Open Chronicles The Rain Dance

A roleplay open for anyone to join


Vizier of the Moon
The Empire
Character Biography
The Mchaw'Nymbani are famous along the coastline for many things; rum, sugar, spices, but most famous of all are the Lungs.

In the past the serpent like dragons were confused with the monstrous sea serpents who could destroy whole fleets with their razor sharp fins and terrible teeth. They were feared and hated which led to them being hunted by coastal towns desperate to keep their fishermen safe. After years of searching for a safe haven, the Lung came across a beautiful set of Islands. There were a people there unlike those who hunted the Lung, and instead of greeting them with fear and hate they welcomed them with love and gave them freedom to roam their shores.

A decade into their stay the Mchaw'Nymbani suffered a disastrous drought. The strongest of the Namaka came together to attempt to wield their sea magics against the sky, but no matter how hard they tried the rains did not come. Plants withered and died, the people began to thirst, and diseases began to spread.

Seeing our plight, the Lung took pity on the people who had given them a home. They rose from their homes within the sea into the skies above and performed what we now call the
Ngoma ya Mvua - the Rain Dance. Combining their magic they brought forth a healing rain that cured every plant, Mchawi and animal it touched. Our people rejoiced at the lives saved and in their honour threw the Lung a great feast. Now every year we honour the memory of that great feat...

Noelani smiled and pushed off the wooden pillar of the meeting hut under whose roof the Wise Women were telling the history of their people to their young. She had only lingered when she had seen it was Sorelia, her own grandmother, who had taken up the mantle of telling the story this year. Of course her Bibi would wish to be involved in the grand occasion, for this year was not like the others. This year celebrated a full thousand years since the first great Rain Dance. Usually each of the islands would host their own celebrations but this year all of the Mchawi would gather on the central island of Narufi'ti where the royal palace resided. Ships had been coming in all day delivering people and goods who had been welcomed with open arms. The Lungs themselves who had travelled with their islands people swam alongside the long ships or danced above in the sky from silvery platform to silvery platform, calling to relatives and friends in their odd, haunting song.

Lani meandered her way down the wooden pathways towards the beach where she had been heading before getting waylaid by her grandmothers tale. To mark such a special occasion the invitation had been extended to their new family; The Empire. According to the short blasts from the horns at the Seagate the first of their ships were arriving and Lani had wanted to be the first to greet them. It was odd how she was nervous, but for many this was the first time they had visited her homelands. She had not intended to be, but by nature she had not often spoken of the Mchaw'Nymbani, nor about her family. Now the Empire was about to get a healthy dose of both. She grimaced to think of any of her brothers and sisters getting one of her new found friends alone.

In the distance she could see the sea gate parting and she took a deep breath as she saw the flag of the Empire approaching.
And standing proudly upon the quarterdeck beneath the dancing shadow of that great flag, stood Ashuanar. His place was there near the helm, close to the captain, with his eyes cast over those below on the main deck, and beyond to the sea ahead of them. His dress was his usual Sipahi garb, only on this ship and in heading to this place his face was unhidden. There were many of his Abtati Sipahi who had come with him, and uncharacteristically even all of they displayed their faces openly. This, to the Mchawi, was their deepest show of respect. Wordless as they were, it would mean little to anyone save perhaps Noelani, but the sentiment was there all the same.

Not long ago eyes had been laid on their destination, and shortly after he too came to see it. Until their final approach had come, they'd been carried in this vessel propelled by the wind in their sails, but as they drew close this sensation seemed to dwindle. The sea herself began to carry them, and their sails began to hang loose. They were greeted with festivity and joy even out in the waters, unsurprised given the Mchawi's nature, but awed by the displays all the same. Though Ashuanar and a select few had been witness to some of Noelani's own feats, none of them had ever seen anything like this.

The Red Sun set himself upon the shores for the first time in what was more than long enough for someone who so favoured the desert and its sea of sands. It was an odd feeling, returning to the steadiness underfoot as opposed to the constant and sometimes violent movements aboard a ship. It wouldn't take long, no doubt, but it would take him a little bit of readjusting. Judging from the state of his Abtati companions, he was not alone in this subtle and momentary lack of composure. It was diminished, even, by the sights and sounds they were now surrounded by.

