tell him how badly she wished for Lynus to suffer like she had. Even if his life had moments of tragedy, he would remain. But Isla could promise that while he stood in his pretty little castle, another life was lost because of him.
The Captain's broad jaw ticked as he watched Isla, as he listened to what she had to say, his brow furrowing. What the fuck had the Prince done to drive her to this level of insanity? He could leave her here, pretend he was too late. She was just another woman to him, he couldn't give a shit about her troubles. And yet he surged forward, covering the distance between them in two swift strides, because Lynus' troubles, it seemed, became his problem, and he didn't like to fail.

"Enough." he sneered, his voice a low growl. "I've had quite enough of dealing with the Prince and his fucking dramas." He reached out and gripped her wrists, pulling them apart with firm but careful strength, shaking her hand in effort to loosen her grip on the shard of glass, his grip already slippery with blood.

"For fuck's sake, girl." he muttered, his frustration evident as he tried to pull her to her feet.
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Reactions: Polina
"Leave me at once!" Isla pulled her arms, trying to free herself from his grasp, but it was to no avail. He was far stronger than the petite woman. "Let me go! Unhand me now!" She was shouting, watching the glass slip from her hands and fall to the floor. She wanted to bite this captain's stupid head off the moment it shattered and ruined any plans she had formed.

"What do you want from me, you dickhead?" She shouted, trying unsuccessfully to prevent him from pulling her to her feet. "If you are going to arrest me, just go. Leave me alone and I will take care of all the trouble for you." She tried to pull an arm away to wipe the tears off of her face. "I am not the Prince's drama to deal with. I did not know he was a prince."

She kicked the man between his legs as hard as she could. "And I will not be one of his dramas. I want nothing to do with your prince."
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Reactions: Polina
Varys huffed as Isla struggled against his hold, his eyes rolling at her feeble attempts. "I really don't care. I'm to see you're sa--" His words cut off with a grunt as her foot came up to kick at him. She was lucky, or perhaps unlucky, that his armor prevented her from doing much damage, but the intention was clear, and he'd had enough already.

He yanked her to him and turned, thrusting her into the wall with a force less than gentle. Leaning his body in close to pin her there, his face dangerously close to hers, he looked down at her, the intensity in his gaze unwavering. The old woman had been right about how little clothing she wore.

"If you're going to fight me, girl, I can damn well give you something to fight me for." he growled, pinning her arms to the wall. "Was this what you wanted?" His voice was low and menacing, his breath hot against her skin.
  • Popcorn
Reactions: Polina
Isla was turned around, her drunken mind failing to catch up to her body as she was slammed into the wall. The back of her head hit first, just before her body. She stared up at him and waited for her vision to adjust to the sight of him staring down at her. His face was too close and the look in his eyes sent a wave of terror down her spine.

She had no way to get out of this, she realized as the color drained from her skin and she looked like she had seen a ghost.

Her body screamed to fight him off, but her mind had given up. She had no fight left in her. "Just do what you want." She whispered, falling back into sobs. "I have nothing left to give."
  • Popcorn
Reactions: Polina
“Is there a problem here, Captain? Perhaps, I should take over?" Arryn's voice interrupted from the doorway, his chest heaving from the sprint he'd made after hearing Isla's shouts. He stepped cautiously into the room, hand on his blade, his eyes scanning Isla’s bloody skin with concern. Recognition flashed in his eyes.


Varys tightened his grip on Isla as he felt the weight of Arryn’s presence. The Captain’s rage was palpable, his eyes narrowing as he sneered at the newcomer. Arryn’s calm, yet stern demeanour only fueled Varys' anger further.

“Let’s just all calm down, shall we?” Arryn insisted, lifting his free hand towards Isla, hoping Varys would let her go. “She needs to see a healer." he said calmly.

Varys glared at Arryn, visibly seething. “That was my intention, and she thought it wise to attack me. The little bitch needs a lesson in respect.”

