Private Tales The Starling and the Bear

A private roleplay only for those invited by the first writer
There is no need to apologise...

Oh but there was.

He frowned as she turned his apology around and took the blame. "Like I said, it's forgiven, and your word is worth a lot to me." he huffed, watching her as she walked to the window. He couldn't exactly help but take in the sight of her wearing his shirt like that, and he sat up with a quiet chuckle. "I don't know, I think they suit you better." he murmured as he rubbed at his face.

"Lets get you some clothes. Then, breakfast." he groaned as he stood and stretched.

"I suppose you'll be needing my jacket." he quirked a brow in amusement.
  • Ctuhlu senpai
Reactions: Isla
She rolled her eyes, hearing the words he barely uttered. "Clothes, then breakfast." She agreed, making her way over to the her bag where she pulled out one of the few dresses she owned. "And yes, just until I can get something a little more modest. Then your jacket is all yours again. Is that alright?" She asked, her voice muffled by a hair tie held between her teeth as she gathered the thick mess of blonde waves and tied them up.
"No looking!" She ordered, turning as she unbuttoned his top and threw it behind her where it would hopefully hit him in the face. She grimaced at her own reflection moments later when she saw how the dress looked in the reflection of a nearby mirror. The deep indigo fabric looked heavenly on her, bronze accents made her eyes glow. Isla could appreciate that. But the dress itself seemed made only to captivate her audience.

The plunging neckline ended a few inches above her navel and slits on either side of the front extended well past her thighs, exposing too much of her. It was comical, her sleeves seemed to contain more fabric than which covered her torso and legs, though it was more sheer as it revealed flesh without fully exposing it. She sighed in relief as she added Lynus' jacket to finish the look. While it did nothing to cover the slits in the skirt, at least she could cover her face with the hood before she died of embarrassment. "Hurry up, lets go!"

Her face was burning, red as a tomato from the moment they descended the staircase and she witnessed the way Bess and Renly gawked at her until they had made it in the clothier just across the street.

As the tiny bell above the door rang and she and Lynus entered, so did a woman who appeared in her early thirties. The owner, Isla presumed, as she scanned the pair of them. She looked delighted to see Lynus, but as she turned to Isla her eyes narrowed. "Is there something I can help you with?"

"I need new clothes..." Isla stepped forward, ignoring the cold glare from the woman as she scanned a dress displayed on a mannequin. The price...holy gods. She was not sure the bag of jewelry would cover the cost of so much as a sleeve from one of these garments.

"I see. . ." The woman raised her eyebrows and looked Isla up and down, eyes lingering on fading bruises and scars. Her disapproval was palpable. "We do not usually sell," she paused, carefully choosing her words, "the type of clothing you wear."

Isla cringed, tugging at the bottom of the jacket in an attempt to cover more of her body. "That is why I am here. I need something different. Something a little more modest" She tried to force a smile, refusing to look at Lynus for comfort as the woman not-so-silently judged her. "This one is lovely. Can I try it on?"

"It is quite different from what you are used to, I presume. Go, try it on. Fitting room is around the corner. Don't take too long."
As Isla moved with a dress in her arms the woman added, "And try not to get this one dirty." Filthy woman.

Isla prayed Lynus kept himself distracted throughout the encounter, prayed he didn't watch Isla as she reached for the curtain with a trembling hand and shut it behind her.
Lynus averted his gaze as soon as Isla began to unbutton his shirt, respecting her wish for privacy. Not until she wore his jacket again did he look at her, a small smile on his lips. He was certain that the dress she wore beneath it was supposed to be in any way adorable, but that was exactly how she looked as she drew his hood up.

He kept his eyes focused on the street as they left, watching the passersby who seemed more interested in catching a glimpse of Isla’s legs than noticing him hurrying along behind her. His pulse quickened, and he kept his gaze downcast, wary of anyone recognizing him.

Inside the clothier’s shop, Lynus felt a wave of relief seeing they were the only customers. He folded his arms across his chest and leaned against the wall, his eyes narrowed as he listened to the exchange between Isla and the shop owner. His anger simmered beneath the surface, but he remained silent until Isla had gone to try on the dress.

The woman’s disdainful tone grated on him. Once Isla disappeared into the fitting room, he couldn’t hold back any longer. He approached the counter, his expression icy. "Tell me. Do we need to pay extra for the snide comments, or are those free?" he asked, slipping the encrusted dagger from his boot and slamming it down on the counter with a huff.

The woman flinched, her eyes widening in surprise. Lynus leaned in closer, his voice low and threatening. "She's here to buy clothes, not to be judged. If you can't manage to treat her with respect, then maybe we'll take our business elsewhere. Understood?" his brow quirked.