It was clear they had been expected, and were quite welcome.

The lead ships had drawn in all at nearly the same time, but his had been the first. So, it seemed, it would be him who led their envoy onto this foreign, friendly land.

Boats were a novel experience for the ogre Skull-hammer who had spent so little time outside of the Falwood. Now his search for his niece has brought him to these beautiful islands. He had heard that people from all over the Empire would be in attendance. He could think if no better place to look for clues and perhaps, if he was very lucky he'd find her here. There were already many of her kind among the crew and passengers of the boat.
The idea that she was somewhere on another boat or already on the island was not such a stretch for him.

As they disembarked he spoke to the wode painted turtle that perched on his wode painted shoulder.
"We are in luck Tum-tum. Here we shall find her or some way to her."
The language of The Hills was one known to few but it was good to speak it all the same. True he had only broken common as an alternative but he found out that among the small folk almost everyone spoke it.
He immediately began to scan the crowd looking for her or anyone who looked suitably wise enough to ask.
This was easy enough for him as he stood ten feet tall and thus towered over almost all other guests who quickly milled about coming off the ships. One of the small folk was passing out greetings of flowers but none approached him. He was used to it by now. At least nobody was throwing rocks at him here.
The sea was, obviously, not the first choice of locale for a geomancer. Even beyond the distinct lack of terra firma, water was always something that vexed the sorcerous student of Aramekh. There was no control to water, no permanence. Ever shifting, ever chaotic, the sea was a force only beholden to itself. Well, and the Mchawi.

Despite that, from the deck of Asha's Splendor, Medja could not help but find the scene before her beautiful. As the ocean's spray kicked up around the flagship of Ragash's merchant fleet, small rainbows cascaded through the air. The cool, salted breeze brought relief from Amol-Kalit's harsh sunlight, and the boundless stretch of blue was a nice break from the drab tans and browns of the desert. Not to mention those glorious serpents that swam and flew astride the Ragashi ships as they sailed forth towards the Seagate. Such a display was nothing short of awe-inspiring.

Medja smiled. Soon she'd be among her peers. Her friends. Arguably, her family. The regent had never traveled out this way before, and was eager to see what her dear friend and fellow vizier's home was like. Of course, the chance to show off the newly christened pride of the Ragashi fleet was welcome as well, and a little vacation away from the responsibilities of regency was more than needed.

In time, Asha's Splendor and her entourage of escort ships slipped through the Seagate as well. Ragash's new flagship was rather large for a river ship, but no less nimble for the fact. While it could never be as large, nor likely as fast as the masterfully crafted Mchawi vessels, Medja had spared no expense in ensuring the sleek catamaran that was the Splendor would be both beautiful and advanced. Now it would be the first Ragashi vessel to ever make shore on Mchawi land.

The regent empress herself would follow soon after, alighting from the gangplank of Asha's Splendor in her usual weightless fashion.
Of all of the strange new innovations he'd come to learn about since his revival from the cold grasp of death, the very idea of traversing the waters aboard wooden crafts was the most foreign to him. Len Dy't B-taa had scarcely believed the Empress Medja when she'd told him of Ragash's fleet, and of it's new centerpeice that had only just been completed, he'd thought her briefly mad. For one who had always lived in the harsh lands of the Savannah, it sounded like fantasy.

So when she'd offered to let him accompany her to an event she referred to as The Rain Dance, which would take place in a land across the waters, he'd not shown any of the hesitance he'd displayed the first time he'd spent the night in her home. The ancient warrior had accepted, and now gawked over the edge of Asha's Splendor, a mixture of wonderment and terror in his eyes as the crystal blue waters foamed white with their passage.

His pearlescent armor glimmered in the sun as he turned to look at the Empress. she appeared jubliant at the sight of the large gate structure up ahead. From what B-taa could glean, this was to be a feast-- one which would allow him to meet more who served The Empire, and broaden his connections. Already there were so many ships arriving, it dwarfed the scale of the previous dinner he'd attended in Ragash.

The ship shook briefly as it stammered to a stop, and The Grand Terios quickly moved to follow the others off of the vessel and back onto land. This was foreign territory, even more so than usual. He needed to be careful and stick close to those he knew. Keeping Medja in eyeshot, B-taa continued onwards.