Arryn’s brow knit, his jaw clenching against the rage this man stirred in him. All that mattered was getting Isla out of here safely. “A healer, then perhaps a fair trial for her crimes, then." he said, voice steady.

“Besides, she’s a whore, isn’t she? And she gave me her permission.” Varys turned his attention back to Isla, clutching both her wrists in one hand as the other slipped down her curves to her hip, giving her flesh a squeeze. He relished the thought of pissing Lynus off.

“Begging your pardon, Captain, but that doesn’t look like permission. Let her go, and I’ll be fair in my account of what happened here when I relay it back to the King.”

“You fucking threatening me, boy?” Varys rumbled, his hand slipping back up to wrap around Isla’s throat. “I could snap her pretty little neck in a second, before you could even—”

Blood sputtered from the Captain’s mouth, interrupting his threat as Arryn’s blade pierced his ribs. Varys' grip on Isla loosened before he clattered to the ground, the floor creaking under the weight of the man and his armor.

Arryn, unfazed by the blood pooling at his feet, sheathed his blade and stepped towards Isla, his expression softening. “Are you alright?” he asked, his voice gentle despite the tension in the room.
  • Popcorn
  • Cthulu Knife
Reactions: Polina and Isla
Isla had slumped over in Vary's grasp, allowing him to do whatever he wished as another voice broke through. She lifted her head slightly to stare at him. She noticed the way he stared, but the recognition was not mutual. She tried not to remember the faces of her clients. Not since Nathaniel.

"What crime did I commit?" She stared at his hand, making no attempt to reach out while Vary's held her wrists with one hand and let the other trail behind her. She tried to look calm, but her teeth were chattering and she, herself, seemed to be shaking. Whether it was from the cold in her rain and blood soaked clothes, or from fear, she was not entirely sure.

And then his hand had come back up and wrapped around her throat. He would see something like pleading in her eyes, begging him to do it. Do it so she didn't have to. She prayed he understood, but her pleas were too late. By the time his fingers began tightening he was falling to the ground and trying to save himself from the wound in his side.

Isla didn't move, still backed into the wall like a scared animal as Arryn approached. She nodded, but her eyes remained on the captain as his blood reached her bare feet. "Why?" She looked up at him and repeated the question. "Why couldn't you just let him kill me and deal with him afterward?" She shut her eyes, praying he would finish whatever they came here for.
Arryn's expression paused, taking in the sight of her and the bloody piece of glass on the floor. "You don't want to die, that's why."

Fuck, if Lynus knew. He'd never seen the man this forlorn since after Selena had died. Lynus had disappeared to be with this woman in front of him, perhaps seeking comfort. Arryn didn't know, but it was clear this was the first time Lynus had cared that way about anyone since. And now she wanted to die, to put him through that pain again. He wouldn't survive that pain again.

"My instruction was to make sure you are safe, and that's what I intend to do. No matter what," he said, glancing down at his Captain on the floor. He swallowed as he considered the consequences, but he would face those later.

"I'm not going to hurt you, but I need you to come with me, alright?" he asked her gently, taking a careful step forward and reaching his hand out toward her. "Please."
  • Dab
  • Cry
Reactions: Polina and Isla
"You don't know me at all." She clenched her fists, preparing one for his face if he planned to get any closer to her. Blood dripped down from her right hand, the one that held the glass before it shattered on the floor. It mixed in with the Captain's blood at her feet. The sight alone made her feel ill.

She pushed further back against the wall as he took a step closer. "I do not care about your instructions." She batted the hand away, blood flying in the air as it struck his arm. "Verbal assault is not a crime. I have done nothing to warrant an arrest, sir." She stepped in the opposite direction, her feet sticky and making a horrific squelching noise as she moved from one place to the next.

Her body tensed up and her skin seemed to turn a sickly shade of green, fighting nausea as the horrid scent of iron pierced her nose. Her bloody hands flew to her face to stop it- the scent and the very real possibility that she was going to add vomit to the crime scene.