He slid the dagger toward her, it's handle decorated with crimson gemstones that'd likely pay for everything in this place twice over. "You can keep this for now, as collateral. You'll be nice to her, and whatever she wants, is hers, without any more remark. If I don't return with the coin then you can sell it. Buy yourself some manners, perhaps." he flashed an all-too-brief smile.
  • Love
Reactions: Isla
Over the rustling of various fabrics, Isla was fortunate enough to not have heard the conversation beyond the changing room. It was a relief, because it meant the two standing outside could not hear her as her eyes welled with tears and she sniffled quietly and stared at her reflection. Am I as bad as she thinks? She wondered, tracing along what bruises had yet to fade beyond a nasty yellow-green shade as they peeked above the collar of the dress.

And though the pale emerald shade clashed with the bruises, Isla felt...pretty in it. Pretty in a way she had never felt before. A way that needed no confirmation from strangers or the Lady as she was shoved into an outfit or torn from one. Although she felt pretty, she couldn't push the sadness from her face from the way a woman had spoken to her.

She pushed the curtain back a few minute later and walked to Lynus rather than the woman. His opinion meant more to her than anyone else's. "What do you think?" She spun around for him and waited.
  • Cry
Reactions: Lynus Anireth
The woman hid the blade away and dipped her chin silently to him before she went to shuffle around in her clothing rails.

As Isla emerged, dressed in emerald, his throat bobbed. “You look beautiful.” He commented sincerely, his gaze taking in the dress that seemed to have been made for her.

A muscle feathered in his jaw however, as he noticed the fading bruises, but his attention rose back to her face to repeat a quiet ‘beautiful’.

The seamstress nodded in quick agreement. “It suits you, very pretty, dear.” She offered, forcing a smile that Lynus thought looked almost genuine. Good.

“And perhaps some of these. I believe they are your size. Come, try these too.” She ushered her back toward the little room for her to try another bundle of clothes.

Lynus gave the woman a curt nod.
  • Cthuulove
Reactions: Isla
The sides of her mouth softened into a smile and her bloodshot eyes looked away from his face as she turned for him and let him take in all of the dress' intricate detailing. Her cheeks flushed with warmth at his words and suddenly, she felt shy under his gaze.

For once, she didn't disagree with him. For once, she didn't disregard his opinion and wallow in her own self deprecation. She felt as beautiful as the words coming from his mouth.

It felt as though it were only her and Lynus in the clothier's warm showroom. When she looked back up to confirm in his eyes that he were not lying, that he truly meant it when he called her beautiful, she could have sworn it really was just the two of them.

"I haven't felt beautiful in a long time." She admitted, just as quietly as he spoke and then she was dragged back to the changing room with arms full of other dresses, shirts, and pants by a much less...cunty...version of the shop owner. Isla assumed Lynus had something to do with it, but she would let it slide this time. Some fights were worth giving up.

She was in and out of the dressing room for another forty five minutes before Isla's grumbling stomach forced her to put an end to the never ending influx of clothing.

She made her way back to the counter with only that first dress. "Please, could you hold this for me. I need to take care of one more thing and I'll be back to purchase it." Gods, she sounded desperate.

The woman looked skeptical, glancing between Isla and Lynus before putting the dress and everything else that fit Isla into bags. "It's already been paid for, ma'am." Isla swore she could still hear the venom in her tone, but the look in her eyes was more fearful. Definitely Lynus, Isla confirmed as she was handed the bags and noticed a bejeweled dagger stashed aside. A dagger fit for her friend with the seemingly endless supply of gold.

Isla waited until they had stepped back out into the bustling street, wearing something much more fitting of a lady rather than a lady of the night. "Please don't run yourself dry for me." She scanned the crowds for a food stall and, more importantly, a place to pawn her things at. She wondered if he was simply a damn good mercenary or if there was also a bit of a thief standing beside her. That, or he was like her father- in crippling debt. "I don't want to be part responsible if you turn this kingdom's economy to shit."
  • Haha
Reactions: Lynus Anireth
Gods, the way she looked at him, as though she were suddenly shy, twirled as though she finally knew how gorgeous she was. He felt breathless just standing there. His heart ached to know that she hadn't always felt that way. He wanted to be the one to change that, to show her how radiant she truly was. "You should always feel beautiful" he rumbled, his voice soft but firm. "It's you who makes the dress so lovely, not the other way around." He cast a pointed look at the seamstress, offering a fake smile that made her look fit to explode.

Lynus shrugged on his jacket, lifting the hood despite the lack of rain, and tipped an invisible hat at the woman as he took the bags from Isla before stepping back out into the street, now more bustling than it had been before.

He chuckled at her concern for his finances. He supposed it was a little indiscreet of him. His only regret was giving the whoremonger woman every coin he'd had on him. Now he'd have to face the vile seamstress again when he came back to retrieve his dagger. Also, the only weapon he'd had on him.

There was a trinket shop down on the corner, and he'd been about to suggest it for her when he noted a pair in guard uniform hanging around. "Why don't we take these upstairs, there's little around here that'll beat Bess' cooking anyway.. We can deal with that later.." he nodded toward the bag of trinkets she carried.
"Just what are you hiding from?" Isla mused, tugging at his hood while carried her bags. "Are you still embarrassed of being seen with me? Is that it?" She looked down at the new dress and frowned. She thought she looked much more presentable and she surely doubted any man or woman there would recognize her with any amount of clothing on.