Noelani rushed down the sands to greet her friend. The pair had had a rather interesting night out in Ragash the last time she had seen him which had ended in them becoming the firm friends of drunks who had agreed to keep one another's embarrassing secrets. Instead of stopping to politely bow to him Lani practically bundled into his arms, throwing her own around his neck with a grin.

"You actually left your sands!" she mocked with a grin and pulled back to better get a look of him; her time at sea keeping their coasts safe from marauders and pirates meant she often received news of large battles too late to be of much help. It pained her when she couldn't help her friends and be the shield that they needed. But Ash looked well and the smile quickly returned. "For the rum I promised, I assume?"

As she glanced over his shoulder she caught sight then of another friend and, taking his hand to drag her with him, she rushed to meet Medja further down the sandbank. The Princess let go of Ash to enfold Medja too in a warm embrace.

"You came!" There was such joy in that simple sentence. She pulled back and took her in much the same as she had with Asuanar, then smiled when she was content no limbs seemed missing. "We're going to have so much fun, Nym is already here somewhere," her eyes danced with mischief but she then turned to look at the newcomer. The warmth she gave her friends did not vanish when she took him in, rather it spilled out to include him for Medja had clearly brought him.

"And who is this?"

Tug. Tug.

Skull-hammer would feel the gentle pressure of a hand on his clothing. If he cast his eyes down he would see a small girl no taller than his knee with flowers in her pretty curls. When she finally had his attention the child would smile brightly and hold up one slightly crushed flower.

"I ask-idently squished it, but - is still pretty!" she insisted in the babble of an infant.
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His eyes wandered here, there, to and fro, that was until he heard his name carried upon a joyful sound. Then they fell onto a most welcome sight. As Noelani quickly drew near, her name found his lips as a smile spread across them, and his arms stretched wide to welcome her embrace as he gave a gentle laugh. Seeing her returned his memory to the night of light and magic in Ragash. The thought of her taking his hand in hers and darting their way through the palace's grand corridors in a deftly escape - one might think they'd been fleeing the scene of some crime. Only the two of them really knew it was more like escaping out from the careful watch of mother's eye.

"You actually left your sands!"

He hid his laugh behind his smile, the corners of his eyes deepening. And as she studied him, he too studied her. Their friendship was one of not only shared drinks, but comradery and fellowship. They were in their own ways political elites, yes, but at their hearts they were warriors and defenders. There was that unspoken and unseen relief to see one another once again.

"For the rum I promised, I assume?"
"If yours is but a taste of Mchawi hospitality, then I'd be a fool not to come, rum or no," he teased as she once again, like many moons ago, took his hand in hers and led him from where they were, "but I trust you've kept your promise."

And then it was, there on those pleasant shores, that a sight so rarely beheld anywhere other than the Divan's great halls came to be.

The Sun, The Moon, and the Stars joined together.

Noelani's hand left his as she drew in to embrace the Empress Regent with all the candid cordiality she'd showed him. Ashuanar lingered behind those few paces and watched with a contented patience. Unconsciously, his posture straightened and his hands clasped themselves behind his back. His smile remained ever-present across his features, but it held a particular depth in his eyes now as they slowly studied what he could only describe as his desire.

He was wordless. His breath was quiet.

His eyes wavered as they rose to hers, and he stifled a gentle sigh.

He could take no notice of Len's being there, for his attention was wholly captured.

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  • Aww
  • Smug
Reactions: Noelani and Medja
The child of the small-folk was so very tiny. Over the weeks of sea travel he had gotten into the habit of moving slowly and deliberately about them lest harm them accidentally.
With great care he knelt down smiling and with fingers the thick of her forearm he picked up the delicate flower that looked a little worse for wear.
He didn't know a lot of what she said but the gesture spoke.
He wondered at the courage of a thing so small to approach him. Many more who were greater in size trembled at his passing.
"Thank, you." He said slowly with a gentle smile and lowered his head to bring the flower up and pinned it into his own hair in imitation of the child's style.
When he was done smiled again at her and pointed to her flowers.
"Pretty." He told her.
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"You came!"