Arryn was closer to the door than Isla, but against her better judgment she chose to run for it before she made things so much worse.
  • Orc
Reactions: Arryn Cross
Arryn watched her closely, keenly aware that she had no intention of coming willingly. When she made a run for it, he stepped into her path, grasping her arm and spinning her toward him, her back hitting his chest and his forearm bracing across her. "Calm down, Isla," he insisted, both arms wrapping firmly around her, holding her tightly, restraining her until she fought herself into exhaustion or calmed down.

"I'm not going to arrest you. I was trying to defuse the situation. Consider it defused," he grimaced, holding her securely as he moved her toward the door, feeling the desperate need to get out of the room. "I've got you. You're safe."
Isla grunted, trying desperately to free herself from his grasp. Trying much harder to escape safety than the man who had been groping her. If only it weren't for the fact that Isla was going to be sick in front of the both of them, she would have given up and let him haul her off to whatever dungeon she belonged in.

Hearing her name sent whatever dinner she'd had the night before reeling back up her throat and out her mouth. She didn't want to look down and see where some landed on his arms while he pulled her against him. It was his own damn fault, Isla thought, for squeezing her so tightly. He deserved it.

The strength in her body had all but vanished and she could no longer fight him dragging her out of her room and down the marble stairs. "Safe from what? From myself?" She snapped at him. "I was fine before you two idiots broke into my home. I think you're the one who should feel safe. Congrats." She flipped her wet hair out of her eyes. "I'm sure Lynus will be thrilled."
  • Spoon Cry
Reactions: Lynus Anireth
Arryn let out a nasal huff as she threw up, loosening his grasp only enough to let her bend to heave. The smell of alcohol was overpowering, like Lynus' chambers every time he'd visited him there. "Safe from yourself, yes. Safe from brutes like Varys who'd have been more than happy to take his pound of flesh and leave you there beaten and bloody. Safe from whatever the fuck makes you unsafe. Stop trying so hard to hurt yourself and it'll make my job a whole lot easier." he grumbled at her as he wrangled her toward the door.

Hearing Lynus' name spat so abhorrently from her mouth made him pause. He spun her to face him, gripping her upper arms to hold her steady, forcing her to meet his gaze., giving her a firm shake. "Look. I don't know what went on with you both. All I know is he's in a world of shit because he's been sneaking off to cozy up with you, and I'm in a world of shit because he's been sneaking off to cozy up with you. But you know, if either of you found even a moment of fucking happiness in that time, then wonderful. I haven't seen him happy in over a year. I haven't seen him sober in over a year. I haven't seen him hurting this much in over a year."

"He didn't tell you who he was, is that it? How could he? I know where he found you, Isla. The last place any of us would have thought to look for him and the last place he thought he'd find any light. And yet, it seems he thought he found it. And here you are, throwing shit in his face about his parents, something he knows nothing about, had nothing to do with, when he took you from that place. Here you are wanting to hurt him so badly that you'd put him through that sort of grief again? He might have been selfish to keep a secret like that, but ask yourself, how fucking selfish are you?"
She had no counter. She would have gladly let Varys leave her to die. From her lack of response, Arryn probably would have understood.

If looks could kill, Arryn would have been a dead man the moment he turned her around to face him. Turning her so that he could lecture Isla. "Cozying up to me?" She laughed in his face. "Is that the princely way to say he was fucking me? How is it that you know where he found me? Were you a frequent visitor?" It seemed her attack turned on anyone who tried to speak to her.

When he spoke of selfishness, Isla only saw red. "Selfish?" She raised a brow. "He never had to tell me his name, no. But it would have been nice to know the person who brought me a moment of peace was also part of the family who helped make my life a living hell for ten years. I was only eighteen. You can say he knew nothing about it, but he was old enough to know better when my mother barged in at one of their dinners, begging for help. He was a prince. Surely he had some sort of sway."