She followed his lead, nodding along to whatever he suggested, but couldn't pull herself from the thoughts. "I could cut my hair," She tugged at a free tendril that curled near her ear. She hadn't considered that her hair was possibly more recognizable than anything else she had to offer. After all, it had been tangled in the fingers of too many people to count. "Or dye it. I've always wondered what I would look like with black hair." She offered a tight smile, recalling the days she wished she could have been someone else entirely. "I'm sure I could get a brick of dye somewhere around here."

The scent of bacon hit her first upon entering back into Bess' inn. Bacon and some sort of sweet syrup scent. Isla's mouth had been watering the second it all hit her. Her stomach grumbled loudly and she fought her urge to laugh at such a normal bodily function. In the brothel, she was starving. So hungry and overworked. Her body had seemed to give up with things like hunger cues when it realized that it had been ignored for too long. "God, Bess." Isla wandered over to the source of the smells, hovering over the plump woman. "Could you teach me how to cook? I think I'd like to have my home smell like this one day." When...if...she could afford anything but living in a sewer.
  • Cthuloo
Reactions: Lynus Anireth
Lynus frowned, stopping dead in his tracks and turning to face Isla. "What? No." he said firmly, his tone brooking no argument. "You don't need to change anything. Gods, look at you. Any man would be smug as fuck to be walking beside you. I don't care about your past, or what anyone thinks." His voice softened as he continued, "I just want... just a few more hours of peace and quiet." He sighed, feeling the weight of his unspoken truths pressing down on him. He needed those precious hours to figure out how to tell her the truth, to summon the courage to reveal the secret that now constantly gnawed at him.

As they stepped into the inn, his stomach clenched at the smell of breakfast. Bess greeted them with the same enthusiasm as the night before, smushing Lynus' face this time before he left a chaste kiss on her cheek. "Morning Bess." he greeted her warmly.

The woman's cheery face lit up with sheer delight at Isla's request. "Aha! Goodness! Nobody has ever asked me that before!" she exclaimed, taking Isla's face into her hands and admiring her with a motherly gaze. "Of course I can, child! Ain't nothin' to it." she beamed. "You two help yourselves! There's fresh tea in the pot now."

Lynus watched the exchange with a warm smile, grateful for Bess' kindness and the simple, joyful moment. "Thanks." he said, his voice filled with genuine appreciation. He turned to Isla, his expression softening even further.

"I think you've made a friend for life." he smiled as Bess shuffled away, humming cheerily to herself.
  • Melting
Reactions: Isla
She knew her history was unappealing. Lynus could say whatever he wanted to, but it did not change how she felt about herself. How she reacted when he refused to let her pull back his hood. His insistence that anyone would wish to be beside her did not necessarily sit as well as he probably hoped it would. The last thing she wanted was someone looking at her for her appearance- a thing she had both total and no control over.

She pushed back her feelings, putting on a face beaming with joy as that little older woman squished her face between her palms. "I really appreciate that." She grabbed one of Bess' wrists, squeezing it gently in thanks. She truly meant those words. In less than a day, this woman had been more of a mother figure to Isla than her own mother had been in the eighteen years she knew her.

"Maybe tomorrow morning?" She asked Lynus, selfishly helping herself to portions larger than she'd ever been allowed. "I could help her with tomorrow's breakfast if you don't mind it being burned." She chuckled, "Or raw. Maybe even both at the same time."

The late breakfast (it was nearing lunch by the time they had eaten) was pleasant, full of conversation with both Lynus and Renly as he wandered in and out. Even Bess stopped by every so often to bring more tea. Isla always invited her to join them, but she always had an excuse to scurry back off to another room and leave them alone to laugh and enjoy themselves. The whole thing seemed so foreign to Isla. It had been ages since she spent time with someone and enjoyed herself. There were no expectations, there was no pressure that she must earn money from the interaction. And even though Renly was a little shit, her eyes glimmered when she realized that he could bring out a playful side in Lynus that she had yet to see.

It had been a wise choice to stay in, it turned out. Sometime while they were all enjoying tales of some old retired pirate, so he claimed, a thunderstorm had rolled in.

The storm was still raging into the evening, when Isla grew tired of the company and wanted more than anything to just bathe and go to bed. The tub had been filled by the time they said their goodbyes and after she shut the door, she strode right over to the steaming waters. She dragged a hand through it and sighed. Had she not been exhausted, she probably would have fought for the man in the room to avert his gaze while she stripped off the new dress and slid into the tub. But she did not. She didn't even look back as she rested her back against the side, away from Lynus, and released the golden hair from it's bun and let it flow over the side of the tub.
  • Ctuhlu senpai
Reactions: Lynus Anireth
Lynus watched as Isla's expression shifted, a subtle tension threading through her joy as Bess cupped her face with motherly affection. He felt a pang of regret, knowing his words hadn’t reached her as he’d hoped. It wasn't something he could prove to her until he explained the truth. Despite the laughter and warmth surrounding them during breakfast, he could sense the unresolved conflict within her.