Medja beamed at her friend and ally, embracing Lani with abandon. The Mchawi princess looked both beautiful and right at home in a way Medja hadn't seen before. Their time on the Dawntreader was perhaps the closest she could recall.

"Of course, darling! I would not have missed this for the world," the regent replied with as much warmth as the very island they stood on. "Goodness, my dear Sultana is hear as well? She and I have a lot of catching up to do. I have to wonder if she's brought my old favored Hand with her...ah! But how rude of me. This is Sir Len Dy't B-taa, of the Aberrant Kingdom. Sir B-taa, this is Princess Noelani of the Mchawi, Imperial Vizier of the Moon."

Medja was all too happy to introduce the two, and eager to reminisce with her young protégé and her partner, should the introverted assassin have been brought along.

It was then, however, that her sight was drawn to a sight most welcome. Her dearest Sun, standing at attention so close by. Medja slipped from Lani's hug with a quiet "Excuse me, dear," and rushed towards the Abtati general. She threw her arms around the man in a near tackle, or near as she could muster, pressing as much of herself against him as she could and sighing with contentment.

She held the hug for a long while, finally pulling back only to smile up at him from beneath her headdress and bangs.
"You should know by now that you never have to be so formal with me, Ashuanar."
B-Taa had been thrust from one foreign world into another entirely. He'd only just begun to grow accustomed to The Empire and the city of Ragash, and now he stood before another striking woman whom his Empress considered an equal, a Princess no less. Len quickly bowed upon his introduction, placing a hand upon his armored chest. "It is a pleasure to meet you, Princess. Thank you for your welcome."

Len did have to wonder if Medja's inclusion of his kingdom, one that no longer existed, would raise eyebrows. It had been an ordeal of its own when the Regent had pried him for answers, he was unsure of how he'd handle so many curious minds seeking to ascertain his origins.

No, that was an arrogant worry. This was not about him; this was a celebration for these people. Perish the worry in his head about his own societal pressures, they mattered not on a day meant for joy and revelry. "I must say, this place is... breathtaking. I've not witnessed anything like it before." The ancient one turned his head to look at the woman who'd been standing aside him, but she had vanished into the arms of a man, one he'd not met, but seen briefly as they'd readied for departure.

The Terios was only confused for a moment, then he looked at Medja's eyes. At the glimmer within them. He knew that glimmer, knew where such a shining gaze was born. There had been a time, long ago, when he'd held it to another's eyes himself. It brought a small smile to his face, and he turned away, allowing them to converse without his curious observations.

"Forgive me..." He placed his hand over his chest again as he spoke to the Princess, "I am... rather new to all of this, and my position among the Empire is quite minor. I do hope to learn more about these lands during my time here, but I ask you forgive any unintentional indiscretions."
Noelani watched with amusement as Medja politely excused herself then all but lept upon Ashuanar; seeing them together always brought a smile to her face - they reminded her of the love her grandparents had. Like two parts of a soul finally finding one another. Leaving them to their moment she turned her attention and curiosity back to the man before her. As always when people praised her home Lani's heart swelled with pride. She could not help but follow his gaze to their surroundings to admire it through a newcomers eyes all over again. As one of the welcoming party passed her with a basket of flowers she waved her over.

"Please, even the people here do not call me Princess unless they're asking me for something," she took a few of the garlands and let the woman continue then draped her first over Len's head. "And there is never a small role within the Empire. Certainly not if you're in Medja's company," she did not laugh out loud but it sparkled in her eyes and tugged at her lips.

Once he was appropriately decorated with flowers she looped her arm through his as though they had been friends for a lifetime and began to walk up the sands; Medja and Ashuanar would follow if they wished. When they all got so few chances to be together she would not begrudge them some alone time.

"If you have not seen something like this you must come from the Sands, like Ashuanar," it was not a question per see but Lani's curiosity was not a hidden thing.

The small child beamed like the sun under such compliments.