"Are you trying to tell me I have no right to be hurting still? It is selfish of me not to be okay?" She hadn't realized how much she held on to, but she could not will herself to let any of it go and it burdened her so badly. She only wished to hurt everyone more and more as it piled on. "Are you going to tell him you fucked me then? Are you going to be the one that shatters him even more because of how selfish you were? His friend took me to bed before he even had the chance."

She laughed again, a drunken and cold laugh. "I suppose that will be all my fault, too. More selfishness of mine. Trying to keep my siblings alive. Trying to keep a roof over my mother's head. I am so selfish. So fucking selfish."
  • Spoon Cry
Reactions: Lynus Anireth
Arryn's face hardened as he listened to her tirade. "Fuck me, you're spiteful, aren't you?" he commented, his tone flat but the tension in his body palpable. "Unlike you, I know him well enough to know that if there was anything he could have done to help your family, to help anyone, he'd have done it. You can't blame him for everything that's happened to you, Isla. You have every right to be hurting, every right to not be okay, but hurting yourself like this in spite of someone who obviously cares about you is cruel."

His grip tightened on her arms as she continued to berate him about fucking her before Lynus could. "He didn't know you back then, and that was sort of your job. But no, because I didn't, you were terrible company, just as horrible as you are being right now, and I left because I wasn't exactly in the mood after you'd called me a prick for the third time." He frowned, his frustration evident. "This world is cruel, but it's turned you cold and bitter. Don't turn your back on a little bit of real warmth."

He shook his head, trying to steady his temper. "Now do I have to carry you, or will you come with me to the physician?" His tone softened slightly, a hint of concern cutting through his anger. "You need help, Isla. Please, let me help you."
  • Spoon Cry
Reactions: Isla
You're spiteful, aren't you?

It struck worse than a physical blow. She'd heard all of it before from clients, thrown carelessly by men seeking to diminish her. But never had she heard them with such piercing sincerity before.

Isla kept her mouth shut, thinking of every horrid thought she wanted to use against him as he tried to defend Lynus. To remind him that she had done nothing but sacrifice her life. She had given up everything she held sacred in order to help other people, eroding her spirit, entrenching her bitterness.

She gave up part of her to people like him. And he called her selfish. He called her spiteful. And this man that held her arms too tight to move...he called her cold, bitter.

The fiery resentment in her eyes could no longer shield a soul so worn and weary. He'd exposed her vulnerability. Something stirred in her, something long buried deep inside as his words echoed in the empty place she called her heart. She was cold. She was bitter. If her mother still acknowledged her existence, she would have been disappointed in Isla. Her heart would have ached when she saw how the world had taken her wild baby girl and crushed her until she was nothing.

The acceptance was painful, allowing her to feel the full extent of her sorrow- a place Lynus had not even allowed her to feel. It was a floodgate, opening a torrent of emotions all at once that she could no longer contain.

You need help, Isla. Please, let me help you.

She looked down at her bleeding hands, to her knees where she could feel the shards of glass and back up on his face. One of many she had blocked from her memory. "If you promise to leave me there. Alone." She felt his grip loosen and padded along, leaving sticky and bloody footprints all down the marble staircase. She caught a glimpse of her reflection in a glass cabinet. Her face, her hand, her feet...all coated in blood. Her hair was wet and matted like a rat's nest. "And you do not tell Lynus where I am. Please."

She knew her pleas were fruitless, but she could pray that this man saw the look on her face as she stared at herself. He did not need to see her again. She couldn't stomach seeing his face after breaking his heart, after seeing how he'd react to her in such a state. She could barely stomach it herself.
Arryn was many things, but he wasn't cruel, though it was difficult not to feel that way when his words struck home, silencing Isla's arguments. Still, he knew his harshness was justified—she was lashing out, hoping to hurt anyone that came close to her, even when they were trying to help. As she looked at her reflection that way, his features softened. How many times had he watched Lynus stare at his reflection with the same desolation? The two had clearly found something broken in each other.