As they sat at the table, he couldn't help but marvel at how quickly Isla had adapted to this new environment. Her interactions with Bess, her playful banter with Renly, and the genuine smiles she shared—it all felt like a glimpse into a life she deserved but had been denied for far too long. Lynus found himself watching her more than eating, her happiness becoming a balm for his own troubled mind.

The storm outside grew fiercer, the sound of rain and thunder a backdrop to their pleasant meal. Lynus felt a strange comfort in the cocoon of Bess's inn, as he always had. He followed Isla upstairs with a stretch and a contented groan.

Once inside their room, Lynus leaned against the door, watching as Isla moved to the tub. He caught the briefest glimpse of her relief and exhaustion as she dragged her hand through the steaming water. She didn't ask him to avert his gaze, but he respected her unspoken right to her privacy by keeping his eyes averted. He listened to the rustle of her dress as she undressed and slid into the water.

Turning slightly, he allowed himself a cautious glance at her. Her back was to him, her golden hair cascading over the side of the tub like liquid sunlight. The sight stirred something deep within him—an overwhelming need to protect her, to ensure she never felt anything but safe and cherished.

He crossed the room quietly, removing his jacket and placing it on a nearby chair. He sat down on the floor beside the tub, keeping his back to her. "I'm sorry, about earlier.. I just, had a little trouble with the guards recently and I'd rather they left me alone. Silly matter, but they can be assholes." he explained before she could ask any questions. "I could never be embarrassed by you, Starling." he said, resting his arms atop his knees and letting his head fall back with a long sigh.

The guilt of his secret still gnawed at him, but in this moment, Isla deserved this peace, this comfort. He would eventually have to confront his own fears and finally reveal his truth. But, not tonight. The day had been too perfect to ruin.
  • Melting
Reactions: Isla
Flickering candlelight, interrupted by the occasional flash of lightning, created an intimate, serene atmosphere as rain tapped against the window. Isla heard him approach the tub, sinking deeper into the water as he sat beside. That familiar scent of vanilla and lavender hit her nose and she wondered if Lynus told someone to add them to her bath or if Bess had noticed it while she embraced her the day prior. Regardless, it was a thoughtful and appreciated gesture.

She sighed, feeling the warmth seep into her muscles and easing away the tension the had been unable to rid herself of.

Isla listened to each word he said, but did not respond for a long while. It was reasonable enough, to accept that he had done something to upset guards. After all, he had barged into a session with a client and nearly threatened to take his life for making the mistake of being placed under Isla's care.

His second statement...Isla ignored it. She did not even acknowledge that he had said anything at all for she disagreed so strongly with the statement.

Without a word, Isla reached out from the tub, her hand dripping with bathwater, and gently stroked Lynus' hair. Her fingers threaded through the soft strands that had been misplaced by his hood in a tender, soothing motion. With each gentle caress, she felt the connection between them and the outside world fade away.

"What did you do?" She asked, curiosity laced in her breathy voice. "Why are the guards looking for you?"
Lynus quietly groaned as Isla’s fingers combed into his hair, his eyes drifting closed as the tension in his body began to melt away under the tender, soothing touch.

“Mh…” he huffed softly, leaning into her hand. “Well, I did threaten to cut one man’s throat in your room just yesterday.” he reminded her, a hint of a smirk playing on his lips despite the gravity of the situation.

He let the silence linger for a moment, enjoying the sound of the rain and thunder outside. "I love storms." he murmured with a sigh.
  • Smug
Reactions: Isla
"You know I did not report you to the guards. I doubt anyone there had an interest in revealing to the public that they got their ass beat while fucking some whore." Her laughter was muffled for a moment as she dipped her face in the water.

Isla tipped her head back and shut her eyes as he spoke, as if that connection between her fingers and his hair was the only thing to keep her grounded in the moment. The only thing that reminded her how very real all of this was. She smiled, feeling him relax as he spoke of the storm. It had always been her favorite type of weather. Perhaps they did, she realized, have some things in common other than their shared burden of tragic events.

She gave him his moment of peace and quiet. Only a moment before the water stirred and Isla's fingers tightened slightly and she pulled his head back to look up at her. Her own chin rested on the side of the tub now. Her gaze softened as her eyes locked onto his.

She wanted to say something, but nothing came out of her lips as she took in every detail of him, framed by the soft light. Her expression melted, softening as her eyes did while her fingers moved from his hair to his face, trailing over to his jaw, where it would remain for entirely too long as she searched his face for any thought or reaction.
A muscle feathered in Lynus' jaw at Isla's words. 'Fucking some whore.' The phrase echoed in his mind, rekindling a spark of tension in his muscles. He had been about to scold her, to tell her never to speak of herself that way again, when her fingers tightened in his hair and she pulled his head back to look up at her.

His gaze traveled over her face, following the rivulets of water that traced the contours of her cheeks and neck. The sight of her, framed by the soft candlelight and the occasional flash of lightning, left him momentarily breathless. They stared at each other in silence, the only sound the rhythmic patter of rain and the distant rumble of thunder.