"Awnty did it," she said with great pride puffing up her chest. Then she gasped and clapped her little hands. "She cwan do yours too!" She could only hold one of his fingers in her tiny hands but she grasped it with surprising strength in the obvious wish he follow her towards the Princess walking arm in arm with a stranger.
Her embrace was more comforting than the sun's warmth, as enveloping as the great sands of the desert. His hands unclasped as her arms wrapped around him, and his hands found themselves joined again at the small of her back. He held her close, and remained quiet as his chin dipped down and his cheek nuzzled gently against hers. He let out his own, quiet sigh which would only reach her ear.

She withdrew, and after a playful hesitation, he allowed her to depart from him.

"You should know by now that you never have to be so formal with me, Ashuanar."
He smiled that smile at her, with a shine in his eyes that one might mistake for lust. But she knew his truth.

"It is not that I must be," his hand reached to her cheek and his eyes followed there, and he studied her countenance as he spoke, "but how could I not give pause and praise for beauty such as this," his hand slowly hovered away from her flesh, falling down her side only to brush against and then take hold of her hand in his. He took a step back with one foot, and lifted her hand so that he could press his lips against it.

Bowed now before her, he lifted his eyes to her.

He meant to follow after the others, but he would not move from here until she chose to.
  • Aww
Reactions: Noelani and Medja
The infectious nature of youth caught him as the child took hold of his great finger.
Smiling he let her lead him to this "Awnty" person and it stuck him how very much like his own niece this child was at this age. Smaller of course and entirely different in colouring but something of the essence. A universal joy was mimicked here in this one that was so alike it made his heart sick for her.

Still he let her lead him on and smiled, keeping his moment of grief from her that he might not sully her joy. Keeping the head of his hammer up like a walking stick and making sure Tum-tum didn't slip from his shoulder he loped after her.
The crowds parted easily for her, not many folk want to get in the way of one so big and mighty as a Forest Ogre even if most had not seen one before.

The sight would be easy to see of them as the child brought him smiling and eager to Noelani and her company with Skull-hammer bent and happy looking behind her.

Preparations for the expedition were progressing. A seemingly endless need of supplies and planning and additional research.... It was overwhelming and he needed a momentary break. Hearing about a journey to an allied land with the Empire filled with sugar and spice and just everything being so nice was too much a temptation for him. The scholar found a way to join in with the parties on the grounds of procuring goods for the expedition. True as he did plan to procure goods, but more of his own personal interest was involved than he would let on.

Arriving, Theo made sure to blend in with Medja's group of servants. Sammy was forced to be on her best behavior with the promise she could go full glutton when the food was provided. Hopefully that deal wouldn't go too badly for him tonight. It was but the man could hope and dream.

Things progressed and the shock of going from sand and heat to water and plants was pleasant. Doing his best to continue blending, he began to take note of everything around them. Every place in the Empire was different in their own way, but this place in particular was vastly different. After the expedition he should return and fully immerse himself in it all. Learn about the spices and cooking styles as well as the local foods. Just enjoy a break from.... Everything.....

The scholar followed along behind Medja as she was the most cheerful and casual he had ever seen her be.... How bad would her anger be if this was her happy? The thought sent a shiver down his spine. Best to keep the Empress happy till the expedition was completed.
Such comfort to be found in an act so simple. Through all of what Gerra had made Medja endure for the sake of his Empire, Ashuanar could make it all worth it in an instant. Even more so knowing that soon it would be hers.

That look; she knew it well, and it was one that she shared. She cradled his face in one hand, brushing the stray hair out of her view of him.
"You are far too charming for your own good, or mine, my dear..." she hummed as he took his bow, blushing in spite of herself. "Come, there will be much time for such ceremony, I'm sure. Let us let our stations by the way side and be people for a while, shall we?"

She tugged at his hand to raise him up once more, landing a peck on his cheek as he was pulled upright.

As the two Viziers filed back in with the others, Medja beamed. She glanced between Len and Noelani, her eyes settling on the latter. Hopefully the two had been carrying on well enough in her absence. She addressed the M'chawi princess.
"Have we missed anything? What lies upon the agenda for the day, darling?"
As Noelani adorned him with beautiful garlands, beautiful symphonies of color wrapping around his neck, Len bowed his head as though it were some honor to be bestowed them. A hand pressed firmly to his chest in what seemed a salute as he considered his words. What was there to tell of his own origins that wasn't far too confusing without proper context? B-taa doubted all would believe him so easily as Medja and Ahti did...