He released his firm grip on her and instead slipped an arm around her back to support her weight, draping his cloak around her shoulders. "As soon as I'm sure you're safe, I'll leave you there alone," he assured her. When she asked him not to tell Lynus where she was however, he frowned, seeming more hesitant. Lynus would undoubtedly want to know, but if it meant ensuring her safety, he couldn't very well refuse. "Not a word to Lynus," he promised with a sigh, leading her outside.

The nearest physician was only a short walk away, but Arryn took his time, offering as much support as she needed without infringing on her independence. When they reached the physician's door, an older man with kind, blue eyes opened it, his smile filled with gentle concern.

"Mister Cross, please bring her inside. Let's have a look at you, my dear."

"Thanks, Charlie," Arryn replied fondly. The man had patched him up several times over the years, and there were few physicians he trusted more.

"She fell in some glass." Arryn told him quietly. He didn't need to mention that the woman had consumed a heavy amount of alcohol, that much was obvious.

"Not to worry, not to worry. We'll soon have you patched up and resting for the night... Perhaps two." Charlie added without a hint of judgement after a pleading look from Arryn, as the guard detached his cloak and left it wrapped around Isla's shoulders.
“Thank you.” Isla murmured, leaning into him for support when her vision blurred and she could no longer walk in a straight line. It was all she would say for a while. All she could say. Although she wanted to clarify, he was meant to leave her as soon as she could be passed off to some other poor soul and not when he deemed she was safe, she did not have it in her to argue anymore. As long as he kept good on the other half of his promise.

Not a word to Lynus.

The walk was much harder for Isla than it was for Arryn. When she could no longer keep upright, she felt him pull her up and keep her steady long enough to arrive at the physician, Charlie’s, door. The first person to look her over without an ounce of judgment. Whether it was that he didn't care about the circumstances, or he was genuinely a good person Isla did not know.

She fell in some glass.

She eyed Arryn while he explained her condition and sighed heavily as she was escorted to a bed that made her head spin. "Yes, I fell." She took a moment to examine her hand. It was still bleeding, the cut much deeper than she realized when she was only looking to feel something. Well she was feeling it now, burning as the alcohol no longer numbed the pain of her torn flesh.

She grimaced, clenching her fist and releasing it to watch blood spill into her palm.

We'll soon have you patched up and resting for the night...Perhaps two.

"No, no. Can I not leave tonight?" She looked down as Charlie had started examining her knees, picking out the tiny shards with tweezers. She winced at the pain, but begged for a response. She looked to Arryn, silently begging him to back her up.

Charlie looked up at her, and grabbed her hand before responding. "This one is going to need stitches," He went back to picking the glass from her knee and placing it in a basin. "You are in no shape to be wandering in the middle of the night. Not unless you want to come back with infections in all of these lacerations."

Isla let her head fall back down and stared at the ceiling, thoughts racing as her head spun. She prayed that no other guards saw Arryn escorting her here. Prayed they would not have sent word to Lynus. If she was trapped here for one night, she was sure he'd show up.

But Isla couldn't imagine him showing up would be a pleasant thing. The first cruel words she said, things about his deceased wife and child...She hadn't known about them. And the thought of how much guilt she still felt over her cruelty sent her heaving into a bucket that had been moved to her side when the pain of sutures made her sick.

Still, he forgave her for those words.

But what she said now....She watched his heart break more with each word, each jab of her finger to his chest. These words she could not take back. She knew better and, yet, she kept screaming at him. She berated him in front of his guards, his friend, his people. And he had let her. When he tried to explain, she shut him down in front of them all and stormed off.

She ran because it would hurt him more. Because even if there was a chance she had been wrong, she wanted him to suffer as badly as she had.