Lynus swallowed, feeling the weight of the moment pressing down on them both. He had bared a part of his soul to her, and now she was searching his face, perhaps for answers or perhaps for reassurance.

His hand rose to her face, fingers sliding into her wet hair and finding the nape of her neck. He pulled gently, guiding her lips to his in a tender, almost hesitant kiss. It was a kiss that spoke of comfort and connection. It was a kiss that promised more than words ever could.
  • Cry
Reactions: Isla
He kissed her.

It was so expected, the way they'd been staring at one another. Whatever bond was between them had been palpable in the air long before their lips connected again. It was obvious, the way Bess encouraged them to spend time alone. The way Renly stared, jealously flickering in his eyes while Lynus and Isla exchanged glances at one another.

Expected, and yet, so unexpected. And so very different than the first time their lips joined.

Her eyes widened and she let herself be pulled closer to him. She wasn't thinking. Driven by an impulse so strong, it was as if the gods themselves had urged her to follow it, Isla pushed further and leaned out of the tub while the hand on the back of her neck sent shivers down her spine.

Isla's breath caught in her throat. Time stood still, waiting for her to make a decision while the universe held its breath. She pulled back for a moment, searching him for any sign that he felt the same. Any sign that he too was succumbing to the overwhelming need to have her in his arms the way she wanted him in hers.

But she moved first. Isla pulled herself from the tub and closed the gap between them, pulling him into her arms in a way she had never done to another man. A way she would never do to another man. She promised herself that as the kiss deepened, slowly and gently.
She pulled him closer, water rushing from her skin and soaking his clothes. He didn’t care; all that mattered was the sensation of her body against his, the warmth of her touch seeping through the damp fabric. His hands roamed her back, feeling the delicate contours of her spine, the curve of her waist. Every inch of her felt like a revelation, a discovery of something precious and irreplaceable.

He pulled her into his lap as the kiss deepened, slow and gentle, yet charged with a raw intensity that spoke of unspoken desires and shared pain. It transcended words, a silent conversation between two souls who had found solace and in each other’s presence. Lynus's fingers threaded through her damp hair, his touch tender as he cradled her head, savoring the feel of her against him.

He broke away only to catch his breath and tilted her chin up, his thumb brushing across her lips as he gazed into her eyes, searching for any sign of hesitation. His eyes were dark with desire and something deeper, something that had been building between them since the night they met.

“You have no idea how much I need you.” he whispered, his voice husky and raw. “You’ve brought light into my life when I didn’t think it was possible.” he said, studying her face and grazing his nose against hers before taking another kiss, resisting the urge to let his lips travel to her neck, to let his eyes and hands roam over her bare skin.

But he would not. Not until she knew his name, and then, until she wanted him to. If she ever did.
  • Spoon Cry
Reactions: Isla
It was difficult, Isla realized, to let herself live in the moment. Hard to fight her mind's pull towards the place she used to distance herself while she worked. But for him, for her Bear, she would fight it all. That blank, uninterested look that had been plastered on her face when he broke into her room was pushed far, far away. Deep into the recesses of her mind. For once, Isla truly looked happy.

Never had she wanted someone else's hands on her. Not until now, as she was pulled from the water and sprawled on top of him while his hands roamed over her bare skin. Her own hands were drawn to his soaked shirt, gripping the front of it to pull him closer, to keep him from leaving her so soon even as she made no attempt to remove any of his clothing.

He broke their kiss to speak. Isla's eyes glittered, damp with water dripping from her hair or tears. She shut them as he nuzzled her nose and leaned back into that kiss. Nothing more than a kiss, she realized, when his eyes never roamed below her face. Never glancing to see the skin his hands had roamed over before settling somewhere much higher, somewhere less dangerous. Less tempting, she discovered, suddenly feeling self conscious as she lay on top of him.

She pulled away, leaning her forehead against his. Water dripped from her eyes onto his face while she spoke.

"You saved me." She released his top, brushing her own tear off of his face. "For reasons I don't think I'll ever be able to understand." Her thumb gently stroked his cheek. "I gave up looking for help a long time ago, Bear. I learned that help was conditional." And unfortunately, I was not a condition people were willing to accept. "You never had to come back. You never had to...but you saved me. You gave me hope when no one else would have." When no one else did.

She kissed the place on his cheek that her thumb lingered on and stood up to put on a nightdress. To cover the parts of her Lynus was not ready to see. "You brought me out of my own darkness. As long as you need me, I will be here. Your eternal light."
  • Melting
Reactions: Lynus Anireth
Lynus' heart ached at her words, feeling the weight of her past suffering and the significance of her trust in him. He gently caught her hand as she brushed away the tear from his face, holding it to his cheek for a moment longer before pressing a kiss into her palm. When she spoke of hope and darkness, Lynus felt a painful lump rise in his throat. She had been through so much, and yet here she was, offering him a piece of herself that she had hidden away from the world, and he couldn't even tell her his name.