But then again, this Princess of the Sea had been every bit as benevolent as the Empress of the Sand so far. The Grand Terios straightened, looking down at the flowers adorning him with a glimmer of admiration. It fit the setting, the eye-catching beauty that surrounded him on all sides. Len's gaze slowly travels back to Noelani, and he smiles softly. "I am but a humble warrior seeking to serve. To fight for my home is what makes me feel, Princess. I mean... Lady Noelani." He corrected himself.

With all of the confidence he'd come to expect of this world's rulers, she looped her arm around his and began to walk with him. Len accepted, standing close beside her as she guided him across the pearl-white sands of the beach. It was a familiar, yet also foreign sight beneath his feet.

"Ashuanar? The gentleman with Medja?" He turned his head to look at the Princess for a moment, his brow raised in curiosity. It mattered little, but he did sense a great strength in that man. It was good, then, that he was obviously so trusted an ally and companion of the Empress. "I... am from the sands, yes." He turned his gaze forward, hesitating...

No, he couldn't live in this world if he was to cowardly to share his truth.

"I come from a time long past, Lady Noelani. I was raised in a now-forgotten Kingdom in the Aberresai Savannah." He kept his eyes forward, focusing on his words. This story became easier to tell the more he told it, but there was still fog in his mind with every recollection. "I was brought back through the blackest of magics, the origin of and reason for which I am not privy to. I awoke in the sands I died in, and was taken in by the Empire."

B-taa side-eyed his new companion with a smirk. "An orphan warrior, I suppose. A champion in my own time, but a stranger in this one."

At Medja's call, he turned to face her and bowed his head once more, before offering the same gesture to the man he now knew to be Ashuanar.
It took all of Lani's abilities not to gape at her companion as his story unfurled. She had so many questions bubbling up inside of her that she knew were rude to ask of guests, especially guests who had only just set foot on her Island. It was a Spirit sent blessing that Medja and Ashuanar caught up with them in that moment and gave her the distraction she needed to force those questions down. Her eyes were still wide from the tale as she turned to those friends and forced herself to decorate each of them too with a garland - another bid to claw a few seconds to make her mind work.

"Well, there's dancing, and--"

A small figure hurled itself through the throng of adults into Noelani's legs just as the shadow of Skull Hammer fell over the gathered group completely.

"Awnty Lani - I made a friend!"

By the Spirits Light...

Lani bent to scoop her niece into her arms but her eyes remained fixed on the ogre before them all - and the flower in his hair. A smile twitched at the corners of her lips.

"He wants his hair braided like mine," the little girl continued oblivious to the fact she was now very much the centre of a group of the West's most powerful adults. A testament to how sure she was of her safety here on the Island.

"Does he now?" Lani mused, eyes now twinkling with laughter she barely stopped from escaping. "Is that true, stranger?"
He was hardly one to argue with such a welcome suggestion, and as she pulled him up it was as though the weights of his title fell aside, shrugged with her uplift. Just be people, something he was not exactly accustomed to. For as long as he could remember his name had been tied to a title, be it tribesman, slave, or vizier. He very rarely looked at himself as just Ashuanar.

Guided with her hand in his, he followed alongside Medja as he mused her simple statement.

After coming near to the others and they began to exchange a few words, there was an odd feeling that settled over him. He could not place for what or why he was feeling as such in all suddenness.

He returned the gesture offered by the stranger whose arm was entwined with Noelani's, and examined the pair with a subtly displayed amusement. The two of them made a rather handsome pair to his eyes.

That line of thinking was quickly swept away when a rather large distraction was soon upon them. Ashuanar's attention was of course taken by the ogre's drawing near, but any sense of worry that might have been roused in normal circumstance was defused at the sight of the little girl who was in fact pulling the ogre along toward them. He looked down at her with a now plainly displayed smirk on his feature, humoured by how blissfully oblivious she was to the company that currently surrounded her.

"Hail," Ashuanar said, regarding the giant that was Skull-Hammer, "what news from Kherkhana?"