Because she was selfish.
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  • Ooof
Reactions: Lynus Anireth
Arryn was grateful to know that someone would be keeping an eye on her for the next night or two at least. She'd be safe here, and, keeping to his word, he prepared to leave. "Take care of yourself, Isla." he said quietly. He shot the physician a look that conveyed his worry, but the man wasn't naive and gave Arryn a reassuring nod as he left. He'd be keeping an extra close eye on the girl in his care.

The weight of his current reality came barreling down on him the moment he was alone in the street. He dragged his hand down his face, knowing he'd have to tell Lynus about Varys, and explain to the King and Queen what had happened to the Captain of their King's Guard. Varys wouldn't have backed down, Arryn knew the man well enough to know that. Whether that would matter to the King, however, Arryn wasn't sure. He'd likely be arrested until they arranged a trial for him, and it was death for such a crime. Running only briefly crossed his mind before he squashed the idea. He wouldn't leave Lynus. He wouldn't leave Jiya.

He wandered in the rain for a while, stopping by the Crowned Prince Inn to inquire whether Isla still had a room there. "Of course, of course she does! Oh, my dear lovely girl, is she alright?" the woman asked, seeming to settle when Arryn assured her that Isla was safe. The woman brought him a small pile of her clothes and a small parcel of food.

Arryn dropped package at Charlie's before heading back to the keep to face his consequences.


"She's safe, Lynus. I gave my word to you that I'd make sure of it, and I gave my word to her that I wouldn't tell you where she was. She's being looked after, that's all that matters."

He took a deep breath before continuing, knowing the gravity of what he had to say next. "Captain Varys was with her when I found her. He's dead, Lynus. You told me to make sure she was safe, and she wasn't safe with him. I shoved a blade between his ribs."
  • Spoon Cry
Reactions: Isla
The Prince was sitting in a plush armchair in front of the hearth in his chambers, Duke's chin resting atop his knee, staring up at him with a soft whine every so often. Lynus' fingers combed through the dog's thick fur with a deep sigh.

"Right.." he murmured to Arryn, unable to meet his gaze. "...As long as she's safe.." he answered with a shake of his head. That she had asked Arryn not to tell him where she was, was just another twist of the blade in his chest. He'd have been lying if he said he didn't feel resentful of his friend, but he was keeping to his word and he always had.

He froze as Varys was mentioned, and his eyes darkened, shifting to look up at Arryn with a flare of rage before he stood. "He hurt her? You said she was safe."

"He would have, which is why he's now dead and she's safe." Arryn responded. "They'll hang me for it, if Varys' brothers don't get to me first." he laughed mirthlessly under his breath and flopped into a chair.

Lynus rubbed at the back of his neck, letting a heavy sigh tumble free. "We'll deal with it. He broke orders, he threatened to harm an innocent woman, he--"

"And who's going to believe me over Var--?"

"I am." Lynus frowned, but Arryn only laughed under his breath and shook his head, letting his head fall forward. "I need you to do some things for me in the morning, so for now, we can keep this to ourselves." Lynus moved to open a drawer in his desk, lifted two pouches of coins and dropped them onto the table with a thunk.

"Give one to Bess, in the Crowned Prince Inn, one to the smug faced wench in the clothiers across the street and retrieve my dagger from her. Then make sure Isla gets back to the Inn. Bess will look after her there, and I won't bother her if she doesn't wish to see me. That's my word. Explain to Bess too, she didn't know either.." he sighed.

Arryn looked pained for him as he nodded. "What the fuck were you thinking Lynus?"

"I wasn't.." the Prince answered with a huff. "For the first time in a year, I wasn't thinking. I just, had peace. Just.. Tell her I'm sorry. And give her this." he said as he handed him a small scroll.
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Reactions: Isla
Take care of yourself, Isla.

Her watery eyes remained glued to the ceiling and she let him leave without so much as a thank you. She couldn't force words out. Not while she held her breath as her body threatened to release whatever sadness and pity she'd been building brick by brick since the day she left home.