As she stood from him to dress, he looked away as he sat up, the soaked fabric of his shirt clinging to his skin, and he let out a shaky breath. "You don't need to understand why I did what I did. You just need to know that I would do it again a thousand times over."

Standing, he closed the distance between them, his hand reaching out to gently take her hand and pull her back against him. "You are worth saving. Not because of what you’ve been through, but because of who you are." He brushed a stray lock of wet hair behind her ear, his fingers lingering there. "You’re stronger than you give yourself credit for. And you’ve given me more hope than you know."

Lynus leaned down, pressing his forehead against hers, taking in the softness of her features and the closeness of her presence. "I will always need you." he whispered. "And I will always be there for you, no matter what." he promised in return.

"And, that is a very lovely nightgown." he whispered with a quiet laugh.
  • Cry
Reactions: Isla
You don't need to understand...I'd do it a thousand times over...

That was why she wished so badly to know. To understand what he saw in her, why the switch had flipped so dramatically. What made her worth saving in his eyes? For a whore to bring out the soft side in a mercenary, there had to be something in her that she couldn't even find.

She grimaced, but laughed as he pulled her back against his wet body. She wanted to kiss him again and again. She wanted her lips on his lips, his jaw, his neck, his soaking chest. She wanted him, all of him to herself and nobody else.

"I don't know who I am," She admitted with their foreheads together. "But if you see someone in there that was worth saving, I will try to be her. For you, I want to be the person you think I am." She squeezed his hand in hers. "Lovely nightgown and all." Her laugh mirrored his, soft and sultry.

Damn the nightgown, Isla thought wishing more than anything to take it back off. To tear off his sopping wet shirt and just hold herself against him. She wanted to feel the warmth of his skin on hers and nothing more. Both seemed to agree that neither was ready for anything beyond that. But Isla needed the comfort of him, beside her. To know he was real and this was not going to turn into a nightmare that she would wake from.

Another night was spent wrapped in one another's arms. Despite the chill from water cooling her skin, she kept the nightgown on. She wondered if Lynus was awake when she shivered and his arms pulled her in tighter, pulling her towards his warmth until she thought she might stop breathing from how tightly he held her. She never fought it though, only nuzzling her face against his hand as it traveled from her hair to her neck while he slept.

The sun was up far before Isla and Lynus woke. The sounds of the city were loud, busy as usual. By the time Isla had shaken Lynus awake, she could see the sun high in the sky. "How long did we sleep?" She wondered, figuring it must have been around noon already. By the smell of whatever Bess was making, she must have been pretty close in her guess.

"Hey, wake up. Get up!" She whispered, forcing herself up and over to the bags of clothes she hadn't even put away. "We need to go find a pawn shop today, unless you'd prefer I go alone."
  • Cthuulove
Reactions: Lynus Anireth
Lynus groaned, his hand grasping at the empty space where Isla had been moments before. "Five more minutes," he mumbled, his voice thick with sleep. He had slept so soundly, wrapped in her warmth, that the outside world felt like an unwelcome intrusion.

"Let Renly bring us breakfast in bed." he muffled into his pillow as he sprawled onto his stomach, reluctant to give up on sleep just yet.

'Unless you'd prefer I go alone..'

Lynus grumbled, living up to his moniker. "Fiiiine." he huffed and pushed himself up. Dragging a hand down his face, he finally squinted open his eyes on her. And what a pretty sight she was to wake up to.

"Morning to you too, Starling." he mused, how she lived up to her moniker. A tweeting bird in the morning that he wanted to smack with a pillow. He stood and stretched, leaning to press a kiss to her cheek before he pulled on his shirt and jacket.

He pulled up his hood as they stepped outside, grateful for the excuse of the gently falling rain that lingered from last night's storm. His boots splashed in puddles as they walked, his head bowed as much as possible. Glancing up at the pawn shop across the street however, he frowned to see two guards still hanging around on the same corner.

"I'll wait out here. Enjoy the rain a little." he smirked. "Then, breakfast."
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  • Angry
Reactions: Isla
Isla rolled her eyes as Lynus stared at her with sleepy, hateful eyes. "Morning!" Her voice was cheery, abnormally so given the circumstances. But she couldn't fight the urge to be the chirping bird in his sleepy ear, beckoning him to get the hell up and get on with the day. She accepted that kiss, and pulled his face back to return one on his lips.

She chose another new dress, though it wasn't entirely a choice if she wished to be let in any of the buildings she supposed. It was pale purple and rather simple compared to the light emerald one she wore the day prior. She had to admit, it felt quite nice to be so covered up. So unrecognizable for her past.

"I'm not sure it'll fetch much, but its worth trying," She shrugged as they stopped a little before the building. "Asshole probably gifted me a bunch of cheap replicas. Gods," She sighed, taking her bag off of his arm and listening to the quiet jingling of jewelry. "I can't wait to finally get rid of every last thing related to Nathaniel. I hope they melt it down and turn it into something less...haunting." She struggled to find a word to convey how the gifts made her feel.

