Jiya-Farrah Khadija Al'Luana
If you are receiving this letter then your mother was right to make me write it for some heinous twist of fate has meant that myself and your two older brothers are either dead or lost and Luana find herself leaderless. You, are now all the House has.
I know you and I have not always seen eye to eye and that Vel'Anir has at times seemed repulsive to your... new and young ways of thinking but you must come home now and do your duty. There are people who depend on Luana and if she should fall many innocent people will suffer. I shudder to think the types of new-fangled revolutionary thoughts you might bring with you but perhaps the city I leave you with will be more... receptive to those thoughts. If it is not I trust with the amount of education we've paid for you you'll be smart enough to keep your mouth shut.
My only regret is that if this letter is sent it means I have not seen you since our last argument. Our parting words still trouble me at night and if we should never see each other again I hope words on a piece of parchment will bring you some small amount of peace. Know that I love you, Jiya, and whilst we might never have seen eye to eye on many matters you were and are always my daughter. A fact I'm incredibly proud of.
Your Papa
Jiya is a natural beauty often hidden in oil or smudges of dirt from her experiments. Her rich, dark skin offsets her deep blue eyes - a gift all the Luana children received from their mother. She keeps her unruly black curls often tied back or braided to keep it out of the way. Despite the manner of her work and her willingness to get dirty when the need arises for her work, Jiya still dresses with a touch of class and enjoys finer cuts and more expensive fabrics. As such she's developed a rather unique and fashionable look that is practical to her trade and seems to suit her personality.
Skills and Abilities
Jiya was not blessed with any magical abilities like her older brothers. Instead all of her talents are linked to her incredible intelligence.
Degrees: Jiya has graduated and collected four different degrees in alchemy, arithmancy, engineering and potions. She has studied in both human, elvish and dwarfish colleges.
Languages: Jiya can speak seven languages fluently and dabbles in three others.
Inventor: Jiya is particularly talented in the art of creation. She comes up with blueprints and then puts together her designs to create a range of fanciful and wonderous objects that help those without magic to enjoy a life currently enjoyed only by those with powers. Her main interest is in creating anti-magic devices which level the playing field in the world.
Combat: Growing up, Jiya was taught to defend herself much like her older two siblings. She doesn't have a particular gift with weapons but during her studies away has studied several forms of combat involving grappling and hand techniques.
Degrees: Jiya has graduated and collected four different degrees in alchemy, arithmancy, engineering and potions. She has studied in both human, elvish and dwarfish colleges.
Languages: Jiya can speak seven languages fluently and dabbles in three others.
Inventor: Jiya is particularly talented in the art of creation. She comes up with blueprints and then puts together her designs to create a range of fanciful and wonderous objects that help those without magic to enjoy a life currently enjoyed only by those with powers. Her main interest is in creating anti-magic devices which level the playing field in the world.
Combat: Growing up, Jiya was taught to defend herself much like her older two siblings. She doesn't have a particular gift with weapons but during her studies away has studied several forms of combat involving grappling and hand techniques.
A young woman filled with determination and passion in her field makes Jiya a force to be reckoned with. She can be stubborn at times when she feels she is in the right but she is surprisingly flexible when she recognises she does not know the best or is not the expert in the room. She encourages anyone and everyone to share their thoughts and ideas and reprimands people who seek to put others in their perceived place. As a noble this can often be seen as scandalous when she invites the maid to sit and play a game or chess, or discuss with the gardener the latest thoughts on the philosophy of republicanism.
Jiya is an incredibly easy person to get along with, quick to laugh and happy to include anyone in her friendship circle. However, when people do something she perceives as wrong Jiya can be as fierce as any other Anirian.
Jiya is an incredibly easy person to get along with, quick to laugh and happy to include anyone in her friendship circle. However, when people do something she perceives as wrong Jiya can be as fierce as any other Anirian.
Biography & Lore
The first girl born to the Al'Luana family Jiya was predictably spoilt from a young age. As there was no need for her to learn the ways of politics like her older brothers, Jiya was given mainly over to her mother to raise. As an educated woman herself, she encouraged her daughter to read and find her own discipline to pursue later on in life. Unfortunately her mother died whilst Jiya was still young and her father, not knowing what to do with a young girl on the brink of becoming a woman, sent her off to boarding school with their extended family in Elbion.
Elbion opened the young Luana's eyes to a whole new world and each visit home only opened her eyes to the backwards way the Anirians lived. As she got older, learnt more, and travelled with her cousins her ideas grew more and more radical in comparison to her family back home. This often led to heated arguments with both her brothers and her father. Eventually, after one such episode, Jiya announced she would never return to Vel'Anir and her father verbally disowned her.
After the revolution Jiya received a letter informing her that her father had died and her brother was missing, along with a letter from her deceased father. She's returned now to Vel'Anir finding herself the Houses new leader in a new world.
Elbion opened the young Luana's eyes to a whole new world and each visit home only opened her eyes to the backwards way the Anirians lived. As she got older, learnt more, and travelled with her cousins her ideas grew more and more radical in comparison to her family back home. This often led to heated arguments with both her brothers and her father. Eventually, after one such episode, Jiya announced she would never return to Vel'Anir and her father verbally disowned her.
After the revolution Jiya received a letter informing her that her father had died and her brother was missing, along with a letter from her deceased father. She's returned now to Vel'Anir finding herself the Houses new leader in a new world.
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