To Isla's credit, she did not flee the physician's home in the middle of the first night like she wished to. Though, it was more to Charlie's credit than her own, she supposed. Only a few minutes after Arryn left, he'd given her a sedative. Possibly to keep her from her plans of leaving. Possibly because she was screaming as he tried to suture the wound on her hand. Isla certainly was not bothered as its effects pulled her under.

She had been calm until she woke on the final day. Physically, she was alright. Her hand and knees had been bandaged. The blood had been cleaned off of her face at some point while asleep. Probably on the first night. Even her hair had been neatly braided to keep it from matting as she lay in bed. Surprisingly, her bloodied clothing had been left on her and had not been touched since she arrived. She was thankful for that.

Mentally, she was crushed by the weight of everything she had done. Visions of Lynus' face as she last spoke to him, of the guard bleeding out in front of her, of Arryn telling her how selfish she was haunted her waking moments. For once, she was happy she could not dream.

"Good Morning." Charlie had wandered in upon hearing Isla stir. "Are you feeling well today?" She looked toward that familiar voice of concern and nodded, yawning. "Arryn brought some of your belongings by. Said the rest is still at the inn for whenever you feel well enough to return."

She eyed package in his arms as he set it down in front of her. "Only Arryn was here?" She groaned, her body protesting movement, as she sat up and padded over to the table. The physician nodded and Isla was satisfied with the promise kept. "Thank you." She dismissed him from the room and sat for a while, her foggy mind reeling as she rummaged through the package and slowly forced herself into the dress before leaving.

For a while, she just sat there in silence. "What the fuck am I doing?" She asked herself out loud, wishing more than anything for someone to answer her as she wandered the streets. Wishing someone could tell her how to fix every bridge she burned. Even though the thought of facing any of them made her nauseous.

She would start with Bess. After all, Bess was probably the only one not locked up in a palace and Bess was the only one she did not give orders to stay out of her life.

The little bell above the door jingled when she finally made it. A gasp, and the drop of her broom announced Bess before she scurried over to Isla and gripped her by her arms while she looked her over. "You alright?" It was a question a demand for more information while Isla grimaced from pains she hadn't even realized were there.

"He's...they aren't here, are they?" She looked the room over, nodding at Renly as he carried a bucket from one room to the next. Bess shook her head.

"No, dear. He hasn't come back yet." She looked Isla over with sorrowful eyes as she spoke, releasing one of her arms to guide her over to a chair. "But don't you worry, you have a room here still and I expect you to use it. We can teach you how to cook until those bruises heal." She offered a smile that didn't quite match the rest of her melancholic demeanor. "How does that sound?"

Isla took a seat, sighing from relief as her body melted into the leather. "I'm sorry, Bess." She was unable to elaborate before tears welled in her eyes and she pulled her knees to her chest. "You are far too kind to me."
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Reactions: Lynus Anireth
"There there, my girl. You have nothing to be sorry for," Bess cooed softly. She perched on a stool next to Isla's chair, her weathered hand stroking gently over Isla's head. Warmth and concern sparkled in her eyes.

"Hush now. You are just as kind to me, you know." Bess chuckled quietly, trying to lighten the mood.

"How about some tea and lemon cake, hm? Good tea and cake fix everything." Bess smiled, giving Renly a quick nod, and he set about arranging just that.

"You are safe and sound here. This is your home for as long as you need it, my dear." Bess' voice was soothing, filled with genuine care. She reached into her apron and pulled out a small scroll, the wax seal unbroken.

"Oh! And, the young guard left this for you, said you'd be coming here." She handed the scroll to Isla. "Sure looks awful important.." she commented, noticing the royal coat of arms imprinted in the red wax.


I've tried desperately to find the right words to write to you. The truth is, none can express how deeply sorry I am for misleading you. Hurting you wasn't my intention. Finding you wasn't my intention.