She grabbed his hand once before leaving him. A gentle squeeze and then she was off, headed towards the shop with the little jingling bag on her arm.

"Hey." She walked past two guards who had been hanging around the shop, paying little mind as they addressed someone. They'd been conversing quietly as she walked towards them. They had probably just seen someone else that they knew. It was none of Isla's business.

"Hey!" A hand wrapped around her slender arm and yanked her back down the few stairs. Isla yelped, falling backward. "What do you think you're doing, whore?"

She looked up, the face was familiar, yet unfamiliar at the same time. Just another man in the sea of faces she'd known. "Pardon?" She asked, feigning ignorance as he addressed her.

"I said, what do you think you're doing, whore?" He pulled at her bag hard enough for the strap to fail and send the whole thing crashing to the ground. Various rings and stones tumbled out onto the cobblestone pathway. "Stealing from one of your clients? Typical whore behavior."

"What do you want to do with her?" The other said.

Isla froze in place, panic rising as she watched her only source of money rolling away while one of the guards grabbed her by her arms from behind.
  • Dwarf
Reactions: Lynus Anireth
His eyes had been scanning the street when he turned to see Isla on the ground and her trinkets scattered, a guard restraining her. Air seized in his lungs.


Shit shit shit.

Lynus sprinted across the street without hesitation. He shoved the guard hard enough to free his grip on Isla and send him clattering to the ground, before he rounded on the second guard with a solid right hook to the jaw, and he too was sent sprawling.

"Go." he said quickly to Isla, urgency in his voice. "Back to the inn. Go."

The guards, momentarily stunned by the sudden intervention, quickly regrouped. His attention on Isla, he hadn't realised the first guard was already back on his feet. The man charged at him, tackling him hard into the wet ground, a fist colliding with his jaw and sending his head reeling and pain erupting in his face. He grabbed the man by the collar and rolled them over to pin him down, he punched once, shattering his nose, and raised his fist ready to punch again.

"Ah-ah-ah.. I wouldn't..." the second guard warned, a blade drawn to Lynus' throat as his hand slammed down on the crook of his neck, dragging him up onto his knees and keeping him there. Lynus was unarmed, and held his hands up to show as much.

"You're gonna regret that, you son of a whore." the other said, getting to his feet, spitting and wiping blood from his broken nose. "Let's get a better look at that face before I rearrange it." He sneered as he ripped Lynus' hood down, and froze..

Lynus had never seen someone turn so pale, so quickly. He looked unsteady on his feet, and it was unclear if he meant to drop to his knees or if it was unintentional. "My Prince, I..." Words failed him, and Lynus' eyes closed with dread as the guard recognised him, revealing his identity to Isla. The second guard dropped his blade and staggered back before falling to one knee as well, his head bowed. "Prince Lynus. Please, accept our sincerest apologies."

The street had come to a standstill around them, all eyes on Lynus as he wiped the blood from his burst lip, soaked and muddy from the scuffle. He looked over to where Isla stood, her eyes finding hers, already silently pleading to her to give him a chance to speak.

"I can explain, just... give me a moment." he lifted his hands in front of him as he stood up, and took a step toward her, leaving the guards kneeling at his back.

Prince Lynus...

Lynus Anireth.

The Prince of Vel Anir...

Isla remained still, color draining from her face as it willed itself back into that familiar, distracting place in her head. The one she always went back to in order to protect herself. Her eyes seemed to glaze over for a moment. Only a moment before they filled with rage. Directed at the guards, directed at the stranger-prince in front of her. She was silently thanking every god that had ever existed for stopping them before anything happened.

“Our mothers were friends.” Her voice was so still, so far from the burning anger in her eyes. “Friends.” She stepped forward, targeting Lynus with each word like a knife to his chest. “Go on. Ask her when you go home. Ask her what she said when my mother came to her begging for help.” She took another step forward.

“While you’re at it, ask your father too. I want to know what story he will tell you about the night my mother came to them both for help, as a friend in need.” She stood before him, surprised the guards allowed her so close as she berated their prince in the middle of the street. “I’ll tell you what she told me while she cried and packed up what few belongings she managed to secure.”

Isla twisted the pale green stone around on her finger, the only item that remained of her grandmother before passing.

“Jack shit. Fuck all, Lynus. Your parents said to get the fuck out of their house. My father was unwell and instead of offering any help, they said to leave, Lynus.” She dragged his name out, sounding like the foulest word she had ever said in her life.

“They could have- you could have helped us, but instead I went to work to keep my mother and those two little baby boys alive.” She wished she had a knife in place of the finger that stabbed him in the chest. She would gladly let the guards kill her if it meant she could hurt the prince one last time. “For years. Nearly ten years, Lynus, I allowed people to defile and destroy me. I lived in hell because when we needed help, you all turned us away.”

She stepped back, tears in her eyes. “So thank you…no…fuck you, Lynus Anireth.” She grabbed the bag, leaving whatever jewelry had scattered on the ground, and left him there. Pushing through crowds of people, Isla made her way back to the inn and stormed upstairs.