Being someone familiar only with the orc-folk of the nearby mountains, Ashuanar could only assume that was where this stranger also came from.
They were staring at him.
It always made him uncomfortable when the Small-folk looked up at him. It made him feel as though his height was offensive somehow and that was often before they started reaching for weapons.
This group seemed quaint to him. The warriors, the naked one, the leader and the child all painted a picture of a family to him.
Noelani spoke first so he gave her his attention and made sure to not rise to his full height, lest he frighten them.
The deep thrum of his voice cast long shadows of sound over them. He had forgotten to correct his speech as they left the great throng of folk to join this smaller intimacy.
"SORRY." He corrected with a look of anguished contrition.

The next to speak did so of a place he had never seen but Prowler had spoken of it once. He tried to recall what he knew of Kherkhana.
Skull-hammer was told Ogres come from the great city but he didn't believe it. Ogres came from the Falwood. They don't belong in such places.
His eyes scanned over the tops of their heads patiently and he let his gaze slip between them to see if his niece was among the smaller groups now breaking away from the throng of arrivals.
She did not appear to be.

Noelani Medja Ashuanar Len Dy't B-taa Theodore Aleson
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Wisteria had made herself busy upon the ship before they landed. Secrets amongst sailors often found their way to her ears. Though nothing of importance had caught her attention, still the job remained. This was an opportunity for her to study their allies, to put her fingers in this pie too. Her little birds were well versed in what they needed to do.

She came after all those of importance, for her being a hidden hand, and a dancer, it must be so. Still as she passed Ashuanar, she grazed him softly with her tail, but spared no glance in his direction. She had work to do, and she couldn't be distracted from it.
  • Ctuhlu senpai
  • Thoughtful
Reactions: Ashuanar and Medja
Hand in hand, it seemed that the Sun and Stars catching up had occurred not a moment too soon. They'd assuredly missed something, but what could only have been an ogre made his presence known. Medja knew well, when an ogre was near, attention tended to land upon them--whether you liked it or not.


Medja blinked. This was no Sereti "blue orc" as they'd come to be called, the lack of titular blue was giveaway enough of that.
"Indeed they are, outlander. But you are no Kherkhanite, are you?" she replied to the lumbering man with a knowing smile.

It was then that one of her Hands, Wisteria, brushed by. Brushed by Ashuanar, specifically. How curious...

The regent's gaze shifted back to their gracious host.
"I heard 'dancing.' It has been far too long, Lani, we really must!" she gushed. 'Lani.' The nickname she'd first heard from Nymeasha came so naturally to her now. She felt more as though she were among family than in all her years.
Len stood silently beside Noelani, letting the others converse. To say the cast of characters attending this gathering was colorful would be a woeful understatement. He had grown used to those akin to Medja and Ashuanar now that he was living in Ragash; exuberant outfits made to display both wealth and beauty, those the warrior Medja clung to was far more primal in presence.

Yet the Princess who held his own arm was different. There was an exotic allure to her, a woman living across vast spans of water. While B-taa had begun to unravel the mysteries of The Empire and it's cities, Noelani and the foreign land she presided over were still so unknown. The Terios found himself hoping, as he took another look at the beautiful creature beside him, that he would get the chance to speak to her further, if for no other reason than to sate his burning curiosity.

Judging from the look she'd given him, he wagered she had her own questions to be answered.

Then there was the massive creature speaking in simple sentences that seemed to demand the attention of everyone with his presence alone. Len too felt his eyes traveling over the Ogre. What lands could a being such as him come from, he wondered? He spoke the name Kherkhana, and B-taa smiled politely, making a mental note to inquire more about the place.

Finally, one more creature sauntered into view. It was another woman, this one not dark of skin like Medja, Noelani, and himself, but rather quite pale. She contrasted and stuck out amongst them not only by her color, but the large, bushy tail that waved lazily behind her, the oddly-shaped ears on her head, and the way the Sailors around them all seemed to follow her every move with their eyes.

Again, a polite nod. His superiors were speaking, and Len need not speak out of turn.

Well, that was his excuse, but in truth, he merely felt terribly awkward around so many people he'd never seen before. It was only when Noelani spoke of dancing that Len felt a smile break his stoic facade,

"I was quite a performer, in my time..."
  • Yay
  • Popcorn
Reactions: Medja and Ashuanar
Lani's heart was full as her eyes swept from stranger, to old friend, to the budding new one. This was what the Rain Dance was about, what it honoured and remembered. With a radiant smile she nodded her head up the sand dunes.

