Dreadlords The Long Road

Threads open to all members of the Dreadlords group
"The Runes are an intricate art." Cenric mused as Livia explained her past difficulties with them.

Erodin had always stressed the importance of understanding the Runes. For many scholars, they represented the first magic to ever exist, and through them manipulation of the Arcane could be far more precise and exact than any spell or natural whim.

So the Dreadlord had always insisted anyway. "Difficult enough to work without interference."

In truth, Cenric had nowhere near the mastery of Rune Magic that Erodin had. Not only because the Older Dreadlord had had the time to study further, but because Cenric's own focus had been on learning the uses of his various bodies. Many had their own magics, and though he gained the memories of those whose bodies he took, he did not inherit their skill or control.

Learning another bodies magic was exceptionally difficult, and thus his study of the Runes had fallen off over the years. Save for the ones Erodin had practically forced into his head.

"No others for travel, I'm afraid." He admitted, glancing over towards Liv. "I've never needed to actually move all that much."

Cenric said cryptically. Hinting that the bodies Liv had so far met might only be scratching the surface. "You'll find that most Dreadlords develop their own little tricks for travel and...pretty much everything else. Brother has his Ray and others, Sister twists the minds of beasts, Gilram uses his magic to warp and cut the space between where he is and where he wants to be."

Cenric had always thought the system of the Academy was a bit...broken. Even beyond it's obvious faults. They focused so much and so hard on the lessons of war that other skills were simply left by the wayside. Survival and navigation were taught of course, but there could be so much more. They were magic after all, all of them.

Why limit themselves?

"Your magics are an interesting question in that regard." He mused to himself. "Neither at first, are hardly conducive to faster travel, but, both potentially could be given the right Rune or Spell."

The Dreadlord continued, finally arriving at his point. "Best practice, Liv, will not be teaching you the runes or spell I know. It will be to help you craft your own to enhance the magics you already have."
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  • Thoughtful
Reactions: Livia Quinnick
She was quiet for a moment, listening to him speak as her mind began to take in the information. There was still so much she could do with her compass magic, if the journals of her Quinnick ancestors were anything to go by, Livia could become lethal with the information she could collect just by a simple brush of magic. "Turns out I was too scared and delicate with the corruption magic that all it needed was for me to feel how deep that power went. I thought I was going to burn out, but it took something else from me."

"It feeds on me like nothing I have ever experienced."
Her hair had slowly turned silver at the ends when she first used the magic, and only until she conjured enough to touch the depths of this new power did she come out of it with pale hair. Even after some weeks had passed, it was turning darker, slowly regaining the darkness of her hair that she used to have. "Erodin made mention of something about the cost of magic last night when we sat down for him to teach me a message rune, but the day had been long. I... admittedly did not know that crafting runes was an achievable thing..."

What she could not say was that she never thought herself to have been able to create a spell or rune all on her own merit. But after a moment's thought, she figured in her discovery of the compass magic, she was strong with wielding it and able to curve it to her needs. Was that not proof she would be capable of benefiting from such lessons?
  • Devil
Reactions: Cenric
Cenric often forgot just how fascinating it was spending time with this new crop of Initiates. It was a startling realization how quickly the Republic had changed things every time he spent a little time with them. In ages past, talking so openly about ones magic and it's function would have been the highest form of taboo, at least among those Dreadlords who were practically strangers.

But there was no need for such things now, The Republic had changed things. For better or for worse. "Interesting."

Cenric said, genuine intrigue filtering into his voice as Liv finished speaking of her corruption magics. His lips rolling inward for a second in an odd gesture of deep thought.

The young Dreadlord would hardly call himself a Scholar. He was no Academic after all, but he did have access to more magic than even most Dreadlord's. Though the powers within his many vessels were dulled from the heights they had once been, they each still had their own unique abilities. With understanding those, came understanding in magic itself.

At least to a point. "It is eminently achievable, and I'll help you do it."

Cenric said, glancing at Liv.

"The runes are simply another way of shaping magics." He explained. "Just as spells are, and your natural sorcery is."

All expressions of power. "A better understanding of two, will change how you use the one."

Cenric almost sounded like he was quoting someone, which he was. Erodin had given him this same talk, and although he was not as adept at the runes as Brother, he knew them well enough to teach Liv.

At least to start.
  • Bless
Reactions: Livia Quinnick
Liv made a face.

"It is one thing to talk about it all while on horseback."
There was a little edge to her voice, an impatience she did not know she had felt. On the Sky-Ray, they had freedom for lessons and it became easier for Livia to unwind, but on a horse? She felt slowed down, as if they were progressing backwards with the change of plans.

She felt useless, unable to be anymore help than being the needle that points the direction on a compass.

Shuffling in her seat, straightening her spine, Livia held in that sigh she wished to loose.
"Sorry. I just... I just wish I could do more right now. I cannot get an exact pin point of what we are looking for, only the path it has travelled." And now Gilram was coming. Not for the two of them, but what if?

She had been selected for a secret task force to train and bring down rogue Archons, but who was she kidding? She would not have been able to help Erodin and Amelie avoid the infamous Archon for long. Same for herself and Cenric if he catches wind of what they were doing.
  • Thoughtful
Reactions: Cenric
A chuckle escaped Cenric's throat as Livia apologized, his head shaking. "Frustration and waiting is the half the life of a Dreadlord I've found."

He commented idly, knowing that fact better than most.

Cenric's magics and his ability to extend himself into the body of almost...anyone, meant that he was the perfect spy. What did spies do more than anything else? Wait. Patience was a virtue, though one that had to be practically forced onto him.

"You're playing on a field that's rungs above your own." He did not say it to be mean, it was simply fact. The same was true for him. "The truth is, you are where you're most useful right now."

The path ahead of them needed to stay clear. Cenric had some information about what they were looking for, but without Liv he was truthfully at a loss of what their next step would be after this one. He could investigate, of course, but it would take time. Time they simply did not have.

"We'll work on spells while we ride to Harrowsport." He told her. "Once we're on the Blacksun we can focus on the runes."

Cenric glanced over. "Think of it this way. We may be moving slower, but now you have more time to learn."

(Feel free to timeskip to Harrowsport, unless you wanna write out magic lessons.)
  • Bless
Reactions: Livia Quinnick
All she could manage was a tight smile. She had heard versions of what Cenric told her throughout her years in the Academy, but it also was a tough reality she had to accept and live.

The lessons at least were enough to take her mind off of that thought.

Cenric had proven to be a great instructor, and his patience had been appreciative enough to help time pass. The few days of travel did not feel at all the journey it may have been, but arriving in Harrowsport may not have been the breath of fresh air she thought they would get.

"Ugh. Where is the ocean air and sea spray?" Because she at least hoped such a thing would bring about something better than the stagnant smell of bowel movements and rotting fish guts that settled in a gross cloud over the docks. "Wish I had my own coin to buy some perfume and a scarf."

If such a combination could do anything to clear her nose of the stench violating her sense of smell.
  • Devil
Reactions: Cenric
A chuckle escaped Cenric's throat. Harrowsport was not exactly the type of place one went to enjoy the seaspray. This town, if one could even call it that, was a stop over. Filled to the brim with fisherman, and a very solid Anirian garrison.

The city served as Vel Anir's southern most port, and was one of the few where the fabled Iron Clads of the Anirian Navy could dock. This of course meant the city belonged to the working man. Factories, fisheries, and burning coal filled the air, making the whole experience rather unpleasant. "Don't worry, we're not staying in this shithole long."

Cenric commented, just as eager as Liv to get away from the smell.

Glancing over towards her as she made her second comment.

"Not to worry." The Dreadlord said as he twisted slightly in his saddle and pulled something from one of his bags. Hefting a heavy purse for just a moment before tossing it over towards Livia. "This is from Amelie."

"Said she'd made you a promise for some new clothes?"
Cenric shook his head, letting Liv peer into the pouch of gold coins before continuing.

"Harrowsport isn't exactly the height of fashion, but there's a few tailors." He waved as they began to ride through the streets. "We'll drop out things at the Sun first, then you can grab whatever you need."
  • Aww
Reactions: Livia Quinnick
Livia never thought she would miss someone she only knew for a day than she did for Amelie. The pouch of coins sounded as heavy as the budget Liv gave herself for a new wardrobe, and the grin she wore grew as she caught the purse. "We promised each other we would shop together one day in the fashionable cities, but this will certainly go to good use."

For Liv, there was a glimmer of happiness on the horizon. Of course, it did no good to battle against the stench that clung over this port town, but she followed Cenric to the Sun and set down their things before leaving the ship to wander the small seaside town.

"Can you trust me on my own for an hour? Or do you enjoy talking about clothing enough to join? Perhaps we can get you a nicer jacket or purchase some new boots?" Quinnick lingered outside of a tailor's shop, giving her companion a once over. He dressed well, but there were a few things he could improve on. "Or will you meet me here after you do your own wandering around?"
  • Smug
Reactions: Cenric
"Oh, she'll drag you to Oban and down to Alliria and up to Dornoch." Cenric said with a roll of his eyes, sounding as though he'd been made to make the journey more than once.

Amelie had a knack for fashion.

He didn't truly despise it of course. Part of being a spy was knowing how to dress, which was why when Livia pointed at his jacket Cenric grimaced slightly. "Nicer?"

The Dreadlord said glancing down at his coat and gently lifting the left side of it. Shaking his head as he looked back up to Liv.

"They kill over something like this in Tyr." He told her, the same lie that Ein had always spoken slipping from his tongue without a second thought. Truth was, the coat was an heirloom, of a sort. Given to his once best friend during his time with House Virak. "Go on, I'm eager to see what your fashion sense presents itself as."

Cenric said, shooing her into the shop. "I've got some things to take care of before we leave."

He did, but that didn't mean he would be letting her out of his sight. Even as one vessel turned away, another sat quietly across the street. A small cup of tea in his hand as he read the paper, watching the tailor shop out of the corner of his eyes.
  • Bless
Reactions: Livia Quinnick
She left him with a doubtful look, but there was an underlying happiness in her eyes as she walked inside the tailors.

For almost an hour, several different fabrics were held up to her, decisions made and discussed, and another after that, two new sets of clothing were made for her. One pair of breeches, and one skirt, two soft blouses, one vest with pockets for daggers. One new hat to help keep the sun from her face. At the end of all of this, her purse of coins did not feel any lighter.

Stepping out, now dressed in her new breeches in a dark brown colour that paired nicely with her crisp, white blouse and the blue vest worn over it, Livia looked nothing of what she would have worn as a noble daughter. She had chosen practicality, something more suited to their travels. The hat was possibly a touch too odd with the outfit, but as the sun blared into her face, the brim of the straw hat kept the brunt of it off her fair skin.

"Fuck, the smell is worse."
Her face scrunched, and from her bag, she pulled a silk scarf to cover her nose with.
  • Bless
Reactions: Cenric
"Tell me about it." Cenric said from behind Livia, the sound of his boots hitting the cobbles suddenly echoing behind her as the Dreadlord seemingly fell from the sky.

His knees bending only ever so slightly, and a strange lick of orange flame dragging through his hair for just a brief moment before the locks settled in place. A hand came up to push one of his bangs to the side, nose scrunching as he motioned for his new Ward to move on down the street.

"But we're out of here." He declared, his boots echoing as he began his stride. "Let's get to the Sun and leave this dump behind."

Cenric didn't seem too concerned about offending any of the locals, some of whom were walking by as he spoke. Quickly, the pair moved through the drudgery of Harrowsport and towards the Docks. The sun was high in the sky, but clouds were slowly rolling in from the seas.

A storm was coming, and Cenric meant to be out of here before the- "Liv."

He said suddenly, interrupting his own train of thought.

"Don't act any different, but there's someone following us." The Dreadlord warned quietly. "Twenty meters back, blue hat, brown coat."

Cenric continued, his voice low. "Check the reflections."

The Dreadlord warned, urging her not to look over her shoulder.
  • Frog Eyes
Reactions: Livia Quinnick
That would explain her magic drawing her to that direction, but Livia smiled at Cenric and put on her straw hat. She handed him the bag that held her other pair of new attire so that she could adjust her hat in a shopfront window.

"I know it does not go with anything else, but I know I have dresses at home that would make this work."
She said loudly. Livia played the noble daughter well and without fault. A role she knew she was best at playing, speaking of her wealth and her privilege to make others underestimate her.

It worked, a lot of the time.

From her reflection, she turned this way and that to see her overall outfit. A breeze swept past them, and Livia's hat blew down the street towards where there follower was.

Liv groaned, watching her hat roll down the dirty cobbled street.
"My hat!" She lamented.

But her eyes found the individual that Cenric spoke of. The briefest of glances and her eyes were on the hat.

Pouting, she watched it go.
"Perhaps that is the gods telling me the hat was not a great fit..." She sighed, shrugging and turning back around to take her shopping bag back from Cenric. "Best to leave it then."
  • Frog Cute
Reactions: Cenric
Amusement flashed over Cenric's face, trailed only by mild confusion at what Livia was up to at first. His brow quirking as the girl turned, and got a full view of the man behind them.

It was not a method that he would have used, but undoubtedly effective.

As the Initiate grabbed her bags once more, Cenric found himself smiling. The two of them continuing their path towards the harbor as their new friend continued to tag along. "That was a good move."

He complemented quietly.

"What does he look like?" Cenric was trailing the man himself now, his other body slowly following along behind them. Despite that however, their followers face was obscured. Only Livia would have gotten a good look with her play.
"Dark hair, light eyes. Nose looked broken and his lips got a scar over them. Permanent scowl on his face too." She smiled, a little smug at his praise of her trick. Livia did not mention how many times such a move had worked for her, but she had gotten away with plenty by playing rich noble girl. "Obviously some sort of bruiser."

The docks were not too far, but Liv kept the leisurely pace Cenric set.

"Why do you think someone is following us?"
Quinnick asked in a soft whisper. Was it someone loyal to Gilram, had been there from the start of their journey and followed them? Maybe her silver hair was too eye catching, and that she should look into getting it dyed to buy her some cover for a few days before it washed out.
  • Thoughtful
Reactions: Cenric
"I'm not sure." From the description, his guess would have been a simple mercenary. The lot were a dime a dozen in a place like Harrowsport. Whoever was following them had likely been slipped some coin and promised a meal, nothing more.

But that didn't mean he had nothing of value to say.

"Why don't we find out?" He asked with a smile. "I'm going to disappear into that alleyway up ahead."

The Dreadlord said, not bothering to gesture but simply offering a glance for Liv to follow. "When I do, start sprinting."

Whichever one of them he followed, it wouldn't matter. Cenric's vessel would fall upon the man the moment he was distracted. It wasn't exactly a subtle ploy, but the moment didn't call for that. If this man had been hired by one of Gilram's bannermen, this whole thing might lead to disaster.

Better to get the answers quick. Even if it was a little dirty.
  • Smug
Reactions: Livia Quinnick
Subtly, Liv held onto her things and readied herself to be on her feet and running.

As soon as Cenric moved to the side, Livia was darting forward and going where her magic took her. She took no risk to look behind her, to see if indeed she were being chased. Her magic told her as much.

Fuck. It was annoying to run with her arms holding the bagged new clothing she secured, feeling a little off center as she dashed between market stalls and moving carts. Liv could hear the footfalls of her pursuer, another set accompanying, and Livia took the time to look back to see the same scarred mouth, broken nosed unknown on her tail. There was only one second in which he smiled at her, revealing a chipped tooth.

She took in a breath and watched as a body collided into the stranger and taking out the threat that made themselves known only moments before.
  • Devil
Reactions: Cenric
It was over in seconds.

These things were simple, when you outnumbered the enemy. Liv made for a good distraction, and his second vessel made for an excellent anvil for the hammer of his first body. Within the span of just a minute, their ruse lead them to success.

A blink of an eye passed, and the man made his decision as he rushed after the Initiate. A choice which would seem foolish in the end, as Cenric's two bodies fell upon the man. Grabbing him and ripping him into the dark alleyway. A brief burst of flame, and the flicker of an ethereal chain drawing upon his throat as he was dragged against the stone behind him.

Within her mind, Liv would hear a whisper. Get to the ship.

The call echoed in her mind, and by the time she got there, the Initiate would find Cenric and his double already present. The thug they had taken tied with lengths of rope and silenced by a thick piece of cloth.

"I thought we could question him together." Cenric in his main vessel called as Liv approached. "You know."

He grinned. "Share a bonding moment."
  • Nervous
Reactions: Livia Quinnick
Liv did not question the voice in her head. She continued her run, eager to get out of this shithole and out of sight before anyone else decided to chase after her. But no one else did.

Getting back to the ship proved she was right to be surprised by Cenric and his mystical abilities that came with his vessels. Ascending the ramp to the main deck, she regarded the scene before her with an uncertain look.
"Interesting." She said to no one in particular.

A crewmate offered to take her new things, to stow it into her room below deck. Liv parted with them, now moving slowly towards Cenric and their captive.
"Interrogations." It made her smile. "As crazy as it is, I actually look forward to this."

Liv did not voice her eagerness to test her corruption magic in this instance. She could disrupt heartbeats, overwhelm all the senses, and most lethal of her magic being used on another being, she could watch someone choke as their lungs ceased to work. She had an arsenal ready to be used, but Livia needed guidance still.

"Compass magic is also good at detecting lies, did you know?"
  • Devil
Reactions: Cenric
”Huh, really?” Cenric asked, his curiosity piqued. ”I usually just get into their heads.”

The Dreadlord offered cryptically, flashing the ghost of a smile before he glanced down towards their new friend. ”But why don't we let you take the lead on this one.”

Amelie''s words echoed within his mind, as they always did when recruiting those who might help them in the future. Though it had been Erodin who he called his mentor, the mentalist had served in the role just as much as her husband. Much of what he knew of manipulation and games of the sort came from her.

This trip was about finding the artifact, of course, but it was also about pulling Liv into their influence. A task which he would see done, as he had so many times before.

With a surprising amount of strength, Cenric lifted the thug from the deck of the ship. Hauling him back and towards the steps leading down into the bowels of their vessel. His strides echoing as he motioned for Liv to follow along, their small venture ending only when they reached the brig; naught but a small cutaway of steel and iron standing just above the bilge.

There, Cenric wrenched open the cell door and threw the thug into a rickety wooden chair. A bare lamp casting just enough light for them to see, the Dreadlord glancing back at Liv before he woke their prisoner. ”So, what's your strategy going to be?”

He asked, fetching a bucket of water to help bring the man back to consciousness.
  • Thoughtful
Reactions: Livia Quinnick
When was the last time she had been asked to take the lead?

The Proctors had always placed Livia to be in a supporting role, and on many an occasion did Liv feel as if she could step up, take over than watch those given the lead struggle to figure out the clear path.

Following Cenric and their new friend, it gave her time to think over how best to go about this. A test she needed to excel at, as if this were going to be asked of her in a graduation exam.

As if on cue, Cen asked her what her approach would be.

"See if they talk." She began, shrugging. "Get a feel for when they tell lies from truth. If I am met with resistance... then that is when magic comes in handy." Liv did not mean her compass magic for that.