I crave your presence each day I am without it, though if you wish not to see me again, I will respect your wishes and leave you alone as you asked. I hope that one day, you can forgive me.

The room at Bess' is yours, and I will see to it that your brothers are well cared for. You deserve far more than this life has given you, and far better than me. For being my light, for however brief a time, thank you, Starling.

Always, Bear.

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  • Spoon Cry
Reactions: Isla
She leaned into the woman's motherly touch, unable to come up with the words she wanted to express. The offer of tea and cake was kind and she would not decline it, but Isla was in no mood for food.

She looked over the scroll, but did not open it immediately. "Thank you, but I cannot stay much longer than I already have. I can't accept him paying for my mistakes." She grimaced at the thought, that leaving the brothel may have been a mistake. That chewing out the Prince of Vel Anir in front of his people was as simple as a mistake. But Isla could not pay for the room after refusing Lynus' coin for her own coin was lost in her old home. In the same room as the dead guard.

Her stomach turned, feeling the sticky blood on her feet as she stomped through it. The metallic smell hitting her nose. The thought that Arryn would be taking the blame for her stupidity. Her irresponsibility. Her unwillingness to try to live.

Quietly, she opened the scroll and read it once. Read it again. Then, she folded it up neatly and set it on the table beside her, just as Renly arrived with the snacks promised. "Do you have a pen and paper?" She asked the man who only scurried off to grab them.

What the hell was she going to write him? She pulled her knees tighter to her chest. Dear Lynus, I'm sorry I announced to the entirety of Vel Anir that you've been slumming it with the whores. Love, Isla?

Truthfully, she'd been so awful that she could not put into words how sorry she was. Everything she felt and said had been brewing for a decade and he'd been the perfect target once it had bubbled over. It didn't change the fact that he had saved her. And he had been the one to make her feel whole again after having such a deep emptiness for so long. She wanted him as badly as he yearned for her.

But it looked bad. So very bad.

Isla knew there was no future for the Prince of Vel Anir and a whore.

"What am I going to do?" She whispered to no one in particular, swiping a hair out of her eyes as she looked down at the blank parchment.

"The Prince of Vel Anir." The look in her eyes as she glanced up at Bess begged for the help she could not ask for. "I'm such a wretched person."
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  • Cry
Reactions: Lynus Anireth
"Oh, nonsense! You can and you will. I could use some decent company around here, besides, you wanted to learn to cook, did you not? I could use some help in the kitchen, Lord knows that Renly is as much use as tits on a fish!" she chortled to herself. The boy stopped in his tracks with a tray of fresh tea and cakes, his cheeks blushing furiously as he set them down on the table in front of them. He gave Isla an awkward glance and cleared his throat before scurrying off.

"And no sense of humour either!" Bess chuckled after him, flapping a dish towel in the air.

The woman looked back down at Isla, a soft smile in her eyes at the conflict she could see in the young woman, but her expression paused as she spoke of the Prince, and everything appeared to click into place.

"O-oh.. Oh dear dear dear my boy." her hand covered her mouth as she stared down at the scroll in Isla's hand, realising that she'd been stowing the boy away for years. At least she always sent him home. She let a sigh tumble free and shook her head with a quiet chuckle, recalling the young boy who'd sit with her, listening to her stories, eating cake and drinking tea until he curled up in front of the fire and dozed off. If it hadn't been that he'd always been dressed in fair clothes and boots, she'd have thought him homeless.

"Silly old woman." she muttered to herself with a soft smile. "Well. Why should that change anything? The boy has a heart of gold." she said, patting her chest.

"And bah!" she exclaimed. "Anyone who calls themselves a wretched person cannot possibly be a wretched person. We all make mistakes, my girl, what matters is what we learn from them." she smiled and leaned to press a kiss down atop her head.

"Rest, you don't need to think about that right now. Nothing wrong with keepin 'em waiting." she said with a wink.
  • Spoon Cry
Reactions: Isla