"Come, dancing and flower braids await," her niece gave a squeal of delight as the Mchawi Princess turned and led the assortment of folk up through the dunes.

The white sands gave way to a lush and vibrant land full of tall palm trees, shrubs, and flowers bursting with colours and tantalising scents. They followed a wooden walkway through the small snippet of paradise to the city beyond. Everywhere great care had been taken for houses, roads and shops to be built in such a way so as not to damage the land around them. Some huts stood on stilts, others were nestled into the trees themselves, and the rest built in whatever space there had been amongst the low grasses. Despite this, there was no mistaking this city for some backwater island village found in the bayou. As much as care had been given to spare the land the imprint of man, even more had been given to bringing to life the beauty of this wild island in the architecture too.

As backdrop to it all was the large waterfall beyond and there, built at the top, a palace fit for... well, a Mchawi King and Queen.

It was to the pool the waterfall tumbled into that Lani led them and the large cleared space around it which was clearly the islands version of a city square. As Lani had promised music played and dancers dressed in the similar grass skirts Lani wore were performing to the clapping of the crowd. The princess beelined towards a raised table where an elderly man and woman sat watching over the festivities. She offered them a bare wave then took up the space on another dais to the left which was currently empty.

"Please, join me friends," she motioned to the cushions and low seated table already piled with food and drink. "If you sit here," she motioned Skullhammer to the head of the table where his enormous bulk would not block the others views. "Let me see about this hair, hm?"

"Can we match?" her niece pipped up. Along the walk she had demanded to be set down to walk beside her new found friend and now she plopped herself brazenly onto his lap using him as her own personal climbing frame.

"Of course, ʻAnoʻono. Matching flower crowns coming up."
Praise be to Alliria. Theo was actually able to blend in with this crowd of extinguished and powerful individuals without a problem so far. Sammy was actually behaving too. A true miracle even if he knew it was because she was finding all sorts of bugs to watch and eat to keep her distracted and not starving. The Empress was happy. Their host was happy. Everyone was happy....

Things might not stay so happy....

The Empress had shifted her attention to a different man. Her original man had a fox woman brush her tail up against him which caught the Empress' attention for the briefest moment. An overheating soup no doubt to build a bubble that would pop and make a mess everywhere.... At least the big guy and their host were getting along well. A nice slow simmer leading to a perfect smoothness there.

Theo might be feeling hungry and thinking about what kinds of soups he could make with all these exotic spices.... Gods, was that where Sammy got it from? Was it his fault?

The scholar continued to do his best to blend in, not stick out, and not stir any pots that might burst....
  • Smug
  • Thoughtful
Reactions: Noelani and Medja
The ogre's response prompted from him only a blank stare, and he actually found himself at a genuine loss for words.

The walls are big in Kherkhana.


It was with only a side-eyed glance that he acknowledged Wisteria's playful brush of her feline tail as she passed by just then, watching her for only a moment. Other than this his face betrayed nothing of what he may have thought, but there was a fire that roused in him with her presence. But from this he pulled away as quickly as it came, keeping his focus on those in his immediate attendance. Her being here, however, would not be far from his thoughts.

Soon, Noelani spoke of dancing and décor, and they shortly departed from there to head into her peoples' city. It was as they entered into the midst of trees, shrubs and flowers that his elven eyes caught a peculiar thing. A black cat, watching them from afar.

Ashuanar had seen the beautiful greens of Annuakat, dwelt in her palace's gardens and mused the things of their time. But he had never seen such lush beauty as what he beheld in this place. He did his best to hide the wonder in his eyes as he took in the surround, and he admired the things that the Mchawi people had done. Were it not that the harsh sands of his home were so close to his heart, he might even be envious of such a paradise.

But he felt that one such as he would never feel... right, in a place like this.

That did not prevent him from seating himself at the table set for them at Noelani's beckoning, sitting back with one leg crossed over the other and his arms folded lazily over his chest. He drew in a contented breath, and a grin came to his lips as Noelani's niece asserted the authority she had so easily been given.
  • Smug
Reactions: Noelani