Bess trailed behind, asking what was wrong and begging her to talk. But Isla only sobbed as she slithered out of the dress Lynus had paid for and into the last one she had packed.

The look on Bess’ face crushed Isla as she pushed past that lovely woman. But she couldn’t trust any of them. She never told her, never called Lynus anything but ‘my boy’. She knew…she must have. They all did and they kept it from her. She would not even say goodbye as she picked up her bag and left the inn.

For hours, she wandered. Vel Anir had changed much since she was young and had the time to explore it. Another pawn shop was her first stop- one far from the first, where she emptied that bag of tainted memories in exchange for a little money. The only thing of value, it turned out, was that ring on her finger.

It hurt her to remove the precious heirloom, but she needed the money more. If she wanted a roof over her head, then she would trade it for now and come back later to buy it back one day.

Her grandmother was probably cursing her from beyond, but nothing could hurt Isla more than she was already hurting.
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  • Ooof
Reactions: Lynus Anireth
Lynus felt something in his chest crack as Isla's expression changed from shock to a searing rage. He could see the hurt there, the hatred. Her words hit him like blows, each one more painful than the last. He tried to cut in, several times, desperate to explain. "Isla, please.." he began, but she wouldn't stop. Her voice, filled with raw emotion, was relentless.

Lynus' head shook in confusion, trying to reconcile this story with the parents he knew. His father could be harsh, but this didn't sound like him; it certainly didn't sound like his mother. "I don't know what hap—" he tried again, only to wince as she stabbed a finger into his chest, and it hurt more than any blade could. He stared back at her, his eyes burning, glistening with remorse.

She was so close now, he could see the fury in her eyes, feel it radiating off her. He was aware of onlookers, of the guards who had now come to stand behind him, but he cared little for the audience. He turned his head to insist that the guards "move the fuck away" from them, the coppery tang of blood still filling his mouth.

"Isla, I.." he tried again. Failed. He hated the way his name sounded as it spilled dripping with venom from her lips. It was a hateful thing, a sound of disappointment, and he wished she'd just call him Bear, the name that'd been born of affection, one she'd felt safe with.

He could only stand there, his heart breaking with each word she uttered. His expression was utter devastation as he felt every bit of pain and guilt and shame she threw at him. He wanted to reach out to her, to tell her he didn't know, to apologise, to make it right. "Please, let's just go back to Bess' and talk about this—" he said as he tried to reach for her, but she was already turning away from him, walking away.

"Isla." he called out, taking a step after her, but a hand on his shoulder pulled him back.

"My Prince, the King's guard have been scouring this city for you, you must c—" Lynus threw an elbow into the man's face with a solid crack, and he crumpled.

"Touch me again. Touch her again—and I'll have you in a noose." the Prince warned, his voice trembling.

"Enough." came an older voice, one that carried far more sway than a city guard. Captain Varys of the King's Guard, a man larger than any other that he'd ever known, whom Lynus had the good sense to fear in his younger years. "Alright, everyone back to your business unless you fancy a night in the stockade." The man ordered the townsfolk, who were quick to scurry off. Varys watched Isla push through the crowd, as did Lynus, a look of hopelessness on his bloodied face. She'd go back to Bess', she'd be safe there.

"Prince." the man uttered with a huff, the look on his face one of exasperation. "My men and I have been instructed to search for you. We have not slept, we have not eaten, and we will not be permitted to rest until you've been returned safely to your mother and father." he said, the frustration evident in his tone.

"Just let me see that she's s--."

"Now, Prince. I'm under the King's command. Please, do us all a favor and come willingly. Unless you'd rather be arrested here in the street."

Lynus scowled at him and turned, intent on arguing, on fighting if need be, but another man interrupted..

"Alright, he's coming willingly. Right, Lynus? No need for things to get ugly." Arryn took his friend's arm and urged him along toward the other four men waiting to escort him.

"What the fuck were you thinking? Your parents are losing their minds--"

"Well aware." Lynus interrupted his personal guard with a scowl that told him not to push the matter. Arryn huffed, giving the Prince a brotherly pat on the back as they walked.

"Make sure she's gone to the Prince's Crown Inn." Lynus called back to Varys. "Make sure she's safe. Now you're under my command."

The Captain gave an audible growl and barked at Arryn, jabbing a pointed finger in the air. "Make sure he gets back to the fucking keep. No detours."

"Aye aye cap'n." Arryn murmured. "You realise how much shit I've been getting for this. The Prince's personal guard who had no idea where the fuck the Prince was. Varys has been riding my balls for two days.". Silence reigned for a long moment, the anguish evident on the Prince's face as he was escorted through the streets.

"So.." his throat cleared, seeing the anguish on the Prince's face. "Who was she?"


Isla wasn't at the inn by the time Varys had gotten there, only an old woman fretting and blubbering about how the poor girl would catch the death of cold wandering around in the rain. Varys groaned and set off to find her, cursing the Prince's name as he did.
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  • Spoon Cry
Reactions